Saturday, September 15, 2012


Photo Credit:  NASA
New York City on September 11, 2001
Visible from space, a smoke plume rises from the Manhattan area after two planes crashed into the towers of the World Trade Center. This photo was taken of metropolitan New York City (and other parts of New York as well as New Jersey) the morning of September 11, 2001. "Our prayers and thoughts go out to all the people there, and everywhere else," said Station Commander Frank Culbertson of Expedition 3, after the terrorists' attacks.

World Trade Center After 9-11 Attack.  Credit:  U.S. Navy  

The following day, he posted a public letter that captured his initial thoughts of the events as they unfolded. "The world changed today. What I say or do is very minor compared to the significance of what happened to our country today when it was attacked."

Upon further reflection, Culbertson said, "It's horrible to see smoke pouring from wounds in your own country from such a fantastic vantage point. The dichotomy of being on a spacecraft dedicated to improving life on the earth and watching life being destroyed by such willful, terrible acts is jolting to the psyche, no matter who you are."




NATO Military Chiefs Discuss Afghanistan, Transformation
By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

SIBIU, Romania, Sept. 15, 2012 - NATO chiefs of defense are fleshing out the post-2014 role for alliance forces in Afghanistan while planning how the alliance will reshape itself to face future threats during a meeting of the Military Committee here today.

The plan, agreed to at the Chicago Summit in May, calls for NATO to continue to train and support Afghan national security forces after the NATO combat mission ends in December 2014.

"The new NATO mission will not be ISAF with another name," said Danish Army Gen. Knud Bartels, the chairman of the committee. "It will be about making sure that the Afghans have the skills to do the job, and not about NATO doing that job for them." Bartels spoke at a news conference following the meeting.

The committee, which includes Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, heard from Marine Corps Gen. John R. Allen, the commander of NATO and U.S. forces in Afghanistan, via video-teleconference.

Allen told the committee there is no denying there has been security progress in the country. He said Afghan forces are getting stronger and more confident and that Afghan forces are "genuinely" in the lead.

Afghan security forces will reach 352,000 members in the next few weeks, Bartels said, and they are making qualitative progress as well. Afghan forces now have the lead for protecting 75 percent of the Afghan population, Bartels said.

There are 27 months until the ISAF mission ends, and Bartels expects hard fighting in the future. NATO and coalition forces will continue to work with and train Afghan forces during that time, he said. Then the new alliance training, advising and assisting mission will begin. The chiefs of defense are planning for the enduring NATO commitment to Afghanistan.

The committee meeting here will inform alliance political leaders of the requirements in Afghanistan post-2014.

"This is a process that will engage all troop-contributing nations, which of course is based on the strategy," Bartels said. "At this stage there is no capping or ceiling or description for what the contingent will be. But it will be a totally different mission than ISAF, and will be a train and assist mission of supporting the Afghans in supporting their own country."

Bartels also addressed the problem of the insider threat. The chiefs are "cooperatively and individually looking at all possible steps to minimize the insider threat, even though we will never be able to eliminate it completely," he said.

"We are moving ahead steadily on this issue," Bartels said, "and it is definitely our perception that it will not derail the strategy that was ... confirmed in Chicago."

The Romanian host of the meeting, Air Force Lt. Gen. Stefan Danila, said his country will participate in the post-2014 mission in Afghanistan, but he could not name the size of the contingent. Romania currently has around 1,800 troops in Afghanistan.

The NATO chiefs also looked at the way the nations can support alliance transformation and put in place the "smart defense" policy agreed to in Chicago. This is necessary, Bartels said, because the alliance must maintain interoperability and must change with the times.

Transformation does not have a start and end date, he said, and planners will keep pushing "so the alliance can face any threat in the future."


Map Credit:  CIA World Factbook 


ISAF Troops Defeat Camp Bastion Attackers

From an International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Release

KABUL, Afghanistan, Sept. 15, 2012 - Nearly 20 insurgents infiltrated the perimeter of Camp Bastion in Helmand province, Afghanistan, yesterday and attacked International Security Assistance Force personnel and facilities using small arms, rocket-propelled grenades and suicide improvised explosive device vests, military officials reported.

