Tuesday, April 16, 2013



Aviation Ordnanceman Airman Isia Washington, from Atlanta, directs as an MH-60S Sea Hawk helicopter from the Eightballers of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 8 lands on the flight deck aboard the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74). The John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group is deployed to the U.S. 7th Fleet area of responsibility conducting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts. U.S. Navy Photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Apprentice Ignacio D. Perez (Released) 130410-N-TC437-512

A landing craft air cushion (LCAC) from Assault Craft Unit (ACU) 4 exits the well deck of the amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge (LHD 3). Kearsarge is the flagship for the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group and, with the embarked 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, is deployed in support of maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Abraham Essenmacher (Released) 130411-N-AD372-171



Washington, D.C., April 15, 2013 — The Securities and Exchange Commission charged a former employee at a Connecticut-based brokerage firm with scheming to personally profit from placing unauthorized orders to buy Apple stock. When the scheme backfired, it ultimately caused the firm to cease operations.

David Miller, an institutional sales trader who lives in Rockville Centre, N.Y., has agreed to a partial settlement of the SEC's charges. He also pleaded guilty today in a parallel criminal case.

The SEC alleges that Miller misrepresented to Rochdale Securities LLC that a customer had authorized the Apple orders and assumed the risk of loss on any resulting trades. The customer order was to purchase just 1,625 shares of Apple stock, but Miller instead entered a series of orders totaling 1.625 million shares at a cost of almost $1 billion. Miller planned to share in the customer's profit if Apple's stock profited, and if the stock decreased he would claim that he erred on the size of the order. The stock wound up decreasing after an earnings announcement later that day, and Rochdale was forced to cease operations in the wake of covering the losses suffered from the rogue trades.

"Miller's scheme was deliberate, brazen, and ultimately ill-conceived," said Daniel M. Hawke, Chief of the SEC Enforcement Division's Market Abuse Unit. "This is a wake-up call to the brokerage industry that the unchecked conduct of even a single individual in a position of trust can pose grave risks to a firm and potentially to the markets and investors."

According to the SEC's complaint filed in federal court in Connecticut, Miller entered purchase orders for 1.625 million shares of Apple stock on Oct. 25, 2012, with the company's earnings announcement expected later that day. His plan was to share in the customer's profit from selling the shares if Apple's stock price increased. Alternatively, if Apple's stock price decreased, Miller planned to claim that he inadvertently misinterpreted the size of the customer's order, and Rochdale would then take responsibility for the unauthorized purchase and suffer the losses.

According to the SEC's complaint, Apple's stock price decreased after Apple's earnings release was issued on October 25. The customer denied buying all but 1,625 Apple shares, and Rochdale was forced to take responsibility for the unauthorized purchase. Rochdale then sold the Apple stock at an approximately $5.3 million loss, causing the value of the firm's available liquid assets to fall below regulatory limits required of broker-dealers. Rochdale had to cease operations shortly thereafter.

The SEC's complaint charges Miller with violations of Section 17(a)(1) and (3) of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5. To settle the SEC's charges, Miller will be barred in separate SEC administrative proceedings from working in the securities industry or participating in any offering of penny stock. In the partial settlement in court, Miller agreed to be enjoined from future violations of the antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws. A financial penalty will be determined at a later date by the court upon the SEC's motion.

In the criminal proceeding, Miller pleaded guilty to charges of wire fraud and conspiracy to commit securities and wire fraud. He will be sentenced on July 8.

The SEC's investigation, which is continuing, has been conducted by Eric A. Forni, David H. London, and Michele T. Perillo of the Market Abuse Unit in the Boston Regional Office. The SEC acknowledges the assistance of the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Connecticut, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).



EPA Publishes 18th Annual U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory

WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its 18th annual report of overall U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions showing a 1.6 percent decrease in 2011 from the previous year. Recent trends can be attributed to multiple factors including reduced emissions from electricity generation, improvements in fuel efficiency in vehicles with reductions in miles traveled, and year-to-year changes in the prevailing weather.

Under this Administration, EPA has taken a number of common sense steps to help reduce GHG emissions. This includes increasing fuel efficiency for cars that will reduce America’s dependence on oil by an estimated 12 billion barrels by 2025, and increasing energy efficiency through the Energy Star program that saved Americans $24 billion in utility bills in 2012.

GHGs are the primary driver of climate change, which can lead to hotter, longer heat waves that threaten the health of the sick, poor or elderly; increases in ground-level ozone pollution linked to asthma and other respiratory illnesses; as well as other threats to the health and welfare of Americans. GHG emissions in 2011 showed a 6.9 percent drop below 2005 levels. Total emissions of the six main greenhouse gases in 2011 were equivalent to 6,702 million metric tons of carbon dioxide. These gases include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride.

The Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2011 is the latest annual report that the United States has submitted to the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change since it was ratified by the United States in 1992. The treaty sets an overall framework for intergovernmental efforts to address the challenge posed by climate change. EPA prepares the annual report in collaboration with other federal agencies and after gathering comments from stakeholders across the country.

