Future U.S. Counternarcotics Efforts in Afghanistan
William R. Brownfield
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs
Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control
Washington, DC
January 15, 2014
Chairman Feinstein, Co-Chairman Grassley, and other distinguished Senators, thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today to discuss counternarcotics efforts in Afghanistan. The State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), which I have the honor to lead, works alongside our Afghan partners to help them develop and sustain programs to minimize all stages of the drug trade, including cultivation, production, trafficking, and use; to better protect vulnerable populations from the scourge of drugs; and to bring to justice major traffickers. These programs are works in progress. There is no silver bullet to eliminate drug cultivation or production in Afghanistan or address the epidemic of substance use disorders that plagues many poor Afghans. But we are successfully building Afghan capacity to implement and lead counternarcotics efforts.
Afghanistan today produces well over 80 percent of the world’s illicit opium, undermining good governance and public health, subverting the legal economy, fueling corruption and insecurity, and putting money in the hands of the Taliban. The narcotics trade has been a windfall for the insurgency. The United Nations (UN) estimates that the Afghan Taliban received at least $155 million annually from narcotics-related activities including taxation, protection, and extortion.
Equally worrisome is the impact of the narcotics trade on Afghanistan’s democratic institutions and human development, which the United States has supported through heavy investment. At every level of the illicit narcotics market – from cultivation to production to trafficking and consumption – the narcotics trade undermines good governance and saps the capacity of the Afghan people. It is noteworthy that Afghanistan now has one of the highest opiate usage rates in the world.
According to the UN World Drug Report, Afghan opium fuels a global trade that generates over $60 billion in profits for corrupt officials, drug traffickers, organized criminal groups, and insurgents. And while the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) estimates that only a small portion of the heroin in the United States currently originates in Afghanistan, there is clear potential for transnational criminal networks to adapt and for this amount to increase in the years ahead.
Afghan poppy cultivation increased significantly in 2013. While cultivation is only one indicator of counternarcotics progress, it was disappointing news, as was the reported decline in poppy eradication by provincial authorities. With the vast majority of opium poppy cultivated in the least secure areas, poppy farming is inextricably linked to security. Illicit actors, including insurgents, profit from narcotic sales. And in 2014, preparations for the critical spring elections will create competing demands on Afghan security forces who assumed the security lead from international forces only six months ago and continue to build their capacities.
Despite these tough realities, we have seen encouraging progress in the Afghan government’s counternarcotics capacity. In particular, there have been positive developments in areas such as interdiction, prosecutions, treatment services for substance use disorders, and alternative livelihoods for Afghan farmers. We have also seen that farmers are less likely to grow poppy in communities where the government has established a strong foothold and where basic development facilities, such as electricity, medical clinics, and schools, are available.
Together with the United Kingdom, we have helped the Afghan government stand up skilled Afghan interdiction units with specialized intelligence capabilities. Over the past several years, we have seen a steady increase in the amount of illicit narcotics seized by the Counter Narcotics Police of Afghanistan (CNPA) and its vetted units, which have been trained through U.S. programs. The growing and self-sustaining capacity of these vetted units is the direct result of the mentoring, training, and assistance of U.S. programs, which INL implements with our partners at the DEA and Department of Defense. INL successfully transitioned the Kunduz Regional Law Enforcement Center to the Afghan Ministry of the Interior (MOI) in September. The MOI now manages this center and it continues to be used by the CNPA vetted units for sensitive interdiction missions.
The Counter Narcotics Justice Center (CNJC), a fully Afghan facility with jurisdiction for the investigation, detention, prosecution, and trial of major narcotics cases is another important development. INL, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Justice and the United Kingdom, provides advisory and facility operations assistance to the CNJC. During the most recent Afghan calendar year (March 2012-March 2013), the CNJC’s Primary and Appellate Courts each heard the cases of over 700 accused. The CNJC Investigation and Laboratory Department processed cases involving more than 233 metric tons of illegal drugs – a 26 percent increase over the previous year. The CNJC is often cited as one of the premier judicial institutions in Afghanistan and is where U.S.-designated drug kingpin Haji Lal Jan was tried last year and ultimately received a 15-year prison sentence. Recently, Afghan prosecutors at the court secured three convictions based on conspiracy statutes rather than seizures, demonstrating their use of additional provisions of Afghan law.
