Thursday, February 5, 2015


NATO Report Sets Stage for Defense Ministers Meeting
By Jim Garamone
DoD News, Defense Media Activity

WASHINGTON, Feb. 4, 2015 – Last year was not a good year for European security, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said last week.

Stoltenberg called 2014 “a black year” for Europe as he presented NATO’s Annual Report, which sets the stage for the meeting of the alliance’s defense ministers in Brussels this week.

The secretary general discussed the threats to Europe and the North Atlantic Alliance and what NATO needs to do to counter these threats.

“Violent extremism is at our borders,” Stoltenberg said, “spreading turmoil across North Africa and the Middle East and fueling terrorism in our own streets.”

Russia is following a disturbing pattern, Stoltenberg noted, annexing Crimea, threatening the sovereignty of Ukraine, and continuing its efforts to intimidate its neighbors in disregard of international law.

“So our security environment has fundamentally changed,” he added.
Raising Readiness of NATO Forces

NATO already is moving to defend alliance nations, the secretary general said. “Last year, we held over 200 NATO and national exercises,” he added. “One exercise started every two days -- on the ground, at sea, and in the air. And they will continue. So we are raising the readiness of our forces.”

The exercises also serve to reassure allies, Stoltenberg said. “We are maintaining a continuous presence of our forces, by rotation, in the eastern part of our alliance,” he noted. In addition to reassuring allies, he said, that exercise also deters Russia, showing the entire alliance’s determination to defend member nations.

Stoltenberg stated that defense ministers will decide on the size and the composition of the alliance’s new Spearhead Force. They also will determine how to set up NATO command and control units in six of the Eastern NATO nations, turning the readiness action plan decided upon at the NATO summit in Wales into reality, the secretary general said. “This will be the biggest reinforcement of our collective defense since the end of the Cold War,” he added.

Allied aircraft intercepted more than 400 Russian planes in 2014. More than 150 were intercepted by NATO aircraft participating in the alliance’s Baltic Air Policing Mission.

Prepared to Stand With Afghanistan’s Government

NATO has ended combat operations in Afghanistan, but is prepared to stand with the fledgling Afghan unity government as it faces the threats of the Taliban and other terror groups, Stoltenberg said.

The “352,000 Afghan soldiers and police that we have trained took full charge of their country’s security,” he said. “And we launched a new mission to train, advise and assist them.”

The secretary general also discussed money. Collectively, alliance nations spent $852 billion on defense in 2014. By this measurement alone, the alliance is the strongest in the world, he said.

But there has been a steady decline in European defense spending since 1990, Stoltenberg said, “and the decline continued last year.”

Alliance Must Spend More, Spend Better

Last year, the European allies spent about $250 billion on defense -- a reduction of $7 billion, or about 3 percent. But multiplying threats changed views in European capitals, and the NATO leaders pledged to spend 2 percent of gross domestic product on defense in the future.

“We need to spend more, and we need to spend better, to keep our forces ready to deal with any threat,” Stoltenberg said. “We have seen some steps in the right direction, but there is a long way to go.”

In 2014, the Euro-Atlantic order came under threat, the secretary general said. “But … NATO is adapting and looking forward,” he added. “We stand determined to protect our values and keep our nations safe.”



FTC Staff Warns Marketers and Sellers of Dog Waste Bags That Their Biodegradable and Compostable Claims May Be Deceptive

Staff of the Federal Trade Commission has sent letters warning 20 manufacturers and marketers of dog waste bags that their “biodegradable,” “compostable,” and other environmental claims may be deceptive.

The letters, which the staff sent after examining the companies’ environmental, or “green,” claims on their websites and in other media, provide examples of potentially deceptive statements regarding the bags’ biodegradability or compostability. The letters also provide information on how to comply with truth-in-advertising principles when making environmental claims.

“Consumers looking to buy environmentally friendly products should not have to guess whether the claims made are accurate,” said Jessica Rich, Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. “It is therefore critical for the FTC to ensure that these claims are not misleading, to protect both consumers and honest competitors.”

The staff notified 20 marketers that they may be deceiving consumers with the use of their unqualified “biodegradable” claim.  Based on the FTC’s  Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims (the Green Guides), such a claim without any qualification generally means to consumers that the product will completely break down into its natural components within one year after customary disposal.  Most waste bags, however, end up in landfills where no plastic biodegrades in anywhere close to one year, if it biodegrades at all.

According to the Green Guides, consumers generally think that unqualified “compostable claims” mean that a product will safely break down at the same rate as natural products, like leaves and grass clippings, in their home compost pile. If marketers disclose that a product will only compost in commercial or municipal facilities, consumers think that those facilities are generally available in their area. However, dog waste is generally not safe to compost at home, and very few facilities accept this waste. Therefore, compostable claims for these products are generally untrue.

The FTC advised the companies that they should review their marketing materials and contact agency staff to tell them how they intend to revise or remove the claims, or explain why they won’t.

The staff notes that marketers who did not receive a letter should not assume that their claims are fine. Staff is not disclosing the recipients of the letters at this time.

The Federal Trade Commission works for consumers to prevent fraudulent, deceptive, and unfair business practices and to provide information to help spot, stop, and avoid them.



The Securities and Exchange Commission today released publications that address cybersecurity at brokerage and advisory firms and provide suggestions to investors on ways to protect their online investment accounts.

“Cybersecurity threats know no boundaries.  That’s why assessing the readiness of market participants and providing investors with information on how to better protect their online investment accounts from cyber threats has been and will continue to be an important focus of the SEC,” said SEC Chair Mary Jo White.  “Through our engagement with other government agencies as well as with the industry and educating the investing public, we can all work together to reduce the risk of cyber attacks.”

One publication, a Risk Alert from the SEC’s Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE), contains observations based on examinations of more than 100 broker-dealers and investment advisers.  The examinations focused on how these firms:

Identify cybersecurity risks
Establish cybersecurity policies, procedures, and oversight processes
Protect their networks and information
Identify and address risks associated with remote access to client information, funds transfer requests, and third-party vendors
Detect unauthorized activity

“Our examinations assessed a cross-section of the industry as a way to inform the Commission on the current state of cybersecurity preparedness,” said OCIE Director Andrew Bowden.  “We hope that investors and industry participants will also benefit from what we have learned.”

The second publication, an Investor Bulletin issued by the SEC’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy (OIEA), provides core tips to help investors safeguard their online investment accounts, including:

Pick a “strong” password
Use two-step verification
Exercise caution when using public networks and wireless connections
“As investors increasingly use web-based investment accounts, it is critical that they take steps to safeguard those accounts,” said OIEA Director Lori J. Schock.  “This bulletin provides everyday investors with a set of useful tips to help protect themselves from cyber-criminals and online fraud.”


Operation Inherent Resolve Airstrikes Continue in Syria, Iraq

From a Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve News Release
SOUTHWEST ASIA, Feb. 4, 2015 – U.S. and coalition military forces have continued to attack Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant terrorists in Syria and Iraq, Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve officials reported today.

Officials reported details of the latest strikes, which took place between 8 a.m. yesterday and 8 a.m. today, local time, noting that assessments of results are based on initial reports.

Airstrikes in Syria

Bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft conducted 11 airstrikes near Kobani in Syria, striking nine ISIL tactical units and an ISIL large tactical unit and destroying three ISIL staging positions and an ISIL fighting position.

Airstrikes in Iraq

Attack and fighter aircraft conducted six airstrikes in Iraq:
-- Near Beiji, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL checkpoint.

-- Near Tal Afar, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.
-- Near Asad, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.
-- Near Rawah, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL guard facility.

-- Near Huwayjah, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL checkpoint, an ISIL guard tower, an ISIL bunker, an ISIL vehicle and two ISIL shipping containers.
-- Near Mosul, an airstrike struck an ISIL improvised explosive device factory.
Part of Operation Inherent Resolve

The strikes were conducted as part of Operation Inherent Resolve, the operation to eliminate the ISIL terrorist group and the threat they pose to Iraq, Syria, the region, and the wider international community. The destruction of ISIL targets in Syria and Iraq further limits the terrorist group's ability to project terror and conduct operations, officials said.

Coalition nations conducting airstrikes in Iraq include the United States, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Coalition nations conducting airstrikes in Syria include the United States, Bahrain, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.


Funeral Home Settles FTC Charges It Violated the Funeral Rule

An Ohio funeral home operator has agreed to pay a civil penalty to settle Federal Trade Commission charges for violating the agency’s Funeral Rule, which requires funeral providers to provide information consumers need to compare prices and buy only the funeral services and goods they want.

At the FTC’s request, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio filed allegations against Larry S. Glickler, doing business as Bradford-Connelly & Glickler Funeral Home, for failing to provide consumers, in a timely manner, with an itemized general price list at the beginning of an in-person discussion about funeral arrangements; a casket price list at the beginning of any discussion about caskets; and an outer burial container price list at the beginning of any discussion about outer burial containers, as required by the Funeral Rule.

