Thursday, January 10, 2013


Photo:  Striped Bass.  Credit:  Wikimedia Commons
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Virginia Charter Fishing Boat Captain Pleads Guilty to Felony Lacey Act Violation

WASHINGTON – Jeffery S. Adams, 41, of Hudgins, Va., and his corporation Adams Fishing Adventures Inc. pleaded guilty today to trafficking in illegally-harvested striped bass, in violation of the Lacey Act. Among other things, the Lacey Act makes it unlawful for any person to import, export, transport, sell, receive, acquire or purchase any fish and wildlife taken, possessed, transported or sold in violation of any law or regulation of the United States, or to attempt to do so. Under the Lacey Act, it is a "sale" of fish or wildlife for any person, for money or other consideration, to offer or provide guiding, outfitting, or other services.

Ignacia S. Moreno, Assistant Attorney General for the U.S. Department of Justice’s Environment and Natural Resources Division, and Neil H. MacBride, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, made the announcement after the plea was accepted by U.S. District Judge Mark S. Davis.

Adams and Adams Fishing Adventures were indicted on Nov. 8, 2012, by a federal grand jury on charges of conspiracy, Lacey Act violations and false statements. Adams faces a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine, as well as forfeiture of the fishing vessel used during the commission of the crimes. Adams Fishing Adventures Inc. faces a maximum fine of $500,000, as well as forfeiture of the fishing vessels used during the commission of the crimes. Sentencing is set for April 18, 2013.

In a statement of facts filed with his plea agreement, Adams and Adams Fishing Adventures admitted that they sold a charter striped bass fishing trip on Jan. 19, 2010, for $800. As part of that charter fishing trip, Adams knowingly took his charter clients into the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) to harvest striped bass, even though Adams knew that it was a violation of federal law to harvest striped bass inside the EEZ. Adams’ clients illegally harvested 10 striped bass within the EEZ on Jan. 19, 2010, and Adams then transported the illegally harvested striped bass back to Rudee Inlet in Virginia Beach, Va., where the sale of Adams’ charter fishing services was finalized.

This case was investigated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Fisheries, Office for Law Enforcement, and the Virginia Marine Police with assistance from the Federal Communications Commission Enforcement Bureau, Norfolk, Va. Office. Trial Attorney James B. Nelson of the Department of Justice’s Environmental Crimes Section of the Environment and Natural Resources Division and Assistant U.S. Attorney Stephen W. Haynie from the Eastern District of Virginia are prosecuting the case on behalf of the United States.



Presenter: Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta and Afghan President Hamid Karzai
January 10, 2013
Remarks by Secretary Panetta and President Karzai at the Pentagon

SECRETARY OF DEFENSE LEON E. PANETTA: If I could have your attention, please.

First of all, let me express how honored we are to welcome you, Mr. President, and your distinguished delegation here to the Department of Defense and to the nation's capital.


Have we got everybody? Okay.

Again, Mr. President, let me express our honor at the opportunity to welcome you here to the Pentagon. We -- we sometimes are accused of having a great deal of power and I just want to assure you that the weather was nice because I prayed a lot.

But we -- we enjoyed the opportunity to be able to honor you as a distinguished visitor to the United States.

This is a -- this is a wonderful opportunity, and it comes after 10 years of war, of blood, of battle, the loss of many on both sides. But -- after -- after a long and difficult path, we finally are, I believe, at the last chapter of establishing an Afghanistan -- a sovereign Afghanistan that can govern and secure itself for the future.

I want to thank you in particular, in light of the sacrifices that have been made, of your taking the time to visit our wounded Afghan and American comrades at Walter Reed Hospital. That -- that, I believe, is a reflection of your kindness and your appreciation.

When I traveled to Afghanistan last month, as I told you, I had the opportunity to meet with all of our military key leaders there. And it was clear to me from them and from the Afghans that I spoke with that what we are doing together -- what we are doing in partnership is indeed succeeding.

It was equally clear to me that our partnership, forged as I said through almost 11 years of shared sacrifice, is a key to our ability to achieve the final mission. We've come a long way towards a shared goal of establishing a nation that you and we can be proud of, one that never again becomes a safe haven for terrorism.

This next year in Afghanistan will be a very important one, as we continue to transition security responsibility to the Afghan forces. And this coming year, we will complete that transition with tranche five.

I want to commend you on the bravery and the skill of your forces. They are demonstrating, alongside the United States and coalition forces, every day the bravery, the courage and the capability to provide the security you need in order to ensure a safe future for your nation.

I also want to assure you, my friend, that the United States and the Department of Defense are fully committed to helping the people of Afghanistan secure and govern your own country.

We -- we have sacrificed together. That has created a bond that will not be broken in the future.

PRESIDENT HAMID KARZAI: Thank you very much, dear friend, Secretary Panetta, for the very warm welcome today by you personally and for the very beautiful honor guard that was presented, and for receiving me and my delegation today at the Pentagon in your office.

