Thursday, November 15, 2012



SEC Charges South Florida Man with Recruiting Victims of Ponzi Scheme

The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged a South Florida man with defrauding at least 14 investors by soliciting them to invest in a Ponzi scheme. A significant number of the victims were members of the gay community in Wilton Manors, Florida and included inexperienced, unaccredited investors.

In the complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, the SEC alleges that James F. Ellis, 69, a resident of Wilton Manors, Florida, fraudulently solicited investors for George Elia from 2004 to 2011. Elia operated pooled investment vehicles under the names Investor Funding Club and Vision Equities Funds. Elia purported to trade in stocks and earn annual returns as high as 26 percent, but was actually running a Ponzi scheme and paying returns to existing investors from new investor funds. In April 2012, the Commission charged Elia with securities fraud. See Litigation Release No. 22319 (April 6, 2012).

According to the Commission's complaint against Ellis, Ellis persuaded prospective investors by falsely telling them that he had personally invested with Elia at least $5 million that he had inherited from his parents. Ellis variously told investors that he earned 16% to 20% annual returns on his investment with Elia or that he earned $20,000 to $24,000 per month. Elia and his entities did in fact pay Ellis over $2.1 million over seven years. However, those payments were not investment returns because, as Ellis knew, he had not made an investment with Elia that would have returned such large sums of money. According to the complaint, Ellis also reassured prospective investors of the safety of the investment by falsely telling them that he had tested Elia by depositing a large amount of money with Elia, then asking for and receiving it back.

According to the complaint, Ellis bolstered his deceptive claims about the success of his investment with Elia with ostentatious displays of wealth, including expensive real estate, luxury cars, jewelry, opulent entertaining of his friends, and expensive cruises. Though Ellis claimed that his investments with Elia made his luxurious lifestyle possible, he failed to disclose to investors that his wealth derived not from legitimate investment returns but from the money that Elia paid him for fraudulently touting Elia's investment vehicles.

The Commission's complaint charges Ellis with securities fraud in violation of Section 17(a)(1), (2) and (3) of the Securities Act of 1933 ("Securities Act") and Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ("Exchange Act") and Rule 10b-5 thereunder. The complaint also alleges that Ellis violated the registration provisions of Sections 5(a) and (c) of the Securities Act. The Commission is seeking permanent injunctions against Ellis for violating the above provisions of the securities laws, disgorgement of ill-gotten gains plus pre-judgment interest, and civil penalties.

Separately, the United States Attorney's Office for the Southern District of Florida today announced criminal charges against Ellis for his conduct in the scheme.

The Commission thanks the U.S. Attorney's Office and the Federal Bureau of Investigation for their assistance in this matter.





Map Credit:  CIA World Factbook.

Joint Statement on Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in Sierra Leone
Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
November 13, 2012

Following is a joint statement issued November 13, 2012 by the United States of America and the United Kingdom:

On November 17, Sierra Leone will hold its third consecutive series of presidential and parliamentary elections since the end of its civil war in 2002. Sierra Leone has made considerable progress over the last decade. Free, fair, and peaceful elections in 2012 are critical for consolidating Sierra Leone’s democratic and economic gains. We welcome the effort that has gone into preparing this month’s elections.

We call upon all Sierra Leoneans to participate actively in the process, to abide by the rule of law, to respect human rights, and to respect the eventual results. We also urge Sierra Leone’s presidential and parliamentary candidates to adhere to Sierra Leone’s democratic and electoral processes, to renounce violence and incitement to violence, and to ensure that the elections are free, fair, and transparent.

The international community will be following the process closely. The United States and the United Kingdom value highly their long-standing friendship with Sierra Leone and the Sierra Leonean people. We look forward to continuing our work with them to ensure progress, sustainable economic development, and lasting peace in the region.


Locator Map Credit:  CIA World FActbook.


