Final Afghanistan-bound Stryker Brigade Trains for Deployment
By Donna Miles
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, March 13, 2013 - Members of the last Stryker brigade combat team scheduled to deploy to Afghanistan are preparing for a distinctly different mission there, while also instituting new measures to promote resilience for soldiers and their families during the deployment.
The 2nd Cavalry Regiment "Dragoons" are midway through a mission rehearsal exercise at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center at Hohenfels, Germany.
The training, to help ramp up the unit for its nine-month deployment to Afghanistan this summer, represents a major shift from the combat-focused operations Army Col. Douglas Sims, the regimental commander, and many of his soldiers have undergone before previous rotations.
"As the security forces assistance brigade, what we are trying to do is very different than what we have done in the past," Sims told American Forces Press Service during a phone interview from Hohenfels.
"In the past, we talked a lot about how we would deal specifically with the enemy -- how we will clear the enemy from a certain location or how we will work to help a village or help governance," he said. "But in this case, in every respect, we are talking about how we will work to enable the Afghan security forces do all those things."
Sims, who deployed to Afghanistan as one of the regiment's squadron commanders in 2010, admitted this shift takes him and many of his battle-tested soldiers out of their "comfort zone."
He likened his soldiers as a soccer team now serving as coaches to new players. "We spent all this time playing by ourselves on the field, and then after awhile, we were playing for a team that was half Afghan and half coalition," he said. "Now that team is all Afghan, and we have moved to the sidelines.
"So we are still there to help with the game plan -- still talking to them about how they can be better players, still offering support and assistance in terms of strategy," Sims continued. "But when the game starts, we are on that sideline, ... and the goal has to be taken by the Afghans."
The JMTC cadre made big changes in the exercise design based on the transition on the ground in Afghanistan to security force assistance and Afghan-led operations, Army Maj. William Griffin, the training center public affairs officer, explained.
They've made the training as challenging and realistic as possible, he said, with partners from 12 nations replicating Afghan National Army and Afghan National Police units. Working across cultures and language barriers as they will in Afghanistan, the cavalry soldiers deal with scenarios in which they support the role-playing Afghan forces that plan, resource and execute independent operations, Griffin said.
The actual exercise play kicked off last week, with the situational training exercise leading up to the final "force-on-force" phase of the training expected to begin late this week.
Sims said he was impressed by how quickly the cadre adapted the training to ensure it was in synch with the mission the regiment will conduct on the ground -- one he acknowledged has evolved significantly since he assumed command in mid-January.
"It was phenomenal how quickly they turned this around to make this a security force assistance brigade rotation," he said. "There is simply not a training center as flexible and relevant as this one."
The training will be invaluable to his soldiers as they conduct a historic mission in Afghanistan, Sims said, calling it another milestone to add to the legacy of the Army's longest continuously serving active cavalry regiment.
"My belief is that we are going to hand off a continually improving Afghan security force," he said. "When we leave, those elements will be very, very capable of operating independently, providing that strength and that backbone that the government of Afghanistan will need. Whichever direction the country chooses to go, I believe we are going to hand off a force that is ready to work for them."
Sims credited his soldiers -- about one-quarter of whom will deploy to Afghanistan for the first time -- with rising to every task they have been given to ensure this happens.
"We have some really phenomenal people. I can't overstate that," Sims said. "I'm amazed each time we do this at how good these guys are, and how they take complex problems and make them seem very simple. And this is probably the most complex of the problems I've seen."
After returning to its home station in Vilseck, Germany, the 2nd ACR will build on lessons learned through the JRTC training as round-out forces arrive to fill out its ranks before the deployment.
As part of the unit's pre-deployment preparation, Sims has instituted a rigorous program to boost the resilience of his soldiers and their families.
"Just as we are going about the deployment in a different way, we are also going about the preparation of our soldiers a little differently in regard to resiliency and behavioral health," he said.
The Dragoon Total Fitness Program incorporates the Army's Comprehensive Soldier Fitness and Family program, with an emphasis on instilling resilience within the ranks and helping leaders understand resilience, positive psychology and post-traumatic stress.
Sims eliminated a day of physical training every 10 days, designating it a "resiliency day" to focus on these issues. He also lined up sessions in which his regimental leaders, troop commanders and first sergeants meet individually with behavioral health experts to talk through deployment matters.
"We are trying to incorporate all aspects of fitness: not concentrating just on mental or physical fitness, but working through the emotional and family [aspects]," Sims said. "That way, when we deploy, and when our families are left here, we are all able to fall back on this baseline of resiliency."
Sims admitted the initiatives weren't universally embraced, but he said his previous positions within the 2nd ACR helped pave the way to acceptance. "I told them, 'Trust me. Just give me the benefit of the doubt,'" he said.
"My personal opinion is that they will come back and tell me there is some value to this," Sims said. "My belief is that strong families and strong soldiers will make our deployment better and the full surrounding organization better."
Monday, March 18, 2013
Stop Washington’s Wasteful Spending
While much of Washington and the news media are in a frenzy about the President’s "sequester," the simple truth is that it amounts to two cents out of every dollar Washington spends. That’s right, the President’s sequester will cut only 2 percent out of the massive federal budget.
Even as millions of Americans have been forced to cut back their family budgets, the President doesn’t think Washington should cut this two percent. Instead, the President thinks Washington should again increase taxes. But a recent report from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office shows tax revenue will double over the next ten years (wouldn’t it be nice if your salary was going to double over the next decade?). Clearly, Washington is getting enough tax revenues. The real problem in Washington is the spending.
Congressman Dave Camp (R-MI) agrees that there is a better way to cut spending than through the President’s sequester plan. In fact, Republicans in the House have voted twice to replace the President’s sequester with targeted, bipartisan spending cuts.
Below are just some pieces of wasteful spending that we should cut. And, if we did, we could reduce the debt. The debt is not just some number – it has a direct impact on American families. During the Bowles-Simpson fiscal commission, which Camp served on, non-partisan experts testified that when the debt gets as large as ours is, the economy begins to slow down. That has meant about one million fewer jobs for American workers and less take home pay.
Reduce Health and Human Services (HHS) International Travel
SPENDING CUT: $65.5 million
In FY2011 HHS spent $65.5 million on international travel. Trimming the Department’s international travel by a mere 20 percent could free up funds to ensure that staffing and resources are available to programs serving children and seniors.
Collect Improper Medicare Payments for Prisoners
SPENDING CUT: $33.6 million
The HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) released a report highlighting that Medicare improperly paid $33.6 million for services provided to 11,600 incarcerated individuals from 2009 through 2011.
