ISAF Commander Notes 'Growing Uncertainty' in Afghanistan
By Army Sgt. 1st Class Tyrone C. Marshall Jr.
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, April 16, 2013 - Dynamic and compelling commitment from the United States is necessary to confront growing uncertainty in Afghanistan and the region when the International Security Assistance Force mission ends next year, the top commander of NATO and U.S. forces in Afghanistan said today.
"We [must] confront growing uncertainty in Afghanistan and in the region," Marine Corps Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr. told the Senate Armed Services Committee. "Many Afghans have told me they no longer fear the Taliban as much as they fear what will happen after 2014."
One Afghan described it as the "Y2K effect," Dunford said, alluding to a period of uncertainty late in the 20th century driven by questions of how computer-controlled systems would behave with a complete rollover of the calendar year's digits on Jan. 1, 2000.
"There is a growing sense that December 2014 is a cliff for the Afghan people," he added. "[This] dynamic must be addressed with an incredible, compelling narrative of U.S. commitment."
The general said that in the absence of confidence and hope for a brighter future, Afghan leaders, the Afghan people and regional actors will continue to hedge and plan for the worst case.
The behavior associated with that mindset, Dunford said, has the very real potential to undermine the campaign.
Dunford noted ISAF remains focused on denying safe haven in Afghanistan to the al-Qaida terrorists who attacked the U.S. on 9/11, and denying the Taliban, who harbored them, the ability to overthrow the Afghan government.
"We recognize that our national interest in the region is served by a secure and stable Afghanistan at peace with its neighbors," he said. "I appear before you this morning confident in the cardinal direction of the campaign. My confidence is based on the very real progress we have made since the surge of forces began in late 2009, and that surge allowed us to move the campaign forward."
Constant pressure on the remnants of al-Qaida in Afghanistan, he said, has disrupted the terror organization's ability to plan and conduct operations against the West.
Dunford said coalition and Afghan-partnered operations have pushed the Taliban away from Afghanistan's populated areas and have prevented them from meeting their campaign objectives in 2012.
"While they remain resilient, they are less of a threat against the Afghan government than they were in 2011," the general said. "Most significantly, our efforts, since 2009, have provided the Afghan forces the time and space necessary to grow and assume the lead."
Afghan security forces have recruited and fielded most of their authorized strength of 352,000, Dunford said. "They are leading approximately 80 percent of all combat operations being conducted, and they have the lead security responsibility for territory where nearly 90 percent of the population lives," he added.
Later this spring, Dunford said, Afghan forces will be completely in the lead for combat operations across the nation, in keeping with agreements at the last two NATO summits. His testimony today comes during an inflection point in the Afghan campaign, the general added, with many reasons to be optimistic and several significant challenges to overcome.
"Up to this point, it's fair to say we were focused on growing the size of the Afghan security forces," he said. "We are now focused on improving the quality of the [security forces]."
Dunford said in the months ahead, ISAF will continue to focus on a wide range of issues to include leadership development, ministerial capacity, aviation, and the systems, processes and institutions needed to sustain a modern, professional force.
"We'll also need to address very real political and psychological factors that will affect the outcome of the campaign," he said.
Dunford acknowledged "real tension" between increasing aspirations of Afghan sovereignty and the reality of operations conducted in accordance with the U.N. Security Council mandate, the Law of Armed Conflict and the Military Technical Agreement. Properly managing this tension has become a campaign imperative, he said, along with the psychological aspect.
"Psychology will influence the performance of the Afghan forces this summer and affect the critical elections of 2014," Dunford said.
Dunford told the senators the campaign is in the "decisive phase of transition."
"The progress we have made to date provides real opportunity, but not inevitability," he said. "There will continue to be challenges that will test our will and endurance.
"But in the end," he continued, "if we define winning as completing political and security transition while rendering al-Qaida operationally ineffective [and] as setting the conditions for the Afghans to exploit a decade of opportunity that will begin in 2015, I firmly believe we can win."
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
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Black carbon, a short-lived pollutant (shown in purple), shrouds the globe. Credit-NOAA |
Cutting Specific Atmospheric Pollutants Would Slow Sea Level Rise
With coastal areas bracing for rising sea levels, new research indicates that cutting emissions of certain pollutants can greatly slow sea level rise this century.
Scientists found that reductions in four pollutants that cycle comparatively quickly through the atmosphere could temporarily forestall the rate of sea level rise by roughly 25 to 50 percent.
The researchers focused on emissions of four heat-trapping pollutants: methane, tropospheric ozone, hydrofluorocarbons and black carbon.
These gases and particles last anywhere from a week to a decade in the atmosphere and can influence climate more quickly than carbon dioxide, which persists in the atmosphere for centuries.
"To avoid potentially dangerous sea level rise, we could cut emissions of short-lived pollutants even if we cannot immediately cut carbon dioxide emissions," says Aixue Hu of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colo., first author of a paper published today in the journal Nature Climate Change.
"Society can significantly reduce the threat to coastal cities if it moves quickly on a handful of pollutants."
The research was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the U.S. Department of Energy.
"Sea level rise and its consequences present enormous challenges to modern society," says Anjuli Bamzai, program director in NSF's Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences, which supported the research.
"This study looks at projections of global sea level rise, unraveling the effects of mitigating short-lived greenhouse gases such as methane, tropospheric ozone, hydrofluorocarbons and black carbon, as well as long-lived greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide," says Bamzai.
It is still not too late, "by stabilizing carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere and reducing emissions of shorter-lived pollutants, to lower the rate of warming and reduce sea level rise by 30 percent," says atmospheric scientist Veerabhadran Ramanathan of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) in San Diego, a co-author of the paper. Ramanathan initiated and helped oversee the study.
"The large role of the shorter-lived pollutants is encouraging since technologies are available to drastically cut their emissions," says Ramanathan.
The potential effects of rising oceans on populated areas are of great concern, he says.
Many of the world's major cities, such as New York, Miami, Amsterdam, Mumbai, and Tokyo, are located in low-lying areas along coasts.
As glaciers and ice sheets melt, and warming oceans expand, sea levels have been rising by an average of about 3 millimeters annually in recent years (just over one-tenth of an inch).
If temperatures continue to warm, sea levels are projected to rise between 18 and 200 centimeters (between 7 inches and 6 feet) this century, according to reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the U.S. National Research Council.
Such an increase could submerge coastal communities, especially when storm surges hit.
Previous research by Ramanathan and Yangyang Xu of SIO, a co-author of the paper, showed that a sharp reduction in emissions of shorter-lived pollutants beginning in 2015 could offset warming temperatures by up to 50 percent by 2050.
Applying those emission reductions to sea level rise, the researchers found that the cuts could dramatically slow rising sea levels.
The results showed that total sea level rise would be reduced by an estimated 22 to 42 percent by 2100, depending on the extent to which emissions were cut.
However, the study also found that delaying emissions cuts until 2040 would reduce the beneficial effect on year-2100 sea level rise by about a third.
If society were able to substantially reduce both emissions of carbon dioxide as well as the four other pollutants, total sea level rise would be lessened by at least 30 percent by 2100, the researchers conclude.
"We still have some control over the amount of sea level rise we are facing," Hu says.
Another paper co-author, Claudia Tebaldi of Climate Central, adds: "Without diminishing the importance of reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the long-term, this study shows that more immediate gains from shorter-lived pollutants are substantial.
"Cutting emissions of those gases could give coastal communities more time to prepare for rising sea levels," says Tebaldi. "As we have seen recently, storm surges in populated regions of the East Coast show the importance of making such preparations and cutting greenhouse gases."
To conduct the study, Hu and colleagues turned to the NCAR-based Community Climate System Model, as well as a second computer model that simulates climate, carbon and geochemistry.
They also drew on estimates of future emissions of heat-trapping gases under various social and economic scenarios and on computer models of melting ice and sea level rise.
The study assumes that society could reduce emissions of the four gases and particles by 30-60 percent over the next several decades.
That is the steepest reduction believed achievable by economists who have studied the issue at Austria's International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, one of the world's leading research centers into the effects of economic activity on climate change.
"It must be remembered that carbon dioxide is still the most important factor in sea level rise over the long-term," says NCAR scientist Warren Washington, a paper co-author. "But we can make a real difference in the next several decades by reducing other emissions."
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
South Sudan Economic Partners Forum Communique
Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
April 16, 2013
Following is the text of a communiqué from participants in the South Sudan Economic Partners Forum, which was hosted by the Department of State on April 16.
Begin Text:
The Governments of the United States and the Republic of South Sudan, in coordination with the European Union, Norway and the United Kingdom, met April 16 with more than forty other governments and international organizations at the South Sudan Economic Partners Forum in Washington, DC. The forum marked the start of an enhanced partnership to strengthen governance, political inclusiveness and sustainable development in South Sudan. Hosted by the U.S. Government, the Partners Forum reviewed South Sudan’s progress over the challenging past 18 months, welcomed the Government’s fiscal and economic strategy, and agreed on the outlines of a compact based on mutual commitments to reform and international engagement.
