Joint Chiefs Chairman Calls Iran 'Disruptive' to Region
By Terri Moon Cronk
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, Feb. 3, 2013 - Beyond threatening countries in the Middle East through its potential acquisition of nuclear weapons, Iran presents another danger, said the U.S. military's top-ranking officer on today's segment of NBC's "Meet the Press."
"Iran is ... very disruptive and a malicious influence in Syria," Dempsey said on the Sunday news show where he appeared with soon-to-retire Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta.
"[Iran] smuggles weapons. They are active in any number of ways," Dempsey said.
Panetta said intelligence indicates Iran has not made "the decision" to proceed with the development of a nuclear weapon.
"I can't tell you [Iran is] in fact pursuing a weapon because that's not what intelligence says they are doing right now," he said. "But every indication is they want to continue to increase their nuclear capability. And that's a concern, and that's what we're asking them to stop doing.
"They are developing and enriching uranium. They continue to do that. They continue to work at developing their capability," the secretary said.
"They say they're doing it to develop their own energy source. I think it is suspect that they continue to enrich uranium, because that is dangerous, and that violates international [law]," Panetta added.
But if intelligence does indicate Iran's potential production of nuclear warheads, Dempsey said, the U.S. military is ready for that possibility.
"We have the capability to provide options to the president in any number of scenarios to include their acquisition of nuclear weapon," Dempsey said. Iran's capability could be destroyed by the U.S. military, he noted, but added that Iran's intentions would "have to be influenced through other means."
Sunday, February 3, 2013
North Korean Nuke and Missile Tests Undermine Stability
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, Feb. 1, 2013 - North Korea's nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs constitute a serious threat to international peace and security and undermine the peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula as well as the Northeast Asia region, officials from the United States, Japan and South Korea said in a joint statement.
The Defense Department issued that statement following the annual Defense Trilateral Talks, held in Tokyo Jan. 30-31.
The discussions covered a wide range of issues, including humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, non-proliferation, the regional security situation and North Korea, according to the release.
The joint statement said if North Korea carries out any further provocations, including a nuclear test, it will bear responsibility for the consequences for disregarding the overwhelming views of the international community.
The United States, South Korea, and Japan will closely coordinate to deter a potential North Korean nuclear test and to respond to ballistic missile threats, according to the release. In this process, the release said, the three countries will closely cooperate with the international community, including China and Russia.
The DTTs are a regular cooperative dialogue between the United States, Japan and South Korea and have been held annually since 2008.
North Korean Nuke and Missile Tests Undermine Stability
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, Feb. 1, 2013 - North Korea's nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs constitute a serious threat to international peace and security and undermine the peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula as well as the Northeast Asia region, officials from the United States, Japan and South Korea said in a joint statement.
The Defense Department issued that statement following the annual Defense Trilateral Talks, held in Tokyo Jan. 30-31.
The discussions covered a wide range of issues, including humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, non-proliferation, the regional security situation and North Korea, according to the release.
The joint statement said if North Korea carries out any further provocations, including a nuclear test, it will bear responsibility for the consequences for disregarding the overwhelming views of the international community.
The United States, South Korea, and Japan will closely coordinate to deter a potential North Korean nuclear test and to respond to ballistic missile threats, according to the release. In this process, the release said, the three countries will closely cooperate with the international community, including China and Russia.
The DTTs are a regular cooperative dialogue between the United States, Japan and South Korea and have been held annually since 2008.
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Map: Nigeria. Credit: CIA World Factbook. |
Remarks at the U.S.-Liberia Partnership Dialogue Signing Ceremony
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Liberian President Sirleaf
Treaty Room
Washington, DC
January 15, 2013
SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, welcome to the Treaty Room. I am delighted to have this occasion, once again, to host President Sirleaf, a very good partner over many years, and especially, I would say, over the last four years it has been a great personal pleasure for me to work with her to strengthen that partnership between the United States and Liberia. And I also am grateful, as well, for her personal friendship.
Today, we are taking another important step to deepen the partnership between our nations and to support Liberia as it continues down the path of democratic and economic reform. The partnership dialogue we are about to sign will expand the cooperation between our countries and ensure high-level engagement for years to come.
This agreement establishes working groups in three key areas – first, agriculture and food security; helping Liberia’s farmers use their land more effectively and get their crops to markets more efficiently will be critical to improving the health and prosperity of people throughout Liberia. This working group will review progress under the Feed the Future Initiative, look for new opportunities to attract private investment in the agriculture sector, and recommend policies to promote food security and better nutrition.
Second, energy and power infrastructure. We know that access to affordable, reliable energy is essential to creating jobs and sparking growth that helps to build a strong economy. So we will take stock of outstanding needs for the generation, transmission, and distribution of energy, promote a regulatory environment that’s friendly to new investments in energy, and look for ways to accelerate the development of a well-governed and inclusive energy sector.
And finally, we want to look at human development with a real emphasis on creating more economic opportunity for the people of Liberia to expand access to education and employment so that many more Liberians have a chance to not only better themselves and their families, but make a contribution to their nation.
I think it is more than fair to say that this last decade has been a success story for Liberia. The people of Liberia have emerged from a time of violence and lawlessness and have made tremendous commitments to both economic and political reform. The United States has stood by Liberia during this challenging process, but I think it is also more than fair to say it was aided considerably by the leadership, the determination of a woman who understood in every fiber of her being what was at stake. And so, Madame President, let me, on behalf of the United States, thank you for the great progress under your leadership, pledge our continuing support and partnership and friendship to you and to the people of your country. (Applause.)
PRESIDENT SIRLEAF: Secretary of State Clinton, members of the Administration, ladies and gentlemen, I am honored to be here today for several reasons. First, I feel privileged to have been invited to the State Department this week, one of the last weeks that you, Madame Secretary, will be in office, to say thank you for all that you have done for Liberia and the Liberian people, to say thank you for always being there for Liberia.
Second, for me personally, it was important to be here today to see that you have fully recovered – (laughter) – from your recent illness, to embrace you, and to let you know that all of Liberia prayed for your speedy recovery.
Third, I have always seen Liberia’s progress as underpinned by its special relationship with the United States. The launching today of the U.S.-Liberia Partnership Dialogue is an historic achievement, one that will cement the strategic cooperation between our two countries for generations to come regardless of the occupants of the White House or the Executive Mansion. Dear friends, today for us marks an historic day for the Government and people of Liberia, the fulfillment of a wish first articulated last June for the institutionalization of the longstanding bilateral relationship between Liberia and the United States of America.
Just seven months ago, we made the rounds among congressional and U.S. Government officials. We put forward proposals on how the United States could work with Liberia as a partner to consolidate its gains. One proposal called for the establishment of a joint United States-Liberia bi-national commission established (inaudible) in the 1960s, which aimed to ensure that the partnership would endure for 50 years or more.