Prisons are responsible for providing care to Medicare-eligible individuals who are incarcerated. However, the OIG noted again that the Center for Medicare and Medicate Services (CMS) did not have procedures in place to detect these improper payments. Additionally, CMS did not utilize standardized claims processing, allowing Medicare contractors to approve payments other contractors would have denied. The OIG recommends CMS recoup the $33.6 million in improper payments identified, and establish policies to detect and recoup future payments.
Implement Social Security Administration (SSA) Office of Inspector General (OIG) Recommendations
SPENDING CUT: $8.1 Billion
The SSA OIG continually recommends numerous steps that SSA could take for cost savings. According to an April 12, 2012 report to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, had SSA implemented all open recommendations made by the OIG over the previous five years, SSA would have achieved savings of approximately $8.1 billion. SSA’s timely adoption of these and all OIG recommendations would save taxpayers billions of dollars.
Tighten SSA Bargaining Agreements to Reduce Taxpayer Funding of Union Activities
SPENDING CUT: $12.7 million
In FY2011, taxpayers footed a bill of $12.7 million for Social Security employees to conduct union business instead of Social Security business. These employees worked 229,195 hours on union activities, the equivalent of 110 people working full time to help the public with their retirement and disability benefits.
Eliminate IRS TV Production Studio
SPENDING CUT: $4 million
The IRS has a full-service TV production studio in New Carrolton, Maryland and runs the IRS Satellite Network that beams into 140 IRS offices and employs at least 8 producer/directors and spent $4 million on equipment and services in FY2012 alone.
Stop Washington’s Wasteful Spending
While much of Washington and the news media are in a frenzy about the President’s "sequester," the simple truth is that it amounts to two cents out of every dollar Washington spends. That’s right, the President’s sequester will cut only 2 percent out of the massive federal budget.
Even as millions of Americans have been forced to cut back their family budgets, the President doesn’t think Washington should cut this two percent. Instead, the President thinks Washington should again increase taxes. But a recent report from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office shows tax revenue will double over the next ten years (wouldn’t it be nice if your salary was going to double over the next decade?). Clearly, Washington is getting enough tax revenues. The real problem in Washington is the spending.
Congressman Dave Camp (R-MI) agrees that there is a better way to cut spending than through the President’s sequester plan. In fact, Republicans in the House have voted twice to replace the President’s sequester with targeted, bipartisan spending cuts.
Below are just some pieces of wasteful spending that we should cut. And, if we did, we could reduce the debt. The debt is not just some number – it has a direct impact on American families. During the Bowles-Simpson fiscal commission, which Camp served on, non-partisan experts testified that when the debt gets as large as ours is, the economy begins to slow down. That has meant about one million fewer jobs for American workers and less take home pay.
Reduce Health and Human Services (HHS) International Travel
SPENDING CUT: $65.5 million
In FY2011 HHS spent $65.5 million on international travel. Trimming the Department’s international travel by a mere 20 percent could free up funds to ensure that staffing and resources are available to programs serving children and seniors.
Collect Improper Medicare Payments for Prisoners
SPENDING CUT: $33.6 million
The HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) released a report highlighting that Medicare improperly paid $33.6 million for services provided to 11,600 incarcerated individuals from 2009 through 2011.
Prisons are responsible for providing care to Medicare-eligible individuals who are incarcerated. However, the OIG noted again that the Center for Medicare and Medicate Services (CMS) did not have procedures in place to detect these improper payments. Additionally, CMS did not utilize standardized claims processing, allowing Medicare contractors to approve payments other contractors would have denied. The OIG recommends CMS recoup the $33.6 million in improper payments identified, and establish policies to detect and recoup future payments.
Implement Social Security Administration (SSA) Office of Inspector General (OIG) Recommendations
SPENDING CUT: $8.1 Billion
The SSA OIG continually recommends numerous steps that SSA could take for cost savings. According to an April 12, 2012 report to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, had SSA implemented all open recommendations made by the OIG over the previous five years, SSA would have achieved savings of approximately $8.1 billion. SSA’s timely adoption of these and all OIG recommendations would save taxpayers billions of dollars.
Tighten SSA Bargaining Agreements to Reduce Taxpayer Funding of Union Activities
SPENDING CUT: $12.7 million
In FY2011, taxpayers footed a bill of $12.7 million for Social Security employees to conduct union business instead of Social Security business. These employees worked 229,195 hours on union activities, the equivalent of 110 people working full time to help the public with their retirement and disability benefits.
Eliminate IRS TV Production Studio
SPENDING CUT: $4 million
The IRS has a full-service TV production studio in New Carrolton, Maryland and runs the IRS Satellite Network that beams into 140 IRS offices and employs at least 8 producer/directors and spent $4 million on equipment and services in FY2012 alone.
Combined Force Arrests Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan Leader
Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases
WASHINGTON, March 18, 2013 - A combined Afghan and coalition security force arrested an Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan leader in the Kunduz district of Afghanistan's Kunduz province today, military officials reported.
The leader is believed to have coordinated multiple attacks against Afghan and coalition forces, and has had a vital role in acquiring weapons for extremist fighters, officials said.
Also today, a combined force in Kandahar province's Panjwai district detained several insurgents while searching for a Taliban leader suspected of being the deputy commander of a cell of insurgent fighters involved in kidnappings, roadside bomb operations and direct-fire attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
In Afghanistan operations yesterday:
-- An Afghan and coalition security force killed an insurgent in Helmand province's Nad-e Ali district after seeing him engaged in insurgent activity.
-- In Kandahar's Panjwai district, a combined force killed Taliban facilitator Abdul Satar and another insurgent. Satar was directly involved in obtaining bomb-making materials, weapons and supplies for enemy fighters and recruiting operatives. He also participated in attacks targeting Afghan local police.
-- Also in Kandahar's Panjwai district, a combined force arrested a Taliban leader accused of being in charge of a large cell of insurgent fighters known for attacking Afghan and coalition forces. The security force also detained several other insurgents.
-- In Nangarhar province's Khugyani district, a combined force killed an armed insurgent after seeing him engaging in insurgent activity.
-- A combined force in Kandahar's Panjwai district arrested five insurgents during a search for a Taliban leader believed to be in charge of a large cell of insurgent fighters known for attacking Afghan and coalition forces.
In March 16 operations:
-- A combined force in Khost province's Musa Khel district arrested a Haqqani network leader who is accused of having operational control over several extremist cells and to have personally led attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. He also had a crucial role in obtaining weapons for militants.
-- In Helmand's Nad-e Ali district, a combined force killed a Taliban leader who directed and executed attacks and kidnappings targeting Afghan and coalition forces.
