Monday, June 16, 2014



Remarks at The Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict

John Kerry
Secretary of State
ExCeL Conference Center
London, United Kingdom
June 13, 2014

SECRETARY KERRY: Thank you very much. William, thank you very, very much. Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests all, and particularly my colleagues in government, I know that we all share – I must say I’ve been listening for a little while and able to watch a few of the videos and hear a few of the comments. And before I came in here, William shared with me some of the extraordinary events of the last few days, the remarkable amount of interactivity, the incredible effort that has gone into this. And I know we all share in our respect for William Hague, and all of us are particularly grateful for his leadership on preventing sexual violence in conflict.

In his extensive travels, which he and I have talked about on many occasions, Foreign Secretary Hague has personally taken the time to make certain that he bore witness to what we’re talking about here. He has seen the ravages of this horrific crime, from Darfur to Goma to Srebrenica. He has visited hospitals full of women on gurneys, all victims of sexual assault. He has not just seen these unspeakable horrors, but he refuses to stay silent. That, my friends, is leadership, and that is what conscience demands of all of us. And we are very grateful to you, William, for that effort. Thank you. (Applause.)

I also want to thank Angelina Jolie, the UN special representative. We’ve all watched her play many remarkable roles. But perhaps her most lasting legacy actually comes from a role that she plays in real life, and that is the role of fierce and fearless advocate. On her most recent trip with Foreign Secretary Hague to Bosnia, she went to a battery factory and met with the women of Srebrenica and a group of Bosnian army officers whom Angelina described as all that stands between a “child and violence that will scar her forever.” So I’m proud to say with their work to prevent and combat sexual violence in conflict, Angelina and William together with all of you here are standing with these children. And we are all profoundly grateful to every one of you, to Angelina, to William, to all of you who have taken time to come here and bear witness and tell the world that we all need to be committed to this effort.

I also want to thank Special Representative Bangura. The United States is very proud to support the essential work that she is doing with governments to make their real commitment to prevent and respond to sexual violence. And her efforts, together with all of you here, I am confident, particularly as I listen to the testimonies of my colleagues, various foreign ministers and other ministers – I think William told me there are 80-plus ministers who have been here representing 123 countries who are here – so I think everybody obviously deserves gratitude for the fact that you’ve taken the time to come and do this, but obviously, as we heard from our last speaker, the key is: What do we do when we leave here? What actions are we going to be committed to?

There are a remarkable number of thoughtful and experienced leaders from many walks of life who have come here in common cause. And I want to say to all of you that it is a privilege for me to share a few thoughts with you today and to express the commitment of President Obama and the Obama Administration and the people of the United States to this effort.
Now I realize that my comments at this conference come on the final day, in the final plenary. In other words, I’m speaking at a time when just about everything has been said but not everyone has said it. So recently, a friend of mine asked me – he said, “Why now? Why this conference now?” After all, this person, this friend, had been a student of warfare, had fought in a war, and he reminded me that sexual violence against women is a conflict that is as old as conflict itself. Well, there’s a reason why marauding armies, he said, thousands of years ago coined the phrase, “rape, pillage, and plunder” – the norm of battle, the trilogy of terror that reflected the rights of conquerors.

So why now? Because thousands of years after rape was written into the lexicon of warfare, we know that it is time to write it out and to banish sexual violence to the dark ages and the history books where it belongs. That is profoundly why now is important. (Applause.) It’s time for us, in an age where we see enough of chaos and of failed and failing states, to write a new norm – one that protects women, girls, men, boys, protects them from these unspeakable crimes.
And to all who say that sexual abuse is always going to be a spoil of war, something so ingrained that it can’t be eradicated, make no mistake – we can end sexual warfare conducted against innocent people. We can establish new norms that respect women, girls, men, and boys. And we can hold those who commit these acts and those who condone them – we can hold them all accountable. We can make clear to the world that we will no longer tolerate these horrific tactics. And they are tactics. It’s a tactic of warfare, tactic of intimidation, tactic of conquering. We can say “not now, not ever.”

And how do I know that? Because we’ve done it again and again and again when we’ve chosen to. Yes, the history of warfare is littered with unspeakable horrors and atrocities. But the history of peacetime has always been marked by advances in civility and codes of conduct that addressed the worst acts of warfare, because people were willing to stand up on reflection in a moment of conscience, in a moment of understanding the difference they’ve made and say, “No, no more, never again.”

A century ago, we just came – I was in Normandy remembering the extraordinary events of June 6thjust a few days ago. And all of us were reminded how in the war that preceded that – and World War II was really the inevitable conclusion of the peace that wasn’t a peace, that never put the lessons altogether to bed. But nevertheless, one of those lessons was that a century ago, tens of thousands of young, British, American, French, and Italian soldiers died agonizing deaths from poison gas and mustard gas and the shelling in the trenches of World War I that brought those horrors.

But after the armistice, when the dead were buried and the afflicted came home, people, particularly veterans, were so horrified that except for the most depraved exception that we’ve seen once or twice since, chemical and biological weapons were banned from the battlefield within a decade of that war. That speaks to possibilities.

Two decades later, the devastation and death that was caused by the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were so massive and so mind-numbing that the very scientists who had perfected the devastating power of the atom in order to kill on massive levels led the effort themselves that galvanized the free world to vow never again to use nuclear weapons, and a treaty was soon signed in order to do that, and it remains in force today.

In fact, we are still fighting with universal support of the P5+1, the United Nations, in order to deal with the potential illegality of a couple of nations. Are these norms perfect? No. Can they stop every madman, ever bad actor who dares to defy them? No. But they draw a line, a firm line, a clear line, and they tell everyone who would dare cross it that the civilized world will not tolerate that transgression, and there will be consequences for those who do. They galvanize action to enforce the rules that keep the world from descending into places no person of conscience should bear it to go.

So when people ask whether or not we can actually outlaw sexual violence and warfare, let me tell you the answer is a resounding yes. Yes, we can achieve this goal. (Applause.) And I say that because we have banned the unconscionable before and because of the extraordinary activists gathered in this room really say to all of us we should have confidence in our capacity to do this. If there’s one thing that we’ve learned over the years, it’s pretty simple; you’ve got to start somewhere.

I was a young prosecutor back in the late 1970s, early ‘80s, when a lot of people still didn’t believe that violence against women was a crime. But guess what? We chipped away at that old thinking. I remember launching as the chief prosecutor in this office, one of the ten largest counties in America – I remember launching one of the very first programs for counseling rape victims so that we guaranteed that people were not twice victimized, once by the crime itself and then by the system that didn’t respond. And we put together a priority prosecution unit that took all of these cases and put them on a fast-track for trial so that we could try any case within 90 days of arrest to trial. We not only – we ended an era of anachronisms by actually speaking out loudly and created one of the first victim/witness assistance programs in the nation.
So today, when rape and sexual violence remains a weapon of war and is used on purpose as a tactic of war, the solution is actually the very same. That’s why I’m here today. That’s why I admire so deeply what William and Angelina and others of you who have worked for two years to bring this effort together have accomplished. We have to speak out loudly and clearly against one of the most persistent and neglected injustices imaginable. And we have to fight to hold the criminals accountability and end the age of impunity. Instead of shaming the survivors, we have to punish the perpetrators. And we must support the victims afterwards as they work to try to rebuild their lives.

This conference, the largest gathering of its kind in history, is about forcing the world to stop looking away. It’s about forcing the world to recognize that sexual violence is a vile crime against humanity. It is not just an excusable, inevitable byproduct of war. And there is a real and critical role for governments to play in this fight. Twenty years ago in the United States Senate, working with Cathy Russell, who now serves as U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues and has been here at this conference this past few days, and then working with then-Senator Joe Biden – they wrote and passed the Violence Against Women Act to protect women at home. Before I became Secretary of State, I wrote and my committee in the United States Senate passed the International Violence Against Women Act. And now we need to finish the job and pass that bill once and for all, and set an example for other governments in the world to follow.

And one of the reasons I talk about this issue, this and other issues regarding women so much as Secretary of State – and I know William Hague feels the same way – is that it is important to make clear that you don’t have to be a women to advance the cause of justice and honor women and girls. (Applause.) This is a fight that demands action from every single one of us. And in this fight we have to speak openly about male survivors of rape, with whom we stand today. (Applause.) Acts of sexual violence demean our collective humanity. When hundreds of girls are kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria; or a man in Uganda is raped by a rebel group and forced to flee his home; or Afghan women brave rape, acid burnings, and brutal violence in their quest for a better future – when these appalling acts are committed, it is a stain on the conscience of the world.

It is a call to action for all of us, and throughout this week you’ve heard their stories. You’ve witnessed their courage. You’ve learned their names. We’ve all learned the name of 14-year-old Hirut Assefa, so vividly captured in the film Difret, which Angelina helped produce. And there’s some of you who have already seen this film, seen the film tells of the courage of an Ethiopian girl in the face of abduction and the compassion of one lawyer. But this really is a story of conscience and of conviction that ought to inspire everybody.