The inventory tracks annual GHG emissions at the national level and presents historical emissions from 1990 to 2011. The inventory also calculates carbon dioxide emissions that are removed from the atmosphere through the uptake of carbon by forests, vegetation, soils, and other natural processes (called carbon "sinks").

Emissions and Trends

Since 1990, U.S. greenhouse gas emissions have increased by about 8%. From year to year, emissions can rise and fall due to changes in the economy, the price of fuel, and other factors. In 2011, U.S. greenhouse gas emissions decreased compared to 2010 levels. This decrease was primarily due to a decrease in the carbon intensity of fuels consumed to generate electricity due to a decrease in coal consumption, with increased natural gas consumption and a significant increase in hydropower used. Additionally, relatively mild winter conditions, especially in the South Atlantic Region of the United States where electricity is an important heating fuel, resulted in an overall decrease in electricity demand in most sectors.

Monday, April 15, 2013

U.S. Department of Defense Armed with Science Update

U.S. Department of Defense Armed with Science Update


U.S. soldiers patrol a field to attend a shura in the Khogyani district of Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province, March 31, 2013. The soldiers are assigned to the 101st Airborne Division's 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team. U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Jon Heinrich
Combined Force Arrests Insurgent Leader in Ghazni Province
Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases

WASHINGTON, April 15, 2013 - An Afghan and coalition security force arrested a senior Lashkar-e Tayyiba leader and detained a number of other insurgents during an operation in the Andar district of Afghanistan's Ghazni province today, military officials reported.

The detained insurgent leader is alleged to have planned and participated in attacks against Afghan and coalition forces throughout Kunar, Kandahar and Ghazni provinces, officials said. He also is known to have links to multiple foreign fighters, and was actively planning an attack at the time of his arrest.

Also today, a combined force arrested a Taliban leader and detained one other insurgent in the Sherzad district of Nangarhar province. The arrested Taliban leader is suspected of planning and conducting attacks against Afghan and coalition forces throughout Nangarhar province. He's also suspected of using his residence as a staging point for insurgent operations, and of housing Taliban fighters and weapons. The security force seized two AK-47 rifles, one automatic shotgun, one grenade and ammunition.

In Afghanistan operations yesterday:

-- In the Sabari district of Khost province, a combined force arrested one insurgent during a search for a Haqqani leader. The sought-after Haqqani leader is suspected of acquiring and distributing weapons to fellow insurgents. He's also suspected to have operational control over a cell of fighters in the district and of personally leading subordinates in rocket-propelled grenade attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.

-- A combined force killed insurgent leader, Rauf, and two other insurgents in the Asadabad district of Kunar province. Rauf was an operational planner responsible for coordinating insurgent attacks on Afghan and coalition forces in multiple provinces throughout Afghanistan. He has facilitated funding for foreign fighters and coordinated operations between the Taliban and other insurgent groups.

In April 13 Afghanistan operations:

-- A combined force arrested a senior Taliban leader and detained two other insurgents in the Nad 'Ali district of Helmand province. The arrested insurgent leader commanded multiple cells of Taliban fighters and is alleged to have participated in numerous attacks against Afghan and coalition forces throughout Helmand province.

-- Afghan and coalition security forces confirmed the death of Taliban leader, Yassin, during an operation in the Washer district of Helmand province. Yassin led a cell of fighters responsible for improvised explosive device operations against Afghan civilians in the Kandahar district. And he was involved in the facilitation of weapons and vehicles for use in attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.

-- Combined forces confirmed the death of senior Taliban leader, Tawab, during an operation in the Panjwa'i district of Kandahar province. Tawab was in charge of approximately 50 fighters in the area and was responsible for most of the insurgent activity and attacks against Afghan and coalition forces in the western and central sections of the Panjwa'i district.

-- A combined force killed two insurgents during a search for a senior Taliban leader in the Panjwa'i district of Kandahar province. The sought-after Taliban leader is alleged to be in charge of approximately 50 fighters and is believed responsible for directing attacks against Afghan and coalition forces in the western and central sections of the Panjwa'i district. He is also considered vital to IED operations throughout the district.

-- In the Washer district of Helmand province, a combined force killed one insurgent during a search for a Taliban leader. The sought-after Taliban leader is believed to head a cell of fighters responsible for IED attacks against Afghan civilians in the Kandahar district of Kandahar province. He is also linked to the facilitation of weapons and vehicles for use in attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.

-- In the Burkah district of Baghlan province, a combined force arrested a senior Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan leader. The arrested leader is linked to a cell of insurgents responsible for improvised explosive device operations against Afghan and coalition forces throughout Balkh province.

-- A combined force detained a number of insurgents during a search for a Taliban leader in the Panjwa'i district of Kandahar province. The sought-after insurgent leader is linked to a group of insurgent fighters responsible for multiple attacks against Afghan and coalition forces, including the kidnapping of Afghan government officials. The security force also seized 50 pounds of hashish.