The Government of South Sudan highlighted the major macro-economic challenges the new nation has faced over the past 18 months and key reform priorities moving forward. The shutdown of oil production in January 2012 sparked a severe fiscal crisis. In response, the Government of South Sudan has undertaken to put in place fiscal and monetary policies to stabilize the macro-economy and is currently negotiating an economic program with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The development partners emphasized the importance of a rapid conclusion of this program. Following the recent agreement between South Sudan and Sudan to resume oil production and open borders for trade, the Government of South Sudan has committed to put in place additional policy measures to establish macroeconomic stability, strengthen governance, guarantee political space and fundamental rights, enhance the management of public finances and natural resources, combat corruption, increase capacity for basic social services, and boost broad-based economic growth in order to transform the lives of the South Sudanese people. As a critical first step, the Government of South Sudan emphasized its commitment to strengthen its macro-economic framework with support from the IMF and embark on an economic reform program in cooperation with international financial institutions.
Participants in the forum applauded progress achieved in implementation of the September 27 cooperation agreements between South Sudan and Sudan, which has led, among other benefits, to resumption of oil production in South Sudan with exportation through Sudan. Direct consultations between South Sudanese President Kiir and Sudanese President Bashir, which took place in Juba on April 12, produced further progress toward finding practical solutions for the remaining outstanding issues and establishing mutually beneficial relations between the two peoples and their states. Participants strongly believe it is in the interests of both countries to seek constructive solutions to all their remaining differences, which will lay the foundations for building two peaceful, prosperous and viable states.
Recognizing the fragility of South Sudan’s progress, the Government of South Sudan and its international partners will renew and enhance their partnership in the spirit of the New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States to enable the transition toward greater economic resilience. Acknowledging the toll of decades of violence and the continuing impact of conflict and insecurity on the people of South Sudan, the government is committed to work to prevent and to reduce hostilities in an integrated, inclusive and non-violent way. This requires a coordinated approach to the use of political, security, humanitarian and development approaches. Now, more than ever, it is important to sustain and accelerate South Sudan’s reform momentum. The international community is committed to long-term engagement with South Sudan in order to support inclusive political governance, public accountability, effective social services and a vibrant private sector.
South Sudan, as a leading member of the g7+ group of fragile states, proposed a compact with international partners to engender mutual commitments towards greater reform and aid effectiveness. Over the coming months, a broad range of stakeholders will develop a partnership compact for South Sudan, which will include mutually agreed policy benchmarks for the Government of South Sudan, matched with commitments from partners to build capacity and improve the effectiveness of aid. Once finalized, the compact is intended to provide an umbrella agreement for innovative financing from a range of international partners, including through proposed additional support for education and health sector salaries and the development of a new South Sudan Partnership Fund to support capacity building for good governance, investments in priority sectors and support for basic services. Various international partners indicated during the forum that they foresee adding substantial new support to their contributions – up to $300 million. This year approximately $1.3 billion is provided by donors to South Sudan.
Convinced that a thriving private sector is critical to job creation, improved livelihoods and economic growth, international partners also agreed to support the Government of South Sudan to organize a Private Sector Investment Conference in Juba in late 2013.
South Sudan Economic Partners Forum Communique
Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
April 16, 2013
Following is the text of a communiqué from participants in the South Sudan Economic Partners Forum, which was hosted by the Department of State on April 16.
Begin Text:
The Governments of the United States and the Republic of South Sudan, in coordination with the European Union, Norway and the United Kingdom, met April 16 with more than forty other governments and international organizations at the South Sudan Economic Partners Forum in Washington, DC. The forum marked the start of an enhanced partnership to strengthen governance, political inclusiveness and sustainable development in South Sudan. Hosted by the U.S. Government, the Partners Forum reviewed South Sudan’s progress over the challenging past 18 months, welcomed the Government’s fiscal and economic strategy, and agreed on the outlines of a compact based on mutual commitments to reform and international engagement.
The Government of South Sudan highlighted the major macro-economic challenges the new nation has faced over the past 18 months and key reform priorities moving forward. The shutdown of oil production in January 2012 sparked a severe fiscal crisis. In response, the Government of South Sudan has undertaken to put in place fiscal and monetary policies to stabilize the macro-economy and is currently negotiating an economic program with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The development partners emphasized the importance of a rapid conclusion of this program. Following the recent agreement between South Sudan and Sudan to resume oil production and open borders for trade, the Government of South Sudan has committed to put in place additional policy measures to establish macroeconomic stability, strengthen governance, guarantee political space and fundamental rights, enhance the management of public finances and natural resources, combat corruption, increase capacity for basic social services, and boost broad-based economic growth in order to transform the lives of the South Sudanese people. As a critical first step, the Government of South Sudan emphasized its commitment to strengthen its macro-economic framework with support from the IMF and embark on an economic reform program in cooperation with international financial institutions.
Participants in the forum applauded progress achieved in implementation of the September 27 cooperation agreements between South Sudan and Sudan, which has led, among other benefits, to resumption of oil production in South Sudan with exportation through Sudan. Direct consultations between South Sudanese President Kiir and Sudanese President Bashir, which took place in Juba on April 12, produced further progress toward finding practical solutions for the remaining outstanding issues and establishing mutually beneficial relations between the two peoples and their states. Participants strongly believe it is in the interests of both countries to seek constructive solutions to all their remaining differences, which will lay the foundations for building two peaceful, prosperous and viable states.
Recognizing the fragility of South Sudan’s progress, the Government of South Sudan and its international partners will renew and enhance their partnership in the spirit of the New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States to enable the transition toward greater economic resilience. Acknowledging the toll of decades of violence and the continuing impact of conflict and insecurity on the people of South Sudan, the government is committed to work to prevent and to reduce hostilities in an integrated, inclusive and non-violent way. This requires a coordinated approach to the use of political, security, humanitarian and development approaches. Now, more than ever, it is important to sustain and accelerate South Sudan’s reform momentum. The international community is committed to long-term engagement with South Sudan in order to support inclusive political governance, public accountability, effective social services and a vibrant private sector.
South Sudan, as a leading member of the g7+ group of fragile states, proposed a compact with international partners to engender mutual commitments towards greater reform and aid effectiveness. Over the coming months, a broad range of stakeholders will develop a partnership compact for South Sudan, which will include mutually agreed policy benchmarks for the Government of South Sudan, matched with commitments from partners to build capacity and improve the effectiveness of aid. Once finalized, the compact is intended to provide an umbrella agreement for innovative financing from a range of international partners, including through proposed additional support for education and health sector salaries and the development of a new South Sudan Partnership Fund to support capacity building for good governance, investments in priority sectors and support for basic services. Various international partners indicated during the forum that they foresee adding substantial new support to their contributions – up to $300 million. This year approximately $1.3 billion is provided by donors to South Sudan.
Convinced that a thriving private sector is critical to job creation, improved livelihoods and economic growth, international partners also agreed to support the Government of South Sudan to organize a Private Sector Investment Conference in Juba in late 2013.
Hagel Says DOD Will Provide Support After 'Cruel Act of Terror'
By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, April 16, 2013 - The thoughts and prayers of all members of the Defense Department are with the people of Boston and the victims of the marathon bombing yesterday, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said today.
Hagel and Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, appearing before the defense subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee for a budget hearing, also spoke about the situation in Boston.
The defense secretary pledged to provide any support from DOD that law enforcement agencies deem necessary as they investigate "this cruel act of terror." Dempsey told representatives that DOD officials have been in constant contact with state and federal agencies.
Three are dead from the attack, and more than 170 were wounded. Many service members had traveled to Boston to run in the iconic marathon, and Hagel said his thoughts are with them as well.
"As the president said yesterday, we still do not know who did this or why," he said. "A thorough investigation will have to determine whether it was planned and carried out by a terrorist group, foreign or domestic."
The secretary asked Americans not to jump to conclusions, but "any event with multiple explosive devices -- as this appears to be -- is clearly an act of terror, and will be approached as an act of terror."
Hagel commended local, state and federal law enforcement agencies for their quick response to the explosions that detonated near the Boston Marathon finish line. He also expressed gratitude to the 460 members of the Massachusetts National Guard who were called up to help with the marathon and ended up providing life-saving aid to those affected.
Dempsey said Massachusetts Guardsmen continue to flow into the scene, and that more than 1,000 Guardsmen have been called up for this crucial state mission.
"The Department of Defense is prepared to respond quickly to any request for additional support from domestic law enforcement agencies," Hagel said. "I will continue to consult closely with DOD's senior leaders and my counterparts in other agencies on how we can best support the government's response and investigation."