This issue should be personal to all of us. It really should be. I know it’s become personal for me. As a veteran of war, as the father of two daughters, I can tell you it is very much so. But you know what? It ought to be personal for every man, woman and child on Earth, because it degrades and defiles the very idea of civilization. And the civilized world needs to come together and take a stand.

So what do we need to do? Well, number one, we need a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual violence against women and men. Two, we need to guarantee, country for country, that we can bring the perpetrators to justice. (Applause.) I know from my experience as a former prosecutor the difference that efforts at deterrence make, proactive efforts. And I know that we have to help countries to strengthen their domestic justice systems so that they have the infrastructure and the training to investigate and prosecute sexual violence effectively. And I might add doing so would build the capacity for those governments to survive and also to fight back against a wave of radical extremism and terror which is consuming some fragile governments today. Number three, we need to restore dignity to survivors. People can’t be raped and then be ostracized and thrown out of their village and have their lives taken, or in some cases be killed by their own family because of some perverted sense of dishonor. We have to make sure that men, women, boys and girls, the elderly and disabled alike are saved from that kind of pejorative assumption in the aftermath of something they had nothing to do with as victims. We need to give them confidence to believe that they can come out of the shadows and once again become full citizens, get back their lives.

We also need to do more to prevent and respond to all forms of gender-based violence in humanitarian emergencies. The United States is very proud to be leading the call to action on protecting women and girls in emergencies which the United Kingdom launched last year. And I want to urge all governments, UN agencies, and NGOs to sign onto the call to action communique. We need to hold ourselves accountable for assuring that gender-based violence is literally addressed in every single humanitarian response. And we need to support the local organizations that are on the ground assisting survivors to recover and to heal. (Applause.) Because – and the reason we must do so is that we need to really acknowledge a basic truth: Gender-based violence, anywhere, is a threat to peace, security, and dignity everywhere. That’s why we will not, we should not, we cannot tolerate peace agreements that actually provide amnesty for rape. (Applause.)

Out of this conference we can and I think we will make it clear that we will not tolerate rape as a tactic of war and intimidation. And we are committed to making sure that women have a seat at the table in resolving conflicts – (applause) – promoting development, building a sustainable peace. We all have learned – believe me, I see it all over the world – where women are participants, where women are respected, where women are part of that dialogue, inevitably there is greater stability, greater progress, faster. (Applause.) And one thing we have learned, no team – it’s time of the World Cup, I’ll use an analogy – no team can possibly win leaving half of the team on the bench. We have to proceed with all. (Applause.)

And we need to make sure that their perspectives inform the work of security and justice and of peacekeeping operations. Without the help and guidance of all members of society – men, women, youth – we will not be able to achieve the lasting peace and security that all people deserve and yearn for.

Now obviously, this summit is not just about shared commitments. It’s about translating those commitments into action. Each of the videos that I just saw were individual pledges of each country determined to make its own difference. It’s a call to action. This is a plea to people everywhere to stand up and make a difference, and the United States also is committed to taking our own action now. We’re launching an accountability initiative to help survivors secure justice – to build the capacity of partner governments to prosecute the sexual violence crimes in countries that are ravaged by war and violence and insecurity.

We’re expanding an initiative that I announced last year called Safe from the Start. Our investments are helping aid workers at leading humanitarian organizations prevent and respond to gender-based violence at the onset of a disaster or a conflict. And I am especially pleased to share that we have just released a new funding opportunity for NGOs. We look forward to building on our initial $10 million commitment for Safe from the Start at the UN General Assembly this September.

We know that survivors often need urgent assistance in order to recover and heal, whether during times of crisis or times of peace. It’s the same challenge, and it’s labor intensive and we need to support it. We need to make sure that they have that support in whatever moment of time it is and wherever they are in the world. That’s why we are doubling our original commitment to the Gender-Based Violence Emergency Response and Protection Initiative. Our goal is to address the immediate needs of individual survivors while working with governments and private donors to improve advocacy and to implement the laws that will stop gender-based violence in the first place.

And more than just dollars or programs, we also want to lift up those people, those individuals who have the courage to lead and to inspire. The United States Government stands with human rights defenders on the front lines – (applause) – courageous and compassionate leaders like Dr. Denis Mukwege who is here today. And Dr. Mukwege and the health workers around the world is often – they’re the first to respond to survivors of sexual violence. We’re proud to support the critical role of NGO partners like Physicians for Human Rights as they work to defeat the scourge of sexual violence in the DRC and in Kenya and other places around the world. (Applause.)

We are proud of those who are prepared sometimes at great risk to themselves to stand up against violence and the repression. One of the things that has struck me so intensely as Secretary of State in the course of this year and the bit that I have been Secretary is in my travels, I keep meeting these people and I keep hearing these extraordinary stories of people who take on governments, often and usually anonymously without any support system around them, sometimes completely anonymously and often disappearing – disappearing to a dank jail, to torture, to never return to their families. There are heroes all around the world who are fighting, and we need to stand up and stand by them.

Human rights defenders like abducted Syrian activist Razan Zeitouneh, they are especially on our minds. (Applause.) Razan has risked her life inside Syria to care for political prisoners and call attention to human rights violations, including against women. We stand in awe of her leadership and heroism. And again today, I call for her release and the release of thousands of human rights defenders around the world. (Applause.) Their voices must not be silenced – their voices must be empowered. And William, that’s what you and this conference are doing here today, standing up for these courageous men and women who are continuing to try to change our societies.

That’s why we support a standalone goal of gender equality and women’s empowerment in the post-2015 development agenda, and we will fight for that. (Applause.) Long plane flight, get you any time. (Laughter.)

That’s why I am also issuing a policy guidance cable directly from me to every single embassy and every single bureau in the United States Department of State or in the foreign efforts, every diplomat and every officer at every level, in order to further integrate gender equality and advance the status of women and girls in all aspects of our diplomatic work, including – (applause) – preventing and responding to sexual violence in peacetime and conflict. I’m proud to tell you that five of my six regional bureau chiefs, assistants, are women, and four of my six under secretaries of the Department of State are women, and 50 percent of my deputy secretaries of State – that’s one of two – are women. (Applause.)

So these are steps that the United States, I can guarantee you, will continue to prioritize. But we also have a common responsibility, and that is to make sure that the perpetrators of sexual violence in conflict do not find refuge in any country. That is why I issued detailed guidance to implement President Obama’s decision to suspend visas to human rights abusers. Our principle is clear: To make sure that those responsible for crimes against humanity and war crimes, including those involving sexual violence, are not able to enter the United States. Not now, not ever. (Applause.)

And that responsibility goes straight to the top, even to the military commanders who knew or should have known about sexual violence and failed to act. I challenge all countries everywhere to participate in a global campaign of accountability and containment. That’s the way we come out of here: with a plan of action that can work and change the world. We need to send a strong message that no matter who commits these crimes, no matter where they take place, the perpetrators will find no safe harbor anywhere. (Applause.)

My friends, I do have faith that we can really win this fight. Sometimes I know it seems daunting, but hope is always stronger than fear. And nothing should give us more hope than the example of those who have survived sexual violence and found courage in their own recovery. We just lost one of these courageous women, the extraordinary poet Maya Angelou. (Applause.)
As a young girl, Maya was raped by her mother’s boyfriend. She withdrew into herself. She refused to speak for six years. One day, a woman in a small town in Arkansas where she lived took her hand and led her to a segregated library with only 300 books. But to Maya it felt like thousands of books, and that library became her refuge, became her place of healing. And when Maya chose to speak again – it was her choice; she chose – she incorporated all that she had learned from her reading and her recovery into the art for which she became so famous and so loved.

The words of her poem “Still I Rise” celebrate this journey:
Out of the huts of history’s shame
I rise
Up from a past that’s rooted in pain
I rise
I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide
Welling and swelling I hear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear
I rise

Today, together with all the people here – men and women, boys and girls – who refuse to remain victims, we rise. We rise with them as they leave behind nights of terror and fear. We rise with them into the daybreak as they speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves. As Maya exhorted us, we came here to send a message: We rise, we rise, we rise. We will go out of here and do the work to end this scourge of sexual violence. Let’s get the job done. Thank you very much, and God bless. (Applause.)

Sunday, June 15, 2014


ISIL Claims Massacre in Tikrit
Press Statement
Jen Psaki
Department Spokesperson
Washington, DC
June 15, 2014

The claim by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) that it has massacred 1700 Iraqi Shia air force recruits in Tikrit is horrifying and a true depiction of the bloodlust that these terrorists represent. While we cannot confirm these reports, one of the primary goals of ISIL is to set fear into the hearts of all Iraqis and drive sectarian division among its people. We condemn these tactics in the strongest possible terms and stand in solidarity with the Iraqi people against these horrendous and senseless acts of violence. Terrorists who can commit such heinous acts are a shared enemy of the United States, Iraq, and the international community. This underscores the need for Iraqi leaders from across the political spectrum to take steps that will unify the country in the face of this threat. The United States will do its part to help Iraq move beyond this crisis and we urge all Iraqis to unite against this violence and continue to reject the path of hatred that ISIL represents.



