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Photo: U.S. Department of Defense. |
Combined Force Kills 2 Insurgents, Seizes HeroinCompiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases
WASHINGTON, Sept. 24, 2012 - An Afghan and coalition security force killed two insurgents and seized several pounds of heroin during an operation in search of a Taliban leader in the Zharay district of Afghanistan's Kandahar province today, military officials reported.
As the security force approached the Taliban leader's suspected location, an armed group of insurgents displayed hostile intent toward the Afghan and coalition troops, officials said. The security force identified the lethal threat and engaged, killing two insurgents.
The security force also detained four suspected insurgents and seized a firearm as a result of the operation, officials said.
Officials said no civilians were harmed during the operation.
In other operations today:
-- An Afghan-led, coalition-supported force detained some suspects during an operation to arrest a Taliban leader in the Zharay district of Kandahar province. The Taliban leader is suspected of being a specialist in the use of improvised explosive devices and is linked to IED attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
-- An Afghan-led, coalition-supported force detained some suspects and seized firearms and ammunition during an operation to arrest a Haqqani leader in the Khost district of Khost province. The Haqqani leader is linked to IED attacks against Afghan and coalition forces throughout the region.
In operations yesterday:
-- A combined force arrested a senior Taliban weapons dealer, killed an armed insurgent, detained two suspects and seized firearms in the Talah wa Barfak district of Baghlan province. The detained weapons dealer was a senior Taliban leader in the district's insurgent network and arranged the purchase and distribution of rocket-propelled grenades, heavy machine guns and explosives.
-- Afghan special police detained two suspects and recovered a machine gun, ammunition and two chest rigs in the Narhin district of Baghlan province.
-- A combined force killed two armed insurgents, including the leader of a Taliban attack cell, during a precision airstrike in the Sayyidabad district of Wardak province.
-- An Afghan-led, coalition-supported force arrested a Taliban IED expert and four other suspects in the Panjwai district of Kandahar province.
-- In the same district, a combined force detained a suspect during an operation to arrest a Taliban leader.
-- Afghan Special Police and coalition forces seized IED-making materials, a motorcycle intended for use in a suicide IED attack, a machine gun, grenades and ammunition in the Shinkai district of Zabul province.
-- A combined force detained four suspects and seized several firearms and IED-making components during a search for a senior Taliban leader in the Waghaz district of Ghazni province. The Taliban leader is believed to be responsible for IED attacks and suicide operations throughout the Waghaz district, as well as commanding dozens of insurgent fighters.
In Sept. 22 operations:
-- Recruits under supervision of Afghan Local Police and coalition forces killed a number of enemy insurgents in Shaghowlay village, located in the Qara Bagh district. The police recruits and coalition forces were fired upon while conducting a patrol through the village. After repelling the attack, the Afghan police met with a local religious leader, who indicated the Taliban had been using a local mosque as a staging area for attacks. Upon inspection, the police found two rocket-propelled grenades and a motorcycle near the mosque. An additional search yielded two assault rifles, a machine gun, two grenades and loose ammunition. There were no civilian causalities during the engagement.
-- Afghan Special Police and coalition forces recovered weapons and narcotics in separate operations in Nimroz province. The first operation, in the Zaranji district, resulted in the seizure of 1,250 pounds of dry opium and ammonium nitrate, a banned fertilizer insurgents use to make explosives. In the Chakhansr district, an Afghan-led force recovered 1,234 pounds of opium, 230 pounds of heroin and a machine gun. The combined force also detained two people suspected of moving weapons and narcotics across southern Afghanistan. All of the drugs were destroyed.
-- In the Gardez district of Paktia province, a combined force arrested a Haqqani network weapons dealer, detained other suspects, seized weapons accessories and confiscated counterfeit IDs.
-- A combined force in the Gelan district of Ghazni province arrested a Taliban intelligence facilitator suspected of gathering information on Afghan and coalition operations and providing it to Taliban leaders for planning and conducting insurgent attacks.