Massachusetts officials asked for and received the services of a Navy explosive ordnance disposal team yesterday. Guardsmen also remain on duty helping to secure the crime scene.
Hagel Says DOD Will Provide Support After 'Cruel Act of Terror'
By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, April 16, 2013 - The thoughts and prayers of all members of the Defense Department are with the people of Boston and the victims of the marathon bombing yesterday, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said today.
Hagel and Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, appearing before the defense subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee for a budget hearing, also spoke about the situation in Boston.
The defense secretary pledged to provide any support from DOD that law enforcement agencies deem necessary as they investigate "this cruel act of terror." Dempsey told representatives that DOD officials have been in constant contact with state and federal agencies.
Three are dead from the attack, and more than 170 were wounded. Many service members had traveled to Boston to run in the iconic marathon, and Hagel said his thoughts are with them as well.
"As the president said yesterday, we still do not know who did this or why," he said. "A thorough investigation will have to determine whether it was planned and carried out by a terrorist group, foreign or domestic."
The secretary asked Americans not to jump to conclusions, but "any event with multiple explosive devices -- as this appears to be -- is clearly an act of terror, and will be approached as an act of terror."
Hagel commended local, state and federal law enforcement agencies for their quick response to the explosions that detonated near the Boston Marathon finish line. He also expressed gratitude to the 460 members of the Massachusetts National Guard who were called up to help with the marathon and ended up providing life-saving aid to those affected.
Dempsey said Massachusetts Guardsmen continue to flow into the scene, and that more than 1,000 Guardsmen have been called up for this crucial state mission.
"The Department of Defense is prepared to respond quickly to any request for additional support from domestic law enforcement agencies," Hagel said. "I will continue to consult closely with DOD's senior leaders and my counterparts in other agencies on how we can best support the government's response and investigation."
Massachusetts officials asked for and received the services of a Navy explosive ordnance disposal team yesterday. Guardsmen also remain on duty helping to secure the crime scene.
Sailors aboard the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Mustin (DDG 89) watch as a Standard Missile 2 (SM-2) leaves the launcher during a live-fire exercise as part of Multi-Sail 13. Multi-Sail 13 is a training exercise designed to test ships operating ability across a wide range of disciplines including anti-submarine warfare, live fire exercises, and high value unit escort scenarios. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Paul Kelly (Released) 130411-N-TX154-070
Lt. Cmdr. Ryan Beaty pilots an F/A-18C Hornet assigned to the Rampagers of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 83 while conducting aerial refueling with an Air Force KC-135R during combat missions with the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69). Dwight D. Eisenhower is deployed to the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility promoting maritime security operations, theater security cooperation efforts and support missions as part of Operation Enduring Freedom. U.S. Navy photo by Lt. Greg Linderman (Released) 130409-N-DO750-001

Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Statement of Attorney General Eric Holder on the Ongoing Investigation into Explosions in Boston
The Attorney General released the following statement today on the ongoing investigation into the explosions in Boston:
"I want to express my deepest sympathies to the victims of yesterday’s heinous attack in Boston, to those who suffered injuries, and to those who lost friends and loved ones. All of you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
"As our nation struggles to make sense of this attack, I want to assure the citizens of Boston – and all Americans – that the U.S. Department of Justice, the FBI, and all of our federal, state, and local partners are working tirelessly to determine who was responsible for these unspeakable acts, and to make certain they are held accountable to the fullest extent of the law and by any means available to us. To this end, I have directed that the full resources of the Department be deployed to ensure that this matter is fully investigated. We will continue working closely with the Boston Police Department and the Massachusetts State Police – who have performed superbly – to respond to this tragedy, to maintain a heightened state of security, and to prevent any future attacks from occurring.
"As President Obama stated earlier today, we are treating this event as an act of terror. This morning, I met with the President and my fellow members of his national security team to discuss our continuing response. Although it is not yet clear who executed this attack, whether it was an individual or group, or whether it was carried out with support or involvement from a terrorist organization – either foreign or domestic – we will not rest until the perpetrators are brought to justice. The FBI is spearheading a multi-agency investigation through the Boston Joint Terrorism Task Force. They are devoting extensive personnel and assets to this effort – and have already begun conducting exhaustive interviews, analyzing evidence recovered from the scene, and examining video footage for possible leads. In addition, the ATF is providing bomb technicians, explosives assets, and other substantial investigative support. The DEA and U.S. Marshals Service are providing further assistance. And the Office of Justice Programs will coordinate victim support that the City of Boston and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts may request under the Anti-terrorism Emergency Assistance Program.
"As our active and comprehensive investigation unfolds, these federal assets are coordinating with prosecutors from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Massachusetts, the Justice Department’s National Security Division, and federal agencies across the government – including members of the Intelligence Community. This matter is still in the early stages, and it’s important that we let the investigation run its full course. I urge members of the public to remain calm, cooperate with law enforcement, and be vigilant. The FBI has set up a tip line – at 1-800-CALL-FBI – for anyone who has information, images, or details relating to yesterday’s explosions along the Boston Marathon route. We are particularly interested in reviewing video footage captured by bystanders with cell phones or personal cameras near either of the blasts. In an investigation of this nature, no detail is too small.
"Finally, I want to recognize and thank all of the brave law enforcement officials, firefighters, National Guardsmen, medical staff, bystanders, and other first responders in Boston yesterday afternoon who heard the explosions, or received reports of casualties, or saw the shattered glass and rising smoke, and rushed to provide assistance to those in need.
"Each of these remarkable women and men placed the safety of others above their own. Their heroic actions undoubtedly saved lives. And their stories of courage and selflessness remind us that – even in our darkest moments – the American people have always displayed an extraordinary capacity for resilience. We will always be strongest when we stand united. And although today our hearts are broken, my colleagues and I are resolved to bring those responsible for this cowardly act to justice. We will be relentless in our pursuit of the individual or group that carried out this attack, while staying true to our most sacred values. And – as our investigation continues, I am confident that our nation will recover, and that we will emerge from this terrible tragedy not only safer, but stronger, than ever before."
Remarks On Media Freedom
Tara Sonenshine
Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs
Tbilisi State University
Tbilisi, Georgia
April 15, 2013
Thank you, Rector Kvitashvili. And thank you to all the journalism students, American studies students, international affairs/relations students, and political scientists gathered here. I appreciate having the opportunity to address you.
It’s an honor to speak to you at Tbilisi State University – the largest university in Georgia, and the oldest in the Caucasus. You know, I was looking at old photographs from the college’s earliest years – and I couldn’t help noticing that even in the most formal pictures, there was intensity and brightness in the faces of the men and the women. And there was always the hint of a smile ready to happen.
I saw women in the photographs too, I am happy to report. One 1935 photograph of the first staff of the newly established Institute of Physiology showed 14 men and eight women. I found that very encouraging, since I have been talking with women in the region about the representation of women in economic and political life – and how important that is for building strong economies and representative democracies.
Today, I come to talk to you – the young minds of Georgia – about something that’s also deeply and profoundly important. And that’s media freedom. Why is media freedom so important? Because – as I often say – information is the oxygen that a free and civilized society needs to breathe. Without it societies suffocate.
Sometimes there’s no information at all – because governments repress it, or journalists are too intimidated or unmotivated or irresponsible to report the truth. Sometimes the information consists primarily of gossip, rumor, hearsay, and conspiracy theories.
So it’s important that we have a diverse and independent press, so the people can trust what they read, hear, and see in the media. When we have a free, fair, and vigorous media environment in a democratic society, we are informed about the truth. And that allows us to make the best decisions we can, based on the most reliable information we can find.
We need all sides of the equation to be mutually reinforcing: On one side, there are the fundamental freedoms of expression, assembly, and association that are enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and on the other, we need to have freedom of the media so they can hold accountable anyone or any institution that abuses those freedoms. That balance is crucial to a robust democracy.
And that’s where education plays a crucial role. We need whole generations of well-trained journalists who can report information reliably, accurately, and with a sense of fairness and balance — who are not satisfied with false innuendo; who practice analytical reporting that examines the finer details and nuances of the truth; who can learn to adopt – and accept nothing less than – high professional and ethical standards.
We see that media pluralism in Georgia is still evolving, and facing many challenges. The press is often criticized for being unprofessional. People accuse media outlets of being too closely connected to the UNM or Georgian Dream. And more independent, regional media outlets continue to struggle.
Not only that, there are pending elections. So the need to provide fair and balanced media coverage, so voters can make the right choices, is crucial. And in that regard, Georgians face some critical issues.
One is making sure that they can have access to a variety of news channels in the pre-election period. Given the limited variety of media outlets currently available in Georgia, and the clear appetite of the Georgian people for a wide variety of programming and opinion, it is important that they have that programming.
