Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Remarks With Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal After Their Meeting
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Victoria Nuland
Department Spokesperson, Office of the Spokesperson
Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
March 4, 2013

(In Arabic.)

SECRETARY KERRY: Thank you very much, Your Royal Highness. Assalamu alaikum. I am very honored to be here and very, very grateful for His Royal Highness, Prince Saud Al-Faisal’s very generous welcome here. We had a superb dinner and meeting last night, and a meeting before that for some period of time with His Royal Highness the Foreign Minister, where we discussed all of the broad issues of the region and of importance to our countries.

This morning I had the privilege of having another meeting with the Crown Prince, with Minister of Defense Salman bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud and we discussed again the extraordinary cooperation that takes place. And I said to both the Foreign Minister and to the Defense Minister that on almost every key issue of security and of mutual importance in the region, from Syria to the peace process, to the concerns we share about transitioning the economy of Egypt, to Yemen, to this region, we are working cooperatively in important ways. And the relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia is critical to both of our countries.

So we’re working side by side to combat violent extremism, to promote more robust trade, and to strengthen the ties between the American and the Saudi people. And His Royal Highness just mentioned the 70,000 students who are studying in America. I come here today to affirm the strength of this relationship and the importance of it going forward. We are committed to maintaining our strong economic relationship and to creating more jobs. On the drive over here, His Royal Highness talked to me about the numbers of young people and the need to provide jobs for them and the work that His Majesty the King and others are all doing in order to provide for a more diverse economy here in the region. We need to do this in both of our countries. We are also working to do that in America.

During this time of great political transition and uncertainty, we’re working together to promote peace, stability, and prosperity in the Middle East and around the world. Across the Arab world, men and women have spoken out demanding their universal rights and greater opportunity. Some governments have responded with willingness to reform. Others, as in Syria, have responded with violence. So I want to recognize the Saudi Government for appointing 30 women to the Shura Council and promoting greater economic opportunity for women. Again, we talked about the number of women entering the workforce and the transition that is taking place in the Kingdom. We encourage further inclusive reforms to ensure that all citizens of the Kingdom ultimately enjoy their basic rights and their freedoms.

We discussed, as His Royal Highness has said, the importance of peace in the Middle East, and I pointed out that President Obama will be traveling shortly to Israel, to the region, and listening, opening up the opportunity and working to try to determine the way forward. We agree on the importance of that progress.

The Foreign Minister and I also discussed our shared determination to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. And we both prefer – and this is important for Iranians to hear and to understand – we both prefer diplomacy as the first choice, as the preferred choice. But the window for a diplomatic solution simply cannot, by definition, remain open indefinitely. There is time to resolve this issue, providing that Iranians are prepared to engage seriously on the P-5+1’s most recent proposal.

We also discussed the urgent need to bring an end to the bloody civil war in Syria and to promote peaceful, inclusive transition, and provide the Syrian people with the safety, security, justice, and freedom that they deserve. The Foreign Minister could not have been more clear about the importance of this issue, the importance of this opportunity, and I make clear today that the United States will continue to work with our friends as we did in Rome to empower the Syrian opposition to be able to hopefully bring about a peaceful resolution, but if not, to continue to put pressure on Bashar Assad.

Finally, the Foreign Minister and I talked about our collaboration to support successful democratic transitions in Yemen, Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia, and to curb violent extremism and to discredit the false and dangerous message that al-Qaida is spreading. So I look forward to continuing to work with His Royal Highness. I can look forward, as President Obama does, to a continued strong relationship with the Kingdom, and we look forward and are grateful to the Kingdom for its important contribution to this relationship now.

MS. NULAND: Thank you. We’ll start today with Anne Gearan from The Washington Post, please.

QUESTION: Thank you. Mr. Foreign Minister, is U.S. agreement last week in Rome to begin providing food and medicine to the Syrian fighters anything close to enough to speed an end to the war? You mentioned in your opening statement the Saudi view that the rebels should be – or the Syrian people should be able to defend themselves. Is this going to be enough to help them do that?

And for Secretary Kerry, are the arms that Saudi Arabia is already providing to the Syrian rebels at risk of falling into the wrong hands and basically being part of the problem that you have identified?

FOREIGN MINISTER SAUD: As to providing enough aid and security for the Syrians, Saudi Arabia will do everything within its capabilities to help in this. We do believe that what is happening in Syria is a slaughter, a slaughter of innocent people, and we just can’t bring ourselves to remain quiet in front of this carnage. Morally, we have a duty to protect them. I have never heard or seen in history or in our present time, it is the only time in a great while that a regime would use a strategic missile towards his people and he too is killing innocent children, innocent women and old men. He is hitting his cities diabolically at a time when we are concentrating either to get food or medication, he is choosing a time when there is more citizens in the area of bombardment than any other time. This cannot go on. He has lost all authority in that country. He does not have a role to play anymore. Nobody who has done that to his citizens can claim a right to lead a country.

SECRETARY KERRY: I think His Royal Highness has spoken very eloquently about the situation in Syria. And I would simply add there is no guarantee that one weapon or another might not at some point in time fall into the wrong hands. But I will tell you this, that there is a very clear ability now in the Syrian opposition to make certain that what goes to the moderate, legitimate opposition is, in fact, getting to them, and the indication is that they are increasing their pressure as a result of that. Believe me, the bad actors, regrettably, have no shortage of their ability to get weapons from Iran, from Hezbollah, from Russia, unfortunately, and that’s happening. So I think His Royal Highness has made the status of this challenge absolutely crystal clear. Bashar Assad is destroying his country and his people in the process to hold onto power that is not his anymore. The people have made it clear he’s lost his legitimacy.