The attack, which began yesterday shortly after 10 p.m., killed two ISAF service members, wounded several and caused damage to multiple aircraft and structures along the base's flight line, officials said.

ISAF forces reacted to the assault, returned fire, and killed all but one of the known insurgents, defeating the attack, officials said. The remaining wounded insurgent attacker is in ISAF custody and is being treated in a medical facility.

Camp Bastion is currently secure, officials said. ISAF personnel cleared the large base of attackers early today.

ISAF is in the process of fully assessing damages to aircraft and structures on the installation's airfield, officials said.

However, ISAF has determined that despite the damage, there will be no impact to ground or air operations from Camp Bastion, officials said.

An investigation is ongoing.


EPA Adds 12 Hazardous Waste Sites to Superfund’s National Priorities List

Eight Other Sites Proposed To Be Added
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is adding 12 new hazardous waste sites that pose public health and environmental risks to the National Priorities List (NPL) for cleanup under the Superfund program. EPA is also proposing to add another eight sites to the list.

Superfund is the federal program that investigates and cleans up the most complex, uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites in the country. For each of the 20 sites announced today, EPA has received letters of concurrence from state officials supporting the NPL listing.

"Cleaning up contamination is vitally important to the health of America’s communities," said Mathy Stanislaus, assistant administrator for EPA’s Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. "Putting clean land back into productive use leads to increases in property values, generates new jobs and creates a stronger local economy that will strengthen these communities for years to come."

Since 1983, 1,676 sites have been listed on the NPL. Of these sites, 360 sites have been cleaned up resulting in 1,316 sites currently on the NPL (including the 12 sites added today). There are 54 proposed sites (including the eight announced today) awaiting final agency action.

Contaminants found at the sites include acetone, arsenic, benzene, cadmium, chromium, copper, dichloroethene (DCE), hexavalent chromium, lead, mercury, methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), tetrachloroethylene (PCE), pentachlorophenol (PCP), trichloroethane (TCA), trichloroethylene (TCE), xylene and zinc.

With all NPL sites, EPA works to identify companies or people responsible for the contamination at a site, and requires them to conduct or pay for the cleanup. For the newly listed sites without viable potentially responsible parties, EPA will investigate the full extent of the contamination before starting significant cleanup at the site. Therefore, it may be several years before significant EPA clean up funding is required for these sites.

The following 12 sites have been added to the National Priorities List:

• Alabama Plating Company, Inc. (former electroplater) in Vincent, Ala.
• Cedar Chemical Corporation (former chemical manufacturer) in West Helena, Ark.
• Fairfax St. Wood Treaters (former wood treating operation) in Jacksonville, Fla.
• Bautsch-Gray Mine (former lead and zinc mine) in Galena, Ill.
• EVR-Wood Treating/Evangeline Refining Company (former wood treating operation) in Jennings, La.
• Leeds Metal (abandoned scrap metal facility) in Leeds, Maine
• Holcomb Creosote Co (former wood treating operation) in Yadkinville, N.C.
• Orange Valley Regional Ground Water Contamination (contaminated ground water plume) in Orange/West Orange, N.J.
• Peters Cartridge Factory (former ammunition manufacturer) in Kings Mills, Ohio
• West Troy Contaminated Aquifer (contaminated ground water plume) in Troy, Ohio
• Circle Court Ground Water Plume (contaminated ground water plume) in Willow Park, Texas
• U.S. Oil Recovery (former used oil recovery operation) in Pasadena, Texas

The following eight sites have been proposed for addition to the National Priorities List:

• Pike and Mulberry Streets PCE Plume (former dry cleaner) in Martinsville, Ind.
• Former United Zinc & Associated Smelters (former zinc smelter) in Iola, Kan.
• Creese & Cook Tannery (former tannery and finishing facility) in Danvers, Mass.
• Walton & Lonsbury Inc. (former chrome plating operation) in Attelboro, Mass.
• Matlack, Inc. (former chemical transportation business) in Woolwich Township, N.J.
• Riverside Industrial Park (former paint manufacturer) in Newark, N.J.
• Clinch River Corporation (former pulp and paper mill) in Harriman, Tenn.
• 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume (ground water plume) in Salt Lake City, Utah

EPA is also withdrawing its earlier proposal to add the Evergreen Manor Ground Water Contamination site in Winnebago County, Illinois to the NPL because remedial action has been completed. Affected residences have been connected to the public water supply, a county ordinance is in place which restricts the installation of private wells in the affected area, and contaminants of concern have remained below cleanup standards since 2006.