The FTC conducts undercover inspections every year to ensure that funeral homes are complying with the Funeral Rule, which gives consumers important rights when making funeral arrangements. The Rule, issued in 1984, requires funeral homes to provide consumers with itemized price lists at the start of any in-person discussions of funeral arrangements, caskets, and/or outer burial containers. It also requires funeral homes to provide price information by telephone on request, and it prohibits funeral homes from requiring consumers to buy any item, such as a casket, as a condition of obtaining any other funeral good or service.

The consent decree requires Glickler to pay a $6,500 civil penalty, and permanently prohibits him from violating the Funeral Rule.

For more information about the Funeral Rule, read Shopping for Funeral Services and Complying with the Funeral Rule.

The Commission vote to authorize the filing of the civil penalty complaint and approve the proposed consent decree was 5-0. The United States Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio filed the complaint and proposed consent decree on behalf of the Commission in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio.

NOTE: The Commission files a complaint when it has “reason to believe” that the law has been or is being violated and it appears to the Commission that a proceeding is in the public interest. Consent decrees have the force of law when approved and signed by the District Court judge.

The Federal Trade Commission works for consumers to prevent fraudulent, deceptive, and unfair business practices and to provide information to help spot, stop, and avoid them.



In the Neil Armstrong Operations and Checkout Building high bay at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, NASA Administrator Charles Bolden delivers a “state of the agency” address on Feb. 2, 2015 at NASA's televised fiscal year 2016 budget rollout event with Kennedy Space Center Director Bob Cabana looking on, at right. Representatives from the Kennedy workforce, news media and social media were in attendance. NASA's Orion, SpaceX Dragon and Boeing CST-100 spacecraft, all destined to play a role in NASA’s overall exploration objectives, were on display. Photo credit: NASA/Amber Watson.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

2/4/15: White House Press Briefing


February 04, 2015
Message -- Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to the Situation in or in Relation to Côte d’Ivoire


Section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act

(50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) provides for the automatic termination of a national emergency, unless, within 90 days prior to the anniversary date of its declaration, the President publishes in the Federal Register and transmits to the Congress a notice stating that the emergency is to continue in effect beyond the anniversary date.  In accordance with this provision, I have sent to the Federal Register for publication the enclosed notice stating that the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13396 of February 7, 2006, with respect to the situation in or in relation to Côte d'Ivoire is to continue in effect beyond February 7, 2015.

The Government of Côte d'Ivoire and its people continue to make significant progress in promotion of democratic, social, and economic development.  The United States also supports the advancement of impartial justice in Côte d'Ivoire as well as the Government of Côte d'Ivoire's efforts to prepare for a peaceful, fair, and transparent presidential election in 2015, which will be an important milestone in Côte d'Ivoire's progress.  We urge all sides to work for the benefit of the country as a whole by rejecting violence and participating in the electoral process.

While the Government of Côte d'Ivoire and its people continue to make progress toward peace and prosperity, the situation in or in relation to Côte d'Ivoire continues to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.  For these reasons, I have determined that it is necessary to continue the national emergency and related measures blocking the property of certain persons contributing to the conflict in Côte d'Ivoire.



Waitangi Day
Press Statement
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
February 4, 2015

On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I would like to congratulate the people of New Zealand as you celebrate the 175th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, New Zealand’s founding document.

The United States and New Zealand have strong bonds of friendship, based on our shared democratic and liberal values. We collaborate on a range of interests, from promoting open and transparent trade to protecting our shared oceans and global environment. My meetings with Prime Minister Key and Foreign Minister McCully have been cordial and productive.

Both our countries seek to fortify democracy and further the rule of law around the world. The United States continues to value our warm relationship with New Zealand and hope to further strengthen our ties in the years ahead.

We wish all Kiwis around the globe a happy Waitangi Day.

2/3/15: White House Press Briefing


Cloud Streets in the Bering Sea

Ice, wind, cold temperatures and ocean waters combined to created dramatic cloud formations over the Bering Sea in late January, 2015. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard NASA's Aqua satellite passed over the region and captured this true-color image on Jan. 23.

The frozen tundra of Russia lies in the northwest of the image, and snow-covered Alaska lies in the northeast. Sea ice extends from the land well into the Bering Sea. Over the dark water bright white clouds line in up close, parallel rows. These formations are known as “cloud streets”.

Air blowing over the cold, snowy land and then over ice becomes both cold and dry. When the air then moves over relatively warmer and much moister water and lead to the development of parallel cylinders of spinning air. On the upper edge of these cylinders of air, where the air is rising, small clouds form. Where air is descending, the skies are clear. This clear/cloudy pattern, formed in parallel rows, gives the impression of streets.

The clouds begin over the sea ice, but they primarily hang over open ocean. The streets are neat and in tight rows closest to land, while further over the Bering Sea the pattern widens and begins to become more random. The rows of clouds are also not perfectly straight, but tend to curve. The strength and direction of the wind helps create these features: where the wind is strongest, nearest to shore, the clouds line up most neatly. The clouds align with the wind direction, so the direction of the streets gives strong clues to prevailing wind direction.  Image Credit: NASA/Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Land Rapid Response Team, NASA GSFC.



International Community United Against ISIL, Strikes Making Difference, Kirby Says
By Jim Garamone
DoD News, Defense Media Activity

WASHINGTON, Feb. 3, 2015 – The battle against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant is not a U.S. war, it is a large international effort to defeat a crazed and barbaric ideology, Pentagon Press Secretary Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby said here today.

ISIL burned a captured Jordanian pilot alive in January. Kirby condemned the murder, and said it in no way will stop the effort against the terrorists. “We know that they have the ability to continue to generate young men that are attracted to this group and this ideology, and that's going to be a long-term problem,” he said during a Pentagon news conference.

“It’s going to take a while to get at the ideology, which is the real center of gravity here,” the admiral said. “You’re not going to do that through bombs and airstrikes. That doesn't mean the bombs and airstrikes aren’t going to keep happening. They are.”

A Coalition of 60

Kirby disputed allegations that the war against ISIL is a U.S. war. “I think a coalition of 60 nations proves that it’s not,” he said. “We’re not the only ones involved in this in trying to get rid of this group.”

U.S. air strikes on the group continue to be effective, he said. As indigenous forces become more capable, the attrition will continue. Still, ISIL is capable of bringing more people to the fight. “We are going to stay committed to this for the long-term, and it is going to be a long-term fight,” the admiral said.

Judging the coalition effectiveness against the group is difficult. “A better judgment of the strength of this group is their behavior,” he said. “So, we’ve seen them change the way they operate on the ground. They are hiding more. We've seen them not travel around in convoys. …They are not as agile as they once were. We know that they’ve lost literally hundreds and hundreds of vehicles that they can’t replace.”

Coalition strikes have also worked to hit the group’s main source of income – oil. “We assess that it’s no longer the main source of revenue,” Kirby said.

ISIL is largely in a defense posture now. The group launched a small offensive against Kirkuk over the weekend and it lasted a day, Kirby said. They took no new ground. “And they're not on Kobani anymore,” the admiral said. “They are losing ground.”

The group is worried about lines of communications and supply now. “This is a different group than it was seven months ago,” he said. “I’m not saying they are not still dangerous. I'm not saying they are not still barbaric, but they are different. Their character, their conduct, their behavior is different. And that is a sign of progress.”


58 million nonsmokers in US are still exposed to secondhand smoke

Two of every five children -- including seven in 10 black children -- are exposed
Although secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure in the United States dropped by half between 1999 to 2000 and 2011 to 2012, one in four nonsmokers -- 58 million people -- are still exposed to SHS, according to a new Vital Signs report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) show that declines in exposure to SHS have been slower and exposure remains higher among children, blacks, those who live in poverty, and those who live in rental housing. The report finds two in every five children aged three to 11 years are still exposed to SHS. The study assessed exposure using cotinine, a marker of SHS found in the blood.

“Secondhand smoke can kill. Too many Americans, and especially too many American children, are still exposed to it,” said CDC Director Tom Frieden, M.D., M.P.H. “That 40 percent of children -- including seven in 10 black children -- are still exposed shows how much more we have to do to protect everyone from this preventable health hazard.”

Additional key findings in the Vital Signs report include that:

Nearly half of black nonsmokers are exposed to SHS.
More than two in five nonsmokers who live below the poverty level are exposed to SHS.
More than one in three nonsmokers who live in rental housing are exposed to SHS.
The study used rental status as a way of identifying people who live in multiunit housing, which is an environment where the issue of SHS exposure is of particular concern.