Drug treatment is another area where the Afghan government and civil society are making significant progress. The U.S. and other donors have provided substantial support to enable the Afghans to establish a network of over 100 facilities across the country offering evidence-based treatment services. We are now in the process of transitioning responsibility for all drug treatment services to the Government of Afghanistan. As a first step, the Ministry of Public Health has committed to hiring the clinical staff at all drug treatment centers as government employees, which is critical to ensuring that these programs will be sustained under Afghan ownership in the years ahead.
Supporting economic alternatives to poppy cultivation is also critical. While alternative development programs are best addressed by my colleagues at the U.S. Agency for International Development, last month we joined the Afghan government in launching a new Food Zone in Kandahar. Building on the successes and lessons learned from the Helmand Food Zone, which I know that this Caucus is very familiar with, the Kandahar Food Zone (KFZ) will provide comprehensive counternarcotics support: alternative livelihoods, law enforcement, public information, and demand reduction – in key districts in Kandahar province. I must thank the Caucus for its support of the expansion of this program, which has been a positive tool for the Afghan government.
Our work with the Afghan Ministry of Counter Narcotics (MCN) cuts across all of these efforts. In recent years, the leadership and staff of the MCN have demonstrated increased effectiveness in designing counternarcotics policies across the relevant Afghan ministries and in implementing counternarcotics programs nationwide.
Each of these positive developments has matured in spite of a difficult security environment, entrenched corruption, and criminal groups that have worked to undermine progress. But while the challenges are many, let us also keep them in perspective. The estimated value of opium to the Afghan economy has remained relatively stable over the last decade. Yet Afghanistan’s legal economy has grown steadily. As a result, the potential net export value of opiates now make up a much smaller fraction of Afghanistan’s economy – from 60 percent of the GDP in 2003 to 14 percent in 2013. Today, poppy is grown on less than three percent of Afghanistan’s farmable land – roughly the same amount of land devoted to rice and one tenth as much as is devoted to wheat production. In short, Afghanistan’s drug challenge may be formidable, but it is not insurmountable.
As our government’s policy makers define the scope and shape of our engagement in Afghanistan post-2014, we will be ready to tailor our security assistance programs to meet them. We are reviewing our INL counternarcotics programs to assess how to enhance their impact and to ensure we can maintain robust oversight even with anticipated reductions in staff mobility. Several principles will guide our efforts:
It will be essential that we help our Afghan partners preserve the capacities they have developed with our support. The Afghan government that emerges from next year’s elections will need to possess the capabilities – and the political will – to make further progress in the post-2014 period.
Counternarcotics efforts within Afghanistan are fundamentally the responsibility of the Afghan government and people. This is why, across the board, we will focus even more intensively on building the Afghan government’s capacity to successfully and sustainably take responsibility for future efforts. The Afghan opiate trade extends, however, far beyond Afghanistan. For this reason, we also stress and encourage bilateral and multilateral assistance from the international community, as agreed to in the Tokyo Mutual Accountability Framework, to support counternarcotics efforts in Afghanistan.
A number of our partners, including the United Kingdom, Canada, and Japan, already provide significant assistance to build the Afghan government’s capacity. We are re-doubling our efforts to bring additional countries to the table, particularly those which are most affected by Afghan opiates. For example, last month in Bangkok, we joined key regional countries – including Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, and China – to address precursor chemicals by identifying best practices, tools for tracking chemicals, and next steps to combat illicit trafficking of precursors.
Our counternarcotics efforts do not take place in a vacuum – they are an integral part of the broader U.S. strategy for Afghanistan. We will continue to ensure our CN programs are well integrated with broader U.S. efforts, including assistance programs aimed at supporting a vibrant legal economy. Regardless of the shape or scope of our future counternarcotics efforts in Afghanistan, rigorous monitoring, evaluation, and oversight are necessary to ensure that our assistance has an impact and that our programs are safeguarded from waste and abuse. As the U.S. footprint shrinks, we are regularly reviewing our multilayered oversight approach that includes U.S. direct hires having eyes-on wherever possible, supplemented by locally employed staff, independent third party audits, and reporting from implementing program partners and intergovernmental organizations.