1957 - The last F-51 Mustang in squadron service with the Air Force is retired from the West Virginia Air National Guard to serve as a museum piece at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, 27 January 1957.


A U.S. Air Force airman keeps an eye out for role players portraying enemy fighters after he and his team members participated in a mock ambush during a route-clearance mission for an exercise in Thetford, England, Sept. 4, 2012. The airman is assigned to the 100th Security Forces Squadron, based at Royal Air Force Base Mildenhall, England. U.S. Air Force photo by Karen Abeyasekere

U.S. Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Bobby Heimovitz fires a .50-caliber machine gun at an MK-25 smoke target in the Atlantic Ocean, Sept. 5, 2012. Heimovitz is a naval aircrewman helicopter assigned to Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 9. The squadron is under way with the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman to support carrier qualifications. U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Mick DiMestico

Steven Peace, a U.S. Navy veteran and U.S. Paralympic road cyclist, rides past fans while negotiating a hill as he completes the first of three laps for the 24-kilometer road race during the 2012 Paralympic Games in London, Sept. 8, 2012. DOD photo by U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Tyrone C. Marshall Jr.

   U.S. Marine Corps Cpl. Patrick McCall, left, receives a high five from an Afghan boy during a security patrol in the Sangin district of Afghanistan's Helmand province, Sept. 6, 2012. McCall is a rifleman assigned to Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, Regimental Combat Team 6. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Jason Morrison


Statement on Iran

Press Statement

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State

Washington, DC
September 14, 2012
The United States is determined to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon and has pursued a dual-track policy to do so. Yesterday, the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) Board of Governors overwhelmingly adopted a resolution that clearly reflects the international community’s concerns regarding Iran’s nuclear program. Iran must take concrete steps to address those concerns. Iran must cooperate fully and immediately with the IAEA on all outstanding issues. We welcome the resolve of the international community to make clear the onus is on Iran to abide by its international obligations, honor its commitments to the IAEA, and prove that its intentions are peaceful.

The international community is also determined to make significant cuts to Iranian oil revenue, which funds not only the nuclear program but Iran’s support for terror and destabilizing actions in the region and around the world. I am pleased to announce that Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and the United Kingdom have again qualified for an exception to sanctions outlined in Section 1245 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, as amended (NDAA), based on reductions in the volume of their crude oil purchases from Iran.

As of July 1, the European Union implemented a full ban on Iranian crude oil and petroleum products, strengthening the comprehensive measures it has taken to hold Iran accountable for its failure to comply with its international nuclear obligations. Japan has also taken significant steps to reduce its crude oil purchases, which is especially notable considering the extraordinary energy challenges it has faced in the aftermath of the Fukushima disaster. As a result, I will report to the Congress that the exception to sanctions pursuant to Section 1245 of the NDAA will apply to the financial institutions based in these countries for a renewable period of 180 days.

These renewed exceptions result from our extensive cooperation with the international community since the enactment of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, reducing Iran’s oil revenues and isolating its Central Bank from the international financial system. We have brought significant pressure to bear on the Iranian regime, and we will continue to work with our partners to ratchet up the pressure on Iran to meet its international obligations.



Peter Hemmer's poster highlights the Defense Department's participation in National Hispanic Heritage Month. Graphic courtesy of the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute 
DOD Artist Creates Hispanic Heritage Month Poster
By Terri Moon Cronk
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Sept. 14, 2012 - When artist Peter Hemmer channeled his creative process to produce a poster highlighting the Defense Department's participation in this year's National Hispanic Heritage Month, he knew he wanted a one-of-a-kind design.

"I wanted to find something bright, colorful and vibrant," said Hemmer, an illustrator with the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute at Patrick Air Force Base, Fla.

"Every observance has challenges built into it," Hemmer said, noting he wanted this year's Hispanic Heritage Month poster to be different and interesting.

Hemmer said he didn't want to repeat what's been done in years past, or produce a poster "that's so specific, it alienates certain subgroups of that ethnic group."