Thank you also, Mr. Secretary, for being a friend of Afghanistan for all these years you were working at the Pentagon.

Indeed, Afghanistan and the United States have come a long way in the past 11 years, with sacrifice on both sides, of your men and women in uniform and civilians, and also of the Afghan security forces and the Afghan police.

As we move forward toward the completion of the transition, I'm glad we are going to announce the final and fifth tranche mid 2013: Afghanistan will be taking over responsibility for its own security.

And I thank you and all our allies for providing Afghanistan the assistance that was needed in the past 11 years and for training and equipping the Afghan forces.

I can assure you, Mr. Secretary, that Afghanistan will, with the help that you provide, be able to provide security to its people and to protect its borders; so Afghanistan would not ever again be threatened by terrorists from across our borders.

And I'm sure during this trip, Afghanistan and the United States will work out a modality for bilateral security agreement that will ensure the interests of Afghanistan and also the interests of the United States.

Thank you, Mr. Secretary.

SEC. PANETTA: Thank you very much, Mr. President

Energy drinks versus energy

Energy drinks versus energy


Map:  Syria.  Credit:  CIA World Factbook.

U.S. Government Assistance to Syria
Fact Sheet
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
January 9, 2013

The United States supports the Syrian people’s aspirations for a Syrian-led transition to a democratic, inclusive, and peaceful Syria. Over nearly two years of unrest and violence, the United Nations estimates that 60,000 Syrians have been killed. Nearly 600,000 Syrians have registered or are awaiting registration in neighboring countries, while an additional 2.5 million persons are internally displaced and 4 million people inside Syria are in need of assistance. The Syrian regime has sacrificed all legitimacy in a vicious effort to cling to power. U.S. assistance includes vigorous diplomatic support of the newly formed Syrian Opposition Coalition, humanitarian assistance to help those affected by the conflict, and non-lethal support for local councils and civil society inside Syria.

Diplomatic Support

The United States continues to support the Syrian people as the newly-formed Syrian Opposition Coalition sets a course toward the peaceful, democratic, inclusive future that the people of Syria deserve. We are working with other nations to further isolate the regime and support the Syrian people’s calls for President Assad to step down. We and our international partners actively supported the efforts of the Syrian people to launch the Syrian Opposition Coalition in Doha in November. On December 12, the Friends of the Syrian People meeting in Marrakesh helped to ensure that our assistance responds to the most pressing needs of the Syrian people in coordination with the Syrian Opposition Coalition and Syria-based unarmed opposition groups.

Humanitarian Assistance

The Assad regime’s war on its own civilian population over the past two years has precipitated a critical humanitarian crisis. The United States is providing $210 million in humanitarian aid to assist conflict-affected Syrians inside Syria and those who have fled to neighboring countries, the majority of whom are residing among local communities. Assistance is channeled both through contributions to U.N. and other international agencies as well as partner non-governmental organizations. We continue to develop ways for humanitarian assistance – provided on the basis of need and not political affiliation – to reach previously inaccessible areas inside Syria where continuing violence has created urgent humanitarian needs, especially growing shortages of food and fuel.
The United States is providing relief supplies, such as plastic sheeting to repair damaged buildings, warm clothes, mattresses, blankets and heaters to help conflict-affected families in Syria survive the winter. An estimated 130,000 people have already received relief supplies, a number that will grow to nearly 515,000 people in some of the hardest-hit locations. U.S. contributions to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) are providing 75,000 winter clothing kits and 320,000 blankets to children in Syria.
U.S.-funded medical assistance is saving lives in some of Syria’s hardest-hit locations – treating more than 410,000 patients in Syria, including 22,370 surgeries. U.S. funding of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) supported the delivery of essential medical supplies to treat tens of thousands of sick or wounded Syrians in 2012.
U.S. funding for ICRC, the U.N. World Food Program (WFP), and the U.N. Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has supported food distributions for more than 3 million people and essential household items for more than 500,000 people, as well as assisted local Syrian water authorities to ensure access to safe water for 10 million people, Funding for the U.N. Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) has opened schools and other buildings to some 10,000 displaced Syrians as well as assistance to Palestinian refugees in Syria affected by the crisis.

U.S. funds are providing urgently needed food, clean water, medical supplies and emergency medical care for thousands of Syrians living in neighboring countries through UNHCR, WFP and UNICEF and through non-government organizations.

Transition Support to the Unarmed Opposition

The United States is also providing approximately $50 million in non-lethal support to the unarmed Syrian opposition and civil society groups, including local councils and grassroots organizations. This assistance provides training and equipment to the Syrian non-violent opposition to build up a nation-wide network of ethnically and religiously diverse civilian activists, which will help promote unity among the Syrian people and accelerate the country’s democratic transition. Our assistance seeks to build the capacity of local councils and grassroots organizations and supports their efforts to respond to the needs of their communities and mobilize ongoing non-violent protest movements. These resources aim to help Syrian non-violent opposition groups sustain their activities through strengthening civil society, media and democratic transition planning.