That’s why we are supporting the USAID-funded Georgian Media Enhance Democracy, Informed Citizenry, and Accountability. It’s better known as G-MEDIA. The goal of this $12.9 million program is to improve the Georgian public’s access to a range of sources of news and information by developing a more politically balanced, editorially independent, professional, and viable media sector that reaches audiences across Georgia through diverse delivery channels.
As we continue to advocate for freedom of expression and citizen access to more independent, balanced, and reliable sources of information, we also recognize that Georgia does not face media challenges alone.
In the U.S., print media struggles to maintain profitability and journalistic independence. As newsrooms shrink, many critics talk about the drop in quality of reporting. And major news outlets accuse one another of political biases, a lack of journalistic integrity, and poor quality of reporting.
However, America’s media truly serves its role as the watchdog on the government to ensure that the people’s fundamental freedoms are being protected. And we recognize the contributions that journalists make to the struggle for human dignity, liberty, and prosperity. And through our public diplomacy, we echo those values in our promotion of media freedom and journalistic professionalism throughout the world.
We do that through a robust array of programs through our Public Affairs Office and the USAID. In Georgia, that includes sending Georgian news teams to the U.S. to cover major events like our November presidential elections; or building partnerships between U.S. and Georgian media outlets; or establishing a journalism partnership program between The Georgia Institute for Public Affairs Media School and the University of South Carolina.
We look forward to working with the Government of Georgia, civil society, and media organizations to promote the idea that even the smallest voice from the tiniest village must be heard.
But the real future is with young people like you – not only working as journalists with high standards, but acting as citizens who demand and support a free and vigorous media that doesn’t let emotions get in the way of truth. On those foundations, democracies are built. The future depends on all of you.
Thank you.
Remarks On Media Freedom
Tara Sonenshine
Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs
Tbilisi State University
Tbilisi, Georgia
April 15, 2013
Thank you, Rector Kvitashvili. And thank you to all the journalism students, American studies students, international affairs/relations students, and political scientists gathered here. I appreciate having the opportunity to address you.
It’s an honor to speak to you at Tbilisi State University – the largest university in Georgia, and the oldest in the Caucasus. You know, I was looking at old photographs from the college’s earliest years – and I couldn’t help noticing that even in the most formal pictures, there was intensity and brightness in the faces of the men and the women. And there was always the hint of a smile ready to happen.
I saw women in the photographs too, I am happy to report. One 1935 photograph of the first staff of the newly established Institute of Physiology showed 14 men and eight women. I found that very encouraging, since I have been talking with women in the region about the representation of women in economic and political life – and how important that is for building strong economies and representative democracies.
Today, I come to talk to you – the young minds of Georgia – about something that’s also deeply and profoundly important. And that’s media freedom. Why is media freedom so important? Because – as I often say – information is the oxygen that a free and civilized society needs to breathe. Without it societies suffocate.
Sometimes there’s no information at all – because governments repress it, or journalists are too intimidated or unmotivated or irresponsible to report the truth. Sometimes the information consists primarily of gossip, rumor, hearsay, and conspiracy theories.
So it’s important that we have a diverse and independent press, so the people can trust what they read, hear, and see in the media. When we have a free, fair, and vigorous media environment in a democratic society, we are informed about the truth. And that allows us to make the best decisions we can, based on the most reliable information we can find.
We need all sides of the equation to be mutually reinforcing: On one side, there are the fundamental freedoms of expression, assembly, and association that are enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and on the other, we need to have freedom of the media so they can hold accountable anyone or any institution that abuses those freedoms. That balance is crucial to a robust democracy.
And that’s where education plays a crucial role. We need whole generations of well-trained journalists who can report information reliably, accurately, and with a sense of fairness and balance — who are not satisfied with false innuendo; who practice analytical reporting that examines the finer details and nuances of the truth; who can learn to adopt – and accept nothing less than – high professional and ethical standards.
We see that media pluralism in Georgia is still evolving, and facing many challenges. The press is often criticized for being unprofessional. People accuse media outlets of being too closely connected to the UNM or Georgian Dream. And more independent, regional media outlets continue to struggle.
Not only that, there are pending elections. So the need to provide fair and balanced media coverage, so voters can make the right choices, is crucial. And in that regard, Georgians face some critical issues.
One is making sure that they can have access to a variety of news channels in the pre-election period. Given the limited variety of media outlets currently available in Georgia, and the clear appetite of the Georgian people for a wide variety of programming and opinion, it is important that they have that programming.
That’s why we are supporting the USAID-funded Georgian Media Enhance Democracy, Informed Citizenry, and Accountability. It’s better known as G-MEDIA. The goal of this $12.9 million program is to improve the Georgian public’s access to a range of sources of news and information by developing a more politically balanced, editorially independent, professional, and viable media sector that reaches audiences across Georgia through diverse delivery channels.
As we continue to advocate for freedom of expression and citizen access to more independent, balanced, and reliable sources of information, we also recognize that Georgia does not face media challenges alone.
In the U.S., print media struggles to maintain profitability and journalistic independence. As newsrooms shrink, many critics talk about the drop in quality of reporting. And major news outlets accuse one another of political biases, a lack of journalistic integrity, and poor quality of reporting.
However, America’s media truly serves its role as the watchdog on the government to ensure that the people’s fundamental freedoms are being protected. And we recognize the contributions that journalists make to the struggle for human dignity, liberty, and prosperity. And through our public diplomacy, we echo those values in our promotion of media freedom and journalistic professionalism throughout the world.
We do that through a robust array of programs through our Public Affairs Office and the USAID. In Georgia, that includes sending Georgian news teams to the U.S. to cover major events like our November presidential elections; or building partnerships between U.S. and Georgian media outlets; or establishing a journalism partnership program between The Georgia Institute for Public Affairs Media School and the University of South Carolina.
We look forward to working with the Government of Georgia, civil society, and media organizations to promote the idea that even the smallest voice from the tiniest village must be heard.
But the real future is with young people like you – not only working as journalists with high standards, but acting as citizens who demand and support a free and vigorous media that doesn’t let emotions get in the way of truth. On those foundations, democracies are built. The future depends on all of you.
Thank you.
Friday, April 12, 2013
California Businesswoman Agrees to Plead Guilty to Conspiracy to Conceal Israeli Bank Accounts
Los Angeles Resident is Second Individual Charged with Conspiring with Bankers to Hide Secret Israeli Bank Accounts
Guity Kashfi of Los Angeles, was charged today in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California with conspiracy to defraud the United States, the Justice Department and Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation (IRS-CI) announced. A signed plea agreement was filed along with the charging document.
According to court documents, Kashfi, a U.S. citizen, maintained undeclared bank accounts at an international bank headquartered in Tel Aviv, Israel. The accounts were held in the names of nominees in order to keep them secret from the United States government. Kashfi used the accounts to obtain "back-to-back" loans from a branch of the bank in Los Angeles. Although the loans were secured or collateralized with certificates of deposit held in Kashfi’s undeclared offshore accounts, that fact was concealed to keep Kashfi’s offshore accounts secret.
According to the plea agreement, in 2008, Kashfi was told by a banker in Los Angeles that the bank was going to use the funds in her account in Israel to pay off her back-to-back loans in Los Angeles. Rather than pay off the loans, Kashfi transferred approximately $2 million to an account located in Luxembourg at a branch of a second Israeli bank. Kashfi did this to avoid repatriating funds from her first Israeli account back to the United States to pay back her loans in Los Angeles. Kashfi eventually used the funds in Luxembourg to obtain a new back-to-back loan from a branch of the second Israeli bank located in Los Angeles. In 2009, Kashfi went to Luxembourg to close her account. While there, two foreign bankers advised Kashfi that her money was safe in Luxembourg because the bank was a private bank and no one could get information relating to bank accounts located in Luxembourg. In 2011, Kashfi closed all her accounts in Luxembourg by signing paperwork in Los Angeles. She then transferred the funds to banks in the United States.
According to the plea agreement, Kashfi never told her accountant about her undeclared accounts, and failed to report any income from the accounts on her individual income tax returns that were filed with the IRS. For tax years 2005 through 2011, Kashfi failed to report interest income of approximately $221,306. The highest balance in Kashfi’s undeclared accounts was approximately $2,501,469.
Kashfi is the second defendant charged in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California with failing to report income from undeclared accounts in Israel.
On March 29, 2013, Zvi Sperling of Beverly Hills, Calif., appearing before United States District Judge John F. Walter, pleaded guilty to conspiring to defraud the United States in connection with back-to-back loans obtained in Los Angeles that were secured by funds in undeclared bank accounts in Israel. For tax years 2005 through 2008, Sperling failed to report income of approximately $381,563. The highest balance in Sperling’s undeclared accounts was approximately $4 million.
"Today’s guilty plea is a stark reminder that those who attempt to hide their income and assets from the United States are running out of places to hide," said Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Department’s Tax Division Kathryn Keneally. "The Internal Revenue Service will find the hiding places and the Department of Justice will criminally prosecute the tax cheats. And in the end, they will still owe and be required to pay the taxes due."