As we look to the end of 2014, Afghan capacity to weaken narcotics production and trafficking will only become more important. To be successful, Afghan political will is critical, but we must also sustain assistance with programmatic support and advice. Our experience elsewhere in the world demonstrates that counternarcotics is a long-term effort, hand in glove with the equally long-term challenges of good governance and sustainable economic growth. Success generally requires sustained, long term efforts, so that our partners can develop the necessary capabilities to deliver real results. A diverse, well-coordinated set of programs to support Afghan counter-narcotics capacity, with support from across the interagency and our partners here on the Hill, will be necessary.
Thank you Chairman Feinstein, Co-Chairman Grassley, and members of the Caucus, for your time. I will do my best to address your questions.
Showing posts with label OPIUM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OPIUM. Show all posts
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Saturday, May 11, 2013
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Opium Field In Afghanistan. Credit: U.S. Marine Corps |
Afghanistan Opium Survey and Opium Risk Assessment
Fact Sheet
Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs
May 6, 2013
The Afghanistan Opium Survey and Afghanistan Opium Risk Assessment (ORAS) are two distinct reports that aid the Afghan government in policy development and the U.S. Government and other donors in foreign assistance planning. Both reports are joint publications by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Afghan Ministry of Counter Narcotics. The United States, as well as a number of other international donors, provides funding for these important tools.
The 2013 Opium Risk Assessment (ORAS), which covers the 2013 opium poppy crop, was published on April 15, 2013. The ORAS is an informal, qualitative prediction of poppy cultivation trends over the upcoming year, based on interviews with village leaders during the planting season. Unlike the annual Opium Survey estimate, ORAS interviews are not cross-verified with satellite imagery as the opium poppy crop cannot be detected remotely until much later in the plant’s growth cycle. This report is meant to provide an early indication of broad cultivation trends in each province to help policymakers adjust delivery of counternarcotics and development assistance prior to the poppy harvest.
The U.S. Government also produces a quantitative estimate of opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan each year. The UNODC and U.S. surveys differ in methodology and their estimates do not always align, although trend lines are generally similar at the national level. The U.S. Government does not produce a qualitative forecast of cultivation trends similar to the Opium Risk Assessment (ORAS).
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
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Photo: Afghanistan Landscape. Credit: CIA World Factbook. |
Combined Force Arrests Taliban Leader in Kandahar Province
From an International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Release
KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 4, 2012 - An Afghan and coalition security force arrested a Taliban leader during a security operation in the Maiwand district of Afghanistan's Kandahar province today, military officials reported.
The arrested Taliban leader controlled a group of insurgents operating in the district and facilitated the acquisition and distribution of ammunition and weapons to insurgents, officials said. He also oversaw improvised explosive device and suicide attacks.
The security force also detained three suspected insurgents.
In other Afghanistan operations today:
-- In the Musa Khel district of Khost province, a combined force arrested a Haqqani network leader, detained two other suspects and seized weapons and ammunition. The detained Haqqani leader had attacked Afghan and coalition forces and supplied insurgents with weapons and ammunition.
-- In the Chak-e Wardak district of Wardak province, a combined force killed two insurgents, detained two suspects, and seized weapons, ammunition and several grenades during a search for a Taliban leader who oversees a local group of insurgents and has conducted numerous attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
-- A combined force arrested a Taliban leader in the Nad-e Ali district of Helmand province. The detained insurgent leader was responsible for the emplacement of IEDs and numerous attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
In an operation yesterday in the Chahar Burjak district of Nimroz province, a combined force found and destroyed 5,049 pounds of dry opium, 551 pounds of wet opium and 110 pounds of heroin.
In Dec. 2 operations-- In the Kajaki district of Helmand province, a combined force killed several insurgents and found and destroyed 551 pounds of opium and a large quantity of drug-making equipment.