I recall vividly when I made the case to you, Madame Secretary, your support was instantaneous. You assured me that you would figure out how to embed such a relationship in our governments and countries, and here we are today for the signing of the statement of intent, Liberia’s chance with the United States as a reliable partner in the region. The U.S.-Liberia Partnership Dialogue would allow our two countries to look at our relationship strategically with a view towards the long term and focus on those areas that encourage broad-based economic growth, including agriculture and food security, energy and power infrastructure, and human development.
We look forward to carrying out the first meeting of the U.S.-Liberia Partnership Dialogue under the leadership of Secretary of State designate, Senator John Kerry, who also has been an essential supporter of Liberia during his long service on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, including his time as chairman. We recognize that this will not just be a job for our two governments, but also for the business communities of both countries and other stakeholders in Liberia.
Madame Secretary, I’m especially pleased that we were recently declared eligible for compact status by the Millennium Challenge Corporation. Coming just two years after being awarded a threshold program and seven years after the reestablishment of democracy in Liberia, this is one of Liberia’s proudest achievements. I would like to recognize the presence here of MCC President Daniel Yohannes and to promise you that we will deliver a compact program that will be comprehensive and resulting.
I take this opportunity to thank Assistant Secretary of State Johnnie Carson for his steadfast leadership on Africa policy over the past four years. Ambassador Carson, we wish for you the best and hope you will continue to find a way to stay engaged with us in Liberia. We also congratulate President Barack Obama on his forthcoming inauguration to a second term of office. We trust that we can count on him and on Africa’s continued support under his leadership to Liberia and to Africa.
Madam Secretary, Hillary – (laughter) – you’ve been a true friend of Liberia and to me personally. We are pleased that in the history of our bilateral relationship, which spans more than a century and a half, you made two trips to Liberia while in office as Secretary of State. You have supported our country’s progress, championed our political process, and pushed to settle Liberia’s external debt. As we bid you farewell, I remain convinced that in this era of economic challenge, history will show that your support and the investment of the U.S. Government and the American people in Liberia will return significant dividends.
We’ll continue to guard the peace, promote reconciliation, build strong democratic institutions, and show good governance and transparency, and encourage broad-based economic development. We will continue to strive to be a post-conflict success story. For that, Madam Secretary, is America’s success also. Thank you. (Applause.)
MODERATOR: Secretary Clinton and President Sirleaf are signing a statement of intent between the United States and the Republic of Liberia to establish a partnership dialogue. The U.S.-Liberia Partnership Dialogue will ensure sustained high-level bilateral engagement on issues of mutual interest.
(The document was signed.) (Applause.)
SECRETARY CLINTON: Thanks to everyone who helped work on this. I see a lot of the faces from across the State Department. Let’s get a picture with everybody coming up behind us, perhaps.
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U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Christopher Boitz |
Air Force to hold meetings on proposed F-16 transfer
2/1/2013 - JOINT BASE PEARL HARBOR-HICKAM, Hawaii -- The U.S. Air Force is holding a series of public meetings in the Anchorage and Fairbanks, Alaska, communities to invite public comment on potential environmental impacts of a proposed transfer of an F-16 aircraft squadron.
The Air Force is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement on a proposal to relocate the 18th Aggressor Squadron from Eielson Air Force Base, near Fairbanks, Alaska, to Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, in Anchorage, Alaska. Under the proposal, the Air Force would plan to re-size the remaining wing overhead and base operating support functions at Eielson in fiscal year 2015. The EIS will also consider a No Action alternative, which is to keep the squadron at Eielson. No decision has been made on the proposed move. The EIS is part of a process required of federal agencies under the National Environmental Policy Act.
The Air Force is proposing the move to reduce defense spending and support congressionally mandated deficit reductions, as outlined in the Budget Control Act, and as part of its priority to prepare for future challenges and protect the broad range of U.S. national security interests.
The 18th Aggressor Squadron consists of 18 assigned F-16 aircraft, three back-up F-16s, and associated support and maintenance Airmen. The proposed relocation includes removing 623 military personnel from EAFB in fiscal year 2014, transferring approximately 542 positions to JBER, and eliminating 81 positions. Beginning in fiscal year 2015, the Air Force proposes an additional reduction of approximately 749 military and 179 civilian authorizations at EAFB appropriate to the command structure required for the remaining operations. Current planning estimates call for a proposed end state of approximately 769 appropriated funds personnel at EAFB after FY15 (559 military members and 210 civilians).
If the proposal is ultimately approved, Eielson will continue to host the Red Flag and Distant Frontier training exercises with the 18th Aggressor Squadron operating out of JBER under one of two possible alternatives. Under Alternative A, the F-16 aircraft would fly to and from exercises using aerial refueling. The participating F-16 aircraft would not routinely land at Eielson for refueling. Under Alternative B, the 18th Aggressor Squadron would deploy to Eielson for the duration of the exercises.
Under either alternative, the aircraft would operate in the same air space as currently used for Red Flag and Distant Frontier exercises. Transient aircraft and personnel from outside of Alaska participating in these exercises would continue to deploy to and operate out of Eielson.
To effectively define the full range of issues to be evaluated in the EIS, the Air Force will determine the scope of the analysis by soliciting comments from interested local, state and federal agencies, as well as members of the public. The Air Force's public scoping meetings will provide the public with an opportunity to learn about the proposal and participate in the process by providing input. Public input supports the Air Force in making informed decisions.
During the scoping meetings which are open to the public, the Air Force will describe the NEPA process and outline opportunities for public involvement throughout the process. Scoping meetings and the dates and times for each meeting are provided below.
Rasmussen: NATO Must be Ready for Any Future Threat
By Cheryl Pellerin
American Forces Press Service
Munich, Feb. 2, 2013 - On the second day of the Munich Security Conference, NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen told the international audience here that the end of the war in Afghanistan gives the alliance a chance to plan for the future.
The end in 2014 of NATO's biggest operation gives NATO a chance to generate key capabilities, engage robustly with new geopolitical realities and rebalance its priorities and commitments, he said.
"In other words, an opportunity to plan for the future," Rasmussen said, adding that such a plan must determine what NATO will do next, how NATO will do it, and what kind of alliance it will be.
"We will continue to respond to crises whenever and wherever the allies judge their security interests are at stake because this is our core business," the secretary-general said.
"When I look at our world, I see an arc of crises stretching from the Sahel to Central Asia," he added, "[but] ... this does not mean we will have to intervene everywhere nor that we are set for confrontation. But it does mean we must stand ready to deter and defend against any threat."
Rasmussen said NATO must keep its operational edge and retain a complete range of capabilities, with increased importance for missile and cyber defense and special operations forces.
"Missile defense is a core element of our collective defense," he added, "and the deployment of Patriot missiles to Turkey is a real response to a real threat."
Many European allies contribute to NATO's missile defense system, but Rasmussen said he can envision European navies upgrading their ships with missile defense radars and interceptors so they can deploy alongside United States vessels.