-- A combined force detained a several insurgents in Logar province's Pul-e Alam district during a search for a Taliban facilitator believed to be responsible for coordinating and conducting attacks against Afghan and coalition forces and procuring and distributing weapons and ammunition to insurgents.
In a March 15 operation, a combined force in Jowzjan province detained an insurgent during a search for a pair of Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan high-profile attack coordinators who work together to orchestrate attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
In March 14 operations:
-- A combined force arrested an Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan suicide attack coordinator during in Kunduz's Imam Sahib district. At the time of his arrest, he was actively planning an operation against Afghan forces, officials said.
-- A combined force in Nimroz province's Delaram district arrested a Taliban logistics leader who is believed to be in charge of the entire supply chain for an insurgent network operating in the central Helmand River valley area supervising the acquisition, transportation and distribution of weapons, IEDs and IED materials to several Taliban leaders. The security force also detained another insurgent.
-- In Logar's Pul-e Alam district, a combined force arrested a Taliban leader who is believed to be heavily involved in insurgent operations throughout the district. He is accused of having engaged in a campaign of intimidation against Afghan authorities in the region and of obtaining weapons for extremists. The security force also detained another insurgent.
-- A combined force in Logar's Baraki Barak district arrested a Haqqani network IED expert suspected of having authority over a cell of fighters responsible for mortar and rocket attacks against Afghan and coalition fighters. The security force also detained two other insurgents.
-- In Logar's Pul-e Alam district, a combined force arrested a Haqqani facilitator accused of acquiring weapons, IEDs and other supplies for insurgent networks. He also is believed to have coordinated and participated in attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. The security force also arrested several other insurgents.
Credit: U.S. Navy. |
Cybercom Builds Teams for Offense, Defense in Cyberspace
By Cheryl Pellerin
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, March 12, 2013 - As escalating rounds of exploits and attacks mar the strategic landscape of cyberspace, U.S. Cyber Command is standing up a highly trained cadre focused on national defense in that domain, the Cybercom commander told Congress today.
Army Gen. Keith B. Alexander told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the command is developing teams that will protect the nation's interests in cyberspace, along with tactics, techniques and procedures, and doctrine describing how the teams will work in that environment.
"These defend-the-nation teams are not defensive teams, these are offensive teams that the Defense Department would use to defend the nation if it were attacked in cyberspace," said Alexander, who also serves as National Security Agency director. "Thirteen of the teams we're creating are for that mission set alone. We're also creating 27 teams that would support combatant commands and their planning process for offensive cyber capabilities."
Cybercom also has a series of teams that will defend DOD networks in cyberspace, the general said.
The intent at Cybercom is to stand up roughly one-third of the teams by September, the next third by September 2014, and the final third by September 2015, he added.
"Those three sets of teams are the core construct for what we're working on with the services to develop our cyber cadre," he said, adding that the effort is on track thanks to efforts by the service chiefs, who are pushing the initiative.
Training is key to the teams' development, the general said. "The most important partnership we have with NSA and others is in ensuring that training standards are at the highest level," he added.
Alexander told the panel that, from Cybercom's perspective, the environment on the strategic landscape of cyberspace is becoming more contentious.
"Cyber effects are growing. We've seen attacks on Wall Street -- 140 over the last six months -- grow significantly. In August, we saw a destructive attack on Saudi Aramco, where data on over 30,000 systems was destroyed," he said.
In industry, the antivirus community of companies believes attacks will increase this year, Alexander said, "and there's a lot we need to do to prepare for this."
The general said command and control is an important part of Cybercom's cyber strategy. Combatant commands and service chiefs are looking at the command and control of working together, he said.
"We've done a lot of work on that, and have ironed out how the joint cyber centers at each combatant command will work with Cyber Command, how we push information back and forth, and how we'll have operational and direct support of teams operating in their areas," Alexander said. "We'll have more to do on this as the teams come online."
Another important part of the strategy is situational awareness, the general said, or seeing an attack unfold in cyberspace.
"Today, seeing that attack is almost impossible for the Defense Department," he said. "We would probably not see an attack on Wall Street -- it's going to be seen by the private sector first, and that [highlights] a key need for information sharing."
Such sharing has to be real-time from Internet service providers to the Defense Department, the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI, all at the same time, the general said.
"If we're going to see [an attack] in time to make a difference, we have to see it in real time," he said. And companies that are sharing the information with the Defense Department have to have protection against privacy lawsuits from customers and other potential liabilities, he added.
Legislation that would have provided some of these protections along with a national cybersecurity framework failed to pass the Senate in August, and in an Executive Order signed Feb. 12, President Barack Obama directed federal departments and agencies to use existing authorities to provide better cybersecurity for the nation.
"The Executive Order issued last month is a step in the right direction, but it does not take away the need for cyber legislation," Alexander said, pointing out that that civil liberties, oversight and compliance are critical for Cyber Command and NSA in operating in cyberspace.
"We take that requirement sincerely and to heart, ... [and] we can do both -- protect civil liberties and privacy and protect our nation in cyberspace," he said. "That's one of the things we need to educate the American people about."
Cyber Command experts also are building an operational picture the command would share with combatant commands, the DHS, the FBI and other national leaders, and the command also is working hard on authorities and policies related to DOD activities in cyberspace, Alexander said.
"This is a new area for many of our folks, especially within the administration, within Congress and for the American people," he acknowledged. "We're being cautious in ensuring that we're doing that exactly right and sharing the information we have with Congress."
No one actor, the general added, "is to blame for our current level of preparedness in cyberspace."
"We must address this as a team, sharing unique insights across government and with the private sector," he added. "We must leverage the nation's ingenuity through an exceptional cyber workforce and rapid technological innovation."
The U.S. government has made significant strides in defining cyber doctrine, organizing cyber capabilities and building cyber capacity, Alexander told the panel.
"We must do much more to sustain our momentum," he added, "in an environment where adversary capabilities continue to evolve as fast as or faster than our own."
Credit: Wikimedia Commons. |
TBI: What You Should Know
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a serious public health issue for Americans. Each year, TBI contributes to a substantial number of deaths and permanent disability. A TBI is caused by a bump, blow or jolt to the head or a penetrating head injury that disrupts the normal function of the brain. The severity of a TBI may range from "mild" to "severe".
According to research from CDC, approximately 3.5 million persons have a TBI in the United States. Of these individuals:
300,000 were hospitalized,
84,000 were seen in outpatient departments,
1.1 million received care from office-based physicians, and
53,000 died.
Previously referred to as the "Silent Epidemic," individuals with this injury may not have any visible scars, and symptoms may not show up or be noticed until hours or days later. Still, a TBI can cause short or long-term problems se¬riously affecting thinking, learning, memory, and/or emotions. A TBI can affect all aspects of an individual’s life, as well as that of their loved ones. This may include relationships with family and friends, as well as their ability to work or be employed, do household tasks, or drive a car.