-- In the Shahid-e-Hasa district of Uruzgan province, a combined force killed several insurgents, including Qayum, a local Taliban leader responsible for planning attacks against Afghan and coalition troops. The security force also detained multiple suspects.
-- A combined force killed Maulawi Tayeb, a local Taliban leader, in the Tarin Kowt district of Uruzgan province. Tayeb had planned and conducted attacks against Afghan government officials and was directly involved in numerous IED attacks.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Combined Force Detains Insurgent, Seizes Firearms
Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13, 2012 - A combined Afghan and coalition security force detained an insurgent during a search for a Haqqani network senior leader in Afghanistan's Paktia province today, military officials reported.
The security force also seized firearms in the operation, officials said.
In Afghanistan operations yesterday:
-- An Afghan and coalition security force killed Taliban leader Mir Jan Lala in Helmand province. He was responsible for providing intelligence to Taliban senior leadership for planning attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
-- An Afghan-led security force, supported by coalition troops, arrested a Taliban leader who leads an improvised explosive device attack cell in Kandahar province and detained some other suspected insurgents in the operation.
-- A combined Afghan and coalition security force in Helmand province detained several suspected insurgents during a search for a Taliban weapons distributer.
-- In Paktia province, security combined force arrested a Haqqani network leader suspected of being responsible for transferring weapons and IEDs. The security force also detained another suspected insurgent and seized an assault-style rifle.
-- A combined force in Logar province arrested a Haqqani leader alleged to be responsible for facilitating weapons and directing attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. The security force also detained two other suspected insurgents and seized a rifle.
In Nov. 11 operations:
-- An International Security Assistance Force patrol seized and destroyed nearly 1,320 pounds of homemade explosives and a banned fertilizer used to make explosives, along with IED initiators and components, during a joint air and ground patrol in Zabul province. The patrol destroyed all cache items at the location.
-- A combined force in Kunduz province arrested a senior Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan facilitator suspected of having organized the purchase and storage of rifles, machine guns, ammunition, mortar systems and fertilizer used in making explosives. The security force also seized grenades and assault-style rifles with large quantities of ammunition.
-- In Ghazni province, security combined force arrested a Taliban leader suspected of having organized and directed attacks on Afghan and coalition forces.
-- A combined force in Paktia province arrested a Haqqani network leader believed to have planned and organized the transfer and emplacement of IEDs. The security force also detained two other suspected insurgents and seized a stockpile of Afghan army uniforms, grenades, a rifle and associated gear.
-- In Logar province, a combined force arrested an insurgent during a search for a Taliban leader suspected of supplying Taliban fighters with IEDs and mortars.
-- Afghan and coalition forces in Helmand province seized and destroyed 5,048 pounds of dry opium, 44 pounds of brown heroin and more than 145 gallons of a chemical used in heroin manufacturing.
In Nov. 10 operations:
-- Afghan and coalition forces killed two heavily armed insurgents engaged in threatening activity in Paktia province.
-- A combined force arrested three insurgents during a search for a Taliban IED facilitator in Kandahar province.
-- In Helmand province, a combined force killed Zafran, a Taliban direct-action cell leader believed to be responsible for attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
-- A Taliban IED facilitator and suicide-bomber operations coordinator in Kunduz province was arrested along with another suspected insurgent.
-- In Kandahar province, a combined force arrested three insurgents during a search for a Taliban IED facilitator.
-- A combined force in Helmand province arrested a Taliban leader believed to be involved in the illegal movement of explosives and IED materials across the Afghan border. The security force also detained a several other suspected insurgents.
-- A combined force detained two insurgents during a search for a Taliban operative who is believed to coordinate the movement of IEDs throughout Kunduz province.
-- In Kandahar province, a combined force arrested a Taliban leader believed to be responsible for coordinating suicide-bomber operations and high-profile attacks targeting Afghan and coalition troops. The security force also seized 6 pounds of heroin.
-- A combined force detained an insurgent and seized 2 pounds of opium during a search of a Taliban IED construction and attack facilitator in Nangarhar province.
In Nov. 9 operations:
-- A combined force in Jowzjan province arrested a senior leader who directed Taliban fighters. The security force also detained another suspected insurgent and seized grenades, an assault-style rifle, a handgun and ammunition.