He conferred with DEOMI research editor Dawn Smith to develop ideas for the Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 observance, which is themed, "Diversity United, Building America's Future Today."

The consistent factor Hemmer and Smith found in different Hispanic cultures was vibrant colors, they said.

"In the Hispanic population, some other strong qualities are embracing their past, family, celebration and tradition," Smith added.

And through her research for the culturally diverse observance, Smith found a common theme among the many Hispanic cultures: the traditional dress.

"She brought out some pictures of Latina dresses for fiestas, and I was struck by them," Hemmer said. "The more I looked at them, the more I thought about abstract shapes that showed motion. It came together fairly quickly."

In just two days, he said, he was finished with his acrylic abstract creation.

"My thought was that [the observance] encompasses such a huge group of people," Smith said, "we wanted to make sure we used something that spoke to the entire population of Hispanic Americans."

"Observances are designed to enhance cross-cultural awareness for harmony among all our military members, their families and our civilian work force," said Bryan Ripple, DEOMI public affairs officer.

Taking a bit of artistic license, Hemmer felt the poster should embrace the word "American" for Hispanic U.S. citizens.

"Although Hispanic people come from several different countries in the world, we honor them as valued American citizens," Ripple said of the poster's inclusion of the word "American."

"What I like about Pete's posters is they cause you to stop and look at them and contemplate what he's trying to do with his artwork," Ripple said, adding that the poster is made available to all federal government agencies.

An illustrator with DEOMI for more than 11 years, Hemmer said he often uses mixed media to design his creations, from paint and photography to sculpture and calligraphy.

Hemmer's work has become so popular, that DEOMI dedicated a "Diversity Hall" to display 53 framed pieces of his work -- each one measuring 30 inches by 40 inches, Ripple said.

"Doing this job is wonderful for me to be able to use my talent -- not only to create art, but to create art that's useful to other people and furthers DEOMI's mission," Hemmer said. "That's worth something."


Thursday, September 6, 2012
Massachusetts Tax Fraud Promoter Sentenced to Prison for Conspiracy to Obstruct and Impede the IRS

A federal judge in Worcester, Mass., sentenced William Scott Dion today to 84 months in prison for conspiring to defraud the United States, and for obstructing the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Justice Department and IRS announced. U.S. District Judge F. Dennis Saylor also ordered Dion to pay restitution in the amount of $3 million.

On April 2, 2012, a federal jury convicted Dion and Catherine Floyd, both of Sanbornville, N.H., and Charles Adams, of Norwood, Mass., for conspiracies to defraud the United States through the promotion and use of multiple tax fraud schemes. The jury convicted all three of conspiracy to defraud the IRS by promoting an "under the table" payroll scheme. Dion and Floyd were also convicted for conspiracy to defraud the IRS through the use of an "underground warehouse banking" scheme designed to conceal customer income and assets from the IRS. Floyd and Dion were also convicted separately for corruptly endeavoring to obstruct the IRS’s ability to determine their own income. Adams was separately convicted of tax evasion.

According to the evidence presented at trial, Dion, Floyd and Adams ran a payroll tax scheme in order to pay employees "under the table" without properly accounting for, withholding, and paying over to the IRS the payroll taxes required by law. The three promoted the payroll scheme to employers and individuals who wanted to avoid payment of employer payroll taxes and individual payroll taxes. The three ran the payroll scheme under three different names: Contract America, Talent Management and New Way Enterprises. Approximately 150 individuals subscribed to the payroll scheme and in excess of $2.5 million in unreported wages and compensation were paid through the system.

The evidence at trial also established that Dion and Floyd conspired to defraud the United States by promoting and operating an "underground warehouse banking" scheme which helped subscribers conceal income and assets from the IRS. According to the evidence, the warehouse scheme operated under three different names: Your Virtual Office, Office Services and Calico Management. As part of the warehouse banking scheme, the defendants maintained accounts at several banks and used the accounts to deposit and commingle business receipts and other funds received from subscribers in order to mask the true ownership of the funds. According to evidence presented at trial, more than $28 million in deposits were made into the various bank accounts used in the scheme.