The most common causes of TBI are from falls and car crashes. While there is no one-size-fits all solution, there are many ways to reduce the chances of a TBI, including:
Never driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Avoiding activities that can distract you while you drive, such as using a cell phone, texting, and eating.
Wearing a helmet and making sure your children wear helmets while riding a bike.
Helping prevent falls by:
Using safety gates at the top and bottom of stairs to prevent young children from falling.
This March, in recognition of Brain Injury Awareness Month, CDC encourages you to learn more about TBI prevention.
Deteriorating Situation in the Central African Republic
Press Statement
Victoria Nuland
Department Spokesperson, Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
March 17, 2013
The United States is deeply concerned about the continued deterioration in the security situation in the Central African Republic (CAR). We call on President Bozize and the leadership of the Seleka alliance to cease hostilities immediately, and implement the provisions of the Libreville Agreement.
The Economic Community of Central African States (CEAAC) should rapidly convene the mediation committee called for by the Libreville Agreement in order to support the transitional government and help restore national peace and security. The Government of National Unity is the single, representative entity agreed to by all the parties in the Libreville Agreement to govern the country in this critical transitional period. Parties should therefore act within this political framework and refrain from acts that undermine it. We strongly urge regional leadership and the international community to adhere to the Libreville Agreement and provide their full support to Prime Minister Tiangaye and his government.
The United States urgently calls on the Seleka leadership and on the CAR government to ensure that their forces respect the human rights of the Central African people. We are very concerned by the worsening humanitarian situation in CAR and credible, widespread reports of human rights abuses by both national security forces and Seleka fighters. Perpetrators of such abuses must be held accountable.
Deteriorating Situation in the Central African Republic
Press Statement
Victoria Nuland
Department Spokesperson, Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
March 17, 2013
The United States is deeply concerned about the continued deterioration in the security situation in the Central African Republic (CAR). We call on President Bozize and the leadership of the Seleka alliance to cease hostilities immediately, and implement the provisions of the Libreville Agreement.
The Economic Community of Central African States (CEAAC) should rapidly convene the mediation committee called for by the Libreville Agreement in order to support the transitional government and help restore national peace and security. The Government of National Unity is the single, representative entity agreed to by all the parties in the Libreville Agreement to govern the country in this critical transitional period. Parties should therefore act within this political framework and refrain from acts that undermine it. We strongly urge regional leadership and the international community to adhere to the Libreville Agreement and provide their full support to Prime Minister Tiangaye and his government.
The United States urgently calls on the Seleka leadership and on the CAR government to ensure that their forces respect the human rights of the Central African people. We are very concerned by the worsening humanitarian situation in CAR and credible, widespread reports of human rights abuses by both national security forces and Seleka fighters. Perpetrators of such abuses must be held accountable.
ChemCam Data Abundant at Planetary Conference
Laser instrument aboard Curiosity rover provides well over 40,000 shots so far
LOS ALAMOS, N.M., March 15, 2013—Members of the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover ChemCam team will present more than two dozen posters and talks next week during the 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in The Woodlands, Texas.
"ChemCam has performed flawlessly in its first six months, providing more than a gigabyte of exciting new information about the Red Planet," said Los Alamos National Laboratory planetary scientist Roger Wiens, Principal Investigator of the ChemCam Team. "Since Curiosity’s successful landing on Mars on August 6, 2012, ChemCam has fired more than 40,000 shots at more than a thousand different locations with its high-powered laser. Each of those shots has yielded exciting information about the Martian habitat, and our team has been extremely busy making sense of what we’re seeing in anticipation of presenting it to planetary scientists and the public. The Curiosity mission continues to amaze us with new discoveries, finding Mars to be very Earth-like in many ways."
The ChemCam team’s work will be showcased during a series of special sessions at the conference on Monday and during a blitz of poster sessions on Tuesday. The international team of researchers will provide everything from a geological tour of the Martian landscape during the first six months of the SUV-sized rover’s cross-country journey, to investigations of the dusty coating that covers every Martian rock, to a discussion of how scientists used calibration targets mounted on the rover to fine tune differences between spectral readings taken on Earth and on Mars.
ChemCam team member Nina Lanza was selected by conference organizers to chronicle her experiences as a presenter and a conference attendee through microblogging activities all week. Lanza will provide commentary and highlights of each day’s events through her Twitter feed (@marsninja).
The ChemCam system is one of 10 instruments mounted on the Curiosity rover—a six-wheeled mobile laboratory that will roam more than 12 miles of the planet’s surface during the course of one Martian year (98 Earth weeks). ChemCam can fire an extremely powerful laser pulse up to 23 feet onto an area the size of a pinhead. The laser vaporizes a tiny portion of the target. A spectrometer then translates the spectral colors of the plasma into the chemical composition of the vaporized material.
The ChemCam team is comprised of researchers from Los Alamos National Laboratory and the French space agency, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales, as well as other researchers from the U.S., France, Canada, and the United Kingdom. ChemCam operations are now commanded from centers at Los Alamos and Toulouse, France.
ChemCam Data Abundant at Planetary Conference
Laser instrument aboard Curiosity rover provides well over 40,000 shots so far
LOS ALAMOS, N.M., March 15, 2013—Members of the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover ChemCam team will present more than two dozen posters and talks next week during the 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in The Woodlands, Texas.
"ChemCam has performed flawlessly in its first six months, providing more than a gigabyte of exciting new information about the Red Planet," said Los Alamos National Laboratory planetary scientist Roger Wiens, Principal Investigator of the ChemCam Team. "Since Curiosity’s successful landing on Mars on August 6, 2012, ChemCam has fired more than 40,000 shots at more than a thousand different locations with its high-powered laser. Each of those shots has yielded exciting information about the Martian habitat, and our team has been extremely busy making sense of what we’re seeing in anticipation of presenting it to planetary scientists and the public. The Curiosity mission continues to amaze us with new discoveries, finding Mars to be very Earth-like in many ways."
The ChemCam team’s work will be showcased during a series of special sessions at the conference on Monday and during a blitz of poster sessions on Tuesday. The international team of researchers will provide everything from a geological tour of the Martian landscape during the first six months of the SUV-sized rover’s cross-country journey, to investigations of the dusty coating that covers every Martian rock, to a discussion of how scientists used calibration targets mounted on the rover to fine tune differences between spectral readings taken on Earth and on Mars.
ChemCam team member Nina Lanza was selected by conference organizers to chronicle her experiences as a presenter and a conference attendee through microblogging activities all week. Lanza will provide commentary and highlights of each day’s events through her Twitter feed (@marsninja).