QUESTION: Your Highness, our guests, welcome to Riyadh. (Inaudible) newspaper. My question will be about the negotiations between the group of 5+1 and Iran. Are the negotiations are limited, or are you planning to negotiate another phase? As you mentioned a few minutes before that there is al-Qaida in Iraq, also (inaudible). Iran is involved with the issue in Syria and also in Bahrain. So are you going to negotiate another issues plus the Iranian (inaudible) – excuse me – nuclear file?

SECRETARY KERRY: No. The focus for the moment, the first focus, is the most urgent focus, which remains the challenge of the nuclear program. That is a threat that extends all throughout the region, and in fact globally because of the issue of nonproliferation. So the initial focus is on that issue, and the answer to your first part of the question is it is absolutely not unlimited. Talks will not go on for the sake of talks, and talks cannot become an instrument for delay that in the end make the situation more dangerous. So there is a finite amount of time. Thank you.

MS. NULAND: Next one, Catherine Chomiak, NBC, please.

QUESTION: Thank you. Mr. Foreign Minister, the P-5+1 talks in Almaty were mentioned, and they concluded with a promise of more talks. Are you concerned that the international community and the Americans are simply being strung along and the Iranians are playing for more time?

And Mr. Secretary, what’s your argument to those in this region for why they shouldn’t be developing their own nuclear capabilities to counter this threat growing in their backyard? And also, you’re meeting with Palestinian President Abbas. What’s on your agenda for that meeting? Thank you.

FOREIGN MINISTER SAUD: Basically, any negotiation should have a time limit. We can’t be like philosophers who keep talking about how many angels a pinhead can hold. We have to talk seriously, we have to talk honestly, and we have to put our commitment clearly on the table. That’s what negotiation is. Negotiation is not to get somebody that negotiates to trick you into a position along with the negotiation because it still is not told. A negotiation must be serious. It must – the negotiation must show intent. A negotiation must show his motive is really settlement.

(Inaudible) they have not proved to anybody that they are sincere in their negotiation. They have continued to these negotiation to ask for to add to more negotiation in the future. They reach common understanding only on issues that require further negotiation, and so this is what (inaudible). They continue to negotiate and all it comes down to building an atomic weapon continues unabated in an area where it is already dangerous with the availability of atomic weapons. So we have to insist on Iran showing the motivation and a clear understanding that they are there to negotiate for a period of time and then come to terms with the conditions of IAEA and NPT.

SECRETARY KERRY: Catherine, there are really five principal reasons, I think, for why people in this region should not develop their own nuclear capacity, and I think you asked the question, "What would I say to people why you shouldn’t do it?" Reason number one: Because President Obama has made it clear that Iran will not get a nuclear weapon, and therefore there is no need to develop that security.

Reason number two: It’s very difficult to imagine circumstances under which a country would actually use it without, in fact, making the world far more dangerous.

Reason number three: There is a huge danger of proliferation. And the reason we are pushing so hard against in Iran is not anti-Iranian; it’s because we are moving towards a world to have less nuclear weapons, not more, and because every time a country engages in the enrichment process and manufacture of nuclear weapons, you run the risk with respect to security that someone else will get a hold of that enriched material – an extremist – and potentially use it. So the threat is not just the threat of a nuclear bomb. The threat is also the threat of a dirty bomb or of nuclear material being used by terrorists.

The fourth reason is that it makes the entire region less stable. If one nation does it, another nation does it, another nation does it; you haven’t increased the stability or the peaceful prospects of a nation, and what you’ve done is you’ve diverted your resources from the young people who need jobs, from the investments you need into business, into something that we learned with the Soviet Union and the United States leads to a place where you ultimately want to figure out how do you get rid of them. Remember President Reagan and Secretary Gorbachev meeting to say we’re going to go from 50,000 nuclear warheads and reduce down. Now we have moving towards 1,500, and President Obama wants to move to less. So we do not want a movement – the road to a world with less nuclear weapons does not pass through a nuclear Tehran, and that’s another reason why we don’t want to do it.

And yet another reason why we don’t want to do it is that important people who have been part of global affairs for a long time – Secretary Henry Kissinger, Secretary Bill Perry, Secretary of Defense Jim Schlesinger, every former Secretary of State of the United States with one exception – have all said, people like Secretary George Schultz, Secretary Colin Powel, have all said we should move to a world hopefully, ultimately without nuclear weapons when we learn how to resolve our problems and deal with conflict differently.

Again, you cannot have a more peaceful Middle East, you cannot have a more peaceful world when a country that exports terror and is involved in the internal affairs of other countries and breaking its own agreements with the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and not living up to the standards of the IAEA is moving in the direction it has been. We are asking nothing more of Iran than its full compliance with the nuclear – with the Nonproliferation Treaty, the NPT, and full compliance with the IAEA. And to have any other country begin to move in another direction would undermine our ability to be able to achieve that and have a more stable and peaceful and prosperous region.

Those are the powerful reasons that I think it is so important that other countries not move. It is also the powerful reasons for why we want Iran to comply with the rest of the world. Countries can have peaceful nuclear power. Nobody says no to that. But you have to live by a certain standard, and it is the international community – not Saudi Arabia, not the United States – that has set that standard. It’s the international community, and that’s what we’re asking for compliance with, the international community’s standards.

QUESTION: (Inaudible) Abbas?


SECRETARY KERRY: I beg your pardon?

QUESTION: (Inaudible) Abbas?


QUESTION: And what would you hope to discuss with him?

SECRETARY KERRY: What do you think I might discuss with him? (Laughter.) I’m going to have a meeting with him. I look forward to the meeting, and it’s part of the process of moving through this region. Prime Minister Netanyahu is aware that I’m meeting with him, and we will talk about all of the obvious issues. Thank you.

FOREIGN MINISTER SAUD: Thank you very much.