In August 2009, the three defendants were indicted with four other individuals relating to the promotion and use of these schemes. On Dec. 9, 2011, prior to trial, Gail and Myron Thorick of West Warwick, R.I., pleaded guilty to conspiring to defraud the United States by helping operate the "warehouse banking" scheme, and for filing false tax returns. On that same date, Gary Alcock pleaded guilty to conspiracy by using the payroll scheme, as well as to tax evasion and willful failure to file tax returns. On Jan. 24, 2012, Kenneth Scott Alcock pleaded guilty to conspiracy relating to the payroll scheme and to one count of tax evasion. All four defendants are awaiting sentencing.

Kathryn Keneally, Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Department’s Tax Division, and Carmen M. Ortiz, U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts, commended the efforts of special agents of IRS – Criminal Investigation, who investigated the case, Tax Division Assistant Chief John N. Kane, former Tax Division Trial Attorney Jeffrey L. Shih, Assistant U.S. Attorney Victor A. Wild, who prosecuted the case.


Top U.S. Officials Honor Americans Who Died in Libya
By Cheryl Pellerin
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Sept. 14, 2012 - As they touched down for the last time on U.S. soil, four Americans killed during attacks this week at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, were honored with eulogies today by President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

In the audience at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland included Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta, Vice President Joe Biden, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan E. Rice, former Secretary of State and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin L. Powell, as well as many other top military, State Department and civilian officials, and family members of the fallen patriots.

In four flag-draped caskets, each carried from a C-17 aircraft and into a large hangar by seven Marines, were the remains of U.S. Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens, Foreign Service information management officer Sean Smith, and security officers Tyrone S. Woods and Glen A. Doherty.

The Sept. 11 attacks in Benghazi also wounded three Americans who are recovering at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany.

At the ceremony, Clinton spoke first, commenting on the life of each State Department hero.

"Today," she said, "we bring home four Americans who gave their lives for our country and our values. To the families of our fallen colleagues I offer our most heartfelt condolences and deepest gratitude."

Sean Smith, who joined the State Department after six years in the Air Force, was respected as a technology expert by colleagues in Pretoria, South Africa, Baghdad, Montreal, and The Hague in the Netherlands. He enrolled in correspondence courses at Pennsylvania State University and had high hopes for the future, Clinton said.

"Sean leaves behind a loving wife, Heather; two young children, Samantha and Nathan; and scores of grieving family, friends and colleagues," she said.

"And that's just in this world," the secretary added, "because online, in the virtual worlds that Sean helped create, he is also being mourned by countless competitors, collaborators and gamers who shared his passion."

Clinton said Tyrone Woods, known by friends as Rone, spent 20 years as a Navy SEAL, serving multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and later earning distinction as a registered nurse and a certified paramedic.

"Since 2010 he protected American diplomatic personnel in dangerous posts from Central America to the Middle East," she said. "Our hearts go out to Tyrone's wife Dorothy and his three sons, Tyrone Jr., Hunter and Kai, born just a few months ago, and to his grieving family, friends and colleagues."

Glen Doherty, called Bub by his friends, also was a former SEAL and an experienced paramedic, the secretary said, who died as he lived -- serving his country and protecting his colleagues.

"Glen deployed to some of the most dangerous places on earth, including Iraq and Afghanistan, always putting his life on the line to safeguard other Americans," Clinton said.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with Glen's father, Bernard; his mother, Barbara; his brother, Gregory; his sister, Kathleen and their grieving families, friends and colleagues, the secretary added.

Clinton said she was honored to know Ambassador Chris Stevens.

"I want to thank his parents and siblings who are here today for sharing Chris with us and with our country. What a wonderful gift you gave us," she told them.

During a distinguished career in the Foreign Service, Clinton said, Stevens won friends for the United States around the world and made their hopes his own.

"During the revolution in Libya, he risked his life to help protect the Libyan people from a tyrant, and he gave his life helping them build a better country," the secretary added.

People loved to work with Chris, who was "known not only for his courage but for his smile -- goofy but contagious -- [and] for his sense of fun and that California cool," she said, referring to his home in the northern part of the state.

In the days since the attack, so many Libyans have expressed sorrow and solidarity, the secretary said.

"One young woman, her head covered and her eyes haunted with sadness, held up a handwritten sign that said: 'Thugs and killers don't represent Benghazi nor Islam,'" Clinton said.