-- Afghan and coalition forces seized and destroyed nearly 2,400 pounds of opium and 33 pounds of heroin in Helmand province after observing and following a pickup truck traveling along a known drug-smuggling route.
-- Afghan and coalition forces killed two armed insurgents engaged in threatening activity in Kunar province.
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Drug Bust In Afghanistan. Credit: U.S. DOD. |
Combined Force Detains Insurgent, Seizes Firearms
Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13, 2012 - A combined Afghan and coalition security force detained an insurgent during a search for a Haqqani network senior leader in Afghanistan's Paktia province today, military officials reported.
The security force also seized firearms in the operation, officials said.
In Afghanistan operations yesterday:
-- An Afghan and coalition security force killed Taliban leader Mir Jan Lala in Helmand province. He was responsible for providing intelligence to Taliban senior leadership for planning attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
-- An Afghan-led security force, supported by coalition troops, arrested a Taliban leader who leads an improvised explosive device attack cell in Kandahar province and detained some other suspected insurgents in the operation.
-- A combined Afghan and coalition security force in Helmand province detained several suspected insurgents during a search for a Taliban weapons distributer.
-- In Paktia province, security combined force arrested a Haqqani network leader suspected of being responsible for transferring weapons and IEDs. The security force also detained another suspected insurgent and seized an assault-style rifle.
-- A combined force in Logar province arrested a Haqqani leader alleged to be responsible for facilitating weapons and directing attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. The security force also detained two other suspected insurgents and seized a rifle.
In Nov. 11 operations:
-- An International Security Assistance Force patrol seized and destroyed nearly 1,320 pounds of homemade explosives and a banned fertilizer used to make explosives, along with IED initiators and components, during a joint air and ground patrol in Zabul province. The patrol destroyed all cache items at the location.
-- A combined force in Kunduz province arrested a senior Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan facilitator suspected of having organized the purchase and storage of rifles, machine guns, ammunition, mortar systems and fertilizer used in making explosives. The security force also seized grenades and assault-style rifles with large quantities of ammunition.
-- In Ghazni province, security combined force arrested a Taliban leader suspected of having organized and directed attacks on Afghan and coalition forces.
-- A combined force in Paktia province arrested a Haqqani network leader believed to have planned and organized the transfer and emplacement of IEDs. The security force also detained two other suspected insurgents and seized a stockpile of Afghan army uniforms, grenades, a rifle and associated gear.
-- In Logar province, a combined force arrested an insurgent during a search for a Taliban leader suspected of supplying Taliban fighters with IEDs and mortars.
-- Afghan and coalition forces in Helmand province seized and destroyed 5,048 pounds of dry opium, 44 pounds of brown heroin and more than 145 gallons of a chemical used in heroin manufacturing.
In Nov. 10 operations:
-- Afghan and coalition forces killed two heavily armed insurgents engaged in threatening activity in Paktia province.
-- A combined force arrested three insurgents during a search for a Taliban IED facilitator in Kandahar province.
-- In Helmand province, a combined force killed Zafran, a Taliban direct-action cell leader believed to be responsible for attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
-- A Taliban IED facilitator and suicide-bomber operations coordinator in Kunduz province was arrested along with another suspected insurgent.
-- In Kandahar province, a combined force arrested three insurgents during a search for a Taliban IED facilitator.
-- A combined force in Helmand province arrested a Taliban leader believed to be involved in the illegal movement of explosives and IED materials across the Afghan border. The security force also detained a several other suspected insurgents.
-- A combined force detained two insurgents during a search for a Taliban operative who is believed to coordinate the movement of IEDs throughout Kunduz province.
-- In Kandahar province, a combined force arrested a Taliban leader believed to be responsible for coordinating suicide-bomber operations and high-profile attacks targeting Afghan and coalition troops. The security force also seized 6 pounds of heroin.
-- A combined force detained an insurgent and seized 2 pounds of opium during a search of a Taliban IED construction and attack facilitator in Nangarhar province.