“About 80 million Americans live in multiunit housing, where secondhand smoke can seep into smoke-free units and shared areas from units where smoking occurs,” said Brian King, Ph.D., acting deputy director for research translation in CDC’s Office on Smoking and Health. “The potential of exposure in subsidized housing is especially concerning because many of the residents -- including children, the elderly, and people with disabilities -- are particularly sensitive to the effects of secondhand smoke.”

The report credits the overall decline in SHS exposure to several factors. To date, 26 states, the District of Columbia, and almost 700 cities have passed comprehensive smoke-free laws prohibiting smoking in worksites, restaurants, and bars. These state and local laws currently cover almost half the US population. In addition, a growing number of households have adopted voluntary smoke-free home rules, increasing from 43 percent in 1992-1993 to 83 percent in 2010-2011. Also, cigarette smoking has declined significantly in the last two decades and smoking around nonsmokers has become much less socially acceptable.

The Surgeon General has concluded that there is no safe level of exposure to SHS, which contains over 7,000 chemicals including about 70 that can cause cancer. It is a known cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, respiratory infections, ear infections, and asthma attacks in infants and children, as well as heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer in adult nonsmokers. Each year exposure to SHS causes more than 41,000 deaths from lung cancer and heart disease among non-smoking adults and 400 deaths from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, as well as about $5.6 billion annually in lost productivity.

Vital Signs is a report that appears on the first Tuesday of the month as part of the CDC journal, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. The report provides the latest data and information on key health indicators. These include cancer prevention, obesity, tobacco use, motor vehicle passenger safety, prescription drug overdose, HIV/AIDS, alcohol use, health care-associated infections, cardiovascular health, teen pregnancy, and food safety.


Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding for U.S. Bilateral Assistance to Jordan
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh
Four Seasons Hotel
Washington, DC
February 3, 2015

MODERATOR: Good morning, Mr. Secretary, Your Excellency, ambassadors and honored guests. Today, our distinguished guests will sign a U.S.-Jordanian bilateral assistance Memorandum of Understanding. This MOU underlines the strength of our bilateral relationship and our valuable strategic partnership with the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and reinforces our shared commitment to the promotion of regional issues.

The MOU is the second of its kind between the United States and Jordan and a reaffirmation of the statement of support provided in the first such document. Secretary Kerry, Foreign Minister Judeh, and each – will each provide some brief remarks prior to the signing. Mr. Secretary.

SECRETARY KERRY: Thank you very much, Pete. It’s my privilege to be here this morning and to welcome my good friend, the Foreign Minister of Jordan Nasser Judeh, and also to welcome to Washington His Majesty King Abdullah, who I just had an opportunity to meet with and have a good and through discussion.

Recently, when I was with Nasser Judeh, I learned that he is the longest-serving foreign minister in the history of the Hashemite Kingdom.

FOREIGN MINISTER JUDEH: Not from me. (Laughter.)

SECRETARY KERRY: And so obviously, he’s got the formula down pretty well, and it’s a pleasure for me. I really do admire his skill and his counsel and also appreciate his friendship enormously. We’ve worked on a lot of issues closely together, and we continue to as we face the challenge of many, many refugees pouring into Jordan from Syria and also the challenge of Daesh, as well as the Middle East peace process, in which he is just a critical partner.

I’m delighted that we are here today, signing this Memorandum of Understanding, which reflects, in a very powerful way, the depth of the strategic relationship and the partnership between the United States and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. This partnership is founded on mutual respect, as well as mutual interest, and both of our countries prize their independence, and our discussions are always very far-reaching, very candid, as they were this morning.

Frankly, this openness makes even more remarkable the warmth and the closeness of the relationship that we have developed with Jordan. The United States views Jordan, under His Majesty’s wise leadership, as a staunch and stable ally in one of the globe’s most challenged areas. And where there are others who fuel the conflicts, Jordan can always be counted on to try to seek a nonviolent solution, and this is true whether it’s in Syria or the broader Middle East or in the global struggle against terrorism.

Sadly, this approach doesn’t always find itself met with open arms of welcome. And so today, Jordan is facing multiple dangers and challenges in the form of extremist threats and the burden particularly of hosting more than 800,000 refugees in a country whose population is less than 7 million. Increased need means a requirement for increased help, and that is why the Memorandum of Understanding that we are signing today goes well beyond business as usual.

In the past five years, the level of assistance in this memorandum was $600 million annually. Starting now and continuing through 2017, that level will go up sharply to 1 billion a year, which covers a wide range of programs in the areas of economic support, technical help, and security. In addition, we’re extending loan guarantees that will strengthen Jordan’s access to affordable international financing and assist in meeting economic development and reform goals, which Jordan is engaged in implementing.

So we will also be adding to the 467 million that we have already contributed in order to help feed, clothe, educate, and otherwise care for the refugees who have poured into Jordan, primarily from Syria, but also from Iraq. The memorandum that we sign today is necessary and important, but I want to stress that our assistance is a small part of what makes the U.S.-Jordanian relationship so valuable, and I think we can say safely it is valuable to both countries.

We work together in many areas, from military training and international peacekeeping, to health projects and education. And I’ve asked my Special Envoy on Energy Amos Hochstein to explore opportunities with the Kingdom on energy security.

We consult regularly on all aspects of the Middle East peace process, including ways to reduce tensions when, as sometimes happens, emotions flare up and violence threatens. Recently, His Majesty hosted a very important dinner between His Majesty, Prime Minister Netanyahu, and myself, at which we importantly reaffirmed the implementation of the status quo with respect to the mosque in Jerusalem.

And finally, we are both members of the coalition to disrupt and defeat the terrorist group known as Daesh, or by some people as ISIL. In that connection, the people of Jordan need to know that all Americans will join with them in praying for the early and safe return of Lieutenant Moaz al-Kasasbeh. And we call upon his captors to release this brave man so that he could return to his family and his homeland, to at least provide proof of life, which Jordan has asked for. And we express our appreciation once more for the constructive role that King Abdullah and his late father have filled for so many years in the Middle East itself.

As I think about the events in the world today, I am reminded of the continued relevance of King Hussein’s words from 20 years ago, when he said, “Let us not keep silent. Let our voices rise high enough to speak of our commitment to peace for all times to come. And let us tell those who live in darkness, who are enemies of life and true faith, this is where we stand. This is our camp.”

Today’s memorandum reflects that, still today, this very same affirmative and courageous spirit is what binds our countries together. The provisions of this memorandum will strengthen the forces of civility and moderation everywhere, because it will bolster a country and a leadership team that has been steadfast in its support for both.

So Mr. Foreign Minister, thank you for being here. Thank you for the many contributions that you and your country are making to international stability and to regional progress. I’m pleased to call you my friend and appreciate enormously the relationship between our country and what we are signaling today when we sign this memorandum.

FOREIGN MINISTER JUDEH: Thank you very much, Mr. Secretary, dear friend, dear John. I, too, am honored to call you my friend, and I, too, am very, very proud of this relationship that we both have. And I know on behalf of His Majesty how much he personally enjoys the constant consultation with you personally and with President Obama. So I, too, benefit from your experience and from your wise counsel. And it is essential for peace and security in our part of the world for this consultation – this intensive consultation to continue.

Thank you very much for your warm words. Thank you very much for everything that you say and do to promote this friendship. We are proud to say that the relationship between Jordan and the United States goes beyond a friendship. It is a true partnership, especially in the face of the multitude of challenges that we face not just in our part of the world, but globally. And I’m so happy that today marks yet another milestone in this strategic relationship, this strategic partnership, which continues to grow and prosper.

In line with our commitment to this unique friendship and partnership, His Majesty, the King, is here in Washington, D.C. for the second time in a couple of months, meeting with our friends in the Administration, our friends in Congress, our friends in think tanks and NGOs. This, I think, reflects the kind of relationship that we have across the board with the United States, and this is something that we greatly benefit from, and we are committed to preserving and strengthen.

And I hope, Mr. Secretary, that you know – and I know that you know – but we pride ourselves on being your trusted friend and ally also, just like you have shown over the many years of this partnership that you are a trusted friend and an ally that Jordan can always rely on.

And I think in the events that we have seen in our part of the world, in the last four years in particular, not to mention beyond that, Jordan has come out as a shining example of a country with a visionary leadership, but with an implementable program of political, economic, and social reforms, and benchmarks and milestones that we are happy to be meeting as we go along. And our commitment in that regard is unwavering.

The United States has, indeed, always been a true friend, and its commitment to provide Jordan with consistent levels of assistance because of the blind spot that we have in Jordan, which is our economic situation, has proved instrumental – has proved to be instrumental to the success of our development and reform program. The previous MOU signed in 2008 helped the Kingdom through difficult times and made a serious difference to the lives of ordinary Jordanians, who have benefited from the so many programs that were included in that assistance that was provided.