"The president of the Palestinian Authority, who worked closely with Chris when he served in Jerusalem, sent me a letter remembering his energy and integrity, and deploring, and I quote, 'an act of ugly terror,'" she added.

Others from across the Middle East and North Africa have offered similar sentiments, the secretary said.

"This has been a difficult week for the State Department and for our country. We've seen the heavy assault on our post in Benghazi that took the lives of these brave men. We've seen rage and violence directed at American Embassies over an awful Internet video that we had nothing to do with," she said.

It's hard for Americans to make sense of these events because the events are senseless and unacceptable, Clinton added, referring to multiple protests at U.S. Embassies over a film posted on the Internet that insults the Prophet Mohammed.

In response, protestors also have swarmed the U.S. Embassy in Tunisia and the German Embassy in Sudan, and the State Department website has posted travel alerts advising caution because of possible demonstrations for anyone visiting U.S. Embassies in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and Jakarta, Indonesia.

"The people of Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Tunisia did not trade the tyranny of a dictator for the tyranny of a mob," Clinton said. "Reasonable people and responsible leaders in these countries need to do everything they can to restore security and hold accountable those behind these violent acts."

More difficult days lie ahead, she added, "but it is important that we don't lose sight of the fundamental fact that America must keep leading the world. We owe it to these four men to continue the long, hard work of diplomacy."

As he took the podium, Obama quoted Scripture as teaching that, "'Greater love hath no man than this; that a man lay down his life for his friends.'" And he said a few words about each of the Americans who died in Libya.

"Four Americans, four patriots," the president said. "They loved this country and they chose to serve it and served it well. They had a mission and they believed in it. They knew the danger and they accepted it."

Obama added, "I know that this awful loss -- terrible images of recent days, the pictures we're seeing again today -- have caused some to question this work, and there is no doubt these are difficult days."

In such incidents of anger and violence, he said, even the most hopeful must wonder.

"But amid all the images of this week I also think of the Libyans who took to the streets with homemade signs expressing their gratitude to an American who believed in what we could achieve together," the president said.

"I think of the man in Benghazi with his sign in English," Obama said. "A message he wanted all of us to hear. It said, 'Chris Stevens was a friend to all Libyans. Chris Stevens was a friend.'"

That message is one each American sends every day, he added, that America is a friend.

"Even as voices of suspicion and mistrust seek to divide countries and cultures from one another, the United States of America will never retreat from the world," the president said.

Americans will never stop working for the dignity and freedom that every person deserves, whatever their creed or faith, he added.

"That's the essence of American leadership. That's the spirit that sets us apart from other nations. This was their work in Benghazi and this is the work we will carry on," the president said.

The sacrifice of Doherty, Woods, Smith and Stevens will never be forgotten, he added.

"We will bring to justice those who took them from us," Obama said. "We will stand fast against the violence on our diplomatic missions. We will continue to do everything in our power to protect Americans serving overseas, whether that means increasing security at our diplomatic posts, working with host countries ... and making it clear that justice will come to those who harm Americans."


Map Credit:  U.S. State Department
Ex-Im Bank Chairman Concludes China Business Development Trip

Chongqing, China – Fred P. Hochberg, the chairman and president of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank), led a business-development mission in China this week where he met with local officials and identified new business opportunities for American companies. Hochberg traveled to Beijing, Chengdu, Tianjin, and Chongqing.

“China is a dynamic market, and there are enormous opportunities for American businesses to sell to Chinese customers,” said Hochberg. “Over the next several years, China is expected to make significant infrastructure investments, and U.S. companies, workers, and products should be involved in those projects.”

While in China, Hochberg met with leading business organizations, including members of AmCham Southwest China and PCH International. Hochberg also held meetings with Vice Governor Gan Li, Mayor Ge Honglin, Mayor Huang Qifan, and Party Secretary Zhang Dejiang.

Ex-Im Bank’s volume is increasing in China. In FY'12 year-to-date, the Bank has authorized $1.2 billion in financing for Chinese companies that purchased U.S. goods and services, up from $586 million in FY’11. As of July 2012, China ranked fourth in new authorizations for Ex-Im Bank.