"We must also improve our cyber resilience," he said, describing a potentially critical role for NATO in defining a common training approach among allies and in providing expert help to allies who come under cyber attack.
"We will also need forces with the skills and speed to act decisively," Rasmussen said, envisioning a vital role for NATO's new Special Operations Forces Headquarters in planning and coordinating missions and improving the ability of allied special operations forces to work together.
To make sure that NATO remains the gold standard of Euro-Atlantic security into the 21st century, he said, the alliance must build on its gains from operations like its International Security Assistance Force mission in Afghanistan "rather than cash in what some may perceive as a post-ISAF dividend."
A better choice is to reinvest the ISAF dividend in defense for a maximum return, Rasmussen said, including through NATO's Connected Forces -- which seeks to create forces that act and think as one -- and its Smart Defense initiatives.
NATO's multinational response force can deploy quickly when needed, but Rasmussen wants the alliance to revitalize that force, he said, "to keep our ability to train and operate together as allies and with partners, take advantage of the United States' decision to rotate dedicated units to Europe and conduct more demanding, realistic and frequent exercises."
The NATO Response Force should become the engine of the alliance's future readiness, he added, and multinational cooperation is key to keeping costs down and capabilities strong.
Rasmussen sees NATO connecting more closely with the alliance's most able operational partners, reinforcing its cooperation with the United Nations and the European Union, deepening its strategic relationship with Russia and shifting from operational engagement to operational readiness.
Such readiness and flexibility come at a cost, he added.
"In the decade since 2001, the U.S. share of NATO defense expenditure has increased from 63 percent to 72 percent," the secretary-general said, and in the last few years all but three European allies have cut their defense budgets.
"I am concerned about this gap in defense spending but I am even more concerned by the gap in some key capabilities," he added.
To correct this, Rasmussen said, he would like to see the alliance moving toward a day when no single ally provides more than 50 percent of certain critical capabilities.
"This will require European allies to do more," Rasmussen said, adding that a strong European contribution to NATO's capabilities will sustain a strong U.S. commitment to NATO.
All allies must also show the political will to support each other, living up to NATO's role as the political forum for transatlantic consultations on common security concerns, he said, " ... because now and after 2014, we can only stay successful together."
Rasmussen: NATO Must be Ready for Any Future Threat
By Cheryl Pellerin
American Forces Press Service
Munich, Feb. 2, 2013 - On the second day of the Munich Security Conference, NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen told the international audience here that the end of the war in Afghanistan gives the alliance a chance to plan for the future.
The end in 2014 of NATO's biggest operation gives NATO a chance to generate key capabilities, engage robustly with new geopolitical realities and rebalance its priorities and commitments, he said.
"In other words, an opportunity to plan for the future," Rasmussen said, adding that such a plan must determine what NATO will do next, how NATO will do it, and what kind of alliance it will be.
"We will continue to respond to crises whenever and wherever the allies judge their security interests are at stake because this is our core business," the secretary-general said.
"When I look at our world, I see an arc of crises stretching from the Sahel to Central Asia," he added, "[but] ... this does not mean we will have to intervene everywhere nor that we are set for confrontation. But it does mean we must stand ready to deter and defend against any threat."
Rasmussen said NATO must keep its operational edge and retain a complete range of capabilities, with increased importance for missile and cyber defense and special operations forces.
"Missile defense is a core element of our collective defense," he added, "and the deployment of Patriot missiles to Turkey is a real response to a real threat."
Many European allies contribute to NATO's missile defense system, but Rasmussen said he can envision European navies upgrading their ships with missile defense radars and interceptors so they can deploy alongside United States vessels.
"We must also improve our cyber resilience," he said, describing a potentially critical role for NATO in defining a common training approach among allies and in providing expert help to allies who come under cyber attack.
"We will also need forces with the skills and speed to act decisively," Rasmussen said, envisioning a vital role for NATO's new Special Operations Forces Headquarters in planning and coordinating missions and improving the ability of allied special operations forces to work together.
To make sure that NATO remains the gold standard of Euro-Atlantic security into the 21st century, he said, the alliance must build on its gains from operations like its International Security Assistance Force mission in Afghanistan "rather than cash in what some may perceive as a post-ISAF dividend."
A better choice is to reinvest the ISAF dividend in defense for a maximum return, Rasmussen said, including through NATO's Connected Forces -- which seeks to create forces that act and think as one -- and its Smart Defense initiatives.
NATO's multinational response force can deploy quickly when needed, but Rasmussen wants the alliance to revitalize that force, he said, "to keep our ability to train and operate together as allies and with partners, take advantage of the United States' decision to rotate dedicated units to Europe and conduct more demanding, realistic and frequent exercises."
The NATO Response Force should become the engine of the alliance's future readiness, he added, and multinational cooperation is key to keeping costs down and capabilities strong.
Rasmussen sees NATO connecting more closely with the alliance's most able operational partners, reinforcing its cooperation with the United Nations and the European Union, deepening its strategic relationship with Russia and shifting from operational engagement to operational readiness.
Such readiness and flexibility come at a cost, he added.
"In the decade since 2001, the U.S. share of NATO defense expenditure has increased from 63 percent to 72 percent," the secretary-general said, and in the last few years all but three European allies have cut their defense budgets.
"I am concerned about this gap in defense spending but I am even more concerned by the gap in some key capabilities," he added.
To correct this, Rasmussen said, he would like to see the alliance moving toward a day when no single ally provides more than 50 percent of certain critical capabilities.
"This will require European allies to do more," Rasmussen said, adding that a strong European contribution to NATO's capabilities will sustain a strong U.S. commitment to NATO.
All allies must also show the political will to support each other, living up to NATO's role as the political forum for transatlantic consultations on common security concerns, he said, " ... because now and after 2014, we can only stay successful together."
Saturday, February 2, 2013
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Members of the Joint Color Guard practice for the Super Bowl at the Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base in Belle Chasse, La., Jan. 15, 2013. U.S. Army photo by Jennifer Villaume |
Louisiana Recruiters to Carry Colors at Super Bowl
By Jennifer Villaume
Baton Rouge Recruiting Battalion
NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 1, 2013 – Local service members will present the nation’s colors to kick off Super Bowl XLVII at the Mercedes Benz Superdome here Feb. 3.
But before the kickoff service members carrying the nation’s colors will march in unison, representing the whole of the military force which preserves that American identity and culture.
"This is a unique experience because this will be the first time I will have the opportunity to work alongside every branch of the Department of Defense and the U.S. Coast Guard," said Air Force Master Sgt. Antonio Frese. "Usually joint operations involve two to three service components, so this is a rare opportunity to be exposed to all branches."
The Joint Armed Forces Color Guard is made up of local recruiters from each branch which serves New Orleans and surrounding areas.