Monday, March 4, 2013
Department of Justice Settles Two Civil Complaints Against Two Employers for Violations of Federal Statutes Relating to Military Reserve Duty

A settlement agreement was filed in U.S. District Court in Denver resolving a complaint alleging that two employers, Delaware Resource Group of Oklahoma LLC (DRG), and FlightSafety Services Corporation (FlightSafety), violated the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) by not paying money into two U.S. Air Force veterans’ 401(k) plans, announced Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division Thomas E. Perez and U.S. Attorney for the District of Colorado John Walsh.

USERRA prohibits employers from discriminating against or taking any adverse employment action against any person because that person has performed service in the uniformed services. USERRA also allows returning service members to make "catch up" contributions to their civilian employers’ 401(k) retirement plans, and receive the employers’ matching contributions that were missed while they were on military leave. The Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division and the U.S. Attorney’s Offices have given a high priority to the enforcement of service members’ rights under USERRA.

The two veterans, Michael J. Sipos and Gary D. Smith, are the plaintiffs in this case. According to the complaint, their employers, DRG and FlightSafety, violated USERRA by not allowing the veterans to make "catch up" contributions to their company’s 401(k) plans upon their return from duty and not matching contributions that the veterans missed while on active duty in the Air Force.

Under the settlement agreement, the defendants, DRG and FlightSafety, will allow the plaintiffs to make their "catch up" contributions to their respective 401(k) plans. In addition, DRG and FlightSafety will provide matching employer contributions to each of the veterans’ 401(k) plans.

"We rely on our servicemembers to protect us, and the Department of Justice is committed to ensuring that their civilian employment benefits are protected as well," said Assistant Attorney General Perez. "The department commends FlightSafety and DRG for agreeing to resolve this matter amicably without contested litigation, which shows a good faith commitment by the companies to ensure that they are in compliance with USERRA."

The case was litigated by Assistant U.S. Attorney Juan G. VillaseƱor in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Colorado, in collaboration with the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department. The lawsuit was filed after the Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS) of the Department of Labor referred Sipos’ and Smith’s complaints to the Justice Department upon completion of its investigation and failed settlement efforts. The Departments of Labor and Justice work cooperatively together to protect the jobs and benefits of National Guard and Reserve service members upon their return to civilian life.


Coral Gardens at Palmyra Atoll National Wildlife Refuge Jim Maragos-USFWS
National Parks Serve as Powerful Economic Engines for Local Communities, Supporting 252,000 Jobs
Visitor Spending Results in $30.1 Billion Economic Benefit

WASHINGTON –National Parks continued to be important economic engines for local communities, with visitors generating $30.1 billion in economic activity and supporting 252,000 jobs nationwide in 2011, according to a peer-reviewed report released today by the National Park Service.

"Places like the Grand Canyon or the Statue of Liberty take our breath away and inspire us with their beauty and history, but our national parks also serve as anchors for our nation’s economy," said Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar. "People who visit parks need transportation, places to stay, and meals to eat – all of which support businesses and provide jobs in local communities."

The statistics for 2011 are based on the spending of nearly 279 million national park visitors; more than one third of that total spending, or $13 billion, went directly into communities within 60 miles of a park. The numbers are on par with previous years.

"Everyone knows that national parks are great places to visit that offer inspiring educational experiences, unparalleled outdoor recreation, and a whole lot of fun," said National Park Service Director Jonathan B. Jarvis. "But what this report shows is that America’s national parks are also critical economic engines, not only for our neighbors in gateway communities, but for our entire country. The national parks return more than $10 for every $1 the American taxpayer invests in the National Park Service; that makes good stewardship sense and good business sense."

Salazar and Jarvis warned that mandatory budget cuts under sequestration will result in reduced hours of operation for visitor centers, shorter seasons, and possibly closing campgrounds, hiking trails, and other recreational areas when there is insufficient staff to ensure the protection of visitors, staff and resources. Should Congress fail to act before the March 1 deadline, the public should expect reduced hours and services not only at America’s 398 national parks but also at the 561 national wildlife refuges and over 268 public land units.

The reduced services will have a direct impact on the local communities and businesses that depend on the income generated from visitors to America’s public lands.


Photo:  Rattlesnake.  Credit:  Wikmedia Commons.

From the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, I’m Ira Dreyfuss with HHS HealthBeat.

This’ll cure you? Or make you lose weight?

Not necessarily. Health scammers are good at taking your money and bad at delivering what they promise. So a smart shopper has to tell the difference between what looks good in the ad or on the Net and what the product really is.

At the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Gary Coody is an expert in detecting health fraud. He says that, if it’s an unproven or little-known treatment, ask your doctor.

"Alarms should go off when you see words like ‘new discovery’ or ‘scientific breakthrough’ or ‘secret ingredient’ or ‘all natural miracle cure.’’’

Because it’s not just the money you can lose. Some of the fakes can be dangerous. And relying on the fakes can delay getting real treatment, while the condition you want to treat just gets worse


Photo Credit:  Wikimedia Commons.
Los Alamos National Laboratory Announces Strategy for Long-Term Environmental Sustainability
Blueprint for planning work activities with the environment in mind

LOS ALAMOS, N.M., March 1, 2013—The Department of Energy and Los Alamos National Laboratory have developed a long-term strategy for environmental stewardship and sustainability that provides a blueprint for protecting the environment while accomplishing the Laboratory’s national security missions.

"This plan represents a significant amount of effort on the part of the Los Alamos National Laboratory and the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Los Alamos Field Office to set the standard for Environmental Stewardship in New Mexico," said Juan Griego, acting manager of the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Los Alamos Field Office. "It is intended to ensure that all actions undertaken by our office to support the Los Alamos National Laboratory’s mission have first taken environmental protection and stewardship into full consideration."