About Ex-Im Bank:

Ex-Im Bank is an independent federal agency that helps create and maintain U.S. jobs by filling gaps in private export financing at no cost to American taxpayers. In the past five years, Ex-Im Bank has earned for U.S. taxpayers $1.9 billion above the cost of operations. The Bank provides a variety of financing mechanisms, including working capital guarantees, export-credit insurance and financing to help foreign buyers purchase U.S. goods and services.

Ex-Im Bank approved $32.7 billion in total authorizations in FY 2011 -- an all-time Ex-Im record. This total includes more than $6 billion directly supporting small-business export sales -- also an Ex-Im record. Ex-Im Bank's total authorizations are supporting an estimated $41 billion in U.S. export sales and approximately 290,000 American jobs in communities across the country.


110319-N-XO436-136 MEDITERRANEAN SEA (March. 19, 2011) The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Barry (DDG 52) launches a Tomahawk missile in support of Operation Odyssey Dawn on March 19, 2011. This was one of approximately 110 cruise missiles fired from U.S. and British ships and submarines that targeted about 20 radar and anti-aircraft sites along Libya's Mediterranean coast. Joint Task Force Odyssey Dawn is the U.S. Africa Command task force established to provide operational and tactical command and control of U.S. military forces supporting the international response to the unrest in Libya and enforcement of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1973. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Jonathan Sunderman/Released)

110329-N-XO436-010 MEDITERRANEAN SEA (March 29, 2011) The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Barry (DDG 52) launches a Tomahawk cruise missile to support Joint Task Force Odyssey Dawn. Odyssey Dawn is the U.S. Africa Command task force established to provide operational and tactical command and control of U.S. military forces supporting the international response to the unrest in Libya and enforcement of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1973. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Jonathan Sunderman/Released)

Friday, September 14, 2012


El Salvador Independence Day

Press Statement

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State

Washington, DC
September 13, 2012
On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I am delighted to send best wishes to the people of El Salvador as you celebrate your independence this September 15.

This is a time for Salvadorans across the globe to rejoice in your proud heritage and vibrant culture. With more than two and a half million Salvadorans living in the United States, the rich tapestry of Salvadoran culture is woven closely into American society. This year, on the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Chapultepec Accords, we can also reflect on the progress your nation has made in consolidating democracy and building a more secure and prosperous future.

The United States and El Salvador share a commitment to realizing your country's aspirations of inclusive economic growth, safe and resilient communities, and expanded opportunities, particularly for young people. The American people stand with you as partners and friends as you build a brighter future for generations of Salvadorans to come.

The United States established diplomatic relations with El Salvador in 1863 following its independence from Spain and the later dissolution of a federation of Central American states. Post-independence, the country saw a mix of revolutions, democracy, and a 1980-1992 civil war. The United States and El Salvador share a strong commitment to democracy, rule of law, and inclusive economic development. Ties are further enriched by 1.6 million Salvadorans who call the United States home.

El Salvador is a key partner in efforts to dampen the threats posed by transnational criminal organizations and gangs. The country has been a strong, durable partner on security and defense issues. However, endemic crime and impunity threaten El Salvador's progress by undermining the legitimacy of state institutions and impeding economic growth. U.S. policy toward El Salvador promotes the strengthening of El Salvador's democratic institutions, rule of law, judicial reform, national reconciliation and reconstruction, and economic opportunity and growth. Through the Partnership for Growth, the two countries are committed to working closely to boost economic prosperity and create a safer, more prosperous, and more democratic future for all their citizens.

U.S. Assistance to El Salvador

El Salvador is one of four countries worldwide selected to participate in the Partnership for Growth initiative. A joint U.S.-El Salvador multidisciplinary team identified the two most critical constraints to economic growth: crime and insecurity; and low productivity in tradables. The governments of El Salvador and the United States subsequently identified 20 goals in a 5-year Joint Country Action Plan to work in partnership with local organizations, the private sector, and other donors. As part of this effort, the majority of U.S. assistance for El Salvador will be aligned to support of the Joint Country Action Plan.