U.S. Condemns Kidnapping of Three Israeli Teenagers

Press Statement
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
June 15, 2014

The United States strongly condemns the kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers and calls for their immediate release. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families. We hope for their quick and safe return home.  We continue to offer our full support for Israel in its search for the missing teens, and we have encouraged full cooperation between the Israeli and Palestinian security services.  We understand that cooperation is ongoing.

We are still seeking details on the parties responsible for this despicable terrorist act, although many indications point to Hamas’ involvement.  As we gather this information, we reiterate our position that Hamas is a terrorist organization known for its attacks on innocent civilians and which has used kidnapping in the past.



Right:  140611-N-PM781-009 CONSTANTA, Romania (June 11, 2014) Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Ray Mabus meets with Marines assigned to 3rd Battalion, 8th Marines, serving as the Black Sea Rotational Force. Mabus is in the region to meet with Sailors and Marines, and civilian and military officials, as part of a multi-nation visit to the U.S. European and Africa Command areas of responsibility. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Arif Patani/Released)

SEC NAV Discusses Maritime Security, Partnerships in Romania
Story Number: NNS140613-02Release Date: 6/13/2014 8:51:00 AM 
From Secretary of the Navy Public Affairs

BUCHAREST, Romania (NNS) -- Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus visited Romania June 10-11 to reinforce the relationship between the United States Navy and Marine Corps and their NATO ally.

In meetings with senior government and military officials including Romania's Chief of the National Security Department, Dr. Iulian Fota, Minister of National Defense, Mircea Dusa, and Chief of the General Staff, Lt. Gen. Stefan Danila, Mabus addressed, among other issues, maritime security in the Black Sea region, Romanian support to the Black Sea Rotational Force and the strength of the partnership between the U.S. and Romania.

"I want to stress how much we value this relationship and how much effort we will continue to put into maintaining it at this level," said Mabus. "It is crucial to continue to find ways to train together, conduct exercises together and operate together. Interoperability is extremely important in today's security environment."

Mabus and Romanian officials also discussed the importance of the United States' European relationships and the importance of military cooperation amongst partners.

"Our attention and commitment to Europe has not diminished," said Mabus. "There should be no doubt about the strength of this relationship."

While in Romania, Mabus also stopped in Constanta to speak with Marines assigned to the Black Sea Rotational Force to thank them for their efforts in maintaining security in the region.

Mabus' stop in Romania is part of a multi-nation visit to the U.S. European and Africa Command areas of responsibility focused on reinforcing existing partnerships and visiting Sailors and Marines providing forward presence.


Conclusion of Afghan Elections
Press Statement
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
June 14, 2014

Millions of Afghan men and women once again went to the polls today to choose their next president, laying the groundwork for the first democratic transition in Afghanistan's history. These brave Afghans from all walks of life again defied the threat of violence and went to the ballot box and voted because they want to set the course for a more inclusive, prosperous, and stable future. I’ve been to Afghanistan twice since becoming Secretary of State and many times before that. Every time I do, I’m impressed by how much Afghans have sacrificed for their future.

Now, in the coming weeks, the work of the Afghan electoral bodies will be particularly important. It is essential that the process of tallying votes, adjudicating complaints, and finalizing the results be transparent and accountable and that the candidates and other stakeholders work with the electoral commissions and respect their conclusions.

The United States will stand with the Afghan people now and in the future, and looks forward to signing the bilateral security agreement in the period ahead.



Remarks With EU High Representative Lady Catherine Ashton Before Their Meeting

John Kerry
Secretary of State
London, United Kingdom
June 13, 2014

SECRETARY KERRY: I’m really happy to be meeting with Lady Cathy Ashton because we have been working together on almost every issue of concern right now – Ukraine, Syria, Middle East – and most importantly, Cathy is marshaling the P5+1 and the Iran talks that we are deeply involved in right now. We’re a critical six, seven weeks in those Iran talks, so it’s very important that we sit down, take stock, prepare notes as our teams are working, and think about how we’re going to move in these next weeks. And I’m very, very happy to be here with her.

HIGH REPRESENTATIVE ASHTON: And I’ll just reciprocate. We meet at an extraordinary time in world events. We think about what’s happening in Iraq right now. I know that you have been here, as indeed I have, to talk about the issues of sexual violence in conflict in the conference which has been so important, and I pay tribute to William Hague and Angelina Jolie for the work they’ve done on that. But as later, when we meet, I think one of our main focal points is to talk about the ongoing negotiations for Iran. I will leave for Vienna on Sunday, and continue with the work ahead. Thank you.

SECRETARY KERRY: Thank you all.

QUESTION: Are you now talking to the Iranians about what – during the P5+1 talks or on the sidelines about what might be done in Iraq, about what kind of help they might be able to bring in Iraq?

SECRETARY KERRY: The talks are focused carefully and with discipline on the nuclear topic, and whatever dialogue may or may not be taking place would take place on the sideline or outside of the mainstream of the nuclear talks. We don’t want that linked and mixed.

QUESTION: Why not?

STAFF: We’ve got to go. Thank you.

PARTICIPANT: Thank you. Thanks.

HIGH REPRESENTATIVE ASHTON: By mandate from the Security Council for the talks only.



Thursday, June 12, 2014
Romanian National “Guccifer” Charged with Hacking into Personal Email Accounts

Marcel Lehel Lazar, 42, of Arad, Romania, also known as the hacker “Guccifer,” was indicted by a federal grand jury today on charges of wire fraud, unauthorized access to a protected computer, aggravated identity theft, cyberstalking and obstruction of justice.

Assistant Attorney General Leslie R. Caldwell of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, U.S. Attorney Dana J. Boente for the Eastern District of Virginia, Special Agent in Charge Edward Lowery of the United States Secret Service Criminal Investigative Division, Assistant Director in Charge Valerie Parlave of the FBI’s Washington Field Office and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Bill A. Miller of the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Diplomatic Security made the announcement .

According to the indictment, from December 2012 to January 2014, Lazar hacked into the email and social media accounts of high-profile victims, including a family member of two former U.S. presidents, a former U.S. Cabinet member, a former member of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff and a former presidential advisor.   After gaining unauthorized access to their email and social media accounts, Lazar publicly released his victims’ private email correspondence, medical and financial information, and personal photographs.   The indictment also alleges that in July and August 2013, Lazar impersonated a victim after compromising the victim’s account.

An indictment is merely an allegation and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

This case was investigated by United States Secret Service, the FBI’s Washington Field Office and the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Diplomatic Security, with assistance from the Romanian National Police .  The case is being prosecuted by Trial Attorney Peter V. Roman of the Criminal Division’s Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section and Assistant U.S. Attorney Ryan K. Dickey of the Eastern District of Virginia. The Criminal Division’s Office of International Affairs provided assistance.



John Kerry
Secretary of State
ExCeL Conference Center
London, United Kingdom
June 13, 2014

FOREIGN SECRETARY HAGUE: Well, thank you very much. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, and thank you for coming to this, the concluding press conference of the Summit on Ending Sexual Violence in Conflict. As you know, I’ve been co-chairing this this week with the Special Envoy of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees Angelina Jolie, and I’m also very, very grateful to the U.S. Secretary of State Secretary Kerry for taking such time and trouble to be here today, for making a formidable speech, an inspiring speech, to our summit.

I will recap in a moment very briefly on the conclusions of the summit, but Secretary Kerry and I have obviously also been discussing the extremely serious situation in Iraq. We have noted, of course, that fighting continues but that attacks have thankfully slowed in recent hours. And in the UK we think our focus should now be on three objectives: first of all, to stabilize the situation. This is primarily the responsibility of the Iraqi security forces working in cooperation with their civil authorities, including the Kurdistan Regional Government.

Second, for Iraq’s leadership to come together in a united response to this brutal aggression against their country. That requires their leaders to find ways immediately to put aside their differences, however strongly felt, and act together against the terrorism which threatens them all.

Third, the half a million or more displaced people in the north who have been forced to flee Mosul and the surrounding areas need urgent support so that the humanitarian situation does not deteriorate further.

In the UK, we are not planning a British military intervention, as you know, but we are looking urgently at other ways to help. For example, help with counterterrorist expertise. Work is underway on that now, and we will continue to liaise closely with our United States allies in particular on that. A British team of emergency aid experts from DFID arrived in Iraq early this morning and are looking urgently at what the UK might do to help on that front.

We’ll also continue to work urgently within the UN Security Council to help concert the wider international response. The UN special representative for Iraq was clear to the Council about the urgency, both of the humanitarian crisis and the need for Iraq’s politicians to address the immediate challenge. Clearly, ISIL represents a regional challenge. We’re thinking through very carefully the implications of that, and this attack shows the importance of a strong stand against extremists and that’s why we are giving our backing to moderate groups in Syria who are taking them on.

On the Global Summit, which has just ended, this has been an unprecedented event and a turning point in our campaign over the last two years. We’ve seen delegations from more than 123 countries. We’ve seen new support for survivors, new determination to tackle impunity, and a new international protocol, new support for affected countries, new commitments on women’s participation and conflict prevention and peace building, and we have raised awareness dramatically across the world of this issue and these crimes with what we’ve done in our 84-hour summit here and around the world this week.