The Long-Term Strategy for Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability document presents the long-term environmental goals for the Laboratory and describes how managers can use a range of decision support tools to help them conduct their work in a way that protects the environment.

"The strategy integrates our environmental protection activities into one comprehensive program," said Pete Maggiore, assistant manager of the Environmental Projects Office for the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Los Alamos Field Office. "It’s designed to help us achieve our three environmental stewardship goals: clean up the past, control the present, and create a sustainable future."

The strategy document contains details about how Los Alamos will work to protect human and environmental health by:
Continuing to place a priority on cleaning up environmental contamination from the World War II and Cold War eras.
Controlling current programs to ensure that any impact to the environment is as low as reasonably achievable.
Creating a sustainable future through preventing pollution, eliminating waste, conserving energy and water, and fostering resilient ecosystems.

"We understand that the success and viability of the Laboratory depends on maintaining the public’s trust and confidence in our ability to protect human health and the environment," said Michael Brandt, the Lab’s associate director of Environment, Safety and Health. "It’s our responsibility to ensure that our operations have the least possible impact on the health of people and the environment, as well as on the plants, animals, and cultural resources in our area."

The document provides managers at Los Alamos with a guide to planning work in a way that safeguards the environment while fulfilling their technical missions.


Veins in Rocks on Mars and Earth

This set of images shows the similarity of sulfate-rich veins seen on Mars by NASA's Curiosity rover to sulfate-rich veins seen on Earth. The view on the left is a mosaic of two shots from the remote micro-imager on Curiosity's Chemistry and Camera (ChemCam) instrument on Dec. 14, 2012, or the 126th sol, or Martian day, of operations. They show a view of "Sheepbed" rock in the "Yellowknife Bay" area of Mars. The sulfate-rich veins are the light-colored veins about 1 to 5 millimeters (0.04 to 0.2 inches) wide. The image on the right is from the Egyptian desert on Earth. A pocket knife is shown for scale (image courtesy of Pierre Thomas).

On Earth, calcium sulfates like gypsum form frequently in veins when relatively dilute fluid circulates at low to moderate temperatures.

Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/LANL/CNES/IRAP/LPGNantes/CNRS/LGLyon/Planet-Terre

Monday, March 4, 2013

U.S. State Department Daily Press Briefing - March 4, 2013

Daily Press Briefing - March 4, 2013

Press Briefing | The White House

Press Briefing | The White House

President Obama Holds a Cabinet Meeting | The White House

President Obama Holds a Cabinet Meeting | The White House


Photo Credit:  U.S. Marine Corps.
Combined Force Arrests Haqqani Leader
From an International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Release

KABUL, Afghanistan, March 4, 2013 - An Afghan and coalition security force arrested a Haqqani leader during an operation in the Nadir Shah Kot district of Afghanistan's Khost province today, military officials reported.

The arrested insurgent is believed responsible for organizing and conducting improvised explosive device and mortar attacks against Afghan and coalition forces, officials said.

In other Afghanistan operations today:

-- In the Baraki Barak district of Logar province, a combined force arrested a Taliban facilitator and two other insurgents. The arrested Taliban facilitator is accused of procuring and distributing weapons for Taliban fighters in the district. He also is alleged to have directed IED and small-arms attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.

-- A combined force arrested two insurgents during a search for a Taliban leader in the Sherzad district of Nangarhar province. The arrested Taliban leader is believed to be responsible for directing and participating in attacks on Afghan and coalition forces in the district. He also is accused of being involved with a network that has executed innocent Afghan citizens and actively seeks to recruit fighters to conduct attacks against coalition forces. He also is accused of extorting the residents of the district, using the money to fund illegal activities.

-- In the Kandahar district of Kandahar province, a combined force arrested a Taliban facilitator and one other insurgent. The Taliban facilitator is accused of coordinating the movement of supplies, weapons and IED-making materials for use against Afghan and coalition forces. He also is believed heavily involved in recruiting efforts ahead of the spring fighting season.

In Afghanistan operations yesterday:

-- A combined force killed three insurgents and wounded one other in the Ghaziabad district of Kunar province.

-- In the Khanabad district of Kunduz province, a combined force killed one insurgent.

President Obama Makes a Personnel Announcement | The White House

President Obama Makes a Personnel Announcement | The White House


Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the Edmund Pettus Bridge Crossing Jubilee
Selma, Ala. ~ Sunday, March 3, 2013

Thank you – and thank you all for being here today. It’s an honor for Sharon and me to join so many friends, colleagues, and national civil rights leaders for this important celebration. And it’s a pleasure to be back in Selma today.

Each year, with the crossing of the Edmund Pettus Bridge, we commemorate the transformative events of nearly half a century ago. We honor generations of heroes – those brave men and women, seemingly ordinary but all extraordinary – who throughout history have risked, and too often given, their lives in order that others might live free. And we rededicate ourselves to the ongoing struggle – for equal rights, equal opportunity, and equal justice – that must continue to be our shared priority and our common cause.

My wife, Sharon, and I are proud to have a family connection to the Civil Rights Movement here in Alabama. 50 years ago this June – with Justice Department officials at their sides – two brave young students stepped past Governor George Wallace to integrate the University of Alabama. Sharon’s sister, Vivian Malone, was one of those brave students. And, although Vivian passed away a few years ago – far too soon – I know she’s here with us in spirit today.

Like all in this crowd who are old enough to remember the 1960s – when the Civil Rights Movement was at its height, and, never let it be forgotten, progress was anything but assured – I will always remember those turbulent days. It was a time of great uncertainty, when racial discrimination was institutionalized and segregation was the law of the land. It was a period of difficulty and danger for those who stood up – and spoke out – against an unjust, entrenched status quo.