Support to civil society groups and local councils includes efforts to train, equip and build the capacity of grassroots activists and opposition groups – including women and youth – primarily inside the country; develop existing and emerging groups’ abilities to mobilize citizens, share information and build networks, provide services to their communities, and undertake civic functions; support interreligious and communal dialogues to encourage strong citizen participation in shaping the transition’s trajectory; develop women’s leadership capacity to play a robust role in the transition; support professional human rights documentation and transitional justice workshops, and prepare for Syria’s political transition and lay the foundation for future accountability efforts.

Support to independent media projects includes community radio stations providing information for refugees about available services, training for networks of citizen journalists, bloggers, and cyber-activists to support their ability to document, package, and disseminate information on developments inside Syria and provide independent news reporting; and technical assistance and equipment to enhance the information and communications security of Syrian activists within Syria.

Assistance in support of democratic transition planning includes efforts to facilitate linkages between unarmed opposition elements inside Syria with supporters outside the country; resources to help establish the Syria Justice and Accountability Center as an independent entity that documents human rights abuses and coordinates transitional justice and accountability efforts among Syrian and international groups; and facilitating Syrian activists’ participation in political and economic transition planning, to facilitate the active engagement of the business community in transition processes, and technical assistance to emerging political parties within the country.



SEC Charges Two KPMG Auditors for Failed Audit of Nebraska Bank Hiding Loan Losses During Financial Crisis

Washington, D.C., Jan. 9, 2013 — The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged two auditors at KPMG for their roles in a failed audit of a Nebraska-based bank that hid millions of dollars in loan losses from investors during the financial crisis and eventually was forced to file for bankruptcy.

The SEC previously charged three former TierOne Bank executives responsible for the scheme. Two executives agreed to settle the SEC’s charges, and the case continues against the other.

The new charges in the SEC’s case are against KPMG partner John J. Aesoph and senior manager Darren M. Bennett. The SEC’s investigation found that they failed to appropriately scrutinize management’s estimates of TierOne’s allowance for loan and lease losses (known as ALLL). Due to the financial crisis and problems in the real estate market, this was one of the highest risk areas of the audit, yet Aesoph and Bennett failed to obtain sufficient evidence supporting management’s estimates of fair value of the collateral underlying the bank’s troubled loans. Instead, they relied on stale information and management’s representations, and they failed to heed numerous red flags when issuing unqualified opinions on TierOne’s 2008 financial statements and the bank’s internal controls over its financial reporting.

"Aesoph and Bennett merely rubber-stamped TierOne’s collateral value estimates and ignored the red flags surrounding the bank’s troubled real estate loans," said Robert Khuzami, Director of the SEC’s Division of Enforcement. "Auditors must adhere to professional auditing standards and exercise due diligence rather than merely relying on management’s representations."

According to the SEC’s order instituting administrative proceedings against Aesoph, who lives in Omaha, and Bennett, who lives in Elkhorn, Neb., the auditors failed to comply with professional auditing standards in their substantive audit procedures over the bank’s valuation of loan losses resulting from impaired loans. They relied principally on stale appraisals and management’s uncorroborated representations of current value despite evidence that management’s estimates were biased and inconsistent with independent market data. Aesoph and Bennett failed to exercise the appropriate professional skepticism and obtain sufficient evidence that management’s collateral value and loan loss estimates were reasonable.

According to the SEC’s order, the internal controls identified and tested by the auditing engagement team did not effectively test management’s use of stale and inadequate appraisals to value the collateral underlying the bank’s troubled loan portfolio. For example, the auditors identified TierOne’s Asset Classification Committee as a key ALLL control. But there was no reference in the audit work papers to whether or how the committee assessed the value of the collateral underlying individual loans evaluated for impairment, and the committee did not generate or review written documentation to support management’s assumptions. Given the complete lack of documentation, Aesoph and Bennett had insufficient evidence from which to conclude that the bank’s internal controls for valuation of collateral were effective.

The SEC’s order alleges that Aesoph and Bennett engaged in improper professional conduct as defined in Section 4C of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 102(e)(1)(ii) of the Commission’s Rules of Practice. A hearing will be scheduled before an administrative law judge to determine whether the allegations contained in the order are true and what, if any, remedial sanctions are appropriate pursuant to Rule 102(e). The administrative law judge will issue an initial decision no later than 300 days from the date of service of the order.

The SEC’s investigation of the auditors was led by Mary Brady and Michael D’Angelo of the Denver Regional Office. Barbara Wells and Nicholas Heinke will lead the Enforcement Division’s litigation in the administrative proceeding.