We will be pursuing this effort with relentless dedication. The chair’s summary sets out what we believe we have achieved this week. And I’m very grateful, as I say, for the very strong support of Secretary Kerry and the United States and for everything that my cohost, Angelina Jolie, has done to make this possible.

And I’ll turn to her to make her remarks before we give the floor to Secretary Kerry. Thank you.
MS. JOLIE: Thank you so much. It’s an honor for me to be here with Secretary Hague and Secretary Kerry. It sends an extremely powerful message to the world that the foreign ministers of the United Kingdom and the United States are taking such a strong stand on this issue.
Among the 123 countries represented here over the last four days, one of the most heartening aspects of this summit has been to see so many male leaders from across the world prepared to confront the taboos surrounding sexual violence in conflict. Indeed, I believe that one of the outcomes of this summit is that this subject is now firmly on the top table of international diplomacy, and we will work to ensure that it stays there.

Warzone rape is not simply a women’s issue, it is not a humanitarian issue, it goes to the heart of international peace and security. Even more heartening is the fact that this summit has brought together leaders, survivors, and experts from around the world in an unprecedented way. I see this as a new and hopeful model for how we can begin to tackle vast global issues and strengthen the rule of law and justice internationally. I will work with William Hague and those who have joined us here for as long as it takes to prevail in the struggle against sexual violence in conflict.

All represented here, individuals, agencies, and nations have promised action, not just words. The test of whether this summit is a success will be whether or not we can truly make a difference in the lives of survivors of warzone rape around the world and take the steps that visibly shatter the culture of impunity. And I look forward to everyone who has taken part in this summit holding us to our promises, encouraging us to go further, and working with us in many different ways. And in my mind, the work we have begun here is very, very much linked to the violence against women in many other contexts, whether it is the kidnap of the schoolgirls in Nigeria or the recent appalling rape cases in India and Pakistan. My goal is that by treating sexual violence in conflict as a central issue and bearing down on impunity there, that we will be able to accelerate change in all these other areas, and that will be very much a part of my focus – I’m sure our focus – in the months and years to come. Thank you.

FOREIGN SECRETARY HAGUE: Thank you very much indeed.

John – Secretary Kerry.

SECRETARY KERRY: Well, thank you. Thank you very much, Mr. Foreign Secretary. It’s a privilege for me to be back in London and to join William Hague, Angelina Jolie, and so many others in the first-ever global summit on sexual violence. And I’ll say a few words about that in a moment, but like William Hague, I clearly want to say a few words about Iraq and the subject that we just talked about in our bilateral meeting, much on our minds.

President Obama met with his senior foreign policy team yesterday afternoon. We had a comprehensive meeting regarding the events in Iraq. We discussed a range of options, including military action to provide support for the Iraqi Government and to respond to their request at this difficult time. Iraq is facing a brutal enemy that also poses a threat to America’s interests and to the interests of our allies in Europe and in the region. Given the gravity of the situation, I would anticipate timely decisions from the President regarding the challenge. We’ve already taken some immediate steps, including providing enhanced aerial surveillance support to assist the Iraqis in this fight. We’ve also ramped up shipments of military aid to Iraq since the beginning of the year, and we have continued to ramp up efforts over the course of the last months leading up to the events of the last week. We’ve also expanded our training programs, both inside Iraq and in Jordan.

We are laser-focused on dealing with the crisis at hand, but just as important as any short-term action is our continuing effort to build the Iraqi Government’s ability to be able to sustain this fight itself. And we plan to intensify that effort in the coming hours, days, and weeks. Security is a priority, obviously, but make no mistake: This needs to be a real wake-up call for all of Iraq’s political leaders. Now is the time for Iraq’s leaders to come together and to show unity. Political division fueled by ethnic or sectarian differences simply cannot be allowed to steal from the Iraqi people what so many have given so much for over the course of these last years. This is a fight for a better future for all Iraqis. It’s a fight for a pluralistic, tolerant society. It’s a fight for a civil approach to governance. And it is a fight ultimately which winning will require all of Iraq’s leaders of all different stripes and persuasions to come together in order to put the national interest above their own and above any sectarian interest.

Our commitment to a better future for people is really what brings us to London this week, to direct international attention and focus on the critical issue of ending sexual violence in conflict. There are few leaders more committed, as I said earlier, to this cause than Foreign Secretary William Hague. And we are very, very grateful, both of us and all government individuals involved in this, for the participation of the UN Special Representative Angelina Jolie. We also appreciate Special Representative Bangura’s efforts, and I recall a conversation we had back in February. And I am pleased to join Secretary Hague and Angelina in trying to elevate this conversation today.

Too many of the places that I have visited as Secretary of State bear the scars of a time when rape has been used as a tactic of oppression and intimidation. Sexual violence in conflict is one of the most persistent and most neglected injustices imaginable, and ending this cycle of violence is not just a personal priority, it is a priority of President Obama, the Government of the United States, and our allies, as you can see. That’s why we’ve taken a number of steps that I enumerated earlier. I’m not going to go through them all again. But we’ve taken steps to try to empower people to create accountability and to try to make it clear that all governments have to join together in denying a safe haven to those who perpetrate these crimes. We are expanding initiatives that I described earlier, particularly the Safe from the Start initiative as well as the Accountability initiative, and also gender-based violence and emergency response and protection initiatives. Our goal is to make sure that survivors get the urgent assistance that they need in order to be able to recover and heal.

So we have a big agenda, and that’s appropriate. We need to make clear with a single loud voice, and I think that is coming out of London today, that we are – that we refuse to believe that this is too big to defeat, that it is somehow too deeply ingrained in human nature or society not to care about it. We are convinced that we can make a difference and that there is no place in the civilized world for sexual violence as a tool of war in conflict. So I thank Secretary Hague for his leadership and would be delighted to answer other questions along with him.

FOREIGN SECRETARY HAGUE: Okay. Thank you. Time for a few questions. Carl, my press secretary, will identify them. I think Adam Boulton is first.

QUESTION: Yeah, a question from Sky News: Which regional powers do you think are benefiting from what’s happening in northern Iraq with ISIS? What role do you see for Iran now? And in relation to the subject of this conference, do you have specific concerns about the use of sexual violence by ISIS?

SECRETARY KERRY: What was the first – I missed the first part of the question.

FOREIGN SECRETARY HAGUE: The first part was which regional powers benefit.

QUESTION: Which regional powers do you think are benefiting from what’s happening?

SECRETARY KERRY: No regional power benefits from what is happening in Iraq today – no regional power. Iran is deeply concerned about this, Turkey is concerned, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, countries in the region. No country benefits by what is happening. ISIL is a terrorist organization. It is so extreme that even al-Qaida saw fit at one point to try to disassociate itself to some degree from it.

The bottom line is that ISIL is a threat not just to Iraq and to the entire region, but it is a threat to Europe, the United States, and other countries in the world, and obviously, with the number of foreign fighters that have been assembled in Syria, this remains a very significant issue. That is why President Obama has urgently convened a security team and that is why he is moving rapidly to a point of deciding what the next steps need to be. I might add that what this represents is not a free-standing terrorist entity, but a consequence of what is happening in Syria. We have been warning for months now that the increased number of jihadists attracted to Syria because of Assad’s behavior and because of the sectarian differences is creating a danger to the region in the spillover violence and the spillover humanitarian crisis.
So everybody in the region, every country that understands the importance of stability in the Middle East needs to be concerned about what is happening with ISIL in Iraq today, and that is why I am confident that the United States will move rapidly and effectively in order to join with our allies in dealing with this challenge.

FOREIGN SECRETARY HAGUE: And on the question about sexual violence in Iraq, I don’t think we have evidence of that in these incidents – these events in the last few days. But we do, of course, have evidence of it on a huge scale in the Syria conflict. And indeed, we have deployed the UK team of experts to Syria’s borders to help to document these crimes and to support human rights activists in doing so.

Next question, I think, was going to the BBC.

QUESTION: James Robbins from the BBC. Secretary Kerry, you’ve talked about the brutality of ISIL or ISIS leading this uprising, but isn’t it really the case that it’s spread far beyond them now and has become a much more general Sunni uprising within Iraq? Is there a risk that if the President decides on military action in Iraq, he will be propping up a man, Nuri al-Maliki, who’s often seen by his critics as a sectarian leader, not one who necessarily deserves your support.
Can you tell us if it’s – your real overriding concern is the risk of what some have called transnational badlands, the formation of an extremist state straddling both Syria and Iraq?
Foreign Secretary, is it right for Britain to rule out military action in any circumstances? Because surely, what’s been characterized here is just the sort of threat ultimately to British nationals which might require military action. And aren’t you undermining the United States position by ruling it out so categorically?

And Ms. Jolie, if I could ask you what’s – what are your future plans on the themes of this summit? Do you hope, for instance, to make another feature film based around themes raised here?

FOREIGN SECRETARY HAGUE: Right, three questions in one question. John, do you want to have --

SECRETARY KERRY: Why don’t we ask – why don’t we let Angelina begin and we’ll roll back.