Democracy is slowly being reestablished after the civil war from 1991 to 2002 that resulted in tens of thousands of deaths and the displacement of more than 2 million people (about a third of the population). The military, which took over full responsibility for security following the departure of UN peacekeepers at the end of 2005, is increasingly developing as a guarantor of the country's stability. The armed forces remained on the sideline during the 2007 presidential election but still look to the UN Integrated Office in Sierra Leone (UNIOSIL) - a civilian UN mission - to support efforts to consolidate peace. The new government's priorities include furthering development, creating jobs, and stamping out endemic corruption.


The 21st Civil Engineer Squadron installed 24 solar panels at the Peterson Aquatics Center to help heat the approximately 225,000 gallons of water in the pool. The solar panels and other efficiencies have helped reduce energy consumption at the pool by 60 percent. (U.S. Air Force photo)
Wing building "green" model for command
by Lea Johnson
21st Space Wing Public Affairs staff writer

11/9/2012 - PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. -- Things around base are looking a little more green as the 21st Civil Engineer Squadron completes multiple energy saving projects around Peterson Air Force Base.

According to Randy Pieper, 21st CES resource efficiency manager, in 2010 the Command Energy Management Steering Group developed a plan to ensure that Air Force Space Command met Air Force goals for increasing energy efficiency in Building 1, the Hartinger Building, reduce infrastructure costs by 20 percent by 2020, reduce facility energy intensity 30 percent by 2015, reduce facility water intensity 16 percent by 2015, and increase use of renewable energy to 25 percent of total consumption by 2025.

To help AFSPC meet that goal, the 21st CES designed a series of projects that would increase energy efficiency and cut operations and maintenance costs. These projects have been so successful that the Hartinger Building has been designated as part of AFSPC's 11-point road map in the command's energy conservation strategy.

According to Pieper, the building was also recently submitted to the Department of Energy for the Better Buildings Federal Award.

"This is an award that recognizes individual buildings that have innovative technologies or significant energy reduction," he said. "The building has been designated to be the 'model' for the command."

Lights, computers and people all create a lot of extra heat in the building. Most of the time this heat goes into the atmosphere as wasted energy. To help reuse the heat that would otherwise be waste, a water-to-water heat pump was installed in the building.

"Heat pumps use electricity via refrigeration compressors to 'pump' heat from one place to another instead of generating heat directly. Therefore, they can be two to three times more energy efficient than conventional water heaters," Pieper said.

Before the pump was installed, the chilled water system took heat out of the building and transferred it to the outside as exhaust. Now, the heat is moved to areas of the building with fewer people and computers that tend to be cooler, which will save an anticipated $22,000 in heating costs.

The 21st CES also increased the efficiency of the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet) and Non-Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNet) server rooms primary heating ventilation and air conditioning system.

"It's not surprising that server racks are very energy intense," Pieper said.

Having the server rooms, which tend to be very warm, on a separate HVAC system will increase the overall efficiency of the system.

The 21st CES just awarded a project to modify the chilled water system so that the server rooms are independent from the building HVAC system. They will also be adding a "dry cooler" to provide cooling during cold months without running the air conditioning compressor.

"This reduces the cooling load on the main chilled water system," Pieper said.

Another measure the 21st CES put in place to improve the heating system in the Hartinger Building includes three existing boilers being replaced with two high efficiency condensing boilers.

"Condensing boilers allow us to lower the hot water temperature for the heating system so only the heat that is required in the building is provided," Pieper said.

According to Pieper, the new boilers are 92 percent efficient, compared to the previous boilers that were about 83 percent efficient.

The 21st CES is also currently replacing the interior lights in the Hartinger Building with new light-emitting diode fixtures.

Pieper said the new LED lights use 46 percent less electricity than the old lights.

In addition to the multitude of energy saving projects in the Hartinger Building, the 21st CES also installed 24 new solar panels at the Peterson Aquatics Center.

The solar panels are used to help heat the approximately 225,000 gallons of water in the pool, Pieper said.

To aid the solar panels, the 21st CES also installed a heat recovery system to take the warm air from the building and heat recovered from the building's air conditioning system to heat the water.

"Since August, the energy used to heat the pool has dropped by nearly 60 percent," Pieper said.

Sun shades were also installed in the children's pool area to prevent the building from getting as hot, and to use less air conditioning.