-- A combined force detained one suspect during a search for a Taliban facilitator in the Kandahar district of Kandahar province. The suspected insurgent is believed to have provided IED logistics around the Kandahar district, to include procuring homemade explosives, assisting in IED construction, and delivery of completed devices for use in attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.

-- In the Pul-e-Alam district of Logar province, a combined force arrested a Haqqani leader and detained one other insurgent. The arrested Haqqani leader is believed responsible for weapons facilitation in the Pul-e-Alam district, and for controlling a group of fighters responsible for IED attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. The security force also seized IED-making materials.

-- A combined force detained a number of suspected insurgents during a search for a Haqqani leader in the Musa Khel district of Khost province. The sought-after Haqqani leader is believed responsible for procuring and distributing weapons and IEDs to his fellow fighters for attacks against Afghan and coalition forces throughout Khost province. The security force also seized fragmentation grenades, AK-47 rifles, a pistol, and a significant amount of ammunition.

Daily Press Briefing - April 15, 2013

Daily Press Briefing - April 15, 2013

President Obama Speaks on Explosions in Boston | The White House

President Obama Speaks on Explosions in Boston | The White House


Warfighters might not realize it, but U.S. Strategic Command provides many of the capabilities they rely on in combat operations. Here, Army 1st Lt. Michael Kim, platoon leader of 2nd Platoon, Apache Company, 1st Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, checks his location with a handheld GPS -- a capability provided through Stratcom -- while on patrol in southern Afghanistan, July 30, 2012. U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Matt Young.
Strategic Command Provides Vital Warfighter, Operational Support
By Donna Miles
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, April 11, 2013 - While providing the deterrence to protect the United States from a strategic attack, U.S. Strategic Command is playing a very real, yet often unrecognized, role in operations in Afghanistan and around the globe, its commander, Air Force Gen. C. Robert Kehler, reported.

"I joke to theater combatant commanders and tell them, 'There isn't anything you do that Stratcom doesn't touch,'" Kehler told American Forces Press Service during an interview here.

"At first they would push back on that," he said, not immediately recognizing Stratcom as the behind-the-scenes force that drives many of the capabilities they rely on every day.

Kehler said he reminds them that Stratcom is the driving force behind satellites that allow them to communicate, cyber defenses that protect their networks, and GPS capabilities that help them navigate and, when necessary, lock in on and engage targets. In addition, the command coordinates the intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities that give U.S. and coalition forces a decisive edge on the battlefield that saves lives.

"We are in the fight everywhere U.S. military people operate, communicate, have global awareness and local awareness," Kehler said. "In all those cases, there is some piece of that that is either provided by or enabled by Strategic Command."

Despite being central to military operations, that support largely is transparent to users, he acknowledged.

"We are providing real-time, day-to-day capability for space and for cyber. We are providing the ballistic missile defense system. We are providing the synchronization for combating weapons of mass destruction," Kehler said.

"We are providing the synchronization activity for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance on a global basis," he continued. "We are providing analysis and targeting on a global basis, to include the cruise missile support activities for the Atlantic and Pacific. We are providing the long-range global fires through global strike, if those are required in the theater."

For example, Stratcom provided global-strike capability for U.S. Africa Command during the opening days of Operation Odyssey Dawn in Libya, Kehler said.

In addition, Strategic Command provides the oversight and tactics, techniques and procedures to ensure military operators have uncontested access to the electromagnetic spectrum.

That access, required for almost every modern technical device, "provides us the opportunity to communicate with one another and to share data across long distances," Kehler said. "It's the glue that binds us all together."

Stratcom's challenge, he said, is to ensure all U.S. forces have access to and control of this spectrum that provides the a vital military advantage, while protecting against vulnerabilities adversaries might try to exploit through jamming or "dazzling" that makes sensors inoperable.

Kehler offered high praise for the men and women of Stratcom for their behind-the-scenes contributions to the wartime mission and to every other military operation around the world.

"We believe we are standing in the theaters, shoulder-to-shoulder, with theater combatant commanders," Kehler said. "We are essential to the function of the geographic combatant commands. And we are critical in the fight."

Meanwhile, Stratcom continues to provide what Kehler called the ultimate form of support for those charged with defending the nation: deterrence that prevents conflict from breaking out in the first place, and if it does, from escalating.

"We don't want to fight a war. We don't want to get there. We would rather be in some place where we have prevented one," Kehler said. "And we think that deterrence and assuring our allies, contribute to the prevention of conflict, which is where we would rather be."


Guantanamo Commander Orders Single-cell Living For Detainees
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, April 14, 2013 - The commander of Joint Task Force Guantanamo ordered the transition of detainees from communal to single-cell living at Camp VI at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to ensure the health and security of those detainees, according to a task force news release issued yesterday.