The ChemCam system is one of 10 instruments mounted on the Curiosity rover—a six-wheeled mobile laboratory that will roam more than 12 miles of the planet’s surface during the course of one Martian year (98 Earth weeks). ChemCam can fire an extremely powerful laser pulse up to 23 feet onto an area the size of a pinhead. The laser vaporizes a tiny portion of the target. A spectrometer then translates the spectral colors of the plasma into the chemical composition of the vaporized material.
The ChemCam team is comprised of researchers from Los Alamos National Laboratory and the French space agency, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales, as well as other researchers from the U.S., France, Canada, and the United Kingdom. ChemCam operations are now commanded from centers at Los Alamos and Toulouse, France.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
In Japan, Carter and Eto Discuss Common Issues
By Cheryl Pellerin
American Forces Press Service
YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan, March 17, 2013 - On the first stop of his weeklong trip to Asia, Deputy Defense Secretary Ash Carter met today with Senior Vice Defense Minister Akinori Eto at Yokota Air Base in western Tokyo.
During a substantive meeting here, the defense leaders discussed issues of importance to the U.S.-Japan alliance, a cornerstone of peace and stability for Japan and across the Asia-Pacific region, according to senior defense officials traveling with Carter.
Carter and Eto discussed the region's security situation, including the threat from North Korea, which last month conducted its third nuclear test. Last April, North Korea displayed what looked to be a mobile intercontinental ballistic missile and in December launched a Taepodong-2 missile that put a satellite into orbit.
Such exploits demonstrate North Korean progress in developing long-range missile technology, and today Carter affirmed the steadfast and enduring U.S. commitment to the defense of Japan.
The deputy secretary highlighted Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel's announcement on Friday that outlined a series of steps the United States will take to stay ahead of the challenge posed by North Korea's development of such technology.
Carter and Eto also discussed the U.S.-Japan Defense Guidelines, which define what roles the U.S. military and Japan's Self-Defense Forces would play if Japan would come under attack.
Other topics included the realignment of U.S. forces in Japan, the relocation of Marines to Guam as part of the rebalance to Asia, and the future of the alliance, officials said.
The men pledged to stay in contact and to maintain close cooperation on critical issues, and both expressed a desire to have Hagel and Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera meet in the near future.
As Carter continues his Asia trip, he will meet tomorrow with defense officials in Seoul, and then travel to Manila in the Philippines and to Jakarta in Indonesia before returning to the United States March 21
In Japan, Carter and Eto Discuss Common Issues
By Cheryl Pellerin
American Forces Press Service
YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan, March 17, 2013 - On the first stop of his weeklong trip to Asia, Deputy Defense Secretary Ash Carter met today with Senior Vice Defense Minister Akinori Eto at Yokota Air Base in western Tokyo.
During a substantive meeting here, the defense leaders discussed issues of importance to the U.S.-Japan alliance, a cornerstone of peace and stability for Japan and across the Asia-Pacific region, according to senior defense officials traveling with Carter.
Carter and Eto discussed the region's security situation, including the threat from North Korea, which last month conducted its third nuclear test. Last April, North Korea displayed what looked to be a mobile intercontinental ballistic missile and in December launched a Taepodong-2 missile that put a satellite into orbit.
Such exploits demonstrate North Korean progress in developing long-range missile technology, and today Carter affirmed the steadfast and enduring U.S. commitment to the defense of Japan.
The deputy secretary highlighted Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel's announcement on Friday that outlined a series of steps the United States will take to stay ahead of the challenge posed by North Korea's development of such technology.
Carter and Eto also discussed the U.S.-Japan Defense Guidelines, which define what roles the U.S. military and Japan's Self-Defense Forces would play if Japan would come under attack.
Other topics included the realignment of U.S. forces in Japan, the relocation of Marines to Guam as part of the rebalance to Asia, and the future of the alliance, officials said.
The men pledged to stay in contact and to maintain close cooperation on critical issues, and both expressed a desire to have Hagel and Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera meet in the near future.
As Carter continues his Asia trip, he will meet tomorrow with defense officials in Seoul, and then travel to Manila in the Philippines and to Jakarta in Indonesia before returning to the United States March 21
Admiral James G. Stavridis |
Stavridis Spotlights Top National Security Issues
By Donna Miles
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, March 15, 2013 - Asked by Congress today where the United States needs to focus attention to promote its national security interests, the longest-serving U.S. combatant commander cited three areas: cyberspace, trafficking and special operations.
Navy Adm. James G. Stavridis, commander of U.S. European Command and NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe for almost four years, and commander of U.S. Southern Command for three years before that, quickly told the House Armed Services Committee he "would put cyber at the top" of the list.
"I think in cyber we find the greatest mismatch between our level of preparation and the level of danger," he said.
Stavridis noted extensive effort across the military to prepare for counterterrorism, weapons of mass destruction and conventional scenarios.
"But in cyber we have a lot of work to do," he said, emphasizing that he refers to the "big we" that extends beyond the Defense Department.
"This is something that cuts across all parts of government and all parts of society," he said.
Stavridis noted in his prepared remarks that continuous technological evolution has made it increasingly easy for infiltrators to disrupt network-based operations, which he said elevates its strategic impact.
While the United States pursues improved defensive countermeasures and international norms to govern cyber operations, Eucom is working with its regional allies and partners in a whole-of-government effort to build strong, resilient cyber security, he said.
Stavridis noted cyber initiatives in Europe, including the new Cyber Center at Eucom, an annual cyber exercise program conducted in collaboration with U.S. Cyber Command, and the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence in Tallinn, Estonia. In addition, NATO is working to establish a NATO incident response center similar to the one in the United States, he said.
Turning to "an enormous problem" that crosses every combatant command, Stavridis said trafficking -- in narcotics, weapons, humans, cash and weapons of mass destruction -- directly impacts the United States and its interests around the world.
"These networks pose a growing threat to the U.S. homeland, as well as the security of our allied and partner nations," he said in his prepared remarks.
Stavridis emphasized during today's hearing the importance of counter-trafficking operations to address this threat, and the need for more intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance assets to better understand traffickers' operations and monitor the sea, air and land routes they use to move illicit shipments.
He noted initiatives by Eucom's Joint Interagency Counter Trafficking Center in support of the president's transnational organized crime strategy.
"Through these efforts, we are contributing to U.S. interagency efforts to disrupt and dismantle these networks," he said, "and assisting our partner nations to develop and refine the counter-trafficking and counterterrorism skills and capacity needed to keep these threats as far as possible from American shores."
Stavridis also told the committee special operations capabilities will remain critical into the future.
"I believe that as we move forward, that is going to be the comparative advantage for the United States," he said.