"We will continue to work aggressively to uncover and prosecute those who hide unreported income in secret offshore bank accounts as well as the employees of financial institutions and the financial institutions themselves who facilitate such crimes," said U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California André Birotte Jr.
"Most individuals file truthful tax returns voluntarily and pay their share of taxes," said Richard Weber, Chief, IRS-CI. "As these two defendants have learned, hiding income and assets offshore is not tax planning, it’s tax fraud. The IRS is vigorously pursuing unreported income in hidden offshore accounts, as well as the banks and bankers who assist them."
United States citizens and residents who have an interest in, or signature or other authority over, a financial account in a foreign country with assets in excess of $10,000 are required to disclose the existence of such account on Schedule B, Part III, of their individual income tax returns. Additionally, U.S. citizens and residents must file a Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Reports (FBAR) with the U.S. Treasury disclosing any financial account in a foreign country with assets in excess of $10,000 in which they have a financial interest, or over which they have signature or other authority.
Both Kashfi and Sperling have agreed to pay a civil penalty in the amount of 50 percent of the high balance of their undeclared accounts to resolve their civil liability with the IRS for failing to file FBARs.
Both Kashfi and Sperling face a potential maximum prison term of five years and a maximum fine of $250,000.
Assistant Attorney General Keneally and U.S. Attorney Birotte thanked special agents of IRS-CI, who investigated the case, and Tax Division Senior Litigation Counsel John E. Sullivan and Assistant Chief Elizabeth C. Hadden, who prosecuted these cases, and Assistant U.S. Attorney Sandra A. Brown of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Central District of California, who assisted with the prosecutions.
Friday, April 12, 2013
California Businesswoman Agrees to Plead Guilty to Conspiracy to Conceal Israeli Bank Accounts
Los Angeles Resident is Second Individual Charged with Conspiring with Bankers to Hide Secret Israeli Bank Accounts
Guity Kashfi of Los Angeles, was charged today in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California with conspiracy to defraud the United States, the Justice Department and Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation (IRS-CI) announced. A signed plea agreement was filed along with the charging document.
According to court documents, Kashfi, a U.S. citizen, maintained undeclared bank accounts at an international bank headquartered in Tel Aviv, Israel. The accounts were held in the names of nominees in order to keep them secret from the United States government. Kashfi used the accounts to obtain "back-to-back" loans from a branch of the bank in Los Angeles. Although the loans were secured or collateralized with certificates of deposit held in Kashfi’s undeclared offshore accounts, that fact was concealed to keep Kashfi’s offshore accounts secret.
According to the plea agreement, in 2008, Kashfi was told by a banker in Los Angeles that the bank was going to use the funds in her account in Israel to pay off her back-to-back loans in Los Angeles. Rather than pay off the loans, Kashfi transferred approximately $2 million to an account located in Luxembourg at a branch of a second Israeli bank. Kashfi did this to avoid repatriating funds from her first Israeli account back to the United States to pay back her loans in Los Angeles. Kashfi eventually used the funds in Luxembourg to obtain a new back-to-back loan from a branch of the second Israeli bank located in Los Angeles. In 2009, Kashfi went to Luxembourg to close her account. While there, two foreign bankers advised Kashfi that her money was safe in Luxembourg because the bank was a private bank and no one could get information relating to bank accounts located in Luxembourg. In 2011, Kashfi closed all her accounts in Luxembourg by signing paperwork in Los Angeles. She then transferred the funds to banks in the United States.
According to the plea agreement, Kashfi never told her accountant about her undeclared accounts, and failed to report any income from the accounts on her individual income tax returns that were filed with the IRS. For tax years 2005 through 2011, Kashfi failed to report interest income of approximately $221,306. The highest balance in Kashfi’s undeclared accounts was approximately $2,501,469.
Kashfi is the second defendant charged in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California with failing to report income from undeclared accounts in Israel.
On March 29, 2013, Zvi Sperling of Beverly Hills, Calif., appearing before United States District Judge John F. Walter, pleaded guilty to conspiring to defraud the United States in connection with back-to-back loans obtained in Los Angeles that were secured by funds in undeclared bank accounts in Israel. For tax years 2005 through 2008, Sperling failed to report income of approximately $381,563. The highest balance in Sperling’s undeclared accounts was approximately $4 million.
"Today’s guilty plea is a stark reminder that those who attempt to hide their income and assets from the United States are running out of places to hide," said Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Department’s Tax Division Kathryn Keneally. "The Internal Revenue Service will find the hiding places and the Department of Justice will criminally prosecute the tax cheats. And in the end, they will still owe and be required to pay the taxes due."
"We will continue to work aggressively to uncover and prosecute those who hide unreported income in secret offshore bank accounts as well as the employees of financial institutions and the financial institutions themselves who facilitate such crimes," said U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California André Birotte Jr.
"Most individuals file truthful tax returns voluntarily and pay their share of taxes," said Richard Weber, Chief, IRS-CI. "As these two defendants have learned, hiding income and assets offshore is not tax planning, it’s tax fraud. The IRS is vigorously pursuing unreported income in hidden offshore accounts, as well as the banks and bankers who assist them."
United States citizens and residents who have an interest in, or signature or other authority over, a financial account in a foreign country with assets in excess of $10,000 are required to disclose the existence of such account on Schedule B, Part III, of their individual income tax returns. Additionally, U.S. citizens and residents must file a Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Reports (FBAR) with the U.S. Treasury disclosing any financial account in a foreign country with assets in excess of $10,000 in which they have a financial interest, or over which they have signature or other authority.
Both Kashfi and Sperling have agreed to pay a civil penalty in the amount of 50 percent of the high balance of their undeclared accounts to resolve their civil liability with the IRS for failing to file FBARs.
Both Kashfi and Sperling face a potential maximum prison term of five years and a maximum fine of $250,000.
Assistant Attorney General Keneally and U.S. Attorney Birotte thanked special agents of IRS-CI, who investigated the case, and Tax Division Senior Litigation Counsel John E. Sullivan and Assistant Chief Elizabeth C. Hadden, who prosecuted these cases, and Assistant U.S. Attorney Sandra A. Brown of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Central District of California, who assisted with the prosecutions.
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Photo: Spacewalk. Credit: NASA. |
Rebalancing Towards Asia With Space Cooperation
Frank A. Rose
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance
National Space Symposium
Colorado Springs, CO
April 11, 2013
As prepared
I am very pleased and honored to be back in Colorado Springs for my third National Space Symposium. I have had great experiences during my last two symposia, and I’d like to thank the Space Foundation for inviting me back. Given the U.S. Government’s much-talked-about "Asia Pivot," I am very pleased that this year’s Symposium is featuring a panel on "Space in the Asia-Pacific" where we can talk about how this strategic "rebalance" affects our space cooperation.
Over fifty-five years have passed since Sputnik was launched, and much has changed, both in the breadth of space capabilities and in the growing challenges we face. Today, the world relies on satellites for communications, for disaster management and relief, for treaty monitoring, and for sustainable development, among many other things. Our world’s increasing reliance on space assets is also reflected in the number of nations now operating in space. Today, there are approximately sixty nations and government consortia, as well as numerous private sector organizations that operate in space, and that number is expected to continue to grow. This increasing use – coupled with space debris resulting from past launches, space operations, orbital accidents, and testing of destructive ASATs which generated long-lived debris – has resulted in increased orbital congestion, complicating space operations for all those that seek to benefit from space. As the United States’ strategic guidance for Priorities for 21st Century Defense points out, "Growth in the number of space-faring nations is also leading to an increasingly congested and contested space environment, threatening safety and security."
The Department of Defense’s Priorities for 21st Century Defense also intrinsically ties the emerging challenges of the global security environment to increased engagement in the Asia-Pacific, noting that:
"U.S. economic and security interests are inextricably linked to developments in the arc extending from the Western Pacific and East Asia into the Indian Ocean region and South Asia, creating a mix of evolving challenges and opportunities. […] We will of necessity rebalance toward the Asia-Pacific region."
Over the past decade, Asian nations have increased their profile on the world stage and continue to increase their role in addressing global challenges. Our Asia-Pacific rebalancing strategy reflects recognition by the United States that we must broaden and deepen our engagement in the region at all levels. This includes cooperation to ensure the long-term sustainability, stability, safety, and security of the space environment. To deepen our engagement, we are following the comprehensive, multidimensional strategy laid out by President Obama and other senior leaders, including: strengthening alliances; deepening partnerships with emerging powers; empowering regional institutions; and building a stable and constructive relationship with China.
Strengthening Alliances
As National Security Advisor Donilon said just last month, "For all of the changes in Asia, this much is settled: our alliances in the region have been and will remain the foundation of our strategy." Not only are we strengthening our alliances in the Asia-Pacific region, but in many cases, we’re updating them to face evolving security challenges, such as those in the space environment.