The commander, Navy Rear Adm. John W. Smith Jr., ordered the change early yesterday morning. This action was taken in response to efforts by detainees to limit the guard force's ability to observe the detainees by covering surveillance cameras, windows, and glass partitions, according to the release, which noted that round-the-clock monitoring is necessary to ensure security, order, and safety.

In order to reestablish proper observation, the guards entered the Camp VI communal living spaces to transition detainees into single cells, remove obstructions to cameras, windows and partitions, and medical personnel conducted individual assessments of each detainee, the release said.

The ongoing detainee hunger strike necessitated these medical assessments, the release said. Some detainees resisted with improvised weapons, and in response, four less-than-lethal rounds were fired. There were no serious injuries to guards or detainees.

The mission of Joint Task Force Guantanamo is to provide for the safe, legal, and humane care and custody of detainees. All detainees will continue to be treated in a safe, humane manner, according to the release.



Space Debris

Space Debris


U.S.-Japan Fact Sheet on Climate Change Cooperation
Fact Sheet
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
April 14, 2013


The United States and Japan share the view that anthropogenic climate change represents a threat to the security and economic development of all nations. On the occasion of their meeting today in Tokyo, Secretary of State John Kerry and Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida expressed serious concern about anthropogenic climate change and its worsening impacts.

Cooperative efforts between the United States and Japan demonstrate our shared commitment to advancing climate action in the multilateral context. Together we have promoted low-emissions development and supported those vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, a demonstration of our commitment to working to preserve our environment for our citizens, those of our international partners, and for our children and generations to come.

To further our shared goals, we will hold a new bilateral dialogue, based on three pillars of cooperation: a new, ambitious, global, post-2020 international agreement to combat climate change, cooperation to advance low-emissions development in the world, and cooperation on constructing climate-resilient societies.

Specifically, the United States and Japan seek to join with other partners, both bilaterally and multilaterally, in a renewed effort to craft an ambitious post-2020 agreement that is applicable to all countries.

We plan to deepen our mutual engagement in advancing low-carbon growth. The U.S. and Japan expect to cooperate to develop and disseminate knowledge related to low carbon growth through the Low Emission Development Strategies Global Partnership and the East Asia Low Carbon Growth Partnership.

We are prepared to work together and with other partners on issues relating to climate risk reduction and adaptation planning to temper current and future climate impacts.

We are also collaborating on ways to mobilize private finance for action in developing countries and on reducing short-lived climate pollutants.

Moving forward, the governments of the United States and Japan intend to continue to treat climate change as an issue of high priority in the bilateral relationship as we work towards an ambitious and coordinated global response to this serious challenge.


A visit, board, search and seizure team from the guided-missile destroyer USS Truxtun (DDG 103) approaches a dhow in the Gulf of Aden, Nov. 14, 2011. Truxtun was assigned to CTF 151, a multi-national, mission-based task force working under Combined Maritime Forces, to conduct counter-piracy operations in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Somali Basin and Arabian Sea. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Tony D. Curtis/Released)

Navy Efforts to Combat Piracy Continue
By Ericdurie

Somali Piracy off the Horn of Africa.

Motivated by escalating ransom payments that grew to millions of dollars, Somali men turned to piracy in the mid-2000s. As a result, piracy evolved from a fairly ad hoc, disorganized effort to a highly developed criminal enterprise that focused on hijacking entire merchant vessels in demand for ransom. At their peak, pirates could operate for weeks at a time 1,200 nautical miles from the Somali coast in an operating area greater than the size of the United States.

Why we’re seeing success: We began to see a decrease in the number of attacks and successful hijackings in 2011, which can be attributed to a number of factors to include: implementation of best management practices, an industry-developed set of guidelines for merchant vessels to prevent pirate attacks; the deployment of international naval forces under Commander, Task Force 151, whose mission is to deter, disrupt and suppress piracy in order to protect global maritime security and secure freedom of navigation for the benefit of all nations; and the increased use of privately contracted armed security personnel on merchant vessels — to date, no vessel with these armed security personnel has been successfully hijacked.

Moving forward:
In addition to the overall decrease in the number of pirate attacks and the number of successful hijackings, the combined effectiveness of best management practices, international naval presence and privately contracted armed security personnel has made a positive impact throughout the entire region. So far this year, there have been no successful hijackings or attacks.



Remarks to Staff and Families of Embassy Seoul
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Grand Hyatt Hotel
Seoul, South Korea
April 13, 2013

Good morning, everyone. Thank you very much for joining us.

Before I introduce our very special guest, let me thank all of you for all of the hard work you did under the Secretary’s visit. Many thanks to your efforts, I think the Secretary’s visit is going very smoothly.

As you know, this is Secretary Kerry’s first visit to Asia as Secretary. And it is no accident that the first leg of his first trip to Asia is right here in Korea. Secretary Kerry has long been a strong supporter of U.S.-Korea alliance, and a very powerful advocate of advancing our shared interests and goals on the peninsula. We’re especially grateful that his visit is happening at a rather critical moment on the peninsula, and delighted that he’s spending a few minutes with the Embassy community.