Remarks at a Flag Ceremony for United States Ambassador to Ireland Dan Rooney
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Monroe Room
Washington, DC
January 9, 2013

QUESTION: (In progress) All right. Madam Secretary, just on behalf of the press corps, welcome back to work.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you, Matt. I must – I have to say, Matt, I really missed you all. (Laughter.)

QUESTION: I find that a little hard to believe.

SECRETARY CLINTON: I know. I wouldn’t say that under normal circumstances.

QUESTION: (Laughter.) I find it – well, as you know, Ambassador Rooney knows a thing or two about contact sport injuries, and I’m sure –

SECRETARY CLINTON: Yes. That’s why I now have a helmet (inaudible).

QUESTION: I’m sure he wishes it was a Steelers helmet. It wasn’t, though. But how does it feel to be back? Were you frustrated to be cooped up, not out?

SECRETARY CLINTON: No, Matt, I am thrilled to be back. And I am also incredibly grateful for this fabulous team that I have here at the State Department who never missed a beat for the time that I was away. And we are focused on continuing our work, finishing up everything that we can, and helping Senator Kerry with his transition.

QUESTION: So things – you’re ready – you’re back in the swing of things --


QUESTION: -- even though it’s closing down your operation?

SECRETARY CLINTON: Yeah. It’s obviously somewhat bittersweet, because I’ve had the most extraordinary experience, and I work with just an amazing team of people. But I’m very much looking forward to doing everything we can these last few weeks to resolve and finish up wherever possible and then to have a very smooth, seamless transition to Senator Kerry to continue the work.

QUESTION: And then retirement?

SECRETARY CLINTON: I don’t know that that’s the word I would use, but certainly stepping off the very fast track for a little while.

QUESTION: Okay. Thank you.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Thanks, Matt. Great to see you.

QUESTION: Great to see you.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you, all.

Herschel intercepte l’astéroïde Apophis

Herschel intercepte l’astéroïde Apophis

Weltraumturnier auf der ISS

Weltraumturnier auf der ISS

Weltraumturnier auf der ISS

Weltraumturnier auf der ISS


Monday, January 7, 2013
Justice Department Reaches Settlement with South Carolina Food Service Provider to Resolve Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices

The Justice Department announced today that it reached an agreement with Centerplate Inc., resolving allegations that the company violated the anti-discrimination provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). Centerplate, based in Spartanburg, S.C., is one of the largest hospitality companies in the world. With over 10,000 employees nationwide, Centerplate provides food service to over 250 stadiums, convention centers and entertainment venues across the country.

The Justice Department’s investigation was initiated based on a referral from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) under a memorandum of agreement between the Civil Rights Division and USCIS. The department’s investigation concluded that, for at least the past three years, Centerplate engaged in a pattern or practice of treating work-eligible non-U.S. citizens differently from U.S. citizens during the INA’s employment eligibility verification processes, including E-Verify, by requiring specific documents issued by the Department of Homeland Security from non-U.S. citizens, while not making similar requests of U.S. citizens.

Under the terms of the agreement, Centerplate has agreed to pay $250,000 in civil penalties, the third highest amount paid through settlement since enactment of the INA’s anti-discrimination provision in 1986. Centerplate has also agreed to fully compensate any victims who lost wages as a result of Centerplate’s practices, undergo Justice Department training on the anti-discrimination provision of the INA, and be subject to monitoring of its employment eligibility verification practices for a period of three years. The case settled prior to the Justice Department filing a complaint in this matter.

"Work-eligible applicants – citizens and non-citizens alike – deserve fair and equal treatment in the eligibility verification process," said Thomas E. Perez, Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division. "Therefore, we will continue to vigorously enforce the anti-discrimination provision of the INA."

The Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices (OSC) is responsible for enforcing the anti-discrimination provision of the INA.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Justice Department Reaches Settlement with South Carolina Food Service Provider to Resolve Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices

The Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices (OSC) is responsible for enforcing the anti-discrimination provision of the INA. For more information about protections against employment discrimination under the immigration laws, call the OSC’s worker hotline at 1-800-255-7688 (1-800-237-2525, TDD for hearing impaired), call the OSC’s employer hotline at 1-800-255-8155 (1-800-362-2735, TDD for hearing impaired), sign up for a no-cost webinar at , email or visit the website at .


U.S. Nuclear Security Enterprise Infrastructure Modernization
Fact Sheet
Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance
January 8, 2013

Key Point:
The U.S. Government is committed to the modernization of the nuclear weapons infrastructure in order to support a safe, secure and effective nuclear weapons stockpile in the absence of nuclear explosive testing.

In accordance with the Nuclear Posture Review, the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) identified a path for sustaining the nuclear deterrent while modernizing the supporting infrastructure without nuclear explosive testing. This modernization is implemented by focusing on recapitalization and refurbishment of existing infrastructure for plutonium, uranium, tritium, high-explosive production, non-nuclear component production, high-fidelity testing and waste disposition. In addition, the modernization effort preserves and enhances essential science and technology tools for assessing and certifying weapons without nuclear explosive testing. These investments in science, technology, engineering, manufacturing, and information technology infrastructure will sustain the capabilities that underpin the stockpile and other national security missions.