Recognizing the numerous opportunities for cooperation on space issues, the United States and Japan have held several space security dialogues in the last three years, in addition to ongoing civil space dialogues. The discussions in these meetings have led to recognition by the highest levels of our governments of the importance of space to our nations and our alliance. In 2011, for the first time our Ministers included maintaining cooperation with respect to protection of and access to space as one of the Common Strategic Objectives of the Alliance. A year later, President Obama and former Prime Minister Noda recognized space cooperation in their joint statement and issued a list of six space initiatives for expanded space cooperation between the United States and Japan. One of those high-level initiatives was the Comprehensive Dialogue on Space, intended to address the bilateral relationship at a strategic level and to ensure a whole-of-government approach to space matters. The President and former Prime Minister Noda also agreed to develop a framework for sharing space situational awareness services and information, which we hope to have signed in the near future.
Space has also played a crucial role in revitalizing our alliance with Australia, with discussions on space beginning as early as the 2008 Australia-U.S. Ministerial (AUSMIN). At the 2010 AUSMIN, our governments acknowledged the growing problem of space debris, and signed a Memorandum of Understanding to work together on space surveillance. Two years later, we continued that cooperation at the 2012 AUSMIN when we announced that the United States will transfer a C-Band radar to Australia. This radar will help expand our ability to track space debris in that part of the world. We are also considering the transfer of a space surveillance telescope to Australia for the same purpose. As then-Defense Secretary Panetta said when these initiatives were announced, "all of that represents a major leap forward in bilateral space cooperation and an important new frontier in the United States rebalance to the Asia Pacific region." We also continue to have ongoing space security dialogues with Australia, have recently expanded these dialogues to include trilateral discussions with Japan, and are currently finalizing a space situational awareness sharing agreement between our two countries.
Discussions on space security have also been increasing between our government and that of the Republic of Korea, and the establishment of a formal space security dialogue between our nations is currently being considered. Like the United States, the Republic of Korea supports the creation of transparency and confidence-building measures (TCBMs) and rules of responsible behavior in space, such as the International Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities, as do Japan and Australia. The United States and the ROK also closely coordinate on the work of the United Nations Group of Governmental Experts study on Outer Space TCBMs, which we are both members of.
Deepening Partnerships and Empowering Regional Institutions
As we update our alliances for the new demands of the 21st century, we are also building new partnerships to help solve the shared problems of the space environment. All nations – established and emerging spacefaring nations, as well as those just beginning to consider how they can use space – have a stake in maintaining the sustainability and security of the space environment.
Building upon our robust civil space cooperation, we see a strong role for greater U.S.-India cooperation on space security issues, in the Asia-Pacific and internationally. As President Obama said in 2010, the relationship between India and America will be one of the defining partnerships of the 21st century. While India has long focused on using space for the benefit of its people, as an established spacefaring nation with close ties to other regional space actors and emerging spacefaring nations, we see a strong role for Indian leadership in regional and multilateral space fora, where India has much to give, and also to gain. It is clear that there are significant areas of strategic convergence between India and the United States on space issues. This is why, in 2011, we launched the first U.S.-India space security discussions as part of an effort to ensure that our two countries exchange views on this increasingly important domain.
We are not only looking to strengthen our current alliances and partnerships, but to forge deeper ties with emerging spacefaring nations. That is why I’ve spent a great deal of time in Asia in the past two years, discussing space security issues with my counterparts in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Our increasing engagement with ASEAN members is part of a broader effort by the United States to deepen our commitment to the region and to work with all nations to ensure a sustainable and secure space environment. To that end, we were proud to participate in and support last December’s ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) workshop on space security, co-hosted by Vietnam and Australia. This event was extremely important in that it was the first time the ARF members had come together to discuss space security issues. The event truly emphasized that space is vital for development and security of all nations, and that we must work together to preserve the benefits for future generations. ARF members welcomed space issues into the ARF and called for more workshops. As a major forum for a large group of established and emerging spacefaring nations, the ARF provides an ideal opportunity to strengthen and develop the region’s space expertise.
Building our Relationship with China
Finally, another pillar of our approach to the rebalance is building a constructive relationship with China. There are few diplomatic, economic, or security challenges in the world that can be addressed without China at the table, including the issues confronting the space environment. To that end, we are also trying to engage China on space security bilaterally and multilaterally. Both the United States and China have an interest in maintaining the long-term sustainability of the space environment, especially limiting the creation of long-lived space debris. To this end, we are working to establish a direct line of communication between U.S. and Chinese officials in order to provide the Chinese with timely conjunction notifications. Additionally, it is important that we discuss space security issues bilaterally given our common interests in preventing misperceptions, mistrust, and miscalculations. While we recognize that we may not agree on every issue, it is vital that we begin these discussions and keep improving our channels of communication.
In conclusion, I’d like to quote former Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton, who in 2012 said, "The long-term sustainability of our space environment is at serious risk from space debris and irresponsible actors. Ensuring the stability, safety, and security of our space systems is of vital interest to the United States and the global community." The United States is committed to addressing the challenges facing the space environment. However, we recognize that we cannot address these challenges alone. All nations – including those in the Asia-Pacific region, which is seeing a rapid expansion in its number of spacefaring nations, and rapid development of those nations’ capabilities – should work together to adopt approaches for responsible activity in space to preserve its use for the benefit of future generations. Therefore, as U.S. foreign and defense policy rebalances to the Asia-Pacific, we are deepening our engagement with the region on space security issues.
Thank you again for the opportunity to speak here today. I look forward to the discussion.
Aviation Ordnanceman Airman Isia Washington, from Atlanta, directs as an MH-60S Sea Hawk helicopter from the Eightballers of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 8 lands on the flight deck aboard the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74). The John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group is deployed to the U.S. 7th Fleet area of responsibility conducting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts. U.S. Navy Photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Apprentice Ignacio D. Perez (Released) 130410-N-TC437-512
A landing craft air cushion (LCAC) from Assault Craft Unit (ACU) 4 exits the well deck of the amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge (LHD 3). Kearsarge is the flagship for the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group and, with the embarked 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, is deployed in support of maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Abraham Essenmacher (Released) 130411-N-AD372-171
Washington, D.C., April 15, 2013 — The Securities and Exchange Commission charged a former employee at a Connecticut-based brokerage firm with scheming to personally profit from placing unauthorized orders to buy Apple stock. When the scheme backfired, it ultimately caused the firm to cease operations.
David Miller, an institutional sales trader who lives in Rockville Centre, N.Y., has agreed to a partial settlement of the SEC's charges. He also pleaded guilty today in a parallel criminal case.
The SEC alleges that Miller misrepresented to Rochdale Securities LLC that a customer had authorized the Apple orders and assumed the risk of loss on any resulting trades. The customer order was to purchase just 1,625 shares of Apple stock, but Miller instead entered a series of orders totaling 1.625 million shares at a cost of almost $1 billion. Miller planned to share in the customer's profit if Apple's stock profited, and if the stock decreased he would claim that he erred on the size of the order. The stock wound up decreasing after an earnings announcement later that day, and Rochdale was forced to cease operations in the wake of covering the losses suffered from the rogue trades.
"Miller's scheme was deliberate, brazen, and ultimately ill-conceived," said Daniel M. Hawke, Chief of the SEC Enforcement Division's Market Abuse Unit. "This is a wake-up call to the brokerage industry that the unchecked conduct of even a single individual in a position of trust can pose grave risks to a firm and potentially to the markets and investors."
According to the SEC's complaint filed in federal court in Connecticut, Miller entered purchase orders for 1.625 million shares of Apple stock on Oct. 25, 2012, with the company's earnings announcement expected later that day. His plan was to share in the customer's profit from selling the shares if Apple's stock price increased. Alternatively, if Apple's stock price decreased, Miller planned to claim that he inadvertently misinterpreted the size of the customer's order, and Rochdale would then take responsibility for the unauthorized purchase and suffer the losses.
According to the SEC's complaint, Apple's stock price decreased after Apple's earnings release was issued on October 25. The customer denied buying all but 1,625 Apple shares, and Rochdale was forced to take responsibility for the unauthorized purchase. Rochdale then sold the Apple stock at an approximately $5.3 million loss, causing the value of the firm's available liquid assets to fall below regulatory limits required of broker-dealers. Rochdale had to cease operations shortly thereafter.
The SEC's complaint charges Miller with violations of Section 17(a)(1) and (3) of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5. To settle the SEC's charges, Miller will be barred in separate SEC administrative proceedings from working in the securities industry or participating in any offering of penny stock. In the partial settlement in court, Miller agreed to be enjoined from future violations of the antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws. A financial penalty will be determined at a later date by the court upon the SEC's motion.