So please join me in welcoming our Secretary of State, John Kerry. (Applause.)

SECRETARY KERRY: Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you very much, Ambassador Kim. Thank you. Good morning to everybody. Thank you so much for taking time to come out on a Saturday morning, early. You do celebrate Saturday, right? (Laughter.) So I’m very, very grateful to you that you managed to haul yourselves out of bed and come over here early to meet with me. And thank you for all the kids who are here. (Laughter.) It’s really terrific to see you.

Hi, guys. How are you doing? Are you doing well?


SECRETARY KERRY: You having fun?


SECRETARY KERRY: (Laughter.) That’s good. I’m glad to hear it. And why – we ought to get all of the kids to come up here. I think all the kids – you want to come up here?


SECRETARY KERRY: Okay, you come up here. Come up here. Is there anybody who see little kids – up here. Come on, come here. (Inaudible). What about you two guys?

All right. Woops. All right. Now – whoa. (Laughter.) We are (inaudible), aren’t we? (Laughter.) How are you doing? When I said "all the kids," half the audience comes up. (Laughter.) It’s incredible. That’s really, really nice. Who’s the oldest? How old are you, sir?


SECRETARY KERRY: 11. How old are you?

PARTICIPANT: (Inaudible.)

SECRETARY KERRY: Anybody older than 11?

PARTICPIANT: I’m younger than 11. (Laughter.)

SECRETARY KERRY: How old are you?

PARTICIPANT: Five and a half.


PARTICIPANT: (Inaudible.)

SECRETARY KERRY: Okay. He thinks he’s got it all together. That’s fantastic.

Well, I just wanted to – this is what it’s all about, guys, is trying to make the world a better place for these kids and pull people together from different cultures and different countries. And I want to thank you on behalf of President Obama and every – wow, he won’t stay down.

That’s okay, he can – I’m sorry. I think he’s found a purpose in life. (Laughter.) That’s fine. (Inaudible) going up.

I – first of all, join me – I really want to say a special thank you to our ambassador. He does an outstanding job. He is a professional and there’s a reason he’s here. He knows this issue as well as anybody in the world. There couldn’t be a better ambassador to have in a difficult place at a difficult time. Ambassador Kim, thank you to you and thank you to your family. Once again, thank you and your young daughter. You’re – really appreciate it, very, very, very much.

And Leslie – where’d Leslie go off to? (Inaudible.) Thank you for your terrific DCMship. We appreciate it. And everybody, whether you’re a Foreign Service officer or a civil servant or a political appointee, or you’re a part of that great extended family that makes up an embassy because you represent one of the other bureaus or departments of our government, or most importantly, whether you are a local employee, a Korean who is working with us in an effort to reach out to your country, or even a third country participant here.

We are an incredible mosaic. We’re an incredible gathering of the family that comes from all kinds of different walks of life and different places to do one thing – to try to bring a message about the possibilities of living together with other people in peace and harmony and working towards a common future for all of us, and most importantly for the next generation, for these kids. The test for all of us is really whether or not we leave this place – being Earth and the countries we’re in – in better shape for our children than it was left to us by our parents. And you have to work pretty hard to do that today.

The story of the Republic of Korea is one of the great stories. It really is. What has happened in 60 years of friendship from the day of the armistice through the bilateral security agreement all the way up through until today is an amazing story of the people who decided to build a democracy, build lives for themselves, come out of the ashes of war, and build an incredible society. And the difference between the North and the South is the difference of the values of what we’re working for and what other people put up in the way of what we’re trying to achieve.

So this is one of the most important places right now on Earth, because this is a place, regrettably, of some confrontation, but a huge contradiction, huge dichotomy between one society and another, between one set of possibilities and another set of repression, of dashed hopes, between what life can be like if you had the right choices and what life is like when people are presented with no choices.

So you should be very, very proud of what you’re doing. I want you to know that on behalf of President Obama and the larger embassy family, all the 70,000 people working all around the world, we really are grateful for what you’re doing. There are difficulties; it’s hard to be away from home. The reason I asked the question of these kids how old they are: I was 11 years old when I went away with my dad in the Foreign Service. And it’s an experience I cherish to this day because I learned language, I learned culture, I learned about other people; I learned to see the eyes – to see the world not just through my eyes as an American, which I appreciate, and am blessed to be able to do, but because I was able to also see the country I was in through the eyes of the people who live there and whose culture and history we were sharing. That’s a great gift.

So to every single one of you: Keep on doing what you’re doing. Thank you so much for being willing to serve. I think we are the luckiest people in the world to get up every day and be able to go to work, and no matter what you’re doing in the Embassy, you’re an ambassador, because you’re the face of our values, of our hopes, of our policies, to anybody that you come in contact with. So to everybody, thank you very, very much for what you do. Thank you for being here. Thank you especially for getting up early on Saturday morning – (laughter) – to come in to say hi. And I want to come out there and maybe we can take some photographs and say hi to everybody.

Thank you, and God bless. Thank you. (Applause.)