Modernization of the nuclear weapons infrastructure requires a balanced application of the following elements:
Construction of replacement facilities;
Sustainment of existing facilities; and
Decommissioning and disposition of excess facilities

The NNSA is also addressing needs in uranium and plutonium infrastructure to support the Stockpile Stewardship mission. To address the operational and programmatic risk associated with current uranium facilities, NNSA will accelerate construction plans for the Uranium Processing Facility (UPF) at the Y-12 National Security Complex in Tennessee. To maintain continuity in plutonium capabilities, NNSA is using existing infrastructure across the Nuclear Security Enterprise in addition to the first phase of the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement (CMRR) project — the new Radiological Laboratory, Utility, and Office Building at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in New Mexico. Consistent with feedback from an independent Department of Defense review of plans for UPF and the CMRR Facility, NNSA is deferring construction of the final phase of CMRR, the CMRR-Nuclear Facility, for at least five years, and accelerating UPF construction.

NNSA will continue to modernize and refurbish the balance of its physical infrastructure over the next ten years on the basis of mission need, safety and security requirements, and lifecycle cost reduction. As it strives to consolidate its operations to a scale appropriate to support the reduced stockpile, NNSA will sustain its assets, identify opportunities to reduce operating costs, and prioritize maintenance to focus on its most mission critical facilities.

The final key element of NNSA’s modernization is the elimination of facilities that have no future mission and are considered excess. Disposing of excess facilities will help facilitate new construction over the next decade, which should help control operating costs and allow available resources to be applied to areas that more directly support the mission of maintaining a safe, secure and effective U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile without nuclear explosive testing.

Veteran Unemployment Still Below National Average; Post-9/11 Annual Rate Falls to 9.9

Veteran Unemployment Still Below National Average; Post-9/11 Annual Rate Falls to 9.9


Technicians prepare a ground based Interceptor for emplacement into Missile Field 2 at the Missile Defense Complex at Fort Greely, Alaska, Feb. 25, 2012. U.S. Northern Command is collaborating closely with the Missile Defense Agency to improve the capability of systems designed to counter threats to the homeland. Missile Defense Agency photo by Ralph Scott.

Northcom to Upgrade Ballistic Missile Defenses
By Donna Miles
American Forces Press Service

PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo., Jan. 9, 2013 - While refining the systems that protect the homeland against long-range ballistic missile attacks, the United States is advancing technologies to counter the growing threat of short- and medium-range missiles launched by rogue states or terrorists, a top U.S. Northern Command officer told American Forces Press Service.

North Korea's successful long-range missile launch last month in violation of U.N. resolutions, and Iran's reported testing of a new, mid-range surface-to-air missile last week represent two ends of the spectrum that U.S. missile defenses must be prepared to address, said Air Force Brig. Gen. Kenneth E. Todorov, Northcom's deputy operations director.

Toward that end, Todorov said he envisions an integrated system capable of detecting and intercepting the full range of ballistic missile threats, conceivably within the decade. And ideally, he said it will dovetail with NATO's European Phased Adaptive Approach Missile Defense System being phased in to counter short-, medium- and long-range missiles, primarily from the Middle East.

Almost since its inception more than a half-century ago, North American Aerospace Defense Command has focused primarily on long-range ballistic missile threats. However, in light of proliferation, and the willingness of bad actors to deliver sophisticated missile technology to countries or organizations hostile to the United States, it also recognizes the threat posed by shorter-range missiles, Todorov said.

NORAD commander Army Gen. Charles H. Jacoby Jr. and his staff monitor the half-dozen space launches that take place around the globe every day and assess if any pose a threat to the U.S. or Canada. But because NORAD's mission is missile warning -- not missile defense -- Jacoby would act in his capacity as Northcom commander to authorize an engagement, Todorov explained.

"General Jacoby refers to this mission as part of the sacred trust he has with the American people," Todorov said. "He, and we as a command, are responsible for defending the U.S. homeland against ballistic missile threats."

That capability is delivered through the Ballistic Missile Defense System. Todorov described it as a "system of systems architecture" of networked space-based and terrestrial sensors able to detect and track missile threats to North America.

Currently arrayed toward both the Atlantic and Pacific, the deployed sensors are postured to identify inbound threats from either theater, he said. Based on well-rehearsed protocols, the system is designed to destroy threat missiles in space before they reach their intended targets.

Members of the Alaska National Guard's 49th Missile Defense Battalion stand on 24/7 alert at Fort Greeley, Alaska, ready to launch the 26 ground-based interceptors there at a moment's notice. Other members of the Colorado National Guard's 100th Missile Defense Brigade maintain and man four additional interceptors at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif.