But it was also a moment of hope, and significant promise, for legions of activists who kept faith in America’s ability to live up to its founding ideals – and who drew strength from the power of our legal system to serve as a strong, deft instrument of positive change. Though they could not have imagined it, it is the work of those brave activists that made the election of Barack Obama possible, that made the possibility of a black Attorney General real.

At its core, this is the struggle exemplified in the moment we remember today, when – in the first days of March, 1965, hundreds of peaceful activists, protesting to secure the right to vote, set out from Selma along the road to Montgomery. Alongside a young man named John Lewis – and a range of ordinary citizens and civil rights leaders – they made it as far as the bridge we’ll be crossing in just a short time. But there, they were met with terrible violence at the hands of state and local law enforcement, and dozens were hospitalized.

Fortunately, this dark incident failed to discourage those who rallied across the country for equal opportunity and equal rights. In fact, it provoked outrage throughout Alabama and around the world.

In the following days and weeks, as legal battles raged and protesters organized, thousands came to Selma to complete this march. And what became known as "Bloody Sunday" not only steeled the resolve of America’s civil rights leaders – it compelled our national policymakers to take action.

With the passage of the landmark Voting Rights Act of 1965, Congress and President Johnson finally created a robust safeguard for preventing discrimination and disenfranchisement in our elections – and provided a set of important tools which remain not only effective, but essential, even today.

For our nation’s Department of Justice, the fair and vigorous enforcement of this and other vital protections – and their defense against all Constitutional challenges – constitutes a top priority. Let me be clear: although our nation has indeed changed, although the South is far different now, and although progress has indeed been made, we are not yet at the point where the most vital part of the Voting Rights Act can be deemed unnecessary. The struggle for voting rights for all Americans must continue – and it will.

More broadly, the preservation of the progress we’ve gathered to celebrate represents a charge that has been entrusted to each of us, and a promise that tomorrow’s leaders – all of you – must strive to fulfill. It animates my efforts – and those of my colleagues at every level of the Justice Department – to safeguard the rights that so many have fought and died to secure.

We can all be proud of the track record that’s been established – and the results we’ve obtained – over the last few years. But as the history we commemorate proves, the Justice Department cannot do it alone.

So today – as we observe this milestone, and honor the sacrifices of those who were prevented from crossing this bridge half a century ago – let us also pledge our own commitment to continuing the work that remains unfinished. Let us challenge one another – and our nation – to aim higher, and to carry forward the fundamental ideals upon which this country was founded.

This is our solemn obligation. This is our unique opportunity. And this afternoon, in the moment of remembrance before us – as we reflect on our past, and consider how far we’ve come in the days since Bloody Sunday – I cannot help but feel optimistic about the country – and the world – that, together, we will imagine; plan for; and surely help to create.

Thank you.

European Space Agency United Kingdom (EN) Update

European Space Agency United Kingdom (EN) Update


Col. Jeannie Leavitt in her F-15E Strike Eagle at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, N.C. Leavitt, the first female fighter pilot, now commands the 4th Fighter Wing at Seymour Johnson. Air Force photo courtesy 4th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
AF first female fighter pilot continues to break stereotypes
by Randy Roughton
Air Force News Service

3/1/2013 - FORT MEADE, Md. (AFNS) -- After Col. Jeannie Leavitt finished pilot training at the top of her class in 1992, she was given her first choice of aircraft, with a few restrictions. Her first choice, the F-15 Strike Eagle, wasn't yet an option for female pilots.

"I was told you finished No. 1, but you cannot pick a fighter," Leavitt said. "You cannot pick a bomber. You cannot pick a special ops aircraft. There was a whole list of aircraft I couldn't fly, and I was directed to choose among the other aircraft."

Fortunately for Leavitt and all female Airmen with similar aspirations, the following year then-Defense Department Secretary Les Aspin ordered all service branches to drop restrictions on women flying combat missions. Leavitt became the Air Force's first female fighter pilot and later the service's first woman to graduate from the Air Force Weapons School at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Almost two decades later, she's been the nation's first female fighter wing commander since she assumed command of the 4th Fighter Wing at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, N.C., in 2012.

While she recognizes her place in Air Force history, Leavitt prefers emphasizing her role as an officer and commander. When she learned she would be flying the F-15 while she was in the middle of T-38 Talon pilot instructor training at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas, Leavitt didn't care about publicity or the chance to make history. She just wanted to fly in fighters.

"When we first discussed it, the individual from headquarters I was talking to mentioned there would be a lot of publicity since I would be the first (woman)," she said. "What I told him was I didn't want the publicity, but I really want to fly fighters. The thing was, I wanted to be a fighter pilot. It was part of who I was and what I wanted to do. The notoriety and publicity wasn't what I wanted, but it came due to the timing."

Not everyone was happy about the defense secretary's decision, and Leavitt had to prove herself to those who questioned her abilities because of her gender.

"A lot of times people were resistant because it was change, and a lot of times people don't like change," she said. "Some people weren't in favor of the change that happened and didn't want women flying fighters. In many cases when I'd show up, once they saw I was competent, and I was a skilled pilot, and I wasn't trying to change their whole world, they became much more accepting of me."

Leavitt flew more than 2,500 hours in the F-15, including 300 combat hours, mostly in Afghanistan and Iraq. Maj. Gen. Lawrence L. Wells, 9th Air Force commander, flew the F-16 Fighting Falcon as an operations officer with Leavitt during Operation Southern Watch in 1996.

He recalls surprise when he first saw her at a mass pre-mission briefing because he didn't know any women were deployed in the area of responsibility at that time. But the surprise soon turned into admiration as he observed Leavitt, especially during a mission supporting a Royal Air Force Tornado GR1 during a threat of an Iraqi Roland surface-to-air missile. He could sense her professionalism and skill as he listened to tapes of her radio calls during the de-briefing after the mission.