"It is quite an honor to be selected to lead our team in presenting the National Colors at such a huge event. I am a soldier and a recruiter. Not only will I be representing the Army; I am representing what it means to serve," said Sgt. 1st Class Ervin Davis. "It will be a positive message for all the young men and women watching who may have a desire to serve their country to see the professionalism and pride of our men and women in uniform."
The Joint Armed Forces Color Guard has met for practice two days a week leading up to the Super Bowl at the Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base in Belle Chase, La. The full dress rehearsal is being conducted today.
"Every branch has different drill and ceremony procedures so practice is essential," Army Staff Sgt. Lester Scott said.
For a 10-member color guard practice does make perfect.
"We have to be able to execute by time and feel, instead of sight, since we are not standing next to each other," Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Stephen Howell said. "Many of my friends and family will be watching, and I want them to be proud of my effort. We will be the face of the Marine Corps."
Coast Guard Petty Officer 2nd Class Daphne Gilles arrived at her new unit just four months ago.
"I am extremely honored that I was selected," Gilles said. "I was given the position of Captain of Coast Guard District Eight Color Guard and Honor Guard Team upon my arrival. It is a tremendous privilege to represent the Coast Guard."
Even with all the practicing and precision required, to everyone involved it will be a memorable and fun day.
"I will be able to point to a large-framed picture on my wall of me holding the Air Force flag at the 50-yard line and say proudly, ‘The United States Air Force trusted in me enough to represent the service in front of 100 million people worldwide.’ It doesn’t get any better than that," Frese said.
The Super Bowl provides a connection to home for many service members deployed overseas.
"I have been deployed twice, both for one year each. I missed my baby’s birthdays and other special events. The Super Bowl was the only event that I requested off while overseas, knowing that we were all watching together," Scott said. "Something about this football game brings us all together no matter what is going on. This game has meant the world to me by connecting me to home, and now I get to be a rifle man next to the American flag. It is an honor."
This year, they get to watch together. Scott’s two children will be in the Superdome cheering on their dad.
Other Joint Armed Forces Color Guard team members include:
-- Staff Sgt. Joshua Reyes, U.S. Army Recruiting Battalion, New Orleans Company;
-- Gunnery Sgt. Toland Howard, U.S. Marine Corps Recruiting Battalion, Baton Rouge Company;
-- Petty Officer 2nd Class Holly Diaz, U.S. Navy Recruiting Battalion, New Orleans Company;
-- Staff Sgt. Adrian Munoz, U.S. Marine Corps Recruiting Battalion, Baton Rouge Company; and
-- Lance Cpl. Randy West, U.S. Marine Corps Band, New Orleans.
Since the Superdome opened in 1975, it was the site of six Super Bowls. The "dome" underwent a six-year major renovation after Hurricane Katrina in 2005. It is now the fifth largest NFL stadium in the country.
ISS Update: Record-Setting Science on Station
NASA Public Affairs Officer Brandi Dean talks with Vic Cooley, Lead Increment Scientist, about the many experiments taking place aboard the International Space Station.
ISS Update: Record-Setting Science on Station
NASA Public Affairs Officer Brandi Dean talks with Vic Cooley, Lead Increment Scientist, about the many experiments taking place aboard the International Space Station.
Europe Remains Cornerstone of U.S. Engagement, Biden Says
By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2, 2013 - Europe remains the cornerstone and catalyst for America's engagement with the world, Vice President Joe Biden said in Munich today.
The vice president spoke at the annual Munich Security Conference, where he also addressed the situation with Iran and what the nations of the world can do together to confront the terrorist threat.
The Munich Conference is one of the preeminent gatherings of security leaders in the world, and Biden is not stranger to the group. As a senator on the Foreign Relations Committee he often journeyed to Munich and he last addressed the body in 2009, as the newly elected vice president.
The sanctions the world has placed on Iran are working, the vice president said. He stated that the U.S. position on Iran is not containing the rogue nation from gaining nuclear arms, but preventing it. "We've also made clear that Iran's leaders need not sentence their people to economic deprivation and international isolation," he said. "There is still time, there is still space for diplomacy, backed by pressure, to succeed. The ball is in the government of Iran's court, and it's well past time for Tehran to adopt a serious, good-faith approach."
Biden contrasted what the world was like when he last addressed the conference in 2009. "Four years ago, the world was mired in the deepest economic downturn since the Great Depression," he said. "Today, times remain tough for too many American and European families -- but conditions are improving."
The United States and European nations must work to put their economies on a sound footing, he said. That, after all, is the key to national power and influence, Biden added.
In 2009, al-Qaida was on the ascendancy, the vice president said. "Osama bin Laden was alive and well and plotting against our countries, inspiring followers," he said. "Now, as a result of the joint efforts of all of our countries and renewed and relentless focus on counterterrorism, the cooperation of our law enforcement agencies, and President [Barack] Obama's unflinching determination to bring Osama bin Laden to justice, ... we've made progress. We've dealt that organization, al-Qaida, a crippling blow, [and] made all our homelands more secure."
Now it is the affiliates of al-Qaida that pose the danger, he said. Affiliates in Yemen, Somalia, North Africa, Iraq and Syria, while not posing the same threat as the original group, still are dangerous. "Increasingly they are targeting Western interests overseas," he said. "That's why we have been just as relentless in taking them on."
These extremists are exploiting porous borders, broad swaths of ungoverned territory, readily available weapons and "a swelling generation of disaffected young people whose futures are stifled by stagnant economies," he said.
The solution is not to spend billions on defense, but to reach out and engage these nations and peoples, Biden said. "It will take a comprehensive approach -- employing the full range of the tools at our disposal -- including our militaries," he said. "That's why the United States applauds and stands with France and other partners in Mali, and why we are providing intelligence support, transportation for the French and African troops and refueling capability for French aircraft. The fight against (al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb) may be far from America's borders, but it is fundamentally in America's interest."
Biden noted there has been progress over the past four years in many areas, but much remains to be done. The issues confronting the United States and Europe are solvable, he said, but the nations must work together closely to address those issues.
Over the next four years, he said, the United States wants to advance a comprehensive nuclear agenda to strengthen nonproliferation; combat climate change; enhance initiatives to promote global health and food security and end extreme poverty; and strengthen alliances.
"As I hope we'll all agree, although our mutual agenda has shifted over the past four years, one important thing remains unchanged: We need to work together; we need to stick together," Biden said. "We need you as much as you need us. Neither the United States nor any other country can alone address the challenges we face."
Europe Remains Cornerstone of U.S. Engagement, Biden Says
By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2, 2013 - Europe remains the cornerstone and catalyst for America's engagement with the world, Vice President Joe Biden said in Munich today.
The vice president spoke at the annual Munich Security Conference, where he also addressed the situation with Iran and what the nations of the world can do together to confront the terrorist threat.
The Munich Conference is one of the preeminent gatherings of security leaders in the world, and Biden is not stranger to the group. As a senator on the Foreign Relations Committee he often journeyed to Munich and he last addressed the body in 2009, as the newly elected vice president.