At this time of peril and turbulence – what’s new in our part of the world? – Jordan, again, is committed to the promotion of stability and peace and security in a region where peace and stability and security have eluded us for many, many years. But I want to assure you, Mr. Secretary, as you were reassured by His Majesty, the King, when we met a short while ago, that Jordan’s commitment in meeting all these challenges is unwavering and as steadfast as ever.

But in this time of peril, the renewal of the MOU for another three years at a billion dollars a year is testament to the strength of our bilateral relationship, our shared values, as well as our joint, unwavering commitment to peace and security. It will also help us cope with the burdens not only resulting from regional instability, but in particular, as you mentioned in your remarks, the humanitarian spillover of the Syrian crisis.

You are quite right in mentioning 800,000 refugees that we are hosting, Mr. Secretary; these are the registered refugees. On top of that we have another 700,000 economic migrants. So today, the Syrian population in Jordan stands at 21 percent of the overall population, something that no country, regardless of political or economic might, can cope with.

I would like to thank all our friends here across the board – State Department and elsewhere, all the different agencies – for all the hard work in producing this Memorandum of Understanding. I assure you that this milestone is yet another milestone on the road to a growing, healthy, and strong friendship and strategic partnership. Thank you so much. (Applause.)

MODERATOR: The Minister and Secretary will now sign the MOU.

(The memorandum was signed.)

SECRETARY KERRY: Thank you very much. (Applause.)

MODERATOR: I would now like to welcome --

FOREIGN MINISTER JUDEH: Thank you very much, everybody. Thank you to --

MODERATOR: If I can, Ambassador Buran and Ambassador Wells, please.

SECRETARY KERRY: Our two ambassadors – (laughter) – who we are delighted to welcome. Thank you very much.

FOREIGN MINISTER JUDEH: So thank you. Thank you for everything, and thanks to President Obama, the Administration, yourself, and all the agencies. Thank you.

SECRETARY KERRY: Thank you all very, very much. Thank you.

MODERATOR: Thank you, everybody.


Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Justice Department and State Partners Secure $1.375 Billion Settlement with S&P for Defrauding Investors in the Lead Up to the Financial Crisis

Attorney General Eric Holder announced today that the Department of Justice and 19 states and the District of Columbia have entered into a $1.375 billion settlement agreement with the rating agency Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC, along with its parent corporation McGraw Hill Financial Inc., to resolve allegations that S&P had engaged in a scheme to defraud investors in structured financial products known as Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities (RMBS) and Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs).  The agreement resolves the department’s 2013 lawsuit against S&P, along with the suits of 19 states and the District of Columbia.  Each of the lawsuits allege that investors incurred substantial losses on RMBS and CDOs for which S&P issued inflated ratings that misrepresented the securities’ true credit risks.  Other allegations assert that S&P falsely represented that its ratings were objective, independent and uninfluenced by S&P’s business relationships with the investment banks that issued the securities.

The settlement announced today is comprised of several elements.  In addition to the payment of $1.375 billion, S&P has acknowledged conduct associated with its ratings of RMBS and CDOs during 2004 to 2007 in an agreed statement of facts.  It has further agreed to formally retract an allegation that the United States’ lawsuit was filed in retaliation for the defendant’s decisions with regard to the credit of the United States.  Finally, S&P has agreed to comply with the consumer protection statutes of each of the settling states and the District of Columbia, and to respond, in good faith, to requests from any of the states and the District of Columbia for information or material concerning any possible violation of those laws.

“On more than one occasion, the company’s leadership ignored senior analysts who warned that the company had given top ratings to financial products that were failing to perform as advertised,” said Attorney General Holder.  “As S&P admits under this settlement, company executives complained that the company declined to downgrade underperforming assets because it was worried that doing so would hurt the company’s business.  While this strategy may have helped S&P avoid disappointing its clients, it did major harm to the larger economy, contributing to the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.”

Attorney General Holder was joined in announcing the settlement with Acting Associate Attorney General Stuart F. Delery, Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Division Joyce R. Branda and Acting U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California Stephanie Yonekura.  Also joining the Department of Justice in making this announcement are the attorneys general from Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Washington and the District of Columbia.

“This resolution provides further proof that the Department of Justice will vigorously pursue investigations and litigation, no matter how challenging, to protect the best interests of the American people,” said Acting Associate Attorney General Delery.  “As part of the resolution, S&P admitted facts demonstrating that it misrepresented itself to investors and the public, allowing the pursuit of profits to bias its ratings.  S&P also agreed to retract its unsubstantiated claim that this lawsuit was initiated in retaliation for the decisions S&P made about the credit rating of the U.S. government.  Today's announcement is the latest result of our dedicated effort to address misconduct of every kind that contributed to the financial crisis.”

“Today’s historic settlement demonstrates that we will use all of our resources and every legal tool available to hold accountable those who commit financial fraud,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Branda.  “Thanks to the tireless efforts of our team in Washington and California, S&P has not only paid a record-setting penalty, but has now admitted to the American people facts that make clear its own unlawful role in the financial crisis.”

Half of the $1.375 billion payment – or $687.5 million – constitutes a penalty to be paid to the federal government and is the largest penalty of its type ever paid by a ratings agency.  The remaining $687.5 million will be divided among the 19 states and the District of Columbia.  The allocation among the states and the District of Columbia reflects an agreement between the states on the distribution of that money.

In its agreed statement of facts, S&P admits that its decisions on its rating models were affected by business concerns, and that, with an eye to business concerns, S&P maintained and continued to issue positive ratings on securities despite a growing awareness of quality problems with those securities. S&P acknowledges that:

S&P promised investors at all relevant times that its ratings must be independent and objective and must not be affected by any existing or potential business relationship;

S&P executives have admitted, despite its representations, that decisions about the testing and rollout of updates to S&P’s model for rating CDOs were made, at least in part, based on the effect that any update would have on S&P’s business relationship with issuers;

Relevant people within S&P knew in 2007 many loans in RMBS transactions S&P were rating were delinquent and that losses were probable;

S&P representatives continued to issue and confirm positive ratings without adjustments to reflect the negative rating actions that it expected would come.
In addition, S&P acknowledges that the voluminous discovery provided to S&P by the United States in the litigation does not support their allegation that the United States’ complaint was filed in retaliation for S&P’s 2011 decisions on the credit rating of the United States.  S&P will formally retract that claim in the litigation.

“S&P played a central role in the crisis that devastated our economy by giving AAA ratings to mortgage-backed securities that turned out to be little better than junk,” said Acting U.S. Attorney Yonekura.  “Driven by a desire to increase profits and market share, S&P blessed innumerable securitizations that were used by aggressive lenders to offload the risks of billions of dollars in mortgage loans given to homeowners who had no ability to pay them off.  This conduct fueled the meltdown that ultimately led to tens of thousands of foreclosures in my district alone.  This historic settlement makes clear the consequences of putting corporate profits over honesty in the financial markets.”

Today’s settlement was announced in connection with the President’s Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force.  The task force was established to wage an aggressive, coordinated and proactive effort to investigate and prosecute financial crimes.  With more than 20 federal agencies, 94 U.S. Attorneys’ Offices and state and local partners, it is the broadest coalition of law enforcement, investigatory and regulatory agencies ever assembled to combat fraud.  Since its formation, the task force has made great strides in facilitating increased investigation and prosecution of financial crimes, enhancing coordination and cooperation among federal, state and local authorities, addressing discrimination in the lending and financial markets and conducting outreach to the public, victims, financial institutions and other organizations.  Over the past three fiscal years, the Justice Department has filed nearly 10,000 financial fraud cases against nearly 15,000 defendants including more than 2,900 mortgage fraud defendants.


Scientist who helped discover the expansion of the universe is accelerating
Breakthrough Prize winner continues investigating fundamental physics of the world
February 3, 2015

In the late 1980s, astrophysicist Saul Perlmutter and his colleagues set out to determine how much the expansion of the universe was slowing. At the time, the prevailing belief among scientists was that gravity would be slowing the expansion, perhaps enough to ultimately switch to a contracting universe that would cause the galaxies to draw even closer together.

Of course, the world learned in 1998 that this was not the case. As it turned out, the expansion of the universe was, in fact, not slowing at all, but speeding up.

"That means there is something else going on besides gravity," says Perlmutter, director of the Supernova Cosmology Project at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, who shared the 2011 Nobel Prize in physics for the work. "We thought we understood the physics, but this was a real surprise."

The "something else" is an enduring mystery that continues to fascinate, and elude, scientists today, Perlmutter among them. Astrophysicists refer to it as "dark energy."

"We call it 'dark' because we don't know what it is," he says. "But it possibly means that as much as 70 percent of the universe could be made out of this previously unknown energy."

Moreover, researchers don't know why the universe is speeding up. "But it leaves the possibility that if whatever is speeding it up goes away, then it will start to slow down again," he says. "There is still a lot in play, and we are still trying to learn what it is."