In Nov. 9 operations:
-- A combined force in Jowzjan province arrested a senior leader who directed Taliban fighters. The security force also detained another suspected insurgent and seized grenades, an assault-style rifle, a handgun and ammunition.
-- Afghan and coalition forces seized and destroyed nearly 2,400 pounds of opium and 33 pounds of heroin in Helmand province after observing and following a pickup truck traveling along a known drug-smuggling route.
-- Afghan and coalition forces killed two armed insurgents engaged in threatening activity in Kunar province.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Combined Force Arrests Taliban FacilitatorFrom an International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Release
KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 7, 2012 - An Afghan and coalition security force arrested a Taliban attack facilitator during a security operation in Afghanistan's Logar province today, military officials reported.
The detained facilitator is linked to mortar, indirect-fire and improvised explosive device attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
The security force also detained six suspects and seized a rocket-propelled grenade and associated equipment, RPG munitions, numerous rockets, IED-making materials and an assault rifle.
In other Afghanistan operations today:
-- A combined force arrested a Taliban leader in Kandahar province. The detained insurgent leader is believed to have planned and executed ambush-style attacks on Afghan and coalition forces.
-- In Helmand province, a combined force arrested a senior Taliban leader and seized multiple firearms. The detained insurgent leader is suspected of having served as the head of a Taliban direct-action cell and directing the movement of lethal aid to support the insurgency.
In operations yesterday:
-- A combined force killed three insurgents and seized 1,430 pounds of dry opium during an operation in Helmand province. The security force destroyed the insurgent vehicle and recovered a machine gun, ammunition and other military items.
-- In Helmand province, Afghan Provincial Response Company Uruzgan, enabled by coalition forces, detained one insurgent, killed about 12 fighters and seized some wet opium.
Monday, September 24, 2012
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Photo: U.S. Department of Defense. |
Combined Force Kills 2 Insurgents, Seizes HeroinCompiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases
WASHINGTON, Sept. 24, 2012 - An Afghan and coalition security force killed two insurgents and seized several pounds of heroin during an operation in search of a Taliban leader in the Zharay district of Afghanistan's Kandahar province today, military officials reported.
As the security force approached the Taliban leader's suspected location, an armed group of insurgents displayed hostile intent toward the Afghan and coalition troops, officials said. The security force identified the lethal threat and engaged, killing two insurgents.
The security force also detained four suspected insurgents and seized a firearm as a result of the operation, officials said.
Officials said no civilians were harmed during the operation.
In other operations today:
-- An Afghan-led, coalition-supported force detained some suspects during an operation to arrest a Taliban leader in the Zharay district of Kandahar province. The Taliban leader is suspected of being a specialist in the use of improvised explosive devices and is linked to IED attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
-- An Afghan-led, coalition-supported force detained some suspects and seized firearms and ammunition during an operation to arrest a Haqqani leader in the Khost district of Khost province. The Haqqani leader is linked to IED attacks against Afghan and coalition forces throughout the region.
In operations yesterday:
-- A combined force arrested a senior Taliban weapons dealer, killed an armed insurgent, detained two suspects and seized firearms in the Talah wa Barfak district of Baghlan province. The detained weapons dealer was a senior Taliban leader in the district's insurgent network and arranged the purchase and distribution of rocket-propelled grenades, heavy machine guns and explosives.
-- Afghan special police detained two suspects and recovered a machine gun, ammunition and two chest rigs in the Narhin district of Baghlan province.
-- A combined force killed two armed insurgents, including the leader of a Taliban attack cell, during a precision airstrike in the Sayyidabad district of Wardak province.
-- An Afghan-led, coalition-supported force arrested a Taliban IED expert and four other suspects in the Panjwai district of Kandahar province.
-- In the same district, a combined force detained a suspect during an operation to arrest a Taliban leader.
-- Afghan Special Police and coalition forces seized IED-making materials, a motorcycle intended for use in a suicide IED attack, a machine gun, grenades and ammunition in the Shinkai district of Zabul province.
-- A combined force detained four suspects and seized several firearms and IED-making components during a search for a senior Taliban leader in the Waghaz district of Ghazni province. The Taliban leader is believed to be responsible for IED attacks and suicide operations throughout the Waghaz district, as well as commanding dozens of insurgent fighters.