The sanctions the world has placed on Iran are working, the vice president said. He stated that the U.S. position on Iran is not containing the rogue nation from gaining nuclear arms, but preventing it. "We've also made clear that Iran's leaders need not sentence their people to economic deprivation and international isolation," he said. "There is still time, there is still space for diplomacy, backed by pressure, to succeed. The ball is in the government of Iran's court, and it's well past time for Tehran to adopt a serious, good-faith approach."
Biden contrasted what the world was like when he last addressed the conference in 2009. "Four years ago, the world was mired in the deepest economic downturn since the Great Depression," he said. "Today, times remain tough for too many American and European families -- but conditions are improving."
The United States and European nations must work to put their economies on a sound footing, he said. That, after all, is the key to national power and influence, Biden added.
In 2009, al-Qaida was on the ascendancy, the vice president said. "Osama bin Laden was alive and well and plotting against our countries, inspiring followers," he said. "Now, as a result of the joint efforts of all of our countries and renewed and relentless focus on counterterrorism, the cooperation of our law enforcement agencies, and President [Barack] Obama's unflinching determination to bring Osama bin Laden to justice, ... we've made progress. We've dealt that organization, al-Qaida, a crippling blow, [and] made all our homelands more secure."
Now it is the affiliates of al-Qaida that pose the danger, he said. Affiliates in Yemen, Somalia, North Africa, Iraq and Syria, while not posing the same threat as the original group, still are dangerous. "Increasingly they are targeting Western interests overseas," he said. "That's why we have been just as relentless in taking them on."
These extremists are exploiting porous borders, broad swaths of ungoverned territory, readily available weapons and "a swelling generation of disaffected young people whose futures are stifled by stagnant economies," he said.
The solution is not to spend billions on defense, but to reach out and engage these nations and peoples, Biden said. "It will take a comprehensive approach -- employing the full range of the tools at our disposal -- including our militaries," he said. "That's why the United States applauds and stands with France and other partners in Mali, and why we are providing intelligence support, transportation for the French and African troops and refueling capability for French aircraft. The fight against (al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb) may be far from America's borders, but it is fundamentally in America's interest."
Biden noted there has been progress over the past four years in many areas, but much remains to be done. The issues confronting the United States and Europe are solvable, he said, but the nations must work together closely to address those issues.
Over the next four years, he said, the United States wants to advance a comprehensive nuclear agenda to strengthen nonproliferation; combat climate change; enhance initiatives to promote global health and food security and end extreme poverty; and strengthen alliances.
"As I hope we'll all agree, although our mutual agenda has shifted over the past four years, one important thing remains unchanged: We need to work together; we need to stick together," Biden said. "We need you as much as you need us. Neither the United States nor any other country can alone address the challenges we face."
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Hurricane Sandy Cleanup. Credit: FEMA |
Sandy Debris Removal Passes 95 percent in 95 days February 1, 2013
NEW YORK – Debris removal efforts after Hurricane Sandy in New York are nearing completion. More than 95 percent of the debris has been removed within 95 days of the storm hitting New York.
That includes everything from fallen trees to vehicles, boats, drywall and furniture, washers, dryers and insulation. It all amounts to 5.25 million cubic yards of debris caused by the strong winds and heavy rains created by Hurricane Sandy, beginning Oct. 27, 2012. That’s enough debris to fill the 102-story Empire State Building a little more than 3.5 times.
Collecting and hauling debris to the curbs has involved homeowners, neighbors and volunteers working with city, state and federal agencies. Neighbors and volunteers combined their skill and chainsaws to remove broken trees from yards and streets along with cleaning up disaster debris from public streets.
The demolition of destroyed structures is ongoing and about 20 percent complete.
Early in the cleanup, barges were used to haul debris to landfills in upstate New York.
The debris is also being trucked to landfills in other states.
Vegetation, such as wood, tree branches, leaves and other organic matter, is incinerated or chipped. Chips will be recycled for beneficial reuse.
FEMA’s Public Assistance program reimburses state and local governments and certain private nonprofit organizations 75 percent of eligible debris removal costs. In order to qualify, damage must be a direct result of Hurricane Sandy.
Southcom Speeds Medications to Brazil for Nightclub Victims
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2, 2013 - Medication to treat victims suffering from the tragic Jan. 27 nightclub fire in Santa Maria, Brazil, funded by and transported through coordination by U.S. Southern Command, are scheduled to arrive in Brasilia today, Southcom officials reported.
Southcom partnered with the U.S. Embassy in Brasilia, the Brazilian Ministry of Health, American Airlines, Miami Dade Aviation and the Transportation Security Administration to secure the rapid transport of the medication, officials said.
The Brazilian Ministry of Health submitted a request to the U.S. Embassy in Brasilia for 140 doses of the drug Cyanokit to treat victims exposed to cyanide poison when the fire ignited acoustic foam insulation inside the club, they said.
Southcom, in turn, worked with the Defense Logistics Agency to secure the medication under an existing contract with Meridian Medical Technologies. The command used funds from its humanitarian assistance program to pay for the drugs, valued at more than $97,000, officials said.
Southcom also coordinated transport of the medication from St. Louis to Brazil via Miami by working closely with Miami Dade Aviation, TSA and American Airlines. The drugs are scheduled to arrive today aboard an American Airlines flight. In Brasilia, they will be turned over to local health ministry officials to immediately distribute to health care facilities treating victims exposed to the poison, officials said.
The command is one of six geographically focused, unified commands within the Defense Department. It is responsible for U.S. military operations in the Caribbean, Central America and South America.
Southcom Speeds Medications to Brazil for Nightclub Victims
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2, 2013 - Medication to treat victims suffering from the tragic Jan. 27 nightclub fire in Santa Maria, Brazil, funded by and transported through coordination by U.S. Southern Command, are scheduled to arrive in Brasilia today, Southcom officials reported.
Southcom partnered with the U.S. Embassy in Brasilia, the Brazilian Ministry of Health, American Airlines, Miami Dade Aviation and the Transportation Security Administration to secure the rapid transport of the medication, officials said.
The Brazilian Ministry of Health submitted a request to the U.S. Embassy in Brasilia for 140 doses of the drug Cyanokit to treat victims exposed to cyanide poison when the fire ignited acoustic foam insulation inside the club, they said.
Southcom, in turn, worked with the Defense Logistics Agency to secure the medication under an existing contract with Meridian Medical Technologies. The command used funds from its humanitarian assistance program to pay for the drugs, valued at more than $97,000, officials said.
Southcom also coordinated transport of the medication from St. Louis to Brazil via Miami by working closely with Miami Dade Aviation, TSA and American Airlines. The drugs are scheduled to arrive today aboard an American Airlines flight. In Brasilia, they will be turned over to local health ministry officials to immediately distribute to health care facilities treating victims exposed to the poison, officials said.
The command is one of six geographically focused, unified commands within the Defense Department. It is responsible for U.S. military operations in the Caribbean, Central America and South America.