"I remember thinking how cool and calm she sounded during the entire time," Wells said. "It was all just a very professional, well-run response to a potential threat, and I remember thinking at that time, 'This female fighter pilot is going to go far in our Air Force.'"

He also described the young F-15 pilot as "a great wingman," a trait he thinks will serve her well as a commander.

"We value in our young officers the ability to be in the right place at the right time," Wells said. "That's what a real wingman does. At the time, she was a great wingman, which in my view, makes her a better leader. Because you really have to know how to follow before you can lead. You have to understand what Airmen are thinking and how your Airmen are dealing with issues and what your young Airmen are focused on. Now having been a great wingman, she can be a great commander."

When Wells introduced Leavitt at her change of command ceremony at Seymour Johnson AFB in June, he chose his words carefully. Despite the historical significance of her career, Leavitt prefers recognition as an Air Force officer and commander. Wells chose remarks that would strike the same tone.

"I had some very specific things I wanted to say about her, and how I had seen her, not only in combat during Southern Watch, but also from kind of following her career," Wells said. "What I did not want to do in my speech was to highlight the fact that she was the first female commander. I was very sensitive to say the Air Force actually picked the right person to be in the right job at the right time, which I think speaks more for her as a professional Air Force officer, who, oh, by the way, just happens to be a female."

Leavitt now commands one of only three Air Force units with the Strike Eagle, along with 5,000 active-duty members and 12,000 civilians. Looking back on the progress women have made in her 20 years in the Air Force, the biggest difference she's seen is women in fighter squadrons are no longer unusual as she was in 1993.

"One thing that's changed is women are no longer a novelty," Leavitt said. "When I started flying fighters in 1993, there were no other women. So there were no female instructor pilots, no flight commanders and no squadron commanders. So it was quite a novelty to have a female in the fighter squadron. The good news is this opportunity opened up, and quite a few women followed in my path."


Photo:  The Nile In Cairo.  Credit:  U.S. CIA World Factbook.
Joint Statement With Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohamed Amr
Joint Statement
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Foreign Ministry
Cairo, Egypt
March 2, 2013

Good evening. I will be speaking in Arabic. (Via interpreter.) Today we welcome His Excellency, the Secretary of State of the United States of America, a very dear friend of ours. This is the first time we meet. In the past, we met with him of course as a chairman of the – with your foreign relations of the American Senate.

Today we appreciate Secretary Kerry as a friend for Egypt, and we are very happy to welcome him here, and we are actually very optimistic about his ability to push matters further. The visit of His Excellency, Secretary Kerry, the Secretary of State for the United States comes at a very important time after the Revolution of the 25th of January in Egypt. It comes as the first visitor to Egypt of – first Secretary of State visit after the election of a civil president that is elected through fair elections in Egypt.

During his meetings here at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we will discuss the relationships between the United States and Egypt. It is of course, as you know, a very strategic relationship. The relationship between the United States and Egypt is a strategic relationship, and it is also a multidimensional relationship that does not serve only the interests of the two states, but the interests of the whole region. It is a relationship that is based on equality and also mutual respect.

Of course, we expect from friends and this particularly from the United States as a strategic partner of Egypt to stand before Egypt during this very (inaudible) period and economic arena. Of course, as you know, there are various other issues that will be discussed of the region. There are a lot of changes happening in the Middle East region. There is the Palestinian issue, which is really the first issue for Egypt and for the Arab countries, and the situation in Syria as well.

Of course, one of the important subjects is to rid the Middle East area from nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction in general, and this, of course, the United States will have a great role in this issue. I will not take any more time, because we have a very heavy schedule. We have a lot of discussion, and we are also late, and it pleases me now to give the podium to His Excellency, the Secretary of State.

SECRETARY KERRY: Thank you very much. Shokran. Thank you very much, Mr. Foreign Minister. It’s a great pleasure for me to be back here in Egypt. And I thank you and President Morsy and the Egyptian people for a generous welcome. Thank you.

As you know, I’ve been to Egypt many times over the course of some 29 years. And I had the privilege of being here only a few weeks after the events in January in Tahrir Square. Then I came back with Senator McCain when we tried to help with some of the economic issues shortly thereafter. And each time that I’ve come here, I’ve tried to make it clear, and I make it particularly clear now on behalf of President Obama and the American people that we come here as friends for the Egyptian people, not for one government or one person or one party or ideology, but for the Egyptian people.

The Foreign Minister and I have just had a very constructive first meeting in which we have discussed a number of the issues of importance: Syria, the Mid-East peace process, and we agreed to continue those discussions over dinner and other topics. And we will certainly discuss in some depth how the United States can continue to help the Egyptian people achieve their aspirations for democracy and for opportunity. As your long time friends and partners, the American people support Egypt’s political and economic success and want to help work for that success.

And I emphasize again as strongly as I can, we’re not here to interfere. I’m here to listen. We’re not here to urge anybody to take one particular action or another. Though we have a point of view, and certainly I will express that. But what we support is democracy and the people and the nation of Egypt. And we look forward to working with listening to all of the Egyptian people as we work towards their path, what they choose to do to move forward to economic strength, to a vibrant democracy, and to a regional peace and security.

We do believe that in this moment of serious economic challenge, that it’s important for the Egyptian people to come together around the economic choices and to find some common ground in making those choices. It is important, even urgent, that the Egyptian economy gets stronger and that people have jobs and have opportunity and that the energy of this country can be focused on a more prosperous future.