It's an exciting prospect, since research into the ongoing puzzle of dark energy could provide "a new understanding of the fundamental physics of the world," Perlmutter says. "We have no idea what the consequences will be if we learn what dark energy is. But history has shown us that these kinds of steps forward in our fundamental understanding make us a more capable civilization.

"Moreover, learning how this world is put together, in a way, is a deep, almost poetic experience," he adds.

Perlmutter, also a professor of physics at the University of California, Berkeley, is a recent recipient of the 2015 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics, sharing the $3 million award with his Supernova Cosmology Project team, and with Brian P. Schmidt, an astrophysicist at the Australian National University Mount Stromlo Observatory and Research School, and Adam Riess, an astrophysicist at The Johns Hopkins University and the Space Telescope Science Institute, and the High-Z Supernova Search team that they led.

The three, who also shared the 2011 Nobel, received the Breakthrough Prize together with their teams for their work providing evidence that the expansion of the universe is accelerating.

For Perlmutter, the research leading to this discovery began in 1987, with a project under the auspices of the newly created Center for Particle Astrophysics, a National Science Foundation science and technology center based at Berkeley. Perlmutter, a postdoctoral fellow at the time, designed the study with Carl Pennypacker, also a researcher in the group which was then under the direction of physics professor Richard Muller, a 1978 NSF Alan T. Waterman award winner.

"When the project began in 1987, the standard picture of cosmology was that the universe was expanding, but everyone assumed it would slow down because gravity would attract everything to everything else," Perlmutter says. "We wanted to find out: How dense is the universe? How much is it slowing down?"

The scientists decided to try to measure the state of the universe by looking several billion years in the past using a new understanding in the field about a specific type of supernova, or exploding star, called Type Ia, that explodes in a similar way every time. "Since they brighten to essentially the same brightness every time, and then fade away, we can tell how far away they are by measuring how bright they appear to us," he says.

Since light always travels at 186,000 miles per second, researchers can then use the distance measurement to calculate how long ago these supernovae exploded. Also, while the light is traveling--and the universe is expanding--the light waves traveling from the exploding supernova stretch along with everything else. As these wavelengths stretch, they look redder and redder, a phenomenon in astronomy known as "redshift."

"When the supernova explodes, it sends out mostly blue light," Perlmutter explains. "That blue light means a short wave length of light. The more it stretches, the more it starts to turn red. And that tells us the amount the universe stretched between the time of the explosion, and today."

Taken together, the brightness and colors of the supernovae provide compelling evidence of an accelerating expanding universe. The degree of their brightness reveals how far back in time the star exploded, and the extent of redshift indicates how much the universe has expanded during that time. So a series of measurements each taken for a supernova exploding at a different time throughout history--7, 4 and 2 billion years ago--revealed that the stretching of the universe was increasing, and that it wasn't slowing down at all.

The difficulty initially was finding these supernovae in time, since they are rare and random, and reserving a stint at some of the largest and most advanced telescopes in the world, not to mention hoping for good weather.

Ultimately, they found a way to make discovering Type Ia supernovae more predictable.

"Instead of watching one galaxy, we figured out how to use novel wide-field cameras on the big telescopes to watch thousands of galaxies," he says. "You take a bunch of images one night, then go away, then come back two and half weeks later and take another bunch of images. Now you have two almost identical images of the galaxies, but with a time gap just long enough to allow a new supernova to appear."

"Everything had to happen like clockwork, and anytime the night was cloudy, you'd have to scramble to cover that time another night someplace else," he says.

The researchers developed a special computer program "to hunt through thousands of specks of light to find a new speck that wasn't there before," that is, looking for a new supernova. Then, using a spectrograph, they analyzed the light waves to determine whether the supernova was a Type Ia, the type they needed to study. Finally, they ran a series of observations following the supernova, obtaining images four to six more times as it brightened, then faded, which told them how bright it was at its peak.

"When we started the project, I thought we were just going out and doing a simple measurement of the brightness of exploding stars, and finding out whether the universe was going to end," he says. "It turned out that what we discovered was a huge surprise. We have been comparing it to throwing an apple up in the air, and finding that it doesn't fall back to earth, but instead blasts off into outer space, mysteriously moving faster and faster."

-- Marlene Cimons, National Science Foundation
Saul Perlmutter
Related Institutions/Organizations
University of California-Berkeley

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


February 03, 2015
Statement by the President on the Death of First Lieutenant Moaz al-Kasasbeh

Today, we join the people of Jordan in grieving the loss of one of their own, First Lieutenant Moaz al-Kasasbeh, cruelly and brutally killed by ISIL terrorists.  On behalf of the American people, I offer my deepest condolences to Lieutenant al-Kasasbeh’s family and loved ones, to the brave men and women of the Jordan Armed Forces, and to King Abdullah II and the people of Jordan.

Lieutenant al-Kasasbeh will forever personify the bravery of a true son of Jordan, one who honored his family and country by his seven years of military service.  Along with his compatriots and other Arab and international members of the coalition, Lieutenant al-Kasasbeh was in the vanguard of the effort to degrade and defeat the threat posed by ISIL.

Lieutenant al-Kasasbeh’s dedication, courage, and service to his country and family represent universal human values that stand in opposition to the cowardice and depravity of ISIL, which has been so broadly rejected around the globe.  As we grieve together, we must stand united, respectful of his sacrifice to defeat this scourge.  Today, the coalition fights for everyone who has suffered from ISIL’s inhumanity.  It is their memory that invests us and our coalition partners with the undeterred resolve to see ISIL and its hateful ideology banished to the recesses of history.

Senior Administration Officials Discuss the FY2016 Budget



Samantha Power
U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations 
New York, NY
February 2, 2015

Marten Grunditz’s career as a diplomat spanned more than four decades. He was first posted as an attaché to the Swedish Mission in Moscow in 1973, when it was still part of the Soviet Union. He went on to serve in Beijing, Washington, London, Geneva, Athens, and, of course, here in New York. He was a dexterous and deep diplomat.

Here at the UN, Ambassador Grunditz led the joint Executive Board of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS, where he pressed for far-reaching reforms, such as the public disclosure of internal audits. He also chaired the Liberia Configuration of the Peacebuilding Commission, sounding the alarm bell early and ardently for the international community to respond to the spreading Ebola outbreak. He was also determined to ensure that Liberia and its neighbors were built back better – so what has befallen the people of that region never happens again.

Among the first impressions many of us had upon meeting Marten was his sheer physical presence. He towered above virtually all of us. But the Ambassador’s personality and the way he treated people had the opposite effect: it made him accessible; it brought him close. And this was not only the case for fellow ambassadors, but for everyone he interacted with – from the most junior intern to the most senior advisor, as well as to people of all walks and ranks at UN agencies and other missions.

A ranking diplomat on his staff who worked with Ambassador Grunditz for years observed that – when he chaired meetings during his time at the head of the joint Executive Board – he always made a point of thanking every secretary and member of the support staff who had helped organize the event. As this diplomat described it, Marten Grunditz had, “an ability to recognize people.” An ability to recognize people.

Ambassador Grunditz also knew how to listen. In diplomatic settings that can too often feel automated, he would actually stop and pay attention to people’s opinions and arguments. He would engage you, ask questions, probe. He treated everybody as if he had something to learn from them.

These qualities not only made the Ambassador an exceptional human being, but also, of course, an exceptional diplomat. Knowing how to recognize people, and how to listen to them, defined the way he interacted with individuals at his postings around the world, with people in this General Assembly hall, at the negotiating table, and in leadership positions at the UN.

And these qualities also defined what the Ambassador believed in. A person who sees people as they are, and knows how to hear them, is a natural humanitarian and a natural defender of human rights – as Ambassador Grunditz certainly was, believing to his core that no individual should be treated differently because she is a woman, because of who he or she loves, because of how he or she prays, or because of where she is born.

It is also these qualities that made Marten such a wonderful mentor to his staff. The respect with which he treated people at the Swedish Mission and in previous postings bred a deep loyalty and dedication in those who served under him. It is why, when the Swedish Mission put out a sign-up sheet for staffers to stand by his condolence book and receive visitors, the sheet filled up immediately, and multiple staffers showed up for each shift. It was their way of performing a final service to a man who had taught them so much, and to stand in his honor.

I witnessed that dedication the day Marten passed away. After a meeting hosted by the Swedish Foreign Minister Wallström, a young Swedish diplomat walked me to the elevator, her eyes filled up with tears and she said, “We can’t believe it…He was such a good man.” How right she was. And how shaped she will be, always, by the time that she got to watch him in action, and learn from him.

Ambassador Marten Grunditz gave nearly his entire professional career to the Swedish Foreign Service. It gave him back not only a chance to defend his values and serve his nation, but also led him to his life partner, Maine – who he met decades ago in the diplomatic corps – and who is here with us today. Along with one of the Ambassador’s two children, Genny.