Operation IceBridge: Getz Mission in 3 Minutes
Can you stuff all the sights and science of a 12-hour mission into just three minutes? Maybe not, but here's our first try, chronicling NASA's recent flight to Antarctica's remote Getz Ice Shelf, where Operation IceBridge measured everything from the ice surface to the bedrock below, flew low over giant icebergs, and even scanned a lengthy new crack in the ice. Credit-NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
Operation IceBridge: Getz Mission in 3 Minutes
Can you stuff all the sights and science of a 12-hour mission into just three minutes? Maybe not, but here's our first try, chronicling NASA's recent flight to Antarctica's remote Getz Ice Shelf, where Operation IceBridge measured everything from the ice surface to the bedrock below, flew low over giant icebergs, and even scanned a lengthy new crack in the ice. Credit-NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
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Photo Credit: Wikimedia. |
Inaugural Meeting of Whistleblower Protection Advisory Committee
Highlighting its continued emphasis on protecting the rights of whistleblowers, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration hosted the inaugural meeting of the Whistleblower Protection Advisory Committee. Acting Secretary of Labor Harris commended the new committee members on their passion for whistleblower protections during the January 29 meeting, which brought together the 12 voting and three ex-officio members. Dr. David Michaels, assistant secretary of labor for occupational safety and health, stressed the importance of whistleblowers to the broad economy, to worker safety, the environment, and the integrity of the financial system, transportation safety and food safety. He also updated the committee on the selection of Beth Slavet to head the whistleblower program, and a recent accord signed between OSHA and BNSF Railway Company that protects workers' rights to report safety concerns or injuries without fear of retaliation. In his closing remarks, Michaels reiterated the importance of whistleblowers who can "play an important role in preventing the next Deepwater Horizon or avoiding the next Enron."
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Credit: The White House |
Biden, in Munich, Holds Syria-related Meetings
From a White House News Release
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2, 2013 - Vice President Joe Biden, attending the Munich Security conference, today met with United Nations and Arab League Joint Special Representative Lakhdar Brahimi on the conference's margins.
Biden thanked Brahimi for his steadfast work to resolve the ongoing crisis in Syria and pledged that the United States would continue to support his efforts, officials said. The vice president and Brahimi discussed the dire humanitarian situation inside Syria and the regional implications of the crisis, officials said.
Biden also met separately on the margins of the conference with Syrian Opposition Coalition President Moaz al-Khatib. The vice president praised al-Khatib's personal courage and leadership of the coalition, the legitimate representative of the Syrian people, officials said.
Biden urged al-Khatib to continue his efforts to maintain unity among the coalition's leadership, officials said, and to isolate extremist elements within the broader opposition. The vice president also encouraged the coalition president to reach out to, and be inclusive of, a broad range of communities inside Syria, including Alawites, Christians and Kurds.
Officials said during the meeting, Biden reaffirmed the U.S. call for an end to the Assad regime and a transition that leads to a peaceful, inclusive and democratic Syria, where the rights of all Syrians are protected. The vice president also commended al-Khatib's recent statements, including in Munich, expressing openness, under certain circumstances, to the possibility of negotiations to bring the Syrian people the leadership they deserve, officials said.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Two Aryan Brotherhood of Texas Gang Members Plead Guilty to Federal Racketeering Charges
Two members of the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas gang (ABT) pleaded guilty to racketeering charges related to their membership in the ABT’s criminal enterprise, announced Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division and U.S. Attorney Kenneth Magidson of the Southern District of Texas.
Ben Christian Dillon, aka "Tuff," 40, of Houston, and James Marshall Meldrum, aka "Dirty," 40, of Dallas, each pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Sim Lake in the Southern District of Texas to one count of conspiracy to participate in racketeering activity.
According to court documents, Dillon, Meldrum and other ABT gang members and associates, agreed to commit multiple acts of murder, robbery, arson, kidnapping and narcotics trafficking on behalf of the ABT gang. Dillon, Meldrum and numerous ABT gang members met on a regular basis at various locations throughout Texas to report on gang-related business, collect dues, commit disciplinary assaults against fellow gang members and discuss acts of violence against rival gang members, among other things.
Dillon and Meldrum admitted to being ABT gang members and engaging in multiple acts in support of the criminal enterprise. Dillon admitted to trafficking in methamphetamine, acting as an enforcer to collect drug debts owed to the ABT enterprise, committing acts of arson for the gang and attempting to kill a fellow ABT gang member who had been marked for death by senior ABT officials. Meldrum admitted to trafficking in methamphetamine and severely beating a subordinate gang member.
According to the superseding indictment, the ABT was established in the early 1980s within the Texas prison system. The gang modeled itself after and adopted many of the precepts and writings of the Aryan Brotherhood, a California-based prison gang that was formed in the California prison system during the 1960s. According to the superseding indictment, previously, the ABT was primarily concerned with the protection of white inmates and white supremacy/separatism. Over time, the ABT has expanded its criminal enterprise to include illegal activities for profit.
Court documents allege that the ABT enforced its rules and promoted discipline among its members, prospects and associates through murder, attempted murder, conspiracy to murder, arson, assault, robbery and threats against those who violate the rules or pose a threat to the enterprise. Members, and oftentimes associates, were required to follow the orders of higher-ranking members, often referred to as "direct orders."
According to the superseding indictment, in order to be considered for ABT membership, a person must be sponsored by another gang member. Once sponsored, a prospective member must serve an unspecified term, during which he is referred to as a prospect, while his conduct is observed by the members of the ABT.
At sentencing, Dillon and Meldrum each face a maximum penalty of life in prison. Dillon’s sentencing hearing is scheduled for April 24, 2013, and Meldrum’s sentencing hearing is scheduled for Sept. 26, 2013.
Dillon and Meldrum are two of 34 defendants charged in October 2012 with conducting racketeering activity through the ABT criminal enterprise, among other charges.
This case is being investigated by a multi-agency task force consisting of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; the Drug Enforcement Administration; FBI; U.S. Marshals Service; Federal Bureau of Prisons; U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations; Texas Rangers; Texas Department of Public Safety; Montgomery County, Texas, Sheriff’s Office; Houston Police Department-Gang Division; Texas Department of Criminal Justice – Office of Inspector General; Harris County, Texas, Sheriff’s Office; Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office; Atascosa County, Texas, Sheriff’s Office; Orange County, Texas, Sheriff’s Office; Waller County, Texas, Sheriff’s Office; Fort Worth, Texas, Police Department; Alvin, Texas, Police Department; Carrollton, Texas, Police Department; Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office; Atascosa County District Attorney’s Office; and the Kaufman County, Texas, District Attorney’s Office.
The case is being prosecuted by David Karpel of the Criminal Division’s Organized Crime and Gang Section and Assistant U.S. Attorney Jay Hileman of the Southern District of Texas.