In the criminal proceeding, Miller pleaded guilty to charges of wire fraud and conspiracy to commit securities and wire fraud. He will be sentenced on July 8.
The SEC's investigation, which is continuing, has been conducted by Eric A. Forni, David H. London, and Michele T. Perillo of the Market Abuse Unit in the Boston Regional Office. The SEC acknowledges the assistance of the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Connecticut, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).
Washington, D.C., April 15, 2013 — The Securities and Exchange Commission charged a former employee at a Connecticut-based brokerage firm with scheming to personally profit from placing unauthorized orders to buy Apple stock. When the scheme backfired, it ultimately caused the firm to cease operations.
David Miller, an institutional sales trader who lives in Rockville Centre, N.Y., has agreed to a partial settlement of the SEC's charges. He also pleaded guilty today in a parallel criminal case.
The SEC alleges that Miller misrepresented to Rochdale Securities LLC that a customer had authorized the Apple orders and assumed the risk of loss on any resulting trades. The customer order was to purchase just 1,625 shares of Apple stock, but Miller instead entered a series of orders totaling 1.625 million shares at a cost of almost $1 billion. Miller planned to share in the customer's profit if Apple's stock profited, and if the stock decreased he would claim that he erred on the size of the order. The stock wound up decreasing after an earnings announcement later that day, and Rochdale was forced to cease operations in the wake of covering the losses suffered from the rogue trades.
"Miller's scheme was deliberate, brazen, and ultimately ill-conceived," said Daniel M. Hawke, Chief of the SEC Enforcement Division's Market Abuse Unit. "This is a wake-up call to the brokerage industry that the unchecked conduct of even a single individual in a position of trust can pose grave risks to a firm and potentially to the markets and investors."
According to the SEC's complaint filed in federal court in Connecticut, Miller entered purchase orders for 1.625 million shares of Apple stock on Oct. 25, 2012, with the company's earnings announcement expected later that day. His plan was to share in the customer's profit from selling the shares if Apple's stock price increased. Alternatively, if Apple's stock price decreased, Miller planned to claim that he inadvertently misinterpreted the size of the customer's order, and Rochdale would then take responsibility for the unauthorized purchase and suffer the losses.
According to the SEC's complaint, Apple's stock price decreased after Apple's earnings release was issued on October 25. The customer denied buying all but 1,625 Apple shares, and Rochdale was forced to take responsibility for the unauthorized purchase. Rochdale then sold the Apple stock at an approximately $5.3 million loss, causing the value of the firm's available liquid assets to fall below regulatory limits required of broker-dealers. Rochdale had to cease operations shortly thereafter.
The SEC's complaint charges Miller with violations of Section 17(a)(1) and (3) of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5. To settle the SEC's charges, Miller will be barred in separate SEC administrative proceedings from working in the securities industry or participating in any offering of penny stock. In the partial settlement in court, Miller agreed to be enjoined from future violations of the antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws. A financial penalty will be determined at a later date by the court upon the SEC's motion.
In the criminal proceeding, Miller pleaded guilty to charges of wire fraud and conspiracy to commit securities and wire fraud. He will be sentenced on July 8.
The SEC's investigation, which is continuing, has been conducted by Eric A. Forni, David H. London, and Michele T. Perillo of the Market Abuse Unit in the Boston Regional Office. The SEC acknowledges the assistance of the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Connecticut, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).
EPA Publishes 18th Annual U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory
WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its 18th annual report of overall U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions showing a 1.6 percent decrease in 2011 from the previous year. Recent trends can be attributed to multiple factors including reduced emissions from electricity generation, improvements in fuel efficiency in vehicles with reductions in miles traveled, and year-to-year changes in the prevailing weather.
Under this Administration, EPA has taken a number of common sense steps to help reduce GHG emissions. This includes increasing fuel efficiency for cars that will reduce America’s dependence on oil by an estimated 12 billion barrels by 2025, and increasing energy efficiency through the Energy Star program that saved Americans $24 billion in utility bills in 2012.
GHGs are the primary driver of climate change, which can lead to hotter, longer heat waves that threaten the health of the sick, poor or elderly; increases in ground-level ozone pollution linked to asthma and other respiratory illnesses; as well as other threats to the health and welfare of Americans. GHG emissions in 2011 showed a 6.9 percent drop below 2005 levels. Total emissions of the six main greenhouse gases in 2011 were equivalent to 6,702 million metric tons of carbon dioxide. These gases include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride.
The Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2011 is the latest annual report that the United States has submitted to the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change since it was ratified by the United States in 1992. The treaty sets an overall framework for intergovernmental efforts to address the challenge posed by climate change. EPA prepares the annual report in collaboration with other federal agencies and after gathering comments from stakeholders across the country.
The inventory tracks annual GHG emissions at the national level and presents historical emissions from 1990 to 2011. The inventory also calculates carbon dioxide emissions that are removed from the atmosphere through the uptake of carbon by forests, vegetation, soils, and other natural processes (called carbon "sinks").
Since 1990, U.S. greenhouse gas emissions have increased by about 8%. From year to year, emissions can rise and fall due to changes in the economy, the price of fuel, and other factors. In 2011, U.S. greenhouse gas emissions decreased compared to 2010 levels. This decrease was primarily due to a decrease in the carbon intensity of fuels consumed to generate electricity due to a decrease in coal consumption, with increased natural gas consumption and a significant increase in hydropower used. Additionally, relatively mild winter conditions, especially in the South Atlantic Region of the United States where electricity is an important heating fuel, resulted in an overall decrease in electricity demand in most sectors.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Combined Force Arrests Insurgent Leader in Ghazni Province
Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases
WASHINGTON, April 15, 2013 - An Afghan and coalition security force arrested a senior Lashkar-e Tayyiba leader and detained a number of other insurgents during an operation in the Andar district of Afghanistan's Ghazni province today, military officials reported.
The detained insurgent leader is alleged to have planned and participated in attacks against Afghan and coalition forces throughout Kunar, Kandahar and Ghazni provinces, officials said. He also is known to have links to multiple foreign fighters, and was actively planning an attack at the time of his arrest.
Also today, a combined force arrested a Taliban leader and detained one other insurgent in the Sherzad district of Nangarhar province. The arrested Taliban leader is suspected of planning and conducting attacks against Afghan and coalition forces throughout Nangarhar province. He's also suspected of using his residence as a staging point for insurgent operations, and of housing Taliban fighters and weapons. The security force seized two AK-47 rifles, one automatic shotgun, one grenade and ammunition.
In Afghanistan operations yesterday:
-- In the Sabari district of Khost province, a combined force arrested one insurgent during a search for a Haqqani leader. The sought-after Haqqani leader is suspected of acquiring and distributing weapons to fellow insurgents. He's also suspected to have operational control over a cell of fighters in the district and of personally leading subordinates in rocket-propelled grenade attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
-- A combined force killed insurgent leader, Rauf, and two other insurgents in the Asadabad district of Kunar province. Rauf was an operational planner responsible for coordinating insurgent attacks on Afghan and coalition forces in multiple provinces throughout Afghanistan. He has facilitated funding for foreign fighters and coordinated operations between the Taliban and other insurgent groups.
In April 13 Afghanistan operations:
-- A combined force arrested a senior Taliban leader and detained two other insurgents in the Nad 'Ali district of Helmand province. The arrested insurgent leader commanded multiple cells of Taliban fighters and is alleged to have participated in numerous attacks against Afghan and coalition forces throughout Helmand province.
-- Afghan and coalition security forces confirmed the death of Taliban leader, Yassin, during an operation in the Washer district of Helmand province. Yassin led a cell of fighters responsible for improvised explosive device operations against Afghan civilians in the Kandahar district. And he was involved in the facilitation of weapons and vehicles for use in attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
-- Combined forces confirmed the death of senior Taliban leader, Tawab, during an operation in the Panjwa'i district of Kandahar province. Tawab was in charge of approximately 50 fighters in the area and was responsible for most of the insurgent activity and attacks against Afghan and coalition forces in the western and central sections of the Panjwa'i district.
-- A combined force killed two insurgents during a search for a senior Taliban leader in the Panjwa'i district of Kandahar province. The sought-after Taliban leader is alleged to be in charge of approximately 50 fighters and is believed responsible for directing attacks against Afghan and coalition forces in the western and central sections of the Panjwa'i district. He is also considered vital to IED operations throughout the district.
-- In the Washer district of Helmand province, a combined force killed one insurgent during a search for a Taliban leader. The sought-after Taliban leader is believed to head a cell of fighters responsible for IED attacks against Afghan civilians in the Kandahar district of Kandahar province. He is also linked to the facilitation of weapons and vehicles for use in attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
-- In the Burkah district of Baghlan province, a combined force arrested a senior Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan leader. The arrested leader is linked to a cell of insurgents responsible for improvised explosive device operations against Afghan and coalition forces throughout Balkh province.