"These are 300 National Guardsmen defending 300 million citizens of the United States, Todorov said. "They are the no-kidding, 24/7 watch, watching for threats and waiting for them to come. And if they come, they are going to shoot them down."

Jacoby said he's confident in Northcom's ability to leverage existing capabilities to defend the United States against limited long-range ballistic missile threats. But as these threats evolve, he said ballistic missile defenses must evolve, too.

That, Tordov said, requires building on existing ballistic missile defenses to keep a step ahead of potential adversaries.

Much of the United States' missile defense focus has been on the NATO system that will offer broad protection to Europe once it is fully deployed in 2020 -- and by extension, to the United States and Canada.

Meanwhile, Northcom is collaborating closely with the Missile Defense Agency to improve the capability of the Ground-based Midcourse Defense System, which is designed to defeat long-range ballistic missiles.

"We have focused very hard on improving GMD system capabilities since it became operational in 2006," Todorov said. "But as we go forward as a command, one thing that we will change will be our emphasis and focus on short- and medium-range missile defense of the homeland."

Instead of developing new independent systems to address these threats, Todorov said the better approach is to build on existing defense capabilities.

"Rather than looking at these systems independently -- the GMD system to fight the long-range threat and another system that might fight the medium-range one and another that might fight the short range -- let's try to build them into an interconnecting group of systems that we can refer to as an integrated air and missile defense," he said.

"The same sensors won't be able to do it all," he acknowledged. "But hopefully there will be some connects and shared data, with shared information and shared situational awareness between the sensors. Each of those will help us tie the picture together."

With work on this integrated system already under way, Todorov anticipates "cylinders of capability" that will be fielded as they are developed, probably within the next few years.

"Then as it develops and matures, I think we will start to knit the capabilities together to strengthen the numbers, if you will, and overlapping sensors from the short-range to the medium-range to the long-range," he said.

Within the next 10 years, Todorov said he hopes to have an interconnected and overlapping system of systems that provides stronger, more reliable defenses than any individual systems could. "With the synergy among all of it, one plus one will equal three," he said.

The success of that endeavor will be vital to the United States' long-term security, he said.

"We can't take anything for granted," Todorov said. "There are adversaries out there and groups of people and nation states that would like to do us harm."

The 9/11 Memorial outside the NORAD and Northcom headquarters, built of rubble from the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon and soil from the Shanksville, Pa., crash site, offers a daily reminder to workers here of the gravity of their homeland defense mission.

"I think it is our job, every day, to walk past that 9/11 Memorial as we come in here and think, 'We are not going to let anybody do harm to us like they did on that day,'" Todorov said.

Media Roundtable in The Hague, The Netherlands

Media Roundtable in The Hague, The Netherlands

Wednesday, January 9, 2013



Orion Spacecraft

Technicians prepare to fit a special fixture around an Orion capsule inside the high bay of the Operations & Checkout Building at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The fixture is designed to enable precise pre-launch processing of the Orion spacecraft.

Orion will be the most advanced spacecraft ever designed and carry astronauts farther into space than ever before. It will sustain astronauts during space travel and provide safe re-entry from deep space and emergency abort capability. Orion will be launched by NASA's Space Launch System (SLS), a heavy-lift rocket that will provide an entirely new capability for human exploration beyond low Earth orbit. Designed to be flexible for launching spacecraft for crew and cargo missions, SLS will enable new missions of exploration and expand human presence across the solar system.

Image Credit: NASA





Statement by US Department of Labor on resignation of Secretary Hilda L. Solis

Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis this afternoon sent the following letter to employees at the U.S. Department of Labor:

"Over the Christmas and New Year holidays with my family in California, I enjoyed my first opportunity in years to reflect on the past and my future, with an open mind and an open heart. After much discussion with family and close friends, I have decided to begin a new future, and return to the people and places I love and that have inspired and shaped my life.

"This afternoon, I submitted my resignation to President Obama. Growing up in a large Mexican-American family in La Puente, California, I never imagined that I would have the opportunity to serve in a president’s Cabinet, let alone in the service of such an incredible leader.

"Because President Obama took very bold action, millions of Americans are back to work. There is still much to do, but we are well on the road to recovery, and middle class Americans know the president is on their side.

"Together we have achieved extraordinary things and I am so proud of our work on behalf of the nation’s working families. It has been more than an honor to work alongside you in fulfilling the department’s mission. Working with all of you as the nation’s 25th secretary of labor, I have come to learn that the work we do every day is indeed a labor of love.

"I am humbled by the commitment of every single employee of this department – from the folks here in Washington to those who directly touch communities out in the field. Each of you brings passion to your work, and collectively, that makes a significant difference in the lives of our nation’s working families.

"We have much to be proud of. In the past four years, more than 1.7 million people have completed federally-funded job training programs; of those, more than one million have earned industry-recognized credentials. In addition, Labor Department investments in our community colleges have expanded their capacity to provide local, flexible, employer-specific job training to millions of Americans, and transformed these institutions into engines of economic growth.

"Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, we were the steward of more than $67 billion for unemployment insurance benefits, job training and placement, and worker protection. With ingenuity and integrity we ensured that these monies were carefully targeted to maximize job creation so that working people received the help they needed and deserved.

"We also played an important and active role in crafting regulatory actions to implement key aspects of the Affordable Care Act. Our work will help make President Obama’s vision of a health care system that works for America a reality for millions of people.

"We have helped businesses big and small see the value of hiring returning military service members, and have fostered innovative efforts to help women and homeless veterans.

"And I am particularly proud to say that, as a result of our enforcement efforts, we have saved workers’ lives.

"Calendar year 2011 saw the fewest-ever mine fatalities. Fatalities in general industry and construction are at historic lows.

"Because of our work, more people are receiving the wages they are owed. Last year we conducted the largest number of investigations in recent memory, collecting the most back wages in our history (more than $280 million on behalf of more than 300,000 workers denied their rightful pay, overtime or leave benefits). In these recoveries, what may seem to some as "small change" makes a huge difference for those who live paycheck-to-paycheck. In addition, our enforcement and informal resolution programs resulted in the recovery of almost $5 billion dollars for retirees and their families.

"Leaving the department is one of the most difficult decisions I have ever made, because I have taken our mission to heart. As the daughter of parents who worked in factories, paid their union dues and achieved their goal of a middle class life, and as the first Latina to head a major federal agency, it has been an incredible honor to serve.

"It has been my privilege to call you colleagues and friends. Thank you for all you have done and will continue to do to make life more just and safer for workers across this country.

"I am counting on you to keep up the good work. God bless you. And I will miss all of you.


"Hilda L. Solis
"U.S. Secretary of Labor"


Credit:  U.S. Air Force

Cyber Officials Weigh Opportunities, Challenges
By Amaani Lyle
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Jan. 8, 2013 - The joint information environment will define the future as the services move closer to a common foundation, Defense Information Systems Agency officials said during a panel discussion here yesterday.

The panel -- moderated by Anthony Montemarano, DISA's director for strategic planning and information -- was part of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association's monthly luncheon meeting for cyberdefense experts.

"It's about bringing everyone together so that we have a common infrastructure to [develop] new technologies," Montemarano said.

David Mihelcic, DISA's chief technology officer and principal director for global information grid enterprise services engineering, said the agency will focus on Internet protocol, client server computing, cloud computing and the "spiral" family of software development processes, among other technologies.

"DISA has focused on leveraging leading-edge, but commercial, technologies and putting those together in a manner that supports the warfighters' needs," he said. "We have a long history of trying to bring capability to the warfighter securely."

With most military and government agencies facing possible deep spending cuts, officials said, DISA and the Defense Department will continue to collaborate with industry to develop unified communications and mobility innovations in the face of shrinking information technology budgets.

"We're not looking at trying to reinvent the wheel. We're trying to exploit the best wheel out there," Mihelcic said. "We're not going to develop unique technologies, [so] we're looking at industry to develop innovation that we can leverage."

Whatever budget constraints may loom, he added, one aspect must not waver. "We cannot give up the security, the confidentiality or the pedigree of our data at the unclassified or classified levels," he said.

From a cyberdefense perspective, Mark Orndorff, DISA's program executive officer for mission assurance and network operations, said that while his agency and DOD have Web content filtering and log-on security capabilities, he'd like to further develop them.

"One of our primary efforts is to look across the existing infrastructure to better leverage those technologies," Orndorff said.

Although areas such as mobility and cloud computing will create certain unavoidable gaps as technology matures, Orndorff said, training and minimizing duplication will be important in creating the optimal security architecture.

"A key piece of this is the cyber workforce and developing the right training, lab and range environments to fully develop [the right architecture]," Orndorff said.

That training, he explained, will help to ensure new technologies are developed with the best knowledge of the potential risks and outcomes.

"We need to test [the technology], validate it and make sure we aren't going to do something that'll leave us exposed," he said. "But there are real benefits from an economic and cyberdefense effectiveness standpoint. As we build out the analytics, we're moving into the open-source, 'big-data' environment, and we're looking for solutions that will coexist in that big-data environment."

Jennifer Carter, DISA's component acquisition executive, said that while efficiencies should be a main consideration in the way ahead, a common approach to the security posture can lead to process improvements and better long-range planning to stay current with technology and industry advances.

"The underlying fundamentals should have that core component available for the services to leverage," she said. "We want to get the capabilities to the warfighters faster."

Expediting certification and product validation will pave the way for DISA's endeavors in cloud computing, with a focus on mobile technologies and network operations, Carter said.

"DISA has been designated the cloud broker for DOD, ... [and] we'll be looking at industry to develop interoperable technologies with an integrated suite of capabilities warfighters can access," she added.