Bilateral Economic Relations

The United States and El Salvador are parties to the U.S.-Central America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR), which aims to facilitate trade and investment and further regional integration by eliminating tariffs, opening markets, reducing barriers to services, and promoting transparency. CAFTA-DR contains a chapter on investment similar to a bilateral investment treaty with the United States. More than 300 U.S. companies have established either a permanent commercial presence in El Salvador or work through representative offices in the country. U.S. exports to El Salvador include agricultural products, oil, machinery, knit crocheted fabrics, and low-value and donated relief articles. U.S. imports from El Salvador include apparel, agricultural products, and gold. Remittances from Salvadorans working in the United States are an important source of income for many families in El Salvador.

El Salvador's Membership in International Organizations

El Salvador and the United States belong to a number of the same international organizations, including the United Nations, Organization of American States, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, and World Trade Organization.


Photo:  Libyan Desert..  Credit:  CIA
Statement on the Deaths of Tyrone S. Woods and Glen A. Doherty in Benghazi, Libya
Press Statement
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State

Washington, DC
September 13, 2012
The attack on our diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya on Tuesday claimed the lives of four Americans. Yesterday, I spoke about two: Ambassador Chris Stevens and Information Management Officer Sean Smith. Today, we also recognize the two security personnel who died helping protect their colleagues. Tyrone S. Woods and Glen A. Doherty were both decorated military veterans who served our country with honor and distinction. Our thoughts, prayers, and deepest gratitude are with their families and friends. Our embassies could not carry on our critical work around the world without the service and sacrifice of brave people like Tyrone and Glen.

Tyrone’s friends and colleagues called him "Rone," and they relied on his courage and skill, honed over two decades as a Navy SEAL. In uniform, he served multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. Since 2010, he protected American diplomatic personnel in dangerous posts from Central America to the Middle East. He had the hands of a healer as well as the arm of a warrior, earning distinction as a registered nurse and certified paramedic. All our hearts go out to Tyrone’s wife Dorothy and his three sons, Tyrone Jr., Hunter, and Kai, who was born just a few months ago.

We also grieve for Glen Doherty, called Bub, and his family: his father Bernard, his mother Barbara, his brother Gregory, and his sister Kathleen. Glen was also a former Navy SEAL and an experienced paramedic. And he put his life on the line many times, protecting Americans in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other hotspots. In the end, he died the way he lived – with selfless honor and unstinting valor.

We condemn the attack that took the lives of these heroes in the strongest terms, and we are taking additional steps to safeguard American embassies, consulates, and citizens around the world. This violence should shock the conscience of people of all faiths and traditions. We appreciate the statements of support that have poured in from across the region and beyond. People of conscience and goodwill everywhere must stand together in these difficult days against violence, hate, and division.

I am enormously proud of the men and women who risk their lives every day in the service of our country and our values. They help make the United States the greatest force for peace, progress, and human dignity that the world has ever known. We honor the memory of our fallen colleagues by continuing their work and carrying on the best traditions of a bold and generous nation.

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Pentagon Deploys Security Team to Libya
By Claudette Roulo
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Sept. 13, 2012 - Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta has authorized deployment of a Marine Corps fleet anti-terrorism security team to Libya to protect U.S. citizens there and to secure the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, Pentagon Press Secretary George Little said here today.

During a Pentagon news conference, Little said Panetta strongly condemns the recent attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities in the Middle East.

"The secretary extends his deepest sympathies to the families of the victims and to the entire State Department family," Little said. "The department has been working with the White House and State Department to provide resources to support the security of U.S. personnel and facilities in Libya."

Little said the Defense Department supported the evacuation of American personnel and casualties out of Libya and is supporting the repatriation of the remains of the four State Department personnel, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, who were killed in the attack late Tuesday on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.

Panetta and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey also have worked over the past 48 hours with combatant commanders throughout the region to conduct reviews of their force postures, he said. They also are working "to ensure that we have the flexibility to respond to requests for assistance or orders as directed by the president of the United States," he added.

Little said the focus of the Defense Department is now on supporting whole-of-government efforts to provide security to American personnel in Libya and elsewhere, working closely with the State Department, "and then supporting any efforts that we may be called upon to assist in the effort to, as the president said, 'deliver justice.'"

"The FBI and Department of Justice have opened an investigation into this tragic event," Little said. "Obviously, we will cooperate fully if called upon to support their investigation.

"Rest assured that this department is going to work very closely with our interagency partners to help investigate [and], if we're called upon, to assist," he continued. "And we will play our part in getting to the root of what happened."

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