Remarks With Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi at the Top of Their Meeting
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Diaoyutai State Guesthouse
Beijing, China
April 13, 2013

(In progress) (Via interpreter) China-U.S. relations enter a new stage.

Both China and the United States are now confronted with a complex and volatile international situation, and both have important development tasks at home. It is thus all the more necessary for our two sides to enhance dialogue, increase trust, expand cooperation, manage differences, and ensure that our bilateral relations will stay on the track of strong and stable growth.

The Chinese side attaches high importance to your visit. President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang had separate meetings with you and Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with you. It is fair to say that your visit, though not concluded yet, has already achieved important results.

The two sides reaffirmed the agreement on building a cooperative partnership and exploring a new type of major country relations between China and the United States and made plans for high-level exchanges and dialogue mechanisms in the time to come. We agreed to strengthen practical cooperation in such fields as economy, energy, and environmental protection, and deepened cultural and people-to-people exchanges.

We also had an in-depth exchange of views on a broad range of international and regional issues of mutual interest. The two sides issued a joint statement on climate change. Just a few minutes ago, you and I attended the clean energy event jointly hosted by our two countries. It was indeed encouraging to see the Chinese and American business communities and people from various sectors being so enthusiastic about cooperation in this area.

All in all, our two sides need to work together to translate the agreement between our presidents and the outcomes of your visit into concrete actions to the benefit of the people of our two countries, and peace, stability, and development of the region and the whole world. Thank you.

SECRETARY KERRY: Well, thank you very much, Mr. State Councilor. I really appreciate the welcome, and I appreciate the opportunity to be here and to see you again. It’s also particularly a pleasure for me as a student of history to be in this location where President Nixon was with Mao Zedong and where President Obama recently visited and had dinner. And I’m very honored and grateful for the breadth of the discussions and reception that I’ve had here today. I think it shows the seriousness with which China has taken each of the issues that we have raised. And I agree with you; I think we’ve had some significant concrete results.

By agreeing to raise the issue of climate change and energy policy to the ministerial level and put it into the Strategic and Economic Dialogue which we will be sharing in July, we have put on an accelerated basis, at a higher level, our joint efforts with respect to energy and climate. And I think that globally, that will be a very significant step and significant message. And I thank you, the President, and the Premier, and all of your members of the government who have been part of moving rapidly to accommodate that idea.

Both President Xi Jinping and your Premier, Li Keqiang, articulated a vision of a stronger relationship with the United States, and a better partnership U.S.-China. And they both talked of a new model relationship. And in an effort to try to do that, we were able to agree today to try to accelerate the discussion with respect to some of the economic issues, particularly problems that businesses – your businesses and our businesses – have sometimes with respect to their initiatives. And I think that will be greatly productive and very well received by the United States economy – economic community.

And perhaps, Mr. Councilor, most significantly with respect to the challenges that we face on the Korean peninsula at this particular moment, we shared with everybody a very in-depth discussion regarding North Korea, the South, Japan, even Iran and Syria, the Middle East, and the connections of nuclear proliferation to all of our efforts with respect to the Korean peninsula. And as a result of that discussion, we were able – the United States and China – to underscore our joint commitment to the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula in a peaceful manner.

We agreed that this is critically important for the stability of the region, and indeed, for the world, and for all of our nonproliferation efforts. This is the goal of the United States, of China – indeed, of the Six-Party Talk members, as declared in the 2005 September joint statement, and it is the central focus of our joint efforts from this moment forward. We are committed to taking actions in order to make good on that goal, and we are determined to make that goal – excuse me – a reality. China and the United States must together take steps in order to achieve the goal of a denuclearized Korean peninsula, and today we agreed to have further discussions, to bear down very quickly with great specificity on exactly how we will accomplish this goal.

So Councilor Yang Jiechi, I thank you very much on behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States for the serious purpose of today’s discussions and for your commitment of trying to pursue this goal together. Thank you.

STATE COUNCILOR YANG: (Via interpreter) China’s position on the issue of the Korean peninsula is consistent and clear-cut. China is firmly committed to upholding peace and stability and advancing the denuclearization process on the peninsula. We maintain that the issue should be handled and resolved peacefully through dialogue and consultation. To properly address the Korean nuclear issue serves the common interests of all parties. It is also the shared responsibility of all parties. China will work with other relevant parties, including the United States, to play a constructive role in promoting the Six-Party Talks and balanced implementation of the goals set out in the September 19th joint statement of 2005.

SECRETARY KERRY: Thank you very much.


Sunday, April 14, 2013


130408-N-WL435-408 NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. (April 8, 2013) Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Jonathan Greenert looks at a small scale model of the innovative new mobile landing platform ship at the Navy League's Sea-Air-Space Exposition. The annual event brings together key military decision makers, the U.S. defense industrial base and private-sector U.S. companies for an innovative and educational maritime based event. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Peter D. Lawlor
2013 Sea-Air-Space Exposition Concludes
By Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Alexandra Snyder, Defense Media Activity

NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. -- (NNS) -- The 2013 Navy League Sea-Air-Space Exposition, held at the Gaylord National Harbor Resort and Convention Center, concluded April 10.