Two Aryan Brotherhood of Texas Gang Members Plead Guilty to Federal Racketeering Charges
Two members of the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas gang (ABT) pleaded guilty to racketeering charges related to their membership in the ABT’s criminal enterprise, announced Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division and U.S. Attorney Kenneth Magidson of the Southern District of Texas.
Ben Christian Dillon, aka "Tuff," 40, of Houston, and James Marshall Meldrum, aka "Dirty," 40, of Dallas, each pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Sim Lake in the Southern District of Texas to one count of conspiracy to participate in racketeering activity.
According to court documents, Dillon, Meldrum and other ABT gang members and associates, agreed to commit multiple acts of murder, robbery, arson, kidnapping and narcotics trafficking on behalf of the ABT gang. Dillon, Meldrum and numerous ABT gang members met on a regular basis at various locations throughout Texas to report on gang-related business, collect dues, commit disciplinary assaults against fellow gang members and discuss acts of violence against rival gang members, among other things.
Dillon and Meldrum admitted to being ABT gang members and engaging in multiple acts in support of the criminal enterprise. Dillon admitted to trafficking in methamphetamine, acting as an enforcer to collect drug debts owed to the ABT enterprise, committing acts of arson for the gang and attempting to kill a fellow ABT gang member who had been marked for death by senior ABT officials. Meldrum admitted to trafficking in methamphetamine and severely beating a subordinate gang member.
According to the superseding indictment, the ABT was established in the early 1980s within the Texas prison system. The gang modeled itself after and adopted many of the precepts and writings of the Aryan Brotherhood, a California-based prison gang that was formed in the California prison system during the 1960s. According to the superseding indictment, previously, the ABT was primarily concerned with the protection of white inmates and white supremacy/separatism. Over time, the ABT has expanded its criminal enterprise to include illegal activities for profit.
Court documents allege that the ABT enforced its rules and promoted discipline among its members, prospects and associates through murder, attempted murder, conspiracy to murder, arson, assault, robbery and threats against those who violate the rules or pose a threat to the enterprise. Members, and oftentimes associates, were required to follow the orders of higher-ranking members, often referred to as "direct orders."
According to the superseding indictment, in order to be considered for ABT membership, a person must be sponsored by another gang member. Once sponsored, a prospective member must serve an unspecified term, during which he is referred to as a prospect, while his conduct is observed by the members of the ABT.
At sentencing, Dillon and Meldrum each face a maximum penalty of life in prison. Dillon’s sentencing hearing is scheduled for April 24, 2013, and Meldrum’s sentencing hearing is scheduled for Sept. 26, 2013.
Dillon and Meldrum are two of 34 defendants charged in October 2012 with conducting racketeering activity through the ABT criminal enterprise, among other charges.
This case is being investigated by a multi-agency task force consisting of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; the Drug Enforcement Administration; FBI; U.S. Marshals Service; Federal Bureau of Prisons; U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations; Texas Rangers; Texas Department of Public Safety; Montgomery County, Texas, Sheriff’s Office; Houston Police Department-Gang Division; Texas Department of Criminal Justice – Office of Inspector General; Harris County, Texas, Sheriff’s Office; Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office; Atascosa County, Texas, Sheriff’s Office; Orange County, Texas, Sheriff’s Office; Waller County, Texas, Sheriff’s Office; Fort Worth, Texas, Police Department; Alvin, Texas, Police Department; Carrollton, Texas, Police Department; Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office; Atascosa County District Attorney’s Office; and the Kaufman County, Texas, District Attorney’s Office.
The case is being prosecuted by David Karpel of the Criminal Division’s Organized Crime and Gang Section and Assistant U.S. Attorney Jay Hileman of the Southern District of Texas.
Airmen gear up for largest B-1 modification
by Airman 1st Class Charles V. Rivezzo
7th Bomb Wing Public Affairs
1/31/2013 - DYESS AIR FORCE BASE, Texas (AFNS) -- Members of the 337th Test and Evaluation Squadron are gearing up for the largest B-1 Lancer modification in program history, as part of the Integrated Battle Station and Sustainment-Block 16 upgrade.
Because of the magnitude of this upgrade, additional work is being done to make sure members of the 337th TES are ready to test and develop tactics needed to take full advantage of the new equipment and software.
Sustainment-Block 16, or SB-16, includes significant upgrades to the B-1, including the Fully Integrated Data Link and Central Integrated Test System in the aft station and the Vertical Situation Display Upgrade in the front station. Included under the umbrella of SB-16, the B-1 will also receive navigation, radar and diagnostic upgrades.
The VSDU upgrades the B-1's forward cockpit by replacing two unsupportable, monochrome pilot and co-pilot displays with four multifunctional color displays, giving the pilots more situational awareness data in a user-friendly format.
The B-1 FIDL will give the aft cockpit new digital avionics including a Link 16 data link that adds line-of-sight capability to the B-1's existing beyond line-of-sight Joint Range Extension Applications Protocol data link and integrates the JREAP, data onto new, full-color displays with intuitive symbols and moving maps.
The CITS upgrade adds a new color display in the aft cockpit and replaces an obsolete computer that continuously monitors the aircraft's performance. It is used by flight and ground support personnel to identify and troubleshoot B-1 system anomalies.
These three modifications fall under the Integrated Battle Station initiative, which is slated to be installed concurrently through 2019.
"The IBS upgrades will provide B-1 aircrews with a higher level of situational awareness and a faster, secure digital communication link," said Maj. Michael Jungquist, from the 337th TES. "This will enable the aircrews to perform at an even more effective level and will make the B-1 cockpit more reliable and supportable."
Developmental testing of SB-16 is scheduled to begin in April at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., while the 337th TES is on track to receive its first fully modified B-1 later this year to begin operational testing.
To test the new datalink capabilities, the 337th TES members are constructing a Link-16 network for use in local airspace. The squadron has spent nearly $1.5 million to create a control room capable of sending and receiving Link-16 and JREAP messages in addition to ultra-high frequency voice communications.
"The groundwork we lay here will enable the 7th Bomb Wing to conduct more effective training, in addition to our ability to test new capabilities in the future," Jungquist said.
Furthermore, 337th TES members have begun writing test plans, creating training plans and even recruited several members of the FIDL and VSDU developmental test teams for expertise and training.
In addition to aircrew training, the maintenance element of the 337th TES has begun preparing for the arrival of the initial IBS configured aircraft. The 337th TES maintainers and maintainers from the 7th Maintenance Group will undergo significant classroom and on-aircraft training at Edwards AFB and Tinker AFB, Okla., prior to the aircraft's arrival.
"The enhancements are so dramatic that, for all intents and purposes, B-1 aviators will need to treat an IBS modified B-1 like a new aircraft," said Jungquist, who flew during both FIDL and VSDU testing.