As all of us in this line of work know diplomacy is not a solo occupation; our families serve with us; they weather the excessive hours and the stresses, and they sustain us. As Ambassador Grunditz’s career spanned decades, so did his family’s service alongside him. For that, we are so grateful to you – Maine, and to you, Genny, and of course to your son, Henrik, as well – and we hope that the immeasurable loss you must feel is softened ever so slightly by seeing the tremendous contribution Marten made to his country, to the United Nations, to the causes he believed in, and to all of us – who learned so much from his towering example. Thank you.


No Room for More Risk in Defense Budget, Winnefeld Says
By Jim Garamone
DoD News, Defense Media Activity

WASHINGTON, Feb. 2, 2015 – While the president’s Fiscal 2016 Budget Request funds the defense strategy, the department has been assuming risk since sequestration, and there is no more room in the budget for risk, Navy Adm. James Winnefeld said here today.

The vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said the department is at “the manageable edge of risk” with the 2016 budget.

The Defense Department request – $534 billion in the base budget – breaks the sequestration cap of $498 billion set under the Budget Control Act of 2011.
Reversing Budget Declines

In the opinion of the nation’s military leaders, this is needed. “Fiscal Year 2016 reverses the decline in national defense spending of the past five years,” said Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in a written statement on the budget. “The proposed budget helps ensure we can manage risk and meet near-term defense needs while preparing for the future.”
But it is not all brightness and light, the chairman said. “It represents the minimum resource level necessary to remain a capable, ready and appropriately sized force able to meet our global commitments,” he said.

Winnefeld said those crafting the plan hit the hard budget “trifecta” -- citing declining resources, constraints on DoD flexibility and uncertainty over future resources.

“No budget is perfect, but we believe we’ve assembled the best possible combination of capability, capacity and readiness investments that we need to protect our nation and our national security interests,” he said. “We also believe it meets the current and future needs of the all- volunteer force that has served us so well and that represents our most asymmetric advantage in this world.”
Buying Back Risk

It’s time for the department to buy back the risk incurred when the Budget Control Act kicked in in 2013. The 2016 budget provides the resources needed to execute the defense strategy, “but we have little margin left for error or strategic surprise,” the admiral said.

For the past few years, the military has accepted greater risk than normal to execute the strategy with fewer resources. “We believe there's no room left on that end of the balance,” he said. “So, our best military advice is that any decrease below the (president’s fiscal 2016 budget) … will require adjustments to our defense strategy to restore balance. It doesn't mean the strategy completely breaks, but we will have to make adjustments to that strategy if we're going to stay in balance.”

If the funding and flexibility is not forthcoming, “it will mean reduced American leadership and freedom of action, and that’s, of course, an option, but not one that I think most of us would prefer,” he said.


02/02/2015 01:34 PM EST
Remarks With Qatari Foreign Minister Khalid al-Attiyah After Their Meeting
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Treaty Room
Washington, DC
February 2, 2015

SECRETARY KERRY: Good afternoon. My very real pleasure to welcome Dr. Khalid al-Attiyah, the foreign minister of Qatar, here and my friend. We have worked very, very hard together on any number of issues, and I appreciate the many ways in which Qatar, the emir, and Dr. Attiyah have made themselves available in order to be of assistance. Most recently, they were particularly helpful with respect to Yemen and our efforts in the last few days to deal with some of the adjustments necessary to what has been happening there, and we’re grateful for that help.

We also find in Qatar a very strong partner in the anti-Daesh coalition, and we’re grateful for the role they have played. They are flying missions. They are engaged in helping with the foreign fighters effort, the counter-financing, the problem of messaging, the de-legitimization. So in every respect – we just had a meeting in London – they are a significant contributing partner to that effort.

We also have important growing both economic and cultural links and ties, which we look forward to talking about today and, obviously, expanding. But as a member of the GCC and an important partner with respect to the entire Middle East region, we’re grateful for the help that Qatar has been willing to provide. And I look forward to discussing some very difficult regional issues that we are currently working on together, and we obviously look forward to always strengthening not just our relationship but the ability of the region to live in peace and stability.

So Khalid, thank you for being here today.

FOREIGN MINISTER AL-ATTIYAH: Thank you, John, and good afternoon, everybody. I’m really happy to be here today, John, as most of the things as you have touched on, and it’s a good opportunity that we meet today and discuss all our bilateral and update each other on the situation of the region and exchange our ideas and thoughts, and I hope that we can have a fruitful meeting as usual, John, touching on the hot issue of the region as well.

Thank you, everybody, again. Thank you very much.

SECRETARY KERRY: Looking forward to it. Thank you all very much, appreciate it. Thank you.


From a Swift Boat to a Sustainable Mekong
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Foreign Policy
February 2, 2015

More than four decades ago, as a young lieutenant in the “brown-water Navy,” my crew and I journeyed down the Mekong River on an American gunboat. Even with the war all around us, in quiet moments we couldn’t help but be struck by the beauty and the power of the river — the water buffalo, the seafood we traded for with local fishermen, the mangrove on the sides of the river and inlets.

Long ago, those waterways of war became waters of peace and commerce — the United States and Vietnam are in the 20th year of a flourishing relationship.

Today, the Mekong faces a new and very different danger — one that threatens the livelihoods of tens of millions and symbolizes the risk climate change poses to the entire planet. Unsustainable growth and development along the full reach of the river are endangering its long-term health and the region’s prosperity.

From the deck of our swift boat in 1968 and 1969, we could see that the fertile Mekong was essential to the way of life and economy of the communities along its banks. In my many visits to the region since then as a senator and secretary of state, I’ve watched the United States and the countries of Southeast Asia work hand in hand to pursue development in a way that boosts local economies and sustains the environment.

Despite those efforts, the Mekong is under threat. All along its 2,700 miles, the growing demand for energy, food, and water is damaging the ecosystem and jeopardizing the livelihoods of 240 million people. Unsustainable development and the rapid pace of hydropower development are undermining the food and water needs of the hundreds of millions of people who depend on the river.

What’s at stake? In Cambodia, the Mekong supports the rich biodiversity of a watershed that provides more than 60 percent of the country’s protein. In Vietnam, it irrigates the country’s “rice bowl” that feeds the fast-growing economy. Throughout the region, the river is a vital artery for transportation, agriculture, and electricity generation.

The Mekong rivals the Amazon for biodiversity. Giant Mekong catfish and the Irrawaddy dolphin are unique to the river, and scientists are constantly identifying new species of animals and plants across the delta. Some of these newly discovered species could one day hold the promise of new lifesaving drugs.

The challenge is clear: The entire Mekong region must implement a broad strategy that makes sure future growth does not come at the expense of clean air, clean water, and a healthy ecosystem. Pulling off this essential task will show the world of what is possible.

The fate of this region will also have an impact on people living far beyond it. For instance, U.S. trade with the Mekong region increased by 40 percent from 2008 to 2014. This trend has meant more jobs for Americans and continued economic growth for countries across Southeast Asia.

Meeting this challenge requires that we work with these countries to address very real development needs even as we work to sustain the environment. This requires good data for proper analysis and planning, smart investments, strong leaders, and effective institutions to manage the Mekong’s riches for the benefit of everyone in the region.

To that end, we joined with Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam, to launch the Lower Mekong Initiative. Its goal is to create a shared vision of growth and opportunity that recognizes the river’s role as an economic engine and respects its place in the environment.

That is why this week (Feb. 2 and 3) the United States and the government of Laos are co-hosting a major meeting of senior officials from the five lower Mekong countries, the United States, and the European Union in Pakse, Laos, where the Mekong and Xe Don rivers meet. They will be joined by representatives of the private sector and donors like the Asian Development Bank to work on a blueprint for a sustainable future.

At the meeting, we will launch the Sustainable Mekong Energy Initiative, a plan to encourage the countries of the region to develop programs that will redirect their investments to innovations in renewable energy and other sources that do not harm the environment.

This is not a question of dictating the path of development in these countries. Rather, it is about the United States and other countries working alongside our partner nations to establish a consistent set of investment and development guidelines that ensure long-term environmental health and economic vitality all along the river’s path.

This partnership is an essential part of the broader effort by President Barack Obama and the entire administration to support the people of the Asia-Pacific region, and a further sign of our commitment to helping these vibrant economies and emerging democracies.

For Americans and Southeast Asians of my generation, the Mekong River was once a symbol of conflict. But today it can be a symbol of sustainable growth and good stewardship.


Litigation Release No. 23181 / January 29, 2015

Securities and Exchange Commission v. Troy Lyndon and Ronald Zaucha, Civil Action No. CV13 00486 SOM KSC (D. Haw.)

SEC Obtains Final Judgments against CEO of Video Game Company and Purported Consultant in Revenue Inflation Scheme

On January 22, 2015, the district court for the District of Hawaii entered a final judgment against Defendant Ronald Zaucha, holding him liable for over $2.6 million in disgorgement, interest and penalties after granting the SEC's motion for summary judgment. Zaucha was also permanently enjoined from violating the antifraud and securities registration provisions of the federal securities laws, and permanently prohibited from participating in any offering of penny stock.