MS. JOLIE: The easier question. (Laughter.) There are many different ways I will be attempting to work on this issue. I will be doing it through art and then through my work in the field, and meeting and working very much with survivors, doctors, lawyers, the task forces set out from PSVI, and of course any ways as an artist that I can bring attention to these issues. There is not a particular, specific piece of art, but I am of course very moved, and it means a great deal to me that a film that I made has – with these issues and felt nobody would see or pay any attention to was responded to by the foreign secretary and helped me to raise my voice even louder. Thank you.

FOREIGN SECRETARY HAGUE: On the question to me, I mentioned in my opening statement that we are looking urgently at ways to assist, and I mentioned the example of counterterrorist expertise in Iraq. Secretary Kerry referred in his remarks to building Iraq’s ability to sustain the fight itself. And there will certainly be ways. There are ways and there will be ways in which the United Kingdom can assist with that, so we will work closely with the United States and all of our allies on that. That doesn’t mean, as I also mentioned, that we are planning a military intervention ourselves. But there will be many things we can do to work with our allies in trying to stabilize the situation in Iraq.

SECRETARY KERRY: ISIL is a – clearly a common threat to the entire region, including Iran, but to the entire region. And people need to focus clearly on the fact that the rise in Iraq’s violence is primarily a result of the escalating war in Syria and its empowering effect on ISIL. That is what has happened here. But we need to make it very clear that there are other contributing factors. Prime Minister Maliki and all of Iraqi leaders need to do more to put sectarian differences aside and to come together in unity to begin to be more representative and inclusive. And part of what has created a dynamic in Iraq where it is less prepared with less political will than it might have had has been this persistent divisiveness and gridlock with respect to some of the unresolved political issues in Iraq itself.

So that’s a conversation that we are having now, real time, with the prime minister and with others in Iraq, but there is no entity, no government, no one broadly in the Iraqi population is looking forward to the presence of ISIL. ISIL terrorizes them. And there are many Sunnis who are taking cover, leaving the country, seeking refuge because of their fear of ISIL. ISIL is a fundamental, basic terrorist structure that seeks to do everything outside of any rule of law structure in order to dominate any territory location where it is. It’s frankly the enemy of civility, the enemy of rule of law, the enemy of pluralism, the enemy of decency, and we need to make it crystal clear, as we have, the United States views it as a threat to our interests as well as to the interests of our friends and allies in the region.

FOREIGN SECRETARY HAGUE: Okay. I think there’s just time for one more question, Carl.
QUESTION: Hi, thank you. Today in Iraq Shia clerics have called on Iraqis to fight the Sunni insurgency. Secretary Kerry, is the U.S. planning to strike – to launch airstrikes in Iraq to help the government? And can you discuss why it might do so now after declining to do so in Syria, and also potentially enter into a cooperation with Iran, which is also helping the Iraqi Government?
Secretary Kerry and Secretary Hague, why would additional help to Iraq now make a difference after both the U.S. and the UK spent the better part of the last decade trying to stabilize Iraq? Do you believe this is the start of a new years-long conflict in Iraq?

And Ms. Jolie, could you discuss a little bit how you personally became involved with the issue of sexual violence in conflict zones and how you plan to keep this – I know you discussed some of your projects are ongoing, but how you believe that this will remain a top-tier priority when there are so many other pressing priorities in the world? Thank you.

FOREIGN SECRETARY HAGUE: Right. Another three questions in one question. I think the answer to the, why would we do now what we haven’t done in recent months, is clearly the situation has changed. The situation has deteriorated seriously in Iraq. It’s therefore necessary to emphasize and assist with the things that we’ve set out, including stabilizing the situation. Both Secretary Kerry and I have stressed the importance of Iraq’s leadership coming together in a united response and the responsibility that rests on Iraq’s leaders, but in a situation that has deteriorated they are likely to have legitimate needs for assistance that are greater than before. So I think that is fairly clear.

John, do you want to take the other aspects of the Iraq question?

SECRETARY KERRY: Well, there is a huge distinction between what ISIL represents and ISIL is doing versus the situation in Syria. It begins first and fundamentally that in Iraq there is a government that we have been deeply involved in, that we support, that we have a military relationship with, that we have a – ongoing Memorandum of Understanding regarding the military relationship, which has invited us, asked us for help. And under international law, the United Nations and other law, it is clear that when a legitimate nation makes a request for help, there is a legal basis for involvement in ways that are different.

Number two, the fact is that ISIL is a terrorist entity, as I have described, that has already expressed threats against the United States and the West and about which we have some indication has been plotting and looking for opportunities to take on the West. So there is a vital interest with respect to that.

Thirdly, there is a clarity that what has been lacking in these last weeks and months in Iraq is not a trained capacity of a military to respond, not an ability of the numbers of people, frankly, in the military in Iraq to be able to stand up to the several thousand in ISIL, but a lack of political will. And that political will and leadership is a critical component of what we have been working on now for several years to try to resolve unresolved differences in the governance of Iraq itself. And I think that has had a profound impact, and that’s what I said a moment ago. This has served as a wakeup call with respect to political leadership. And there are indications that they are quickly responding to that. And so this may be a moment where you can actually coalesce and bring the country together, recognizing that there is a threat to them as a whole.
So our sense is that there is an ability here to work with the existing government and the existing trained military forces to be able to have an impact in ways that have never been available or as clear with respect to Syria, not to mention there are other issues, many other issues, with respect to Syria. But Iraq is, as I’ve said, a country we’ve had a very direct relationship with, a very direct investment and engagement with, not to mention the lives of our soldiers who were lost there providing this opportunity to them. And I don’t think anybody in the region or in this Administration believes it is in the interest of the United States to turn our backs on that.


MS. JOLIE: I became involved in this particular issue because of the women and men that I’ve met in the field, first through my work with UNHCR. And I have sat with them and they were very emotional not only about what had been done to them physically, but most of all the injustice, the lack of prosecutions for those who had committed the crimes. One of the women that I met that was very, very young I met in Syria, who was an Iraqi refugee at the time fleeing from that war. She then fled the war in Syria to return back to Iraq. I don’t know where she is now or where she will go.

So these issues are all tied together. There is not one that is more important than the other. But we must address them all at once. Thank you.

FOREIGN SECRETARY HAGUE: Okay. Thank you very much indeed, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you.

Saturday, June 14, 2014



Hagel Orders Carrier USS George H.W. Bush Into Persian Gulf
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, June 14, 2014 – Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has ordered the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush to move today from the North Arabian Sea into the Arabian Gulf, Pentagon Press Secretary Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby said.
In a statement, Kirby said the order will provide President Barack Obama additional flexibility should military options be required to protect American lives, citizens and interests in Iraq.

The Bush will be accompanied by the guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea and the guided-missile destroyer USS Truxtun. The ships are expected to complete their transit into the Gulf later this evening, Kirby said.

The USS George H.W. Bush left its home port of Norfolk, Virginia, in February and is operating in the Middle East region as part of an ongoing rotation of forward-deployed forces to support maritime security operations, he added.
“American naval presence in the Arabian Gulf continues to support our longstanding commitments to the security and stability of the region,” Kirby said.

Weekly Address: The President Wishes America's Dads a Happy Father's Day



Statement by the Press Secretary on Elections in Afghanistan

The United States congratulates the people of Afghanistan on the completion today of the second round of voting in their historic presidential elections. These elections are a significant step forward on Afghanistan’s democratic path, and the courage and resolve of the Afghan people to make their voices heard is a testament to the importance of these elections to securing Afghanistan’s future. We commend the voters, electoral bodies, and security forces for their commitment to the democratic process. The work of the electoral commissions in the weeks ahead will be particularly important.

We look forward to working with the next government chosen by the Afghan people. As the President said when he reaffirmed our continuing commitment to Afghanistan beyond 2014, while the future of Afghanistan must be decided by Afghans, the United States will support the Afghan people as they continue the hard work of building a democracy.