Stavridis emphasized the need for U.S. special operators to continue to improve in capability and to ensure their interoperability with U.S. allies as they conduct joint and combined special operations missions.
Los Alamos National Laboratory. Credit: U.S. Department Of Energy. |
New Culturing Tool Reveals a Full Genome From Single Cells
Gel microdroplet culturing reveals intraspecies genomic diversity within the human microbiome
LOS ALAMOS, N.M., March 15, 2013—A new technique for genetic analysis, "gel microdroplets," helps scientists generate complete genomes from a single cell, thus opening the door to understanding the complex interrelationships of bacteria, viruses and eukaryotes that form "microbiome" communities in soil, in humans, and elsewhere in the natural world.
Microbes live in complex communities that function together as a whole in order to survive and thrive in their natural environments. Microbes survive almost everywhere, and they make up the majority of the living organisms on Earth and contribute to all aspects of human life, such as health, energy and even climate change.
Most types of bacteria cannot grow in the laboratory as a pure, isolated culture, however, due to complicated interactions that support their growth. This makes research challenging, as identifying a single organism’s genetic profile fails to take into account the interrelationships that are extremely important to understanding the microbe’s roles and capabilities in its specific location.
Scientists from Los Alamos National Laboratory and the J. Craig Venter Institute in San Diego have made a breakthrough that gives researchers the bigger picture of the multi-organism genome, using the complete genome from a single cell.
The technique used over the past few years, metagenomics, avoids the need for culturing to produce mixed genetic info for the whole community. However, many of the biological questions, such as how the mixed bacterial or viral community members interact with each other, cannot be answered without genomic information about the various individual species in the community. The Los Alamos group, led by Cliff Han, Michael Fitzsimons (formerly of LANL), and Armand Dichosa, has been developing technologies to fulfill the need.
The technology has the potential to generate complete genomes from single cells of traditionally uncultured species. Using gel microdroplets (GMD), the science team created dozens to hundreds of identical cells from single cells, while keeping such cells separated from the rest of community and maintaining the cells’ ability to communicate with other community members.
From mixed bacterial communities inhabiting the human mouth and digestive gut, researchers captured single cells within microscopic GMD and incubated them in a defined growth medium.
The characteristic pores and channels of the agarose-based GMD allow for the movement of nutrients, chemical signals and metabolic wastes to and from the living cell as if it were in its natural environment. The captured single cells multiply to microcolonies of hundreds, thereby producing sufficient quantities of identical genomic templates. Ultimately, this allows for the completion of several genomes from the same bacterial species.
By completing and comparing the genomic profiles of these species, researchers found significant variations within the genomes of the same orally-located species, with few differences found from within gut-resident species. Such findings show how significantly active (or inactive) bacteria are in recombining specific segments of DNA with each other and raise questions as to how we identify a "species" if something as important as its neighborhood interactions can change its genetic profile.
With promising results of this human microbiome study, the team has begun to use GMD to culture bacteria and archaea in their native environments, such as wetland and water environments. Researchers want to capture known, rare and elusive species that cannot grow in laboratory settings, and also to provide completed genomes of these novel species that may, again, offer insight into the vital contributions of bacteria and archaea in local ecology and global climate change.
"We have demonstrated a novel approach for fully sequencing genomes of microorganisms found in complex communities," said Dichosa.
Previously, complete community genomes had been an unattainable goal because neither of the two competing technologies, shotgun metagenomics or single-cell sequencing, can recover a nearly complete genome from a single organism in a diverse sample. "We believe using GMDs to sequence complete genomes from environmental samples shows great promise and will allow for the first time a high throughput technology for exploring community pan-genomics," said Han.
Los Alamos National Laboratory, a multidisciplinary research institution engaged in strategic science on behalf of national security, is operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC, a team composed of Bechtel National, the University of California, The Babcock & Wilcox Company, and URS for the Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration.
Los Alamos enhances national security by ensuring the safety and reliability of the U.S. nuclear stockpile, developing technologies to reduce threats from weapons of mass destruction, and solving problems related to energy, environment, infrastructure, health, and global security concerns.
The U.S. Navy contracted vessels Jascon 25 and the tugboat Archon Tide are positioned next to the Avenger-class mine countermeasures ship ex-Guardian (MCM 5) during salvage operations. Guardian ran aground on the Tubbataha Reef Jan. 17. The U.S. Navy continues to work in close cooperation with the Philippine authorities to safely dismantle Guardian from the reef while minimizing environmental effects. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Anderson Bomjardim (Released) 130312-N-VF350-059
An F/A-18C Hornet assigned to the Wildcats of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 131 launches from the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69). Dwight D. Eisenhower departed Naval Station Norfolk on a scheduled deployment in support of maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th and 6th Fleet areas of responsibility. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Andrew Schneider (Released) 130313-N-XQ474-251
On the Occasion of St. Patrick's Day in Ireland
Press Statement
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
March 15, 2013
On behalf of the American people, I congratulate the Irish people as you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.
Every day, we celebrate Ireland’s many contributions to America’s cultural heritage and the strong ties of friendship and kinship between our two countries. As someone who represented the state of Massachusetts for decades, I hold a special appreciation for the contributions that Irish-Americans have made to both countries.
This past year, the United States and Ireland worked together to expand scientific research cooperation, promote global health, protect the environment, and foster innovation, investment, and jobs. Ireland’s important role as a global advocate for peace and understanding is exemplified by its successful tenure as chair of the Organization for Security Cooperation in Europe, its ongoing presidency of the Council of the European Union, and the upcoming leadership role on the United Nation’s Human Rights Council.
We look forward to deepening our partnership with Ireland in the year ahead. In this year of the Gathering in Ireland, as you mark this St. Patrick’s Day with family and friends, know that millions of Americans celebrate with you.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Regarding Significant Reductions of Iranian Crude Oil Purchases
Press Statement
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
March 13, 2013
The United States and the international community remain committed to maintaining pressure on the Iranian regime until it fully addresses concerns about its nuclear program. That is why today I am pleased to announce that based on additional significant reductions in the volume of its crude oil purchases from Iran, Japan has again qualified for an exception to sanctions outlined in Section 1245 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2012.
Additionally, 10 European Union countries – Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and the United Kingdom – have also qualified for a renewal of the NDAA exception because they have not purchased Iranian oil since July 1, 2012, pursuant to a decision made by the whole of the European Union in January 2012. As a result, I will report to the Congress that exceptions to sanctions pursuant to Section 1245 of the NDAA for certain transactions will apply to the financial institutions based in these countries for a potentially renewable period of 180 days.