So on behalf of President Obama and the American people, I’m here to listen and to better understand how we can help, because the health and strength and the future of Egypt is something that America cares deeply about. And when I visit with President Morsy tomorrow, I’ll be speaking with him about the very specific ways in which we would like to be able to help – more economic assistance, support for free enterprise and small business, growing Egypt’s exports to the United States, and investing in Egypt’s young people through education. And I say to my friend Mohamed, who I’ve gotten to know pretty well, we would of course only do these things in the consultation and in the conjunction with the decisions of the government, whichever government it is.

I was pleased to meet today with a cross-section of political and business leaders, and tomorrow I will meet with representatives of nongovernmental organizations. And today, I listened very carefully to the extraordinary passion and commitment of some of the opposition and their concerns about democracy, human rights – all values that we share in the United States. Each of the groups I talked about – business leaders, opposition, different political personalities, and the nongovernmental organizations – all of them, together, are vitally important to the health and strength of the democratic system. A vibrant democracy stimulates business, it supports a vibrant NGO sector, it encourages full political participation, and universal freedoms, and respect for the rights of women and for people of all faiths.

I listened carefully to their views about how to strengthen Egypt’s democracy, its economy, and its security, and I conveyed to them a very simple message: The best way to ensure human rights and strong political checks and balances in any democracy in Egypt, just like in the United States, is through the broadest possible political and economic participation.

There are many ways to demonstrate that activity. You can do it in protest or you can do it in participating, they’re all part of the mosaic of democracy. But we believe that being active, engaging in peaceful participation is essential to building strong communities and a healthy democracy. And we believe that it is vital to protect and to advance the universal rights that are in Egypt’s constitution: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of association, and equal rights and protections under the law for all Egyptians regardless of their gender, their faith, their ethnicity, or their political affiliation.

And I say there with both – I say with both humility and with a great deal of respect, that getting there requires a genuine give and take among Egypt’s political leaders and civil society groups, just as we are continuing to struggle with that in our own country. There must be a willingness on all sides to make meaningful compromises on the issues that matter most to all of the Egyptian people. You have upcoming elections and we are very pleased that the Egyptian Government is committed to welcoming Egyptian and international monitors to guarantee the transparency, accountability, and fairness of that election.

And finally, I want to thank the Minister, I want to thank Egypt and its leaders for being valuable partners in the pursuit of peace in this region. I appreciate enormously, and I want to share with you President Obama’s attitude for the role that President Morsy and Foreign Minister Amr played in reaching the Gaza ceasefire and their commitment to ensuring that it is honored. And we are very grateful for Egypt’s willingness to host the Syrian opposition as well as many of those people who are fleeing the violence and the oppression.

So the road ahead is long, there are tough choices to be made, but what is clear is we are confident that if all Egyptians stay focused on achieving the economic and the political opportunity that your people deserve and demand, this great nation will have the promising future that it deserves. Shokran. Thank you.


Thursday, February 28, 2013
Departments of Justice and Labor Announce Availability of $32 Million in Grants to Help Formerly Incarcerated Juveniles and Women Prepare to Enter the Workforce

The Departments of Justice and Labor today announced the availability of approximately $32 million through two grant competitions that will offer job training, education and support services to formerly incarcerated youths and women.

"Expanding access to job training programs and educational opportunities is a proven strategy for reducing recidivism and preventing crime," said Attorney General Eric Holder. "By supporting efforts to help formerly incarcerated women and young adults rebuild their lives – and become productive, law-abiding members of their communities – the Departments of Justice and Labor are making good on our shared commitment to improving outcomes and ensuring public safety."

"We are a country that believes in second chances," said Department of Labor Acting Secretary Seth D. Harris. "Job training offers opportunities to learn skills and reshape lives. The grants announced today will provide critical support for women and young people who are eager for employment and a productive role in their communities."

The Department of Labor will award a total of $20 million to four organizations to operate programs that work with juvenile offenders and youths at-risk of becoming juvenile offenders in high-poverty, high-crime communities. Each organization may submit only one application for a grant of up to $5 million.

Additionally, the Department of Labor will award a total of $12 million to eight organizations to provide job training for formerly incarcerated individuals of all ages that leads to industry-recognized credentials. Mentoring and assistance connecting to supportive services such as housing, substance abuse and mental health treatment, and assistance with parenting and child reunification, also will be available to participants. These grants are designed to expand opportunities for both youths and adults who demonstrate characteristics most common to female former offenders. However, services must also be open to eligible formerly incarcerated males. Each organization may submit only one application for a grant of up to $1.5 million.

Reintegrating formerly incarcerated individuals is a government-wide effort supported by the Federal Interagency Reentry Council. Established by the U.S. Department of Justice and chaired by Attorney General Eric Holder, the council brings together numerous federal agencies to advance policies and programs to make communities safer, assist individuals returning to communities from prison or jail in becoming productive taxpaying citizens, and save taxpayer dollars by lowering the direct and collateral costs of incarceration.


Friday, March 1, 2013
Former Commander of Mexican State Police and Member of the Gulf Cartel Pleads Guilty to Drug Conspiracy Charges

Gilberto Lerma Plata, a former commander of the Mexican State Police and member of the Gulf Cartel, pleaded guilty today to conspiracy to import multi-ton quantities of marijuana into the United States, announced Acting Assistant Attorney General Mythili Raman of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division and Administrator Michele M. Leonhart of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

Lerma Plata, 50, pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly in the District of Columbia.

On July 29, 2011, Lerma Plata was charged with conspiracy to manufacture and distribute five kilograms or more of cocaine and 1,000 kilograms or more of marijuana for importation into the United States. Lerma Plata was arrested in McAllen, Texas, on May 9, 2012.