Weekly Address: The President Wishes America's Dads a Happy Father's Day

WASHINGTON, DC— In this week’s address, President Obama wished America’s dads a happy Father’s Day and underscored the crucial role fathers play in our society. The President encouraged Americans to support those living without a father figure through initiatives like My Brother’s Keeper.  He also highlighted actions he is taking on behalf of hardworking, responsible dads and moms, such as hosting the first-ever White House Working Families Summit later this month, and called on Congress to do its part to help offer more parents the chance to work hard and provide for their families.   
Remarks of President Barack Obama
Weekly Address
The White House
June 14, 2014
Hi, everybody.  Sunday is Father’s Day.  If you haven’t got Dad a gift yet, there’s still time.  Just barely. But the truth is, what we give our fathers can never match what our fathers give us. 
I know how important it is to have a dad in your life, because I grew up without my father around.  I felt the weight of his absence.  So for Michelle and our girls, I try every day to be the husband and father my family didn’t have when I was young.  And every chance I get, I encourage fathers to get more involved in their children’s lives, because what makes you a man isn’t the ability to have a child – it’s the courage to raise one. 
Still, over the past couple years, I’ve met with a lot of young people who don’t have a father figure around.  And while there’s nothing that can replace a parent, any of us can do our part to be a mentor, a sounding board, a role model for a kid who needs one.  Earlier this year, I launched an initiative called My Brother’s Keeper – an all-hands-on-deck effort to help more of our young men reach their full potential.  And if you want to be a mentor to a young man in your community, you can find out how at
Now, when I launched this initiative, I said that government can’t play the primary role in a young person’s life.  Taking responsibility for being a great parent or mentor is a choice that we, as individuals, have to make.  No government program can ever take the place of a parent’s love.  Still, as a country, there are ways we can help support dads and moms who make that choice. 
That’s why, earlier this week, we brought working dads from across America to the White House to talk about the challenges they face.  And in a few weeks, I’ll hold the first-ever White House Working Families Summit.  We’ve still got too many workplace policies that belong in the 1950s, and it’s time to bring them up to date for today’s families, where oftentimes, both parents are working.  Moms and dads deserve affordable child care, and time off to care for a sick parent or child without running into hardship.  Women deserve equal pay for equal work – and at a time when more women are breadwinners for a family, that benefits men, too.  And because no parent who works full-time should have to raise a family in poverty, it’s time for Congress to follow the lead of state after state, get on the bandwagon, and give America a raise.
Dads work hard.  So our country should do what we can to make sure their hard work pays off; to make sure life for them and their families is a little less stressful, and a little more secure, so they can be the dads their kids need them to be.  Because there’s nothing more precious in life than the time we spend with our children.  There’s no better feeling than knowing that we can be there for them, and provide for them, and help give them every shot at success. 
Let’s make sure every dad who works hard and takes responsibility has the chance to know that feeling, not just on one Sunday, but every day of the year. 
Thanks everybody, happy Father’s Day, and have a great weekend. 



Right:  Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, right, walks with Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott after hosting a full-honors ceremony to welcome him to the Pentagon, June 13, 2014. The two leaders met to discuss issues of mutual importance. DOD photo by U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Aaron Hostutler.  
Hagel Discusses Defense Cooperation With Australia’s Prime Minister

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, June 13, 2014 – Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel welcomed Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott at the Pentagon this morning with a full-honors ceremony followed by what Pentagon Press Secretary Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby called a productive discussion on future defense cooperation between the United States and Australia.

In a statement summarizing the meeting, Kirby said Abbott conveyed his deep commitment to the U.S.-Australia alliance.

“Secretary Hagel expressed appreciation for Australia's past and ongoing contributions to Afghanistan and congratulated Prime Minister Abbott on the force posture agreement that he and President Obama announced yesterday,” Kirby said, “noting that the 25-year agreement will provide an enduring framework for the initiatives that our governments embarked upon in November 2011.”

The agreement is a significant milestone in the U.S.-Australia alliance, the admiral added, and will serve as a foundation for the growth of the current U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Air Force rotational presence and activities in Australia, as well as future initiatives that the United States and Australia pursue.

“The secretary and Prime Minister Abbott agreed that the alliance will continue to be an anchor of stability and peace in the Asia-Pacific as we respond jointly to shared challenges in the region,” Kirby said. “To that end, the secretary and prime minister discussed expanding our bilateral cooperation on ballistic missile defense while also working trilaterally with Japan on Australia's submarine program.”

The press secretary said Hagel is looking forward to exploring these topics further at the Australia-United States Ministerial Consultation known as AUSMIN later this year.

Before meeting with the secretary today, Kirby said, Abbott paid his respects at Arlington National Cemetery.



On the Occasion of the Official Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Press Statement
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
June 13, 2014

On behalf of President Obama and the American people, I send warm greetings to Queen Elizabeth II and all of our friends in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland as you celebrate Her Majesty’s Official Birthday on June 14.

The United States has a deep and abiding respect for Her Majesty’s extraordinary service to cause and country. We admire her dedication to duty, and we are forever grateful for her commitment to our special relationship.

For so many of us, the relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom isn’t just special. It’s personal. I’ll never forget my first visit to London as a child. Returning there on the very first stop of my very first trip as Secretary of State completed a circle that I never could have imagined drawing.

In the decades between then and now, what I’ve seen above all else is pretty simple: Our bond is bigger than one vote, one party, or one moment in history. It’s about shared values and a shared commitment to making this complicated world a little less complicated and a lot more free.

We are especially reminded of that legacy this year, which marks the centenary of the start of World War I and the 70th anniversary of D-Day. My father once took me to visit the beaches of Normandy, where the war could still be seen in the skeletons of Higgins boats in the dunes and the burned-out bunkers. It wasn’t until years later, walking those beaches after I’d been to war myself, that I came to more fully appreciate the incredible price of peace and liberty that our two Greatest Generations paid.

Her Majesty came of age in Great Britain’s own Greatest Generation. And today of all days, we remember that we are all heirs to their heroism. From the Western Front, to the beaches of Normandy, to Iraq and Afghanistan, at moments of maximum testing, the brave men and women of our nations have served and sacrificed together to advance the cause of freedom. Together, we are building a more peaceful and prosperous world. And there’s no better enterprise than that.

As you mark this special day, I extend heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to Her Majesty the Queen and the British people.



Secretary Kerry Meets With Staff and Families at Embassy London

John Kerry
Secretary of State
London, United Kingdom
June 13, 2014

AMBASSADOR BARZUN: Well, it is great to see your faces. Now, as you look at the faces on the walls up here, there’s some you may recognize – Abraham Lincoln, President Obama, George Washington, my predecessor over here -- there’s one you might – oh, where did he go? – might not recognize over there, which is Ambassador John Wynant. And he was ambassador here from 1941-1946, and I would argue, and I think the case can be made that there’s no single American outside of uniform and outside of FDR who did more to get the United States to join the fight with Great Britain in World War II. And it just so happens that John Wynant went to the same small, little prep school in New Hampshire that Secretary Kerry went to and that I went to. And when he went there, he was so inspired by the example of John Wynant that he founded the Wynant Society to get young people excited about serving overseas. And so I got to benefit from what you started and what you inspired. And here is what is written on John Wynant’s gravestone, based on the memoirs he wrote about being a diplomat.

He wrote: “Doing the days’ work, day by day, doing a little, adding a little, broadening our bases, wanting not only for ourselves, but for others also a fair chance for all people everywhere.” Each of you here at Mission UK is living up to that vision every single day. And that is inspiring. And when I got out of that little prep school, I went to go be an intern with none other than then-Senator Kerry. So I just wanted to give a quick shout-out to all the interns and the summer hires who’re here today. Can you raise your hands? (Applause.)

Secretary Kerry inspired me then; he inspires me now. And I just had a master class in diplomacy from him when I got to drive in the car with you when you arrived at Stansted on your first trip here, when I was here, and we were a few minutes into the drive and his phone rang and it was the foreign minister from Russia. And you very graciously said, “Do you mind?” I said, “Sure. Take the call.” (Laughter.) And then I thought to myself, “This is so cool. I’ll get to hear at least 50 percent of a fascinating conversation.” (Laughter.) But I didn’t quite hear 50 percent. Because what I heard Secretary Kerry do is start off with a clear and concise, filled-with-conviction, articulation of what our government policy was. And then he listened and listened and listened. And at the end played back to his interlocutor in his own words what he thought he had just heard. And so I didn’t end up hearing 50 percent at all, but what I got to see was daily diplomacy in action – active listening, active engagement, and that inspires all of us. Thank you so much for being with us. Thank you. (Applause.)

I was looking to get a caffeine boost after our long morning together, and I’m not kidding you, downstairs I reached into the thing and I pull it out and it says: “Share a coke with Kerry.” So this is meant to be, sir. (Laughter.)

SECRETARY KERRY: Well, that’s unbelievable. Thank you. Hi. Hello Embassy London. How are you?


SECRETARY KERRY: Everybody good? (Applause.) All right. It’s wonderful to be here. You guys are all thrilled to be out of school? And the first thing you do is you get trotted down in the embassy. (Laughter.) That’s great. Anyway, Matthew did not tell you the whole story. Matthew is actually a cousin of mine – not so close that it amounts to pure nepotism – (laughter) – but cousins. And his mom and I were sort of the same generation growing up together with all of our cousins, and when she came back to the State Department to celebrate Matthew’s swearing-in, I thought I was really being a wise guy and say – I turned to her, I said, “Serita, did you ever think that Matthew was going to grow up to be the ambassador to the Court of St. James?” And without missing a beat, she looked at me and said, “No. I never thought you were going to grow up to be Secretary of State.” (Laughter.) So it’s a good tradition of back and forth.

But it’s really a pleasure for me to see Matthew here. And Matthew, I don’t want to put pressure on you, but five of your predecessors at Court of St. James have gone on to be President of the United States. (Laughter.) This young man – he is – has had an incredible career, literally beginning by being an intern for me. And he was a terrific intern and he went on from that to do a number of other things, most importantly going into the private sector, be out in California, be involved with a start-up company, and a really interesting life. But already in his forties, he’s serving in his second ambassadorship. He was ambassador to Sweden; he came back to America because President Obama had so much confidence in him, he asked him to be the chairman of his finance committee for the entire campaign. And as you know, in today’s American politics in a race for presidency, you’re raising something like a billion dollars when you put it all together and everything that’s going on.