In Sept. 22 operations:
-- Recruits under supervision of Afghan Local Police and coalition forces killed a number of enemy insurgents in Shaghowlay village, located in the Qara Bagh district. The police recruits and coalition forces were fired upon while conducting a patrol through the village. After repelling the attack, the Afghan police met with a local religious leader, who indicated the Taliban had been using a local mosque as a staging area for attacks. Upon inspection, the police found two rocket-propelled grenades and a motorcycle near the mosque. An additional search yielded two assault rifles, a machine gun, two grenades and loose ammunition. There were no civilian causalities during the engagement.
-- Afghan Special Police and coalition forces recovered weapons and narcotics in separate operations in Nimroz province. The first operation, in the Zaranji district, resulted in the seizure of 1,250 pounds of dry opium and ammonium nitrate, a banned fertilizer insurgents use to make explosives. In the Chakhansr district, an Afghan-led force recovered 1,234 pounds of opium, 230 pounds of heroin and a machine gun. The combined force also detained two people suspected of moving weapons and narcotics across southern Afghanistan. All of the drugs were destroyed.
-- In the Gardez district of Paktia province, a combined force arrested a Haqqani network weapons dealer, detained other suspects, seized weapons accessories and confiscated counterfeit IDs.
-- A combined force in the Gelan district of Ghazni province arrested a Taliban intelligence facilitator suspected of gathering information on Afghan and coalition operations and providing it to Taliban leaders for planning and conducting insurgent attacks.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Picture: The Sea Witch, 19th Century Opium Ship. Credit: Wikimedia
Combined Force Seizes Opium Cache
From an International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Release
KABUL, Afghanistan , May 18, 2012 - An Afghan and coalition security force discovered a drug cache of opium during a patrol in the Nahr-e Saraj district of Afghanistan's Helmand province yesterday, military officials reported.
The cache contained approximately 200 pounds of opium, officials said. Security forces confiscated the drugs without incident.
In May 15 Afghanistan operations:
-- A combined force discovered a weapons cache containing 30 mortar rounds, 30 mortar fuses, one grenade and several rocket-propelled grenades in the Burkah district of Baghlan province. The confiscated material was destroyed.
-- A combined force discovered a weapons and explosives cache containing two 107 mm rockets, multiple anti-tank mines, an improvised rocket launcher, one machine-gun tripod, one 12.7 mm machine gun, some 82 mm mortar ammunition and 66 gallons of liquid explosives in the Zurmat district of Paktiya province.
Friday, March 23, 2012
From an International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Release
Coalition Force Finds Opium Cache
KABUL, Afghanistan, March 22, 2012 - A coalition security force found 1,300 pounds of opium in the Nad-e Ali district of Afghanistan's Helmand province today, military officials reported.
The security force seized a small quantity of the opium for examination and destroyed the rest, officials said.
In Afghanistan operations yesterday:
-- In the Maiwand district of Kandahar province, an Afghan-led and coalition-supported force arrested an insurgent leader who directed insurgent fighters and planted roadside bombs. The security force detained several other suspected insurgents and found bomb-making materials in the operation.
-- An Afghan-led and coalition-supported force killed an insurgent leader who fired on them in the Deh Rawood district of Uruzgan province. The insurgent leader was an IED facilitator responsible for numerous attacks on Afghan and coalition forces in the area. During the operation the insurgent leader attempted to fire on the combined force. The security force detained several suspected insurgents.
In Afghanistan operations yesterday:
-- In the Maiwand district of Kandahar province, an Afghan-led and coalition-supported force arrested an insurgent leader who directed insurgent fighters and planted roadside bombs. The security force detained several other suspected insurgents and found bomb-making materials in the operation.
-- An Afghan-led and coalition-supported force killed an insurgent leader who fired on them in the Deh Rawood district of Uruzgan province. The insurgent leader was an IED facilitator responsible for numerous attacks on Afghan and coalition forces in the area. During the operation the insurgent leader attempted to fire on the combined force. The security force detained several suspected insurgents.
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