U.S., Australia, Japan militaries prepare for exercise Cope North 2013

1/7/2013 - JOINT BASE PEARL HARBOR-HICKAM, Hawaii -- The U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, the Japan Air Self-Defense Force, and the Royal Australian Air Force are preparing to conduct exercise Cope North 2013 at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, scheduled for Feb. 4 through 15.

The exercise is the latest in a long standing, multilateral exercise designed to enhance each countries' air operations. Additionally, the exercise includes humanitarian assistance and disaster relief training objectives for the USAF, JASDF and RAAF.

The U.S. will have approximately 1,000 participants, the JASDF will have approximately 450 participants, and the RAAF will have approximately 300 participants.

The first week will consist of humanitarian assistance and disaster relief training, along with air combat training and air-to-ground weapons training. During the second part of the exercise, the focus will shift to dissimilar air combat tactics, strike mission training, and large force employment training. Also, JASDF squadrons will conduct surface attack training on the Farallon de Medinilla Range.

Since the first Cope North exercise in 1978 at Misawa Air Base, Japan, thousands of American and Japanese airmen have honed skills that are vital to maintaining a high level of readiness.

The RAAF will be attending CN13 for the second time, and their participation will further strengthen regional partner interoperability.

Additionally, the Republic of Korea Air Force will send representatives for the first time to observe the humanitarian assistance and disaster relief portion of the training.

This is the 84th Cope North. Exercise Cope North was held as often as four times a year, but is now held annually.


Photo:  Patriot Missile System.  Credit:  U.S. DOD.

U.S., NATO Patriots Deploy to Augment Turkish Air Defenses
By Donna Miles
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Jan. 8, 2013 - With advance elements of two U.S. Patriot missile batteries already on the ground in Turkey, additional defenders are prepared to deploy tomorrow in support of NATO's missile defense mission there.

Airmen from the 721st Aerial Port Squadron loaded equipment for U.S. Army Europe's 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command and 44th Expeditionary Signal Battalion, and the 32nd AAMDC from Fort Bliss, Texas, aboard a C-5 aircraft today at Ramstein Air Base in Germany, officials at U.S. Army Europe and U.S. Air Forces in Europe confirmed.

The 10th AAMDC will provide command and control for two Patriot missile batteries from the 32nd AAMDC.

Meanwhile, roughly 400 U.S. personnel and equipment from the 3rd Battalion, 2nd Air Defense Artillery, based at Fort Sill, Okla., began flowing into Turkey late last week to man the equipment, U.S. European Command officials said. Additional equipment will arrive by sea later this month.

In Turkey, the U.S. forces will be joined by missile defenders from Germany and the Netherlands, the only other NATO nations with PAC-3 Patriot anti-missile systems, which are each contributing two batteries to the mission.

NATO foreign ministers agreed in late November to provide Turkey the air defense support it had requested. The request came after shells from Syria's political unrest -– which a new United Nations report estimated this week has claimed 60,000 lives -- spilled into Turkey.

"NATO has decided to augment Turkey's air defense capabilities in order to defend the population and territory of Turkey and contribute to the de-escalation of the crisis along the alliance's border," the ministers said in a statement released following the meeting.

"Turkey is an important NATO ally, and we welcome the opportunity to support the Turkish government's request in accordance with the NATO standing defense plan," said Navy Vice Adm. Charles Martoglio, Eucom's deputy commander.

Martoglio said the Patriot batteries will fall under NATO command once the systems become operational within the next several weeks.

He emphasized that the deployment will be defensive only, and won't support a no-fly zone or any offensive operation.

Army Lt. Col. Robert Ozanich, intelligence and security officer for the Kaiserslautern-based 10th AAMDC, said the command-and-control element his command is deploying will interact with the Turkish government and NATO forces to ensure they are providing the protections Turkey has requested.

With experience throughout the European theater under their belts -- including recent deployments to Poland and to Israel during the Austere Challenge 2012 exercise -- the deploying soldiers have the experience and hands-on time with their equipment to carry out the mission, Ozanich said. "One of the biggest pieces is making sure that our soldiers are ready," he said.

Equally important, he said, they have had the opportunity to work side by side with partner militaries and to develop an awareness of cultural customs, courtesies and sensitivities.

"The people going forward look forward to doing the mission they have trained for," Ozanich said. "Our expectations are that we will be able to successfully complete this mission and provide the necessary protections to Turkey."

"It's good to be in Turkey," said Army Maj. Brian Carlin, who deployed to Turkey with the advance elements. "We believe the measure of deterrence that we can add makes our soldiers' time away from friends and families back home worthwhile. Protecting our allies is what this alliance is all about."

At this point, it's unclear how long the deployment will last. That, officials said, will be determined by the contributing nations in coordination with Turkey and NATO.

(Jesse Granger and Army Staff Sgt. Joel Salgado from U.S. Army Europe contributed to this article.)

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