Previously, on August 21, 2014, the district court entered a final judgment against Defendant Troy Lyndon, holding him liable for over $3.6 million in disgorgement, interest and penalties after granting the SEC's motion for summary judgment as to monetary relief. Lyndon had previously consented to entry of a permanent injunction prohibiting future violations of the antifraud, securities registration, issuer reporting, books and records, internal controls, lying to auditors and false certification provisions of the federal securities laws; an order permanently barring him from acting as an officer or director of a public company; and an order permanently prohibiting him from participating in any offering of penny stock, without admitting or denying the SEC's allegations.

On September 24, 2013, the SEC had charged Lyndon, the founder of a religious-themed video game manufacturer, Left Behind Games, Inc. ("LBG"), and his friend Zaucha with scheming to falsely inflate the company's revenue by nearly 1,300 percent in the one-year period ended March 31, 2011 through sham circular transactions.

The SEC alleged that Lyndon, who served as the company's CEO and CFO, caused LBG to issue almost two billion shares of stock to Zaucha as purported compensation for consulting services to the California-based company. In fact, Zaucha provided few, if any, consulting services. Rather, the true purpose of the arrangement was to enable Zaucha to sell millions of unregistered LBG shares of stock into the market and then kick back a portion of his stock proceeds to the company in order to prop up its revenue at a time when it was in dire need of additional funds. The company's stock was suspended by the SEC when the SEC filed its complaint against Lyndon and Zaucha, and the registration of LBG's stock was revoked by the SEC on February 24, 2014.


January 26, 2015
CFTC Orders Florida Resident Anthony Lauria and His Company Gold Coast Bullion, Inc. to Pay More than $9.6 Million in Restitution and a Civil Monetary Penalty in Off-Exchange Precious Metals Fraud

Washington, DC – The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) today entered an Order filing and simultaneously settling charges against Anthony Lauria and his company, Gold Coast Bullion, Inc. (GCB), operating out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for engaging in illegal, off-exchange precious metals transactions, for committing fraud in connection with those illegal transactions, and for operating GCB as an unregistered Futures Commission Merchant (FCM).

The CFTC Order requires Lauria and GCB jointly to pay restitution totaling $5,940,124.16 and a civil monetary penalty of $3.75 million. In addition, the Order imposes permanent registration and trading bans on Lauria and GCB.

The CFTC Order finds that, from at least January 2012 to February 2013, GCB was a telemarketing firm that solicited retail customers to engage in financed precious metals transactions. The Order further finds that Lauria solicited customers directly and supervised other telemarketers involved in solicitation.

When soliciting customers for financed precious metals transactions, Lauria and other GCB telemarketers represented that to purchase a certain quantity of metal, 1) the customer needed to deposit only a percentage of the total metal value, typically 25 percent, 2) that GCB would arrange for the customer to receive loan for the remaining 75 percent, and 3) that the customer would have to pay a finance charge on the loan, as well as a service charge, according to the Order.

As the Order finds, financed transactions in commodities with retail customers, like those in which GCB engaged, must be executed on or subject to the rules of an exchange approved by the CFTC, which GCB did not do. In addition, the Order finds that GCB accepted money from or extended credit to its customers to margin, guarantee, or secure trades when it was not registered with the CFTC as an FCM. Finally, the Order finds that GCB never actually delivered any precious metals in connection with these transactions, but received commissions and fees totaling more than $2.6 million.

According to the CFTC Order, GCB did not purchase or sell any physical metals, but instead contacted another company, AmeriFirst Management LLC (AML), to execute the customers’ buy or sell orders. The CFTC Order states that GCB then confirmed the execution of the transactions by issuing false trade confirmations to the customers. The CFTC Order further states that AML, for its part, also did not purchase or sell any physical metals in connection with these transactions. AML managed its own exposure on these transactions using derivatives in margin trading accounts with several entities, and made book entries which tracked the value of the customer’s account, according to the Order.

On July 30, 2013, the CFTC sued AML in federal court in Florida, charging it with engaging in illegal, off-exchange precious metals transactions, fraud, and other violations (see CFTC Press Release 6655-13). On July 24, 2014, the court entered a supplemental consent Order against AML and the three individual Defendants in that case requiring them to pay more than $25 million in restitution and $10 million in civil monetary penalties (see CFTC Press Release 6973-14).

The CFTC cautions victims that restitution orders may not result in the recovery of money lost because the wrongdoers may not have sufficient funds or assets. The CFTC will continue to fight vigorously for the protection of customers and to ensure the wrongdoers are held accountable.

CFTC Division of Enforcement staff members responsible for this action include Thaddeus Glotfelty, Judith McCorkle, Joseph Konizeski, Scott Williamson, and Rosemary Hollinger.

Monday, February 2, 2015


February 02, 2015
Remarks by the President on the FY2016 Budget
Department of Homeland Security
Washington, D.C.

11:27 A.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you so much.  (Applause.)  Thank you, everybody.  Please, have a seat.  Well, good morning, everybody.   It is good to be here at the Department of Homeland Security.  And let me thank Jeh Johnson not only for the outstanding job that’s he’s doing as Secretary of DHS, but also for a short introduction.  I like short introductions.  (Laughter.)  Give him a big round of applause.  (Applause.)

This is a great way to start the week, because I get to do something I enjoy doing, which is saying thank you.  Nobody works harder to keep America safe than the people who are gathered here today.  And you don’t get a lot of attention for it -- that’s the nature of the job.  But I know how vital you are, and I want to make that sure more Americans know how vital you are.  Because against just about every threat that we face -- from terrorist networks to microscopic viruses to cyber-attacks to weather disasters -- you guys are there.  You protect us from threats at home and abroad, by air and land and sea.  You safeguard our ports, you patrol our borders.  You inspect our chemical plants, screen travelers for Ebola, shield our computer networks, and help hunt down criminals around the world.  You have a busy agenda, a full plate.  And here at home, you are ready to respond to any emergency at a moment’s notice.

It is simply extraordinary how much the Department of Homeland Security does every single day to keep our nation, our people safe.  It’s a critical job, and you get it done without a lot of fanfare.  And I want to make sure that you have what you need to keep getting the job done.  Every American has an interest in making sure that the Department of Homeland Security has what it needs to achieve its mission -- because we are reliant on that mission every single day.

Now, today, I’m sending Congress a budget that will make sure you’ve got what you need to achieve your mission.  It gives you the resources you need to carry out your mission in a way that is smart and strategic, and makes the most of every dollar.  It’s also a broader blueprint for America’s success in this new global economy.  Because after a breakthrough year for America -- at a time when our economy is growing and our businesses are creating jobs at the fastest pace since the 1990s, and wages are starting to rise again -- we’ve got some fundamental choices to make about the kind of country we want to be.

Will we accept an economy where only a few of us do spectacularly well?  Or are we going to build an economy where everyone who works hard has a chance to get ahead?

And that was the focus of my State of the Union Address a couple weeks ago -- what I called middle-class economics.  The idea that this country does best when everybody gets a fair shot, and everybody is doing their fair share, and everybody plays by the same set of rules.

The budget that Congress now has in its hands is built on those values.  It helps working families’ paychecks go farther by treating things like paid sick leave and childcare as the economic priorities that they are.  It gives Americans of every age the chance to upgrade their skills so they can earn higher wages, and it includes my plan to make two years of community college free for responsible students.  It lets us keep building the world’s most attractive economy for high-wage jobs, with new investments in research, and infrastructure and manufacturing, as well as expanded access to faster Internet and new markets for goods made in America.

It’s also a budget that recognizes that our economy flourishes when America is safe and secure.  So it invests in our IT networks, to protect them from malicious actors.  It supports our troops and strengthens our border security.  And it gives us the resources to confront global challenges, from ISIL to Russian aggression.

Now, since I took office, we have cut our deficits by about two-thirds.  I’m going to repeat that, as I always do when I mention this fact, because the public oftentimes, if you ask them, thinks that the deficit has shot up.  Since I took office, we have cut our deficits by about two-thirds.  That’s the fastest period of sustained deficit reduction since after the demobilization at the end of World War II.  So we can afford to make these investments while remaining fiscally responsible.  And, in fact, we cannot afford -- we would be making a critical error if we avoided making these investments.  We can’t afford not to.  When the economy is doing well, we’re making investments when we’re growing.  That’s part of what keeps deficits low -- because the economy is doing well.  So we’ve just got to be smarter about how we pay for our priorities, and that’s what my budget does.

At the end of 2013, I signed a bipartisan budget agreement that helped us end some of the arbitrary cuts known in Washington-speak as “sequestration.”  And folks here at DHS know a little too much about sequestration -- (laughter) -- because many of you have to deal with those cuts, and it made it a lot harder for you to do your jobs.