"As a Mexican police officer, Gilberto Lerma Plata was supposed to protect the public from harm. Instead, he abused his power to further the notorious Gulf Cartel’s violent narcotics trafficking operations," said Acting Assistant Attorney General Raman. "This prosecution is the product of the Justice Department’s unwavering commitment to working with its domestic and foreign law enforcement partners to bring cartel members and associates to justice for their crimes."

"Using operatives such as former Mexican state police commander Gilberto Lerma Plata, the Gulf Cartel has smuggled huge amounts of dangerous drugs into the United States for far too long, while using violence, intimidation and public corruption to strengthen their ability to traffic drugs," said DEA Administrator Leonhart. "DEA will continue our aggressive and sustained efforts against the Gulf Cartel and other criminal groups by attacking not only their high level leadership and financial networks, but the drug trafficking facilitators who harm neighborhoods and communities in Mexico and the United States."

Lerma Plata was employed as the commander of the state police in Miguel Aleman, Tamaulipas, Mexico. According to court documents, Lerma Plata was on the Gulf Cartel’s payroll while he was employed by the state police, and he used his position of authority to engage in drug trafficking activities with the cartel. Intercepted conversations revealed that Lerma Plata and high ranking members of the Gulf Cartel discussed the shipment of large quantities of marijuana for distribution in the United States as well as the transportation from the United States of proceeds from the sales of the drugs and firearms.

The case is being prosecuted by Trial Attorneys AdriĆ”n Rosales and Darrin McCullough of the Criminal Division’s Narcotic and Dangerous Drug Section. The investigation in this case was led by the DEA’s Houston Field Division and the DEA Bilateral Investigation Unit.


This NASA rendering depicts Earth's Van Allen radiation belts and the path of the Van Allen Probe spacecraft, which were launched in August 2012. Data from the spacecraft have confirmed a never-before-seen phenomenon—a long-lived zone of high-energy electrons residing between the inner and outer radiation belts. Credit: NASA illustration
Instruments detect never-before-seen phenomenon in Earth’s Magnetosphere

LOS ALAMOS, N.M., March 1, 2013—U.S. researchers, including a trio from Los Alamos National Laboratory, have witnessed the mysterious appearance of a relatively long-lived zone of high-energy electrons stored between Earth’s Van Allen radiation belts.

The surprising findings, discovered by NASA’s Van Allen Probes (formerly known as the Radiation Belt Storm Probes), were outlined Thursday in Science Express and during a press conference at NASA headquarters in Washington, D.C. The research was led by Dan Baker of the University of Colorado, Boulder, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics.

"Nature keeps on surprising us by producing long-lived harsh environments in space in regions not previously considered," said Los Alamos plasma physicist Reiner Friedel of LANL’s Intelligence and Space Research Division. "This finding may impact the planning of future space missions."

The Van Allen radiation belts — named in honor James Van Allen, who discovered them nearly 50 years ago — are a pair of donut shaped zones of charged particles that surround Earth and occupy the inner region of our planet’s Magnetosphere. The outer belt contains extremely high-energy electrons, while the inner belt is comprised of energetic protons and electrons. The belts have been studied extensively since the dawn of the Space Age, because the high-energy particles in the outer ring can cripple or disrupt spacecraft. Long-term observation of the belts have hinted that the belts can act as efficient and powerful particle accelerators; the recent observations by the Van Allen Probes—a pair of spacecraft launched in August 2012—now seem to confirm this.

Shortly after launch, the spacecraft activated their Relativistic Electron-Proton Telescope (REPT) instruments to measure particles within the belts and their immediate environs. The instrument immediately detected on September 1, 2012, the presence of a stable zone of high-energy electrons residing between the belts. This donut-shaped third ring nestled between the belts existed for nearly a month before being obliterated by a powerful shockwave of particles emanating from center of the solar system.

Such a distinct, long-lasting ring of high-energy electrons had never before been seen by any prior instrument in space or on Earth. The findings suggest that the Van Allen Belts somehow capture and store energetic electrons in a circular path around our home planet, perhaps in much the same way as a cyclotron can capture and store charged particles here on Earth.

"One of the main reasons the Van Allen Probe instruments are seeing these new features are their unprecedented sensitivity and rejection of backgrounds," Friedel said. "As the mission proceeds, we expect further surprises that will challenge our conventional wisdom on the transport, loss and energization processes in these highly energetic electron radiation regions."

In addition to Friedel, Los Alamos research team members include Geoffrey D. Reeves and Michael G. Henderson. The research team is also represented by the Goddard Space Flight Center, University of New Hampshire, The Southwest Research Institute, Dartmouth College, the University of California—Los Angeles, University of Iowa, and The Aerospace Corporation.



A coalition force member provides overwatch for the Afghan national army special forces soldiers conducting a satellite patrol while engaging insurgents during a firefight in Herat province, Afghanistan, Feb. 17, 2013. Coalition force members and Afghan special forces teams conducted satellite patrols from a temporary patrol base to lure insurgents out of hiding. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Pete Thibodeau.

U.S. Army Spc. Michael Jones begins a security sweep after dismounting from his tactical vehicle during a mission in Farah City, Afghanistan, Feb. 18, 2013. Jones is assigned to assigned to Provincial Reconstruction Team Farah. U.S. Navy photo by Lt. j.g. Matthew Stroup.


Sunday, March 3, 2013


U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Justin Kraft, commander of the Zabul Provincial Reconstruction Team, hands the keys to the newly complete Qalat radio station to Bismullah Lodin, a radio station official, during a ceremony in Qalat Afghanistan, Jan. 17. The radio station was dedicated in memory U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. John Darin Loftis, who died Feb. 25, 2012 from wounds received during an attack in Kabul. Loftis was a former member of Z PRT and instrumental in the development of the new radio station in Zabul Province. (U.S. Air Force Photo by Staff Sgt. Patrice Clarke)

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