Today’s determination is another example of the international community’s commitment to convince Iran to meet its international obligations. A total of 20 countries and economies have continued to significantly reduce the volume of their crude oil purchases from Iran. The message to the Iranian regime from the international community is clear: take concrete actions to satisfy the concerns of the international community, or face increasing isolation and pressure.
Regarding Significant Reductions of Iranian Crude Oil Purchases
Press Statement
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
March 13, 2013
The United States and the international community remain committed to maintaining pressure on the Iranian regime until it fully addresses concerns about its nuclear program. That is why today I am pleased to announce that based on additional significant reductions in the volume of its crude oil purchases from Iran, Japan has again qualified for an exception to sanctions outlined in Section 1245 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2012.
Additionally, 10 European Union countries – Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and the United Kingdom – have also qualified for a renewal of the NDAA exception because they have not purchased Iranian oil since July 1, 2012, pursuant to a decision made by the whole of the European Union in January 2012. As a result, I will report to the Congress that exceptions to sanctions pursuant to Section 1245 of the NDAA for certain transactions will apply to the financial institutions based in these countries for a potentially renewable period of 180 days.
Today’s determination is another example of the international community’s commitment to convince Iran to meet its international obligations. A total of 20 countries and economies have continued to significantly reduce the volume of their crude oil purchases from Iran. The message to the Iranian regime from the international community is clear: take concrete actions to satisfy the concerns of the international community, or face increasing isolation and pressure.
New EPA Report: Initial Data Shows Significant Gains in Fuel Economy for 2012
WASHINGTON – Today, EPA released its annual report that tracks the fuel economy of vehicles sold in the United States, underscoring the major increases made in the efficiency of the vehicles Americans drive, reducing oil consumption and cutting carbon emissions. According to the report, EPA estimates that between 2007 and 2012 fuel economy values increased by 16 percent while carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions have decreased by 13 percent, and in 2012 alone the report indicates a significant one year increase of 1.4 miles per gallon (mpg) for cars and trucks.
"Today’s report shows that we are making strides toward saving families money at the pump, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and cleaning up the air we breathe," said Gina McCarthy, Assistant Administrator for EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation. "The historic steps taken by the Obama administration to improve fuel economy and reduce our dependence on foreign oil are accelerating this progress, will spur economic growth and will create high-quality domestic jobs in cutting edge industries across America."
The expected 1.4 mpg improvement in 2012 is based on sales estimates provided to EPA by automakers. EPA’s projections show a reduction in CO2 emissions to 374 grams per mile and an increase in average fuel economy to 23.8 mpg. These numbers represent the largest annual improvements since EPA began reporting on fuel economy.
Fuel economy is expected to continue improving significantly under the Obama administration’s historic National Clean Car Program standards. The program cuts greenhouse gas emissions and would double fuel economy standards by 2025. The standards will save American families $1.7 trillion dollars in fuel costs, and by 2025 will result in an average fuel savings of more than $8,000 per vehicle. The program will also save 12 billion barrels of oil, and by 2025 will reduce oil consumption by more than 2 million barrels a day – as much as half of the oil imported from OPEC every day.
EPA’s annual "Light-Duty Automotive Technology, Carbon Dioxide Emissions, and Fuel Economy Trends: 1975 through 2012" attributes the improvements to the rapid adoption of more efficient technologies, the increasing number of high fuel economy choices for consumers, and the fact that many automakers are already selling vehicles that can meet more stringent future fuel economy and greenhouse gas emissions standards. The report indicates that the projected gains for 2012 more than make up for a slight dip in fuel economy in 2011.
Compared to five years ago, consumers have twice as many hybrid and diesel vehicle choices, a growing set of plug-in electric vehicle options, and a six-fold increase in the number of car models with combined city/highway fuel economy of 30 mpg or higher.
New EPA Report: Initial Data Shows Significant Gains in Fuel Economy for 2012
WASHINGTON – Today, EPA released its annual report that tracks the fuel economy of vehicles sold in the United States, underscoring the major increases made in the efficiency of the vehicles Americans drive, reducing oil consumption and cutting carbon emissions. According to the report, EPA estimates that between 2007 and 2012 fuel economy values increased by 16 percent while carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions have decreased by 13 percent, and in 2012 alone the report indicates a significant one year increase of 1.4 miles per gallon (mpg) for cars and trucks.
"Today’s report shows that we are making strides toward saving families money at the pump, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and cleaning up the air we breathe," said Gina McCarthy, Assistant Administrator for EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation. "The historic steps taken by the Obama administration to improve fuel economy and reduce our dependence on foreign oil are accelerating this progress, will spur economic growth and will create high-quality domestic jobs in cutting edge industries across America."
The expected 1.4 mpg improvement in 2012 is based on sales estimates provided to EPA by automakers. EPA’s projections show a reduction in CO2 emissions to 374 grams per mile and an increase in average fuel economy to 23.8 mpg. These numbers represent the largest annual improvements since EPA began reporting on fuel economy.
Fuel economy is expected to continue improving significantly under the Obama administration’s historic National Clean Car Program standards. The program cuts greenhouse gas emissions and would double fuel economy standards by 2025. The standards will save American families $1.7 trillion dollars in fuel costs, and by 2025 will result in an average fuel savings of more than $8,000 per vehicle. The program will also save 12 billion barrels of oil, and by 2025 will reduce oil consumption by more than 2 million barrels a day – as much as half of the oil imported from OPEC every day.
EPA’s annual "Light-Duty Automotive Technology, Carbon Dioxide Emissions, and Fuel Economy Trends: 1975 through 2012" attributes the improvements to the rapid adoption of more efficient technologies, the increasing number of high fuel economy choices for consumers, and the fact that many automakers are already selling vehicles that can meet more stringent future fuel economy and greenhouse gas emissions standards. The report indicates that the projected gains for 2012 more than make up for a slight dip in fuel economy in 2011.
Compared to five years ago, consumers have twice as many hybrid and diesel vehicle choices, a growing set of plug-in electric vehicle options, and a six-fold increase in the number of car models with combined city/highway fuel economy of 30 mpg or higher.
DOD Requires More Base Closings, Official Says
By Nick Simeone
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, March 15, 2013 - The Defense Department possesses more real estate than it needs and is looking to close additional bases and installations in the United States and abroad, a senior DOD official told a House panel yesterday.
Another round of base realignments and closings should be an essential part of any overall strategy for reshaping the military, John Conger, the acting deputy undersecretary of defense for installations and environment, told the House Armed Services Committee in prepared testimony.
"Force structure is declining relative to that which existed in 2005, thereby continuing to add to aggregate excess capacity," Conger said, noting that the U.S. Army is reducing its active duty end strength from 570,000 to 490,000 by 2020, and the Marine Corps from about 202,000 to 182,000.