The expo was three days of seminars and demonstrations highlighting the latest maritime-related technologies and solutions.

The symposium provided an excellent opportunity for Navy policy and operational leadership to interact with industry representatives to discuss and debate common interests and concerns.

"This conference becomes the moderator, the conduit, to connect industry to the military," said Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert. "The industry brings their wares and says 'these are the different capabilities that I can bring you,' and then we say, 'this is what we need' and we look for the synergy and look for the match up and say 'let's talk more.' This brings that opportunity in one singular location, and things that could take months can get done with the exchange of two business cards here."

"The interaction between industry and service and to be able to take a look at solutions across different architectures that span multiple capabilities is invaluable, especially in the current economic situation," agreed attendee Lt. Cmdr. Ken Rothaermel, deputy, Joint Lessons Learned Policy, Joint Chief of Staff.

One first time-attendee, Dave Gavitt, director of federal sales, HID Global, said that beyond offering solutions for military leaders, the expo also gives attendees that opportunity to find solutions for their businesses.

"This is a great networking event and a wonderful opportunity to see new technologies that can be utilized within our company," he said.

During the three-day event Navy leadership and industry leaders spoke about topics ranging from the current and future Navy vessels to the future of Navy capabilities. More than 10,000 attendees had the opportunity to browse more than 190 booths from industry leaders and naval commands.

Next year's Navy League Sea-Air-Space expo will be held April 7-9 at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland.


Remarks With Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Top of Their Meeting
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Great Hall of the People
Beijing, China
April 13, 2013

(Via interpreter) Mr. Secretary, I want to welcome you to China. It is a great pleasure to see you again. I remember your last visit to China was in your capacity as the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee back in May of 2009, and we met during that visit.

I want to take this opportunity to express my congratulations to you on being appointed to this very important position. You are a senior political leader in the United States and you have been committed to enhancing the United States relations with China when you were a senator and now as the U.S. Secretary of State. I want to express my appreciation of your efforts.

Mr. Secretary, you are the second U.S. cabinet member that I met in one month as Chinese President, and not long ago I met with the visiting Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew. I believe these exchanges show we both recognize the importance of China-U.S. relations and pay high attention to the further growth of China-U.S. ties.

The current China-U.S. relationship is at a new historical stage and has got off to a good start. On the very day I was elected Chinese President, I talked on the phone with President Barack Obama, during which the two sides reaffirmed our commitment to developing the cooperative partnership and building a new type of major country relations between the two countries. And this has reaffirmed the strategic nature and the direction of development of China-U.S. relations.

I believe your visit to China this time will give a boost to the positive momentum of China-U.S. relations.

SECRETARY KERRY: Thank you. Mr. President, thank you very, very much. Thank you for receiving me. Thank you for the generous reception of your time. Minister Wang Yi and I had a very productive morning, and I’ll have a chance to meet with the Premier a little later, and then subsequently my friend Yang Jiechi and I will spend some time together this evening. So I thank you for your government’s representation.

If I can just answer your comments quickly by saying, first, President Obama sends his greetings, and he and I share the hope that this can be even a further definition of the model relationship which you have often talked about. And may I also extend to you from President Obama and the American people our congratulations to you on the assumption of your new responsibilities and your new government.

Mr. President, this is obviously a critical time with some very challenging issues, issues on the Korean peninsula, the challenge of Iran and nuclear weapons, Syria, the Middle East, and economies around the world that are in need of a boost. So I think that we’re meeting at a very, very key time, and I very much look forward to our discussion about how you see your vision of a stronger partnership with the United States taking shape. We are very anxious to fill that out and to have that discussion today, and I look forward through the rest of our afternoon to being able to really understand the roadmap ahead, the one that you envision and the one that hopefully we can contribute to.

So thank you for welcoming me here, and I appreciate the opportunity to have this kind of frank discussion with you.


Friday, April 12, 2013
Statement of Assistant Attorney General Bill Baer on Changes to Antitrust Division’s Carve-Out Practice Regarding Corporate Plea Agreements

Assistant Attorney General Bill Baer in charge of the Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division issued the following statement today on changes to the division’s carve-out practice regarding corporate plea agreements:

"Over the years, the Antitrust Division’s efforts to investigate and prosecute price fixing and other cartel conduct have produced outstanding results in holding both corporations and individuals accountable for their wrongdoing. We are committed to continuing these efforts and to build on the division’s past successes.

"Going forward, we are making certain changes to the Antitrust Division’s approach to corporate plea agreements. In the past, the division’s corporate plea agreements have, in appropriate circumstances, included a provision offering non-prosecution protection to those employees of the corporation who cooperate with the investigation and whose conduct does not warrant prosecution. The division excluded, or carved out, employees who were believed to be culpable. In certain circumstances, it also carved out employees who refused to cooperate with the division’s investigation, employees against whom the division was still developing evidence and employees with potentially relevant information who could not be located. The names of all carved-out employees were included in the corporate plea agreements, which were publicly filed in the district courts where the charges were brought.