"The IBS/SB-16 upgrade to the B-1 enhances the ability of this amazing aircraft to integrate and operate with the most advanced air, sea, land and cyber platforms of our military forces," said Lt. Col. George Holland, the 337th TES commander. "Whether providing air support over ground forces in Iraq and Afghanistan or shifting focus to support maritime operations in the Pacific, the IBS upgrade to the B-1 provides more capability to the quiver of our combatant commanders. The 337th TES looks forward to leading the B-1 community through the IBS upgrade."
An MH-60S Sea Hawk helicopter assigned to the Dusty Dogs of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 7 delivers cargo from the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) to the guided-missile frigate USS Kaufman (FFG 59) during a vertical replenishment. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Brandon Parker (Released) 130130-N-HG389-082
130127-N-OY799-372 U.S. 5TH FLEET AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY (Jan. 27, 2013) An F/A-18C Hornet from the Golden Dragons of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 192 launches from the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74). John C. Stennis is deployed to the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility conducting maritime security operations, theater security cooperation efforts and support missions for Operation Enduring Freedom. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Kenneth Abbate/Released)
An MH-60S Sea Hawk helicopter assigned to the Dusty Dogs of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 7 delivers cargo from the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) to the guided-missile frigate USS Kaufman (FFG 59) during a vertical replenishment. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Brandon Parker (Released) 130130-N-HG389-082
130127-N-OY799-372 U.S. 5TH FLEET AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY (Jan. 27, 2013) An F/A-18C Hornet from the Golden Dragons of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 192 launches from the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74). John C. Stennis is deployed to the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility conducting maritime security operations, theater security cooperation efforts and support missions for Operation Enduring Freedom. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Kenneth Abbate/Released)
Friday, February 1, 2013
Farewell Remarks to State Department Employees
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
C Street Lobby
Washington, DC
February 1, 2013
DEPUTY SECRETARY BURNS: Good afternoon, everyone. Madam Secretary, four years ago, I stood on this same spot and had the honor of introducing you to the men and women of the Department of State. From that first day on, you’ve touched the lives of millions and millions of people around the world, you have left a profoundly positive mark on American foreign policy, and you have done enormous good for all of us and for the country we serve. We will miss you deeply, but none of us – (applause) – but none of us will ever forget your extraordinary leadership, and each of us will always be deeply proud to say that we served in Hillary Clinton’s State Department. (Applause.)
And so now it’s my great honor to introduce, one last time, the 67th Secretary of State of the United States of America, Hillary Rodham Clinton. (Applause.)
SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you. Thank you. Well, just standing here looking out at all of you, the people I have been honored to serve and lead and work with over the last four years, is an incredible experience.
When I came into this building as the Secretary of State four years ago and received such a warm welcome, I knew there was something really special about this place, and that having the honor to lead the State Department and USAID would be unique and singular, exciting and challenging. It has been all of those things and so much more. I cannot fully express how grateful I am to those with whom I have spent many hours here in Washington, around the world, and in airplanes. (Laughter.)
But I’m proud of the work we’ve done to elevate diplomacy and development, to serve the nation we all love, to understand the challenges, the threats, and the opportunities that the United States faces, and to work with all our heart and all of our might to make sure that America is secure, that our interests are promoted, and our values are respected. As I look back over these past four years, I am very proud of the work we have done together.
Of course, we live in very complex and even dangerous times, as we saw again just today at our Embassy in Ankara, where we were attacked and lost one of our Foreign Service nationals and others injured. But I spoke with the Ambassador and the team there, I spoke with my Turkish counterpart, and I told them how much we valued their commitment and their sacrifice.
I know that the world we are trying to help bring into being in the 21st century will have many difficult days, but I am more optimistic today than I was when I stood here four years ago, because I have seen, day after day, the many contributions that our diplomats and development experts are making to help ensure that this century provides the kind of peace, progress, and prosperity that not just the United States, but the entire world, especially young people, so richly deserve. I am very proud to have been Secretary of State.
I will miss you. I will probably be dialing Ops just to talk. (Laughter and applause.) I will wonder what you all are doing, because I know that because of your efforts day after day, we are making a real difference. But I leave this Department confident – confident about the direction we have set, confident that the process of the QDDR, which we started for the first time, has enabled us to ask hard questions about what we do, how we do it, and whether we can do it even better. Because State and AID have to always be learning organizations. We owe it to ourselves, we owe it to the President, we owe it to the American people. And so I will be an advocate from outside for the work that you continue to do here and at AID.
So it’s been quite a challenging week saying goodbye to so many people and knowing that I will not have the opportunity to continue being part of this amazing team. But I am so grateful that we’ve had a chance to contribute in each of our ways to making our country and our world stronger, safer, fairer, and better.
Those of you who are staying, as many of you will, please know that I hope you will redouble your efforts to do all that you can to demonstrate unequivocally why diplomacy and development are right up there with defense; how, when we think about who we are as Americans, it’s because we are united and committed across our government to do whatever is required to fulfill the missions we have assumed as public officials and public servants.
So next week, I would expect that all of you will be as focused and dedicated for Secretary Kerry as you have been for me, and that you will continue to serve President Obama and our nation with the same level of professionalism and commitment that I have seen firsthand.
On a personal basis, let me wish all of you the very best, whether you’ve been here a week or 30 or even 40 years, Pat. (Laughter.) Let me give you the very best wishes that I can, because I’m proud to have been a part of you. I leave thinking of the nearly 70,000 people that I was honored to serve and lead as part of a huge extended family. And I hope that you will continue to make yourselves, make me, and make our country proud.
Thank you all, and God bless you. (Applause.)
Acts of Terrorism in Beirut
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
October 19, 2012
The United States condemns in the strongest terms the acts of terrorism that took place in Beirut’s Achrafieh neighborhood today. We extend our deepest sympathies to the families and loved ones of those who were killed.
The assassination of the Brigadier General Wissam al-Hassan, who was a strong defender of Lebanon’s security and its people, is a dangerous sign that there are those who continue to seek to undermine Lebanon’s stability. Lebanon must close the chapter of its past and bring an end to impunity for political assassinations and other politically motivated violence. We call on all parties to exercise restraint and respect for Lebanon’s stability and security.
The United States remains committed to an independent, sovereign, and stable Lebanon. We will continue to work with our partners to preserve Lebanon’s security and stability.
Acts of Terrorism in Beirut
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
October 19, 2012
The United States condemns in the strongest terms the acts of terrorism that took place in Beirut’s Achrafieh neighborhood today. We extend our deepest sympathies to the families and loved ones of those who were killed.
The assassination of the Brigadier General Wissam al-Hassan, who was a strong defender of Lebanon’s security and its people, is a dangerous sign that there are those who continue to seek to undermine Lebanon’s stability. Lebanon must close the chapter of its past and bring an end to impunity for political assassinations and other politically motivated violence. We call on all parties to exercise restraint and respect for Lebanon’s stability and security.
The United States remains committed to an independent, sovereign, and stable Lebanon. We will continue to work with our partners to preserve Lebanon’s security and stability.
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