"If we assume our bases were either appropriately loaded or were carrying excess capacity," he said, "these force reductions will increase that surplus."
In last year's budget request, the Pentagon asked Congress for permission to initiate two more rounds of base closings, under what is known as BRAC, the Base Realignment and Closure authority. Conger said the last round of BRAC closings, in 2005, produced $4 billion in annual recurring savings.
By law, under the BRAC process, an independent commission submits to Congress a list of military installations it believes should be closed or realigned, with lawmakers and the president then required to approve or reject the recommendations without change.
Conger referred to a 2004 DOD study which he said found the military had 24 percent excess capacity "and that the BRAC 2005 recommendations reduced capacity by only 3.4 percent."
The Defense Department is examining further reductions in U.S. military bases in Europe, where Conger said more than 100 sites have already been returned to host governments since 2003, and where no authority from Congress is required for recommending additional closures.
"By the end of this year, we plan to conclude with a fully vetted list of options from which the Secretary [of Defense] can make strategic decisions for eliminating excess, preserving and even enhancing our ability to meet strategic and operational commitments," Conger said in his prepared remarks.
The U.S. Army already plans to close 33 additional sites in Europe associated with the decision to reduce brigade combat teams based on the continent.
DOD Requires More Base Closings, Official Says
By Nick Simeone
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, March 15, 2013 - The Defense Department possesses more real estate than it needs and is looking to close additional bases and installations in the United States and abroad, a senior DOD official told a House panel yesterday.
Another round of base realignments and closings should be an essential part of any overall strategy for reshaping the military, John Conger, the acting deputy undersecretary of defense for installations and environment, told the House Armed Services Committee in prepared testimony.
"Force structure is declining relative to that which existed in 2005, thereby continuing to add to aggregate excess capacity," Conger said, noting that the U.S. Army is reducing its active duty end strength from 570,000 to 490,000 by 2020, and the Marine Corps from about 202,000 to 182,000.
"If we assume our bases were either appropriately loaded or were carrying excess capacity," he said, "these force reductions will increase that surplus."
In last year's budget request, the Pentagon asked Congress for permission to initiate two more rounds of base closings, under what is known as BRAC, the Base Realignment and Closure authority. Conger said the last round of BRAC closings, in 2005, produced $4 billion in annual recurring savings.
By law, under the BRAC process, an independent commission submits to Congress a list of military installations it believes should be closed or realigned, with lawmakers and the president then required to approve or reject the recommendations without change.
Conger referred to a 2004 DOD study which he said found the military had 24 percent excess capacity "and that the BRAC 2005 recommendations reduced capacity by only 3.4 percent."
The Defense Department is examining further reductions in U.S. military bases in Europe, where Conger said more than 100 sites have already been returned to host governments since 2003, and where no authority from Congress is required for recommending additional closures.
"By the end of this year, we plan to conclude with a fully vetted list of options from which the Secretary [of Defense] can make strategic decisions for eliminating excess, preserving and even enhancing our ability to meet strategic and operational commitments," Conger said in his prepared remarks.
The U.S. Army already plans to close 33 additional sites in Europe associated with the decision to reduce brigade combat teams based on the continent.
First U.S. Anti-Ballistic Missile Site. Located In N. Dakota. Credit: DOD. |
Hagel: U.S. Bolstering Missile Defense
By Amaani Lyle
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, March 15, 2013 - The United States will add more ground-based ballistic missile interceptors to its arsenal to guard against increased threats from North Korea and Iran, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced today.
North Korean and Iranian missile capabilities have increased and the United States must stay ahead of that threat, Hagel said. Both have developed longer range ballistic missiles, and North Korea has now conducted three nuclear tests, followed by stepped up threats against the United States and South Korea.
The Pentagon will deploy 14 more ground-based interceptors in locations at Fort Greely, Alaska, and Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif, Hagel said, boosting the total number from 30 to 44. The added interceptors will provide a nearly 50 percent increase in U.S. missile defense capability, Hagel said.
"The United States has missile defense systems in place to protect us from limited ICBM attacks, but North Korea in particular has recently made advances in its capabilities and is engaged in a series of irresponsible and reckless provocations," Hagel said.
Last month, North Korea conducted its third nuclear test. In December 2012, the North launched a satellite into orbit, demonstrating an intercontinental ballistic missile capability. In April 2012, Pyongyang also displayed what appeared to be a mobile intercontinental ballistic missile capability.
Hagel also said the United States will team with Japan to deploy an additional advanced radar there. The radar will provide improved early warning and tracking of any missile launched in North Korea at the United States or Japan.
Hagel said DOD is also conducting environmental impact studies for a potential additional interceptor site in the United States. Officials are looking for two sites on the East Coast and one on the West. While the administration has not made a decision on whether to proceed, conducting environmental impact studies will shorten the timeline of construction should a decision be made, he explained. Hagel also announced plans to restructure the SM3-2B program, a land-based standard missile, with plans to deploy it as part of the European phase-adapted approach. "The purpose was to add protection of the U.S. homeland already provided by our current GBIs [ground based interceptors] against missile threats in the Middle East," Hagel said.
The secretary said shifting resources from the "lagging program" to fund the additional interceptors and kill vehicle technology that will improve performance of the GBI and other versions of the SM3 interceptor allows the U.S. to add protection against missiles from Iran and North Korea sooner.
Hagel reemphasized the United States' "iron-clad" commitment to missile defense. "The missile deployments the United States is making in phases 1 through 3 of the European phase-adaptive approach, including sites in Poland and Romania, will still be able to provide coverage of all European NATO territory as planned by 2018," he said.
The overall result will improve the U.S. ability to counter future missile threats from Iran and North Korea while being good stewards of taxpayers' resources, Hagel said.
"The American people expect us to take every necessary step to protect our security at home and U.S. strategic interests abroad," he said. "But they expect us to do so in the most efficient and effective manner possible."
Landforms on Mars
This image was taken by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) flying onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission.
Gully landforms like those in this image are found in many craters in the mid-latitudes of Mars. Changes in gullies were first seen in images from the Mars Orbiter Camera in 2006, and studying such activity has been a high priority for HiRISE. Many examples of new deposits in gullies are now known.
This image shows a new deposit in Gasa Crater, in the Southern mid-latitudes. The deposit is distinctively blue in enhanced-color images. This image was acquired in southern spring, but the flow that formed the deposit occurred in the preceding winter.
Current gully activity appears to be concentrated in winter and early spring, and may be caused by the seasonal carbon dioxide frost that is visible in gully alcoves in the winter.
Written by: Colin Dundas
Image Credit-- NASA-JPL-University of Arizona
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