-- A combined force detained a number of insurgents during a search for a Taliban leader in the Panjwa'i district of Kandahar province. The sought-after insurgent leader is linked to a group of insurgent fighters responsible for multiple attacks against Afghan and coalition forces, including the kidnapping of Afghan government officials. The security force also seized 50 pounds of hashish.
-- A combined force detained one suspect during a search for a Taliban facilitator in the Kandahar district of Kandahar province. The suspected insurgent is believed to have provided IED logistics around the Kandahar district, to include procuring homemade explosives, assisting in IED construction, and delivery of completed devices for use in attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
-- In the Pul-e-Alam district of Logar province, a combined force arrested a Haqqani leader and detained one other insurgent. The arrested Haqqani leader is believed responsible for weapons facilitation in the Pul-e-Alam district, and for controlling a group of fighters responsible for IED attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. The security force also seized IED-making materials.
-- A combined force detained a number of suspected insurgents during a search for a Haqqani leader in the Musa Khel district of Khost province. The sought-after Haqqani leader is believed responsible for procuring and distributing weapons and IEDs to his fellow fighters for attacks against Afghan and coalition forces throughout Khost province. The security force also seized fragmentation grenades, AK-47 rifles, a pistol, and a significant amount of ammunition.
Combined Force Arrests Insurgent Leader in Ghazni Province
Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases
WASHINGTON, April 15, 2013 - An Afghan and coalition security force arrested a senior Lashkar-e Tayyiba leader and detained a number of other insurgents during an operation in the Andar district of Afghanistan's Ghazni province today, military officials reported.
The detained insurgent leader is alleged to have planned and participated in attacks against Afghan and coalition forces throughout Kunar, Kandahar and Ghazni provinces, officials said. He also is known to have links to multiple foreign fighters, and was actively planning an attack at the time of his arrest.
Also today, a combined force arrested a Taliban leader and detained one other insurgent in the Sherzad district of Nangarhar province. The arrested Taliban leader is suspected of planning and conducting attacks against Afghan and coalition forces throughout Nangarhar province. He's also suspected of using his residence as a staging point for insurgent operations, and of housing Taliban fighters and weapons. The security force seized two AK-47 rifles, one automatic shotgun, one grenade and ammunition.
In Afghanistan operations yesterday:
-- In the Sabari district of Khost province, a combined force arrested one insurgent during a search for a Haqqani leader. The sought-after Haqqani leader is suspected of acquiring and distributing weapons to fellow insurgents. He's also suspected to have operational control over a cell of fighters in the district and of personally leading subordinates in rocket-propelled grenade attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
-- A combined force killed insurgent leader, Rauf, and two other insurgents in the Asadabad district of Kunar province. Rauf was an operational planner responsible for coordinating insurgent attacks on Afghan and coalition forces in multiple provinces throughout Afghanistan. He has facilitated funding for foreign fighters and coordinated operations between the Taliban and other insurgent groups.
In April 13 Afghanistan operations:
-- A combined force arrested a senior Taliban leader and detained two other insurgents in the Nad 'Ali district of Helmand province. The arrested insurgent leader commanded multiple cells of Taliban fighters and is alleged to have participated in numerous attacks against Afghan and coalition forces throughout Helmand province.
-- Afghan and coalition security forces confirmed the death of Taliban leader, Yassin, during an operation in the Washer district of Helmand province. Yassin led a cell of fighters responsible for improvised explosive device operations against Afghan civilians in the Kandahar district. And he was involved in the facilitation of weapons and vehicles for use in attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
-- Combined forces confirmed the death of senior Taliban leader, Tawab, during an operation in the Panjwa'i district of Kandahar province. Tawab was in charge of approximately 50 fighters in the area and was responsible for most of the insurgent activity and attacks against Afghan and coalition forces in the western and central sections of the Panjwa'i district.
-- A combined force killed two insurgents during a search for a senior Taliban leader in the Panjwa'i district of Kandahar province. The sought-after Taliban leader is alleged to be in charge of approximately 50 fighters and is believed responsible for directing attacks against Afghan and coalition forces in the western and central sections of the Panjwa'i district. He is also considered vital to IED operations throughout the district.
-- In the Washer district of Helmand province, a combined force killed one insurgent during a search for a Taliban leader. The sought-after Taliban leader is believed to head a cell of fighters responsible for IED attacks against Afghan civilians in the Kandahar district of Kandahar province. He is also linked to the facilitation of weapons and vehicles for use in attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
-- In the Burkah district of Baghlan province, a combined force arrested a senior Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan leader. The arrested leader is linked to a cell of insurgents responsible for improvised explosive device operations against Afghan and coalition forces throughout Balkh province.
-- A combined force detained a number of insurgents during a search for a Taliban leader in the Panjwa'i district of Kandahar province. The sought-after insurgent leader is linked to a group of insurgent fighters responsible for multiple attacks against Afghan and coalition forces, including the kidnapping of Afghan government officials. The security force also seized 50 pounds of hashish.
-- A combined force detained one suspect during a search for a Taliban facilitator in the Kandahar district of Kandahar province. The suspected insurgent is believed to have provided IED logistics around the Kandahar district, to include procuring homemade explosives, assisting in IED construction, and delivery of completed devices for use in attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
-- In the Pul-e-Alam district of Logar province, a combined force arrested a Haqqani leader and detained one other insurgent. The arrested Haqqani leader is believed responsible for weapons facilitation in the Pul-e-Alam district, and for controlling a group of fighters responsible for IED attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. The security force also seized IED-making materials.
-- A combined force detained a number of suspected insurgents during a search for a Haqqani leader in the Musa Khel district of Khost province. The sought-after Haqqani leader is believed responsible for procuring and distributing weapons and IEDs to his fellow fighters for attacks against Afghan and coalition forces throughout Khost province. The security force also seized fragmentation grenades, AK-47 rifles, a pistol, and a significant amount of ammunition.
Strategic Command Provides Vital Warfighter, Operational Support
By Donna Miles
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, April 11, 2013 - While providing the deterrence to protect the United States from a strategic attack, U.S. Strategic Command is playing a very real, yet often unrecognized, role in operations in Afghanistan and around the globe, its commander, Air Force Gen. C. Robert Kehler, reported.
"I joke to theater combatant commanders and tell them, 'There isn't anything you do that Stratcom doesn't touch,'" Kehler told American Forces Press Service during an interview here.
"At first they would push back on that," he said, not immediately recognizing Stratcom as the behind-the-scenes force that drives many of the capabilities they rely on every day.
Kehler said he reminds them that Stratcom is the driving force behind satellites that allow them to communicate, cyber defenses that protect their networks, and GPS capabilities that help them navigate and, when necessary, lock in on and engage targets. In addition, the command coordinates the intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities that give U.S. and coalition forces a decisive edge on the battlefield that saves lives.
"We are in the fight everywhere U.S. military people operate, communicate, have global awareness and local awareness," Kehler said. "In all those cases, there is some piece of that that is either provided by or enabled by Strategic Command."
Despite being central to military operations, that support largely is transparent to users, he acknowledged.
"We are providing real-time, day-to-day capability for space and for cyber. We are providing the ballistic missile defense system. We are providing the synchronization for combating weapons of mass destruction," Kehler said.
"We are providing the synchronization activity for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance on a global basis," he continued. "We are providing analysis and targeting on a global basis, to include the cruise missile support activities for the Atlantic and Pacific. We are providing the long-range global fires through global strike, if those are required in the theater."
For example, Stratcom provided global-strike capability for U.S. Africa Command during the opening days of Operation Odyssey Dawn in Libya, Kehler said.
In addition, Strategic Command provides the oversight and tactics, techniques and procedures to ensure military operators have uncontested access to the electromagnetic spectrum.
That access, required for almost every modern technical device, "provides us the opportunity to communicate with one another and to share data across long distances," Kehler said. "It's the glue that binds us all together."
Stratcom's challenge, he said, is to ensure all U.S. forces have access to and control of this spectrum that provides the a vital military advantage, while protecting against vulnerabilities adversaries might try to exploit through jamming or "dazzling" that makes sensors inoperable.
Kehler offered high praise for the men and women of Stratcom for their behind-the-scenes contributions to the wartime mission and to every other military operation around the world.
"We believe we are standing in the theaters, shoulder-to-shoulder, with theater combatant commanders," Kehler said. "We are essential to the function of the geographic combatant commands. And we are critical in the fight."
Meanwhile, Stratcom continues to provide what Kehler called the ultimate form of support for those charged with defending the nation: deterrence that prevents conflict from breaking out in the first place, and if it does, from escalating.
"We don't want to fight a war. We don't want to get there. We would rather be in some place where we have prevented one," Kehler said. "And we think that deterrence and assuring our allies, contribute to the prevention of conflict, which is where we would rather be."
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