The 2013 agreement to reverse some of those cuts helped to boost our economic growth.  Part of the reason why we grew faster last year was we were no longer being burdened by mindless across-the-board cuts, and we were being more strategic about how we handled our federal budget.  And now we need to take the next step.  So my budget will end sequestration and fully reverse the cuts to domestic priorities in 2016.  And it will match the investments that were made domestically, dollar for dollar, with increases in our defense funding.

And just last week, top military officials told Congress that if Congress does nothing to stop sequestration, there could be serious consequences for our national security, at a time when our military is stretched on a whole range of issues.  And that’s why I want to work with Congress to replace mindless austerity with smart investments that strengthen America.  And we can do so in a way that is fiscally responsible.

I'm not going to accept a budget that locks in sequestration going forward.  It would be bad for our security and bad for our growth.  I will not accept a budget that severs the vital link between our national security and our economic security.  I know there’s some on Capitol Hill who would say, well, we’d be willing to increase defense spending but we’re not going to increase investments in infrastructure, for example, or basic research.  Well, those two things go hand in hand.  If we don’t have a vital infrastructure, if we don’t have broadband lines across the country, if we don’t have a smart grid, all that makes us more vulnerable.  America can’t afford being shortsighted, and I'm not going to allow it.

The budget I’ve sent to Congress today is fully paid for, through a combination of smart spending cuts and tax reforms.  Let me give you an example.  Right now, our tax code is full of loopholes for special interests -- like the trust fund loophole that allows the wealthiest Americans to avoid paying taxes on their unearned income.  I think we should fix that and use the savings to cut taxes for middle-class families.  That would be good for our economy.

Now, I know there are Republicans who disagree with my approach.  And I’ve said this before:  If they have other ideas for how we can keep America safe, grow our economy, while helping middle-class families feel some sense of economic security, I welcome their ideas.  But their numbers have to add up.  And what we can’t do is play politics with folks’ economic security, or with our national security.  You, better than anybody, know what the stakes are.  The work you do hangs in the balance.

In just a few weeks from now, funding for Homeland Security will run out.  That’s not because of anything this department did, it’s because the Republicans in Congress who funded everything in government through September, except for this department.  And they’re now threatening to let Homeland Security funding expire because of their disagreeing with my actions to make our immigration system smarter, fairer and safer.

Now let’s be clear, I think we can have a reasonable debate about immigration.  I'm confident that what we’re doing is the right thing and the lawful thing.  I understand they may have some disagreements with me on that, although I should note that a large majority -- or a large percentage of Republicans agree that we need comprehensive immigration reform, and we’re prepared to act in the Senate and should have acted in the House.  But if they don’t agree with me, that’s fine, that’s how our democracy works.  You may have noticed they usually don’t agree with me.  But don’t jeopardize our national security over this disagreement.

As one Republican put it, if they let your funding run out, “it’s not the end of the world.”  That’s what they said.  Well, I guess literally that’s true; it may not be the end of the world.  But until they pass a funding bill, it is the end of a paycheck for tens of thousands of frontline workers who will continue to get -- to have to work without getting paid.  Over 40,000 Border Patrol and Customs agents.  Over 50,000 airport screeners.  Over 13,000 immigration officers.  Over 40,000 men and women in the Coast Guard.  These Americans aren’t just working to keep us safe, they have to take care of their own families.  The notion that they would get caught up in a disagreement around policy that has nothing to do with them makes no sense.

And if Republicans let Homeland Security funding expire, it’s the end to any new initiatives in the event that a new threat emerges.  It’s the end of grants to states and cities that improve local law enforcement and keep our communities safe.  The men and women of America’s homeland security apparatus do important work to protect us, and Republicans and Democrats in Congress should not be playing politics with that.

We need to fund the department, pure and simple.  We’ve got to put politics aside, pass a budget that funds our national security priorities at home and abroad, and gives middle-class families the security they need to get ahead in the new economy.  This is one of our most basic and most important responsibilities as a government.  So I’m calling on Congress to get this done.

Every day, we count on people like you to keep America secure.  And you are counting on us as well to uphold our end of the bargain.  You’re counting on us to make sure that you’ve got the resources to do your jobs safely and efficiently, and that you’re able to look after your families while you are out there working really hard to keep us safe.

We ask a lot of you.  The least we can do is have your backs.  That’s what I’m going to keep on doing for as long as I have the honor of serving as your President.  I have your back.  And I’m going to keep on fighting to make sure that you get the resources you deserve.  I’m going to keep fighting to make sure that every American has the chance not just to share in America’s success but to contribute to America’s success.  That’s what this budget is about.

It reflects our values in making sure that we are making the investments we need to keep America safe, to keep America growing, and to make sure that everybody is participating no matter what they look like, where they come from, no matter how they started in life, they’ve got a chance to get ahead in this great country of ours.  That’s what I believe.  That’s what you believe.  (Applause.)  Let’s get it done.

Thank you.  God bless you.  God bless the United States of America.  (Applause.)


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In First FTC Cases Against Car Title Lenders, Companies Settle Charges They Deceptively Advertised the Cost of Their Loans
Businesses Failed to Disclose Qualifications for “Zero Percent” Loan Offers
January 30, 2015

The Federal Trade Commission has taken action for the first time against two car title lenders, reaching settlements that will require them to stop their use of deceptive advertising to market title loans.

A car title loan is typically a high cost, short-term loan, secured with the consumer’s car title. In administrative complaints issued against two title lenders, First American Title Lending of Georgia, LLC, and Finance Select, Inc., the FTC charged that the companies advertised, both online and in print, zero percent interest rates for a 30-day car title loan without disclosing important loan conditions or the increased finance charge imposed after the introductory period ended.

“This type of loan is risky for consumers because if they fail to pay, they could lose their car – an asset many of them can’t live without,” said Jessica Rich, director, FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. “Without proper disclosures, consumers can’t know what they’re getting, so when we see deceptive marketing of these loans we’re going to take action to stop it.”

While advertised as short-term loans, title loans can become longer-term, high cost installment loans with payments due over several months. The annual percentage rate of a car title loan can be over 300 percent. If a consumer does not repay the loan within 30 days, high finance charges can add up quickly, with a consumer paying hundreds or thousands of dollars in fees or forfeiting the vehicle.

The FTC charged that First American Title Lending, which operates over 30 locations in Georgia, advertised a zero percent offer (in English and Spanish) and failed to disclose that the borrower had to meet specific conditions to receive that rate. The borrower had to be a new customer, repay the loan within 30 days, and pay with a money order or certified funds, not cash or a personal check. If a borrower failed to meet those conditions, the offer did not apply, and he or she would be required to pay a finance charge from the start of the loan. The company’s advertisements also failed to disclose the amount of the finance charge after the introductory period ended.

The FTC alleged Finance Select, doing business as Fast Cash Title Pawn, failed to disclose that unless a loan was paid in full in 30 days, the zero percent offer did not apply, and that a borrower would have to pay a finance charge for the initial 30 days of the loan in addition to any finance charges incurred going forward. Fast Cash, which has five locations across Georgia and two in Alabama, also failed to disclose how much the finance charge would cost a borrower after the 30-day introductory period was over.

As part of the proposed settlements with First American Title Lending and Fast Cash Title Pawn, the respondents are prohibited from:

failing to disclose all the qualifying terms associated with obtaining a loan at its advertised rate;
failing to disclose what the finance charge would be after an introductory period ends; and
misrepresenting any material terms of any loan agreements.
In addition, First American Title Lending is also prohibited from stating the amount of any down payment, number of payments or periods of repayment, or the amount of any payment or finance charge without clearly and conspicuously stating all the terms required by the Truth in Lending Act and Regulation Z.

These cases are part of the FTC’s ongoing effort to protect consumers in the short-term lending and auto marketplaces. The agency’s guidance, Caution: Car Title Loans Can Leave You Stranded, encourages consumers to shop around for their loan, and to look to their bank or other lenders for options that may be more affordable than a car title loan.

The Commission vote to issue the administrative complaints and accept the proposed consent orders for public comment was 5-0. The agreements will be subject to public comment for 30 days, beginning today and continuing through March 3, 2015, after which the Commission will decide whether to make the proposed consent orders final. Submit comments for Fast Cash Title Pawn and First American Title Lending online.

NOTE: The Commission issues an administrative complaint when it has “reason to believe” that the law has been or is being violated, and it appears to the Commission that a proceeding is in the public interest. When the Commission issues a consent order on a final basis, it carries the force of law with respect to future actions. Each violation of such an order may result in a civil penalty of up to $16,000.

The Federal Trade Commission works for consumers to prevent fraudulent, deceptive, and unfair business practices and to provide information to help spot, stop, and avoid them.

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