So you folks are blessed to have an ambassador who is savvy, smart, creative, an entrepreneur, who looks for new ways of doing things, but who’s really thoughtful and I think very, very tuned in to people and to your needs. So I’m honored that he’s here. And Brooke, is she here somewhere? Is Brooke hiding? She’s not here. But he’s also blessed to have a good wife. I know Brooke, have gotten to know here over the years, and she was incredibly supportive and helpful to all of us. So Matthew, thank you for you what you’re doing. We appreciate it very, very much.

Likewise, I want to single out a couple of people. The DCM Liz Dibble is over here. (Applause.) I know Liz, I met Liz – I met her in Rome where she was serving and doing an incredible job running the whole show for a period of time. And she’s been in various incredible places – Islamabad, Tunis, in – where else? – Damascus. You’ve been in Damascus, I believe. And so a hugely interesting career, and we’re blessed to have you here with your daughter. Nice to have you here also. Thank you.

There’s another fellow I’d like to mention if I can quickly. I met Jeff Lodinsky -- he’s hiding over here – Jeff I met in Bethesda Naval Hospital the weekend after I was first sworn in quietly and privately on a Friday as Secretary of State. I hadn’t even been in the building yet – in the State Department – which I went into on Monday. But on Sunday, I went over and visited with Jeff and few other folks who had been wounded in a couple of different incidents. And I have to say thank you to him and to his spirit, to the example that he sets. He, as you know, he was seriously wounded in Kunar Province in Afghanistan. We were just reminiscing upstairs, because I literally walked around in that village and drove up to meet with the governor that he was going to meet with when I was in the Senate. And I know that area well, and I can just feel – imagine what he went through when he was out there doing his duty and doing his – every two weeks meeting with the governor to talk about the things we needed to do together. And now he’s here, and Jeff, we’re just so proud that your service and your daughter Rika is somewhere in here hiding out. I don’t know where she went off to. But it’s like my kids, they never want to be around – (laughter) – “Geez, Dad, don’t embarrass me.” (Laughter.)

Anyway, Jeff, thank you. I want everybody here to – (applause) – I’m not going to keep you long. I understand there’s an ice cream social. Is that correct? Is that really what brought you guys down here, huh, free ice cream? (Laughter.) So I’ve learned enough in politics and diplomacy never to stand between a young person and their ice cream. (Laughter.) So I’m going to be pretty brief here I promise you.

But I want to say thank you to all of you, and I want to say thank you to on behalf of the President of the United States, on behalf of the entire State Department and all of our senior leadership. And I really want to say thank you on behalf of the American people. We are living in an extraordinarily complicated world today. It’s very different from the world that – Cold War, which I grew up in. It’s even different from the 1990s and the exuberance after the fall of the Berlin Wall and this incredible bursting energy as people who have been quashed for years suddenly smelled freedom and lived freedom.

But now forces have been released that are challenging all of us. Globalization is one of them. No politician, no leader could conceivably put globalization back into the bottle no matter how hard they tried, can’t do it. Because people now are in touch with people everywhere. That’s what’s happened in these incredible 15 years. I rewrote, together with other members of the committee that I was chairman of the subcommittee, we wrote the telecommunications law back in 1995, ’96. By the time the ink was dry on the President’s signature, the law was outdated because the law was all about how you manage telephones. And boom, within months it was data, the movement of data on the internet. And back then you had a very few number of companies. Name them, I mean, Google and Yahoo and AOL and a few of those, et cetera, until today unbelievable numbers of companies, unbelievably how we take for granted every day moving around, looking at our smart phone, our mobile device, working this way in this new world. Well, so does everybody else.

Kids in Africa are running around with smart phones. They don’t have a job, they may not get an education, but they’ve got a smart phone. And they can go in and tune into how people are living everywhere else in the world and they want it. When I went to Kyiv a few months ago during the upheaval, I was really struck by a guy who came up to me when I was down on the Maidan walking down the street where the snipers had killed people and where there were flowers, unbelievable memorials that had been put together. And still barricades and tires and bedposts, and all the detritus that had come out to protect these people.

And a guy came up to me and said, “I’m so glad you’re here. Thank you for coming. I was in Australia two weeks ago, and I saw what was happening in my country, and I came back here to be part of this change because I saw how people lived in Australia, and I said, ‘We have to be able to live like that, too.’”

That’s the aspiration that’s breaking out all over the world, but in too many countries, you have failed governments, you have failing governments, you have an absence of the ability of these people to participate and make their voices heard. And so we’re living in an era – a tectonic shift, a moment of extraordinary change. And our interests are at stake everywhere.

That’s what I want to reinforce in you. There’s no us and them, over there, over here, and you’re safe. We’re all connected to what’s going on. Terrorists in Syria today, in Iraq today are thinking about how they can hurt people in London or Paris or Berlin or even in the United States. And they don’t offer anything else to their people. They’re not offering an education plan, they’re not offering – well, actually, it’s do what we tell you. Read one book and that’s it, and you live by it. But they’re not offering a broad-based set of opportunities and education. They don’t talk about building their country, they don’t have healthcare, nothing. That’s what we’re struggling with.
And so what we do in each of our embassies is absolutely critical to helping people to tap into and understand our values and to be thoughtful about the choices in life itself. There are few jobs where you get to get up in the morning and go to work and know that you are working in as big an enterprise as – it has a universally aspired to set of principles and values, where you can feel like you’re making a difference changing somebody’s life.

No matter what you do in this embassy, whether you are Foreign Service, Civil Service, local employee, political appointee, you are an ambassador. And the people you meet on a daily basis may be the only – it’s conceivable particularly in other countries, not necessarily so much in London, but in plenty of places, that encounter may be the only encounter that person will ever have with an American or with somebody who works with Americans. And they’ll get a sense of who we are, how we behave, how we treat them, what we do, how quickly we can help them, if we help them at all.

So I thank you for doing this. And for those of you young guys who are here, I’ll tell you I was 11 years old when my dad packed up and we went off to Berlin, Germany after the war, and I was the son of a Foreign Service officer, and I got to know what it was like to pack and move and leave school and leave my friends and come back and go to another place. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. It was great. And you all should not think for an instant you’re missing anything anywhere.

The rest of your lives you’ll look back and say, “Wow, I had these great opportunities.” And you’ll learn a language, you’ll see another culture, you’ll travel, you’ll have a sense of history. So I just say thank you to your parents, thank you to all of you for being part of a great family, and I can promise you as long as I am Secretary of State we will do everything in my power to represent you, protect your interests, protect our embassies, make sure we are doing things that make sense and that advance the interests and the values of the United States of America. On behalf of President Obama, thank you all very, very much. Thank you. (Applause.)



US cancer survivors face significant economic burden

Medical costs, health insurance access, and lost productivity have an impact
U.S. cancer survivors face significant economic burdens due to growing medical costs, missed work, and reduced productivity, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in today’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

 “Cancer survivors face physical, emotional, psycho-social, employment and financial challenges as a result of their cancer diagnosis and treatment,” said Donatus U. Ekwueme, PhD, a senior health economist at CDC’s Division of Cancer Prevention and Control. “With the number of cancer survivors expected to increase by more than 30 percent in the next decade – to 18 million Americans -- medical and public health professionals must be diligent in their efforts to help reduce the burden of cancer on survivors and their families.”
Researchers analyzed data from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s 2008-2011 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey to estimate annual medical costs and productivity losses among male and female cancer survivors, aged 18 years and older, and among persons without a cancer diagnosis. Lost productivity was estimated by reviewing employment disability (being unable to work because of illness or injury), health-related missed work days, and days spent in bed due to ill health.

From 2008-2011, male cancer survivors had annual medical costs of more than $8,000 per person, and productivity losses of $3,700 compared to males without a history of cancer at $3,900 and $2,300 respectively. During the same time, female cancer survivors had $8,400 in annual medical costs per person and $4,000 in productivity losses compared to females without a history of cancer at $5,100 and $2,700, respectively.

Study findings indicate:

Cancer survivors were more likely to be female, non-Hispanic white, have multiple chronic conditions, or to be in fair or poor health.

Employment disability accounted for about 75 percent of lost productivity among cancer survivors.

Among survivors who were employed at the time of their diagnosis, cancer and its treatment interfered with physical tasks (25 percent) and mental tasks required by the job (14 percent); almost 25 percent of cancer survivors felt less productive at work.

The report also found that about 10 percent of survivors aged 65 years and younger were uninsured and likely to have a larger financial burden compared to survivors with some source of payment for medical services. Through the Affordable Care Act, millions of Americans, including cancer survivors, have access to health coverage and preventive services.

The authors noted that nearly 32 percent of survivors experienced limitations in their usual daily activities outside of work because of cancer. Among those employed, more than 42 percent had to make changes to their work hours and duties. Comprehensive health and employment intervention programs may be needed to improve outcomes for cancer survivors and their families.