"As part of a thorough review of the division’s approach to corporate dispositions, we have decided to implement two changes. The division will continue to carve out employees who we have reason to believe were involved in criminal wrongdoing and who are potential targets of our investigation. However, we will no longer carve out employees for reasons unrelated to culpability.

"The division will not include the names of carved-out employees in the plea agreement itself. Those names will instead be listed in an appendix, and we will ask the court for leave to file the appendix under seal. Absent some significant justification, it is ordinarily not appropriate to publicly identify uncharged third-party wrongdoers.

"The Antitrust Division will continue to exclude from the non-prosecution protections of corporate plea agreements any employees whose conduct may warrant prosecution. The division will continue to make these decisions on an employee-by-employee basis consistent with the evidence and the Principles of Federal Prosecution. We will continue to demand the full cooperation of anyone who seeks to benefit from the non-prosecution protection of a corporate plea agreement, and will revoke that protection for anyone who does not fully and truthfully cooperate with division investigations."



Hurricane Sandy Cleanup.  Credit:  FEMA
$19 Million in Grants to be Made to SBA Resource Partners to Support Hurricane Sandy Small Business Recovery

— Small businesses rebuilding in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy will get both immediate and long-term help laying a foundation for economic recovery and resiliency thanks to expanded services funded by a $19 million emergency appropriation.

Small businesses can take advantage of free expanded counseling, training and technical assistance from the U.S. Small Business Administration’s resource partners—the Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs), SCORE, and Women’s Business Centers (WBCs).

"This is yet another example of placing proven, effective tools in the hands of America’s small business owners who are recovering from Hurricane Sandy," said SBA Administrator Karen Mills. "SBA’s extensive resource partner network continues to play a critical role in fostering economic development in those hard-hit areas, and I’m pleased those resources will be made accessible on a broader scale to help those who need it most."

Funding was made available as part of a package approved by Congress in January to meet the demand for SBA assistance. Through these funds, SCORE, SBDCs and WBCs can help provide long-term small business rebuilding strategies, as well as help small businesses through the SBA lending process.

In the first phase of counseling and technical assistance funding, $5.8 million is being distributed to SBA resource partners in 11 states--Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Maryland, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, West Virginia--and Puerto Rico.

The SBDC and WBC funding awards are as follows:

Connecticut $527,000 Delaware $118,000

Massachusetts $76,000 Maryland $36,000

North Carolina $18,000 New Jersey $1,385,000

New York $2,394,000 Pennsylvania $410,000

Rhode Island $71,000 Virginia $7,000

West Virginia $46,000 Puerto Rico $19,000

SCORE will receive $704,000 to fund its chapters in the affected areas. During the second phase of funding, $13.1 million will be issued through these resource partners to provide long-term small business recovery and expansion, with a focus on building creative community-based partnerships.

SBA makes low-interest, taxpayer-backed disaster loans to homeowners, renters, businesses and non-profit organizations of all sizes.

As of April 11, the SBA has approved disaster loans totaling $1.8 billion to individuals, and $279 million to businesses and non-profit organizations recovering from Hurricane Sandy.

SBA’s resource partners provide counseling assistance to disaster survivors, including business advice for affected businesses and assistance in applying for an SBA disaster loan. In addition, they staff recovery centers and provide guidance to help with businesses recovery and disaster preparedness.



Readout of Acting Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs Beth Jones' Meeting with Iraqi Kurdistan Region Delegation

Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
April 12, 2013

Acting Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs Beth Jones met with a senior delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq at the State Department today to discuss U.S.-Iraq relations, especially the longstanding ties we share with the Iraqi Kurdistan Region and its people.

Acting Assistant Secretary Jones welcomed the Kurdish delegation and expressed the strong U.S. commitment to supporting the development of a sound, vibrant, and inclusive Iraq. She underscored our commitment to the Strategic Framework Agreement, the basis for the United States’ partnership with a federal, democratic, and unified Iraq. She reiterated U.S. support for an Iraqi Kurdistan Region within the framework of Iraq’s constitution. Building on the Secretary’s recent trip to Iraq, the two sides discussed the importance of direct and continuous engagement by all of Iraq’s political parties to address outstanding issues, including appropriate division of authority between the central and regional government, equitable distribution of resources, and resolving internal boundary disputes pursuant to Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution.

To that end, the Acting Assistant Secretary noted she was encouraged that a Kurdish Alliance delegation arrived in Baghdad this week to discuss the importance of peaceful dialogue and partnership in resolving political disputes. She further emphasized Secretary Kerry’s message that the United States remains committed to the vision of Iraq as defined in the Iraqi constitution, and is prepared to help Iraqi leaders resolve their differences peacefully and in a manner that benefits all the Iraqi people.

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