Operators of Massive Mobile Cramming Scheme Will Surrender More Than $10M in Assets in FTC Settlement

The operators of a massive mobile cramming scheme have agreed to surrender more than $10 million in assets to settle Federal Trade Commission charges, including the contents of numerous bank accounts; real estate in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills and Chicago; and a number of cars and pieces of jewelry.

“Cramming unauthorized charges on consumers’ phone bills is unlawful, and this settlement shows the FTC is committed to making sure that anyone who does it won’t be able to keep their ill-gotten gains,” said Jessica Rich, Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. “Consumers have the right to know what they are being charged.”

Under the terms of the settlement, Lin Miao and the corporate defendants will be permanently banned from placing any charges on consumers’ phone bills, making any misrepresentations to consumers about a product or service or a consumers’ obligation to pay, and will also be prohibited from charging consumers for a product or service without their express consent.  The settlement includes a monetary judgment of more than $150 million, which is partially suspended based on Miao’s inability to pay the full amount after he turns over nearly all of his and the companies’ assets.

Among the assets Miao and the corporate defendants will be required to surrender under the terms of the settlement are:

the contents of 14 bank accounts and one life insurance policy, less $5,000;
five real estate properties, including three in Chicago and one in each in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills;
four vehicles, including a 2013 Mercedes SUV, a 2014 Range Rover SUV, a 2011 Audi and a 2008 Bentley; and
numerous items of jewelry, including three Patek Phillippe watches, a Tiffany watch, two Tiffany rings with 10 and eight carat diamonds, a pair of six-carat Tiffany  earrings, and a Tiffany necklace, bracelet and diamond bracelet.
The FTC filed its complaint against Miao, along with the corporate defendants Tatto, Inc., Shaboom Media, LLC, Bune, LLC, Mobile Media Products, LLC, Chairman Ventures, LLC, Galactic Media, LLC, and Virtus Media, LLC, in December 2013.

The complaint alleged that Miao and the other defendants pitched text message services offering “love tips,” “fun facts,” and celebrity gossip alerts, but placed charges for these services – typically $9.99 a month – on consumers’ bills without their permission -- a practice known as mobile cramming. They also allegedly used deceptive websites designed to collect consumers’ mobile phone numbers that would then be billed for the services.

The charges appeared on consumers’ phone bills under confusing names such as “77050IQ12CALL8663611606” and “25184USBFIQMIG” and in many instances, consumers did not notice the variations in the amount of their bills from month to month. When consumers did notice the charges and attempted to seek refunds, the process was often highly cumbersome, with some promised refunds from the defendants never arriving, or consumers receiving only partial refunds from their phone company.  

The Commission vote approving the proposed stipulated order was 5-0. The FTC filed the proposed order in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, and it was entered by the court on June 11, 2014.

NOTE: Stipulated orders have the force of law when approved and signed by the District Court judge.      

Friday, June 13, 2014





ABM Government Services, Hopkinsville, Kentucky (W912DY-10-D-0049; MOD P00012); LB&B Associates Inc., Columbia, Maryland (W912DY-10-D-0050; MOD P00009); J&J Maintenance, Inc., Austin, Texas (W912DY-10-D-0051; MOD P00009); and Emcor Government Services, Arlington, Virginia (W912DY-10-D-0052; MOD P00008), were awarded a $383,500,000 modification to existing contracts for increased capacity for operations and maintenance services in Defense Department medical treatment facilities. Funding and work location will be determined with each order. The estimated completion date is July 11, 2015. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntsville, Alabama, is the contracting activity.

Capco, Inc.*, Grand Junction, Colorado, was awarded a $78,980,935 firm-fixed-price contract to procure the M205 tripod used with the M2/M2A1 Heavy Machine Gun and the MK19 Grenade Machine Gun. Funding and work location will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of June 13, 2018. Bids were solicited via the Internet with 10 received. Army Contracting Command is the contracting activity (W15QKN-14-D-0051).

Lockheed Martin Corp., Liverpool, New York was awarded a $35,710,660 firm-fixed-price contract with options for the Army Navy/Transportable Radar Search (AN/TPS) 59A Version (V)3 Array Electronics. Work will be performed in Syracuse, New York, Oldsmar, Florida, and Moorestown, New Jersey with an estimated completion date of July 12, 2017. Bids were solicited via the Internet with one received. Fiscal 2014 other procurement funds in the

amount of $35,710,660 are being obligated at the time of the award. Army Contracting Command, Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania is the contracting activity (W25G1V-14-C-0016).

American Mechanical Inc.*, Fairbanks, Alaska (W911KB-14-D-00210); Central Environmental Inc.*, Anchorage, Alaska (W911KB-14-D-0022); and Patrick Mechanical Inc.*, Fairbanks, Alaska (W911KB-14-D-0023), were awarded a $24,000,000 firm-fixed-price indefinite- delivery/indefinite-quantity contract with options for the design, construction and repair of Utilidor Systems, Eielson Air Force Base and other Alaskan military installations with an estimated completion date of June 12, 2018. Bids were solicited via the Internet with nine received. Funding will be determined with each order. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska, is the contracting activity.


Northrop Grumman System Corp., San Diego, California, is being awarded a $61,326,794 modification to a previously awarded cost-plus-fixed-fee contract (N00019-12-C-0117) for operations and maintenance services in support of the Broad Area Maritime Surveillance – Demonstrator (BAMS-D) Unmanned Aircraft System. This effort will provide logistics support; organization, intermediate, and depot (D) -level maintenance; and field service representatives, to ensure that the BAMS-D aircraft are mission-capable for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions. Work will be performed in Patuxent River, Maryland (70 percent); outside continental United States (25 percent); and Rancho Bernardo, California (5 percent), and is expected to be completed in June 2015. Fiscal 2014 operations and maintenance (Navy) funds in the amount of $61,326,794 are being obligated on this award, all of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.

General Dynamics National Steel and Shipbuilding Co., San Diego, California, is being awarded a $23,500,000 modification to previously awarded contract (N00024-13-C-2401) for early industry involvement associated with the LHA(R) program Flight 1 (LHA 8) ship design to initiate an affordability design phase. Work will be performed in San Diego, California, and is expected to be completed by May 2015. Fiscal 2014 research, development, test and evaluation funding in the amount of $20,500,000 will be obligated at the time of award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, District of Columbia, is the contracting activity.
General Dynamics Bath Iron Works, Bath, Maine, is being awarded $11,715,565 for cost-plus-award-fee modification 0001 to the previously awarded order (N00024-13-G-2316) to provide engineering and management efforts in support of the post-shakedown availability (PSA) for USS Coronado (LCS 4). This order is for planning for LCS 4’sPSA. Bath Iron Works will provide labor and material support services for the vessel. Efforts will include program management, production supervision, temporary protection services and transportation services necessary to complete the PSA. Work will be performed in San Diego, California, and is expected to be completed by December 2014. Fiscal 2014 ship conversion (Navy) funding in the amount of $5,000,000 will be obligated at time of award. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion, and Repair, Bath, Maine, is the contracting activity.


Tiger Natural Gas, Inc.*, Tulsa, Oklahoma, has been awarded a maximum $43,277,040 fixed-price with economic-price-adjustment contract for direct supply of natural gas. This contract was a competitive acquisition with three offers received. This is a three-year base contract with no option periods. Location of performance is Oklahoma and California with a Sept. 30, 2017, performance completion date. Using military services are Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and federal civilian agencies. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2014 through fiscal 2017 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Energy, Fort Belvoir, Virginia (SPE600-14-D-7501).

BP Energy Company, Houston, Texas, has been awarded a maximum $42,801,948 fixed-price with economic-price-adjustment contract for direct supply of natural gas. This contract was a competitive acquisition with three offers received. This is a 3-year base contract with no option periods. Location of performance is Texas and California with a Sept. 30, 2017, performance completion date. Using military services are Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and federal civilian agencies. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2014 through fiscal 2017 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Energy, Fort Belvoir, Virginia (SPE600-14-D-7502).


Aerospace Testing Alliance, Tullahoma, Tennessee, has been awarded an $11,890,453 cost-plus-award-fee modification (P00330) on F40600-03-C-0001 to increase the workload for the operations, maintenance, information management and support of Arnold Engineering Development Complex. Work will be performed at Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee, and is expected to be completed by Sept. 30, 2014. No funds are being obligated at time of award. Air Force Test Center/PZZ, Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee, is the contracting activity.
Alliant Techsystems Operations LLC, Rocket Center, West Virginia, was awarded an $8,036,250 firm-fixed-price contract for production and delivery of Rocket Assisted Take Off rocket motors and initiators. Work will be performed at Rocket Center, West Virginia, with an expected completion date of Jan. 6, 2017. Fiscal 2012 and 2013 aircraft procurement funds in the full contract amount are being obligated at time of award. This contract was a competitive acquisition, and two offers were received. The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Hill Air Force Base, Utah, is the contracting activity (FA8213-14-C-0018).

*Small business

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