Temperatures in the children's pool area dropped about 15-20 degrees compared to previous summers, Pieper said.

All these changes are designed to help the Air Force meet Department of Defense energy reduction goals.



Guinea Map Credit:  CIA World Factbook.
Condemning the Murder of Treasury Director Ms. Aissatou Boiro

Press Statement
Mark C. Toner
Deputy Spokesperson, Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
November 14, 2012

On November 9, Ministry of Finance Treasury Director Aissatou Boiro was murdered by unidentified gunmen in Conakry. We deplore this act and all forms of violence against public servants and innocent citizens. We extend our deepest condolences to Ms. Boiro’s family and the people of Guinea.

Ms. Boiro was a strong advocate of transparency, accountability, and anti-corruption within the Ministry of Finance. Senior Guinean Government officials have stated publicly that this was a targeted killing, and the Government of Guinea has pledged to make a full investigation.

We urge the Government of Guinea to investigate this heinous crime and hold accountable those responsible for Ms. Boiro’s murder. The United States will continue to work with the Government of Guinea to combat corruption in all its forms.

Guinea Locator Map Credit:  CIA World Factbook.

Guinea has had a history of authoritarian rule since gaining its independence from France in 1958. Lansana CONTE came to power in 1984 when the military seized the government after the death of the first president, Sekou TOURE. Guinea did not hold democratic elections until 1993 when Gen. CONTE (head of the military government) was elected president of the civilian government. He was reelected in 1998 and again in 2003, though all the polls were marred by irregularities. History repeated itself in December 2008 when following President CONTE's death, Capt. Moussa Dadis CAMARA led a military coup, seizing power and suspending the constitution. His unwillingness to yield to domestic and international pressure to step down led to heightened political tensions that culminated in September 2009 when presidential guards opened fire on an opposition rally killing more than 150 people, and in early December 2009 when CAMARA was wounded in an assassination attempt and evacuated to Morocco and subsequently to Burkina Faso. A transitional government led by General Sekouba KONATE held democratic elections in 2010 and Alpha CONDE was elected president in the country's first free and fair elections since independence.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Photo:  The Sydney Opera House.  Credit:  CIA World Factbook


The U.S.-Australia Defense Trade Cooperation Treaty
Fact Sheet
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
November 14, 2012

The U.S.-Australia Defense Trade Cooperation Treaty supports the longstanding alliance between our two nations by facilitating industry collaboration and innovation, allowing U.S. and Australian troops to get the best technology in the fastest way possible to meet shared security challenges. Australia is already one of the United States’ top defense trading partners. In FY2011 Foreign Military Sales to Australia amounted to US$3.9 billion. The Treaty will further enhance our bilateral defense partnership.
The Treaty was signed in 2007 and the United States Senate provided its advice and consent to ratification in 2010. This October, the Australian Parliament passed legislation required to move forward with implementation of the treaty.

The Treaty allows for the export of certain defense articles and services between the United States and Australia without the need for export licenses or other International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) approvals. By streamlining the export process and eliminating the requirement to prepare and obtain export licenses or other approvals, this treaty will enhance defense trade between the United States and Australia.

The Treaty also supports Australian defense industries’ ability to team with U.S. partners or directly bid on U.S. Government proposals, which will create healthy competition in the defense sector.

The Treaty will create an "Approved Community" of government and private sector entities that may export and transfer certain U.S. Munitions List items for pre-approved facilities in Australia and the United States.

Through the creation of an Approved Community of users, the Treaty will make it faster and easier for U.S. and Australian defense industry to collaborate on developing and fielding future technologies needed to support U.S. and Australian government security interests.


Panetta: Ward Ruling Recognizes High Standard for Leaders
By Donna Miles
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Nov. 14, 2012 - Emphasizing that Defense Department leaders must exemplify both professional excellence and sound judgment, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta has determined that Army Gen. William E. "Kip" Ward, the former U.S. Africa Command commander, must repay improper expense charges and will be allowed to retire at a reduced rank.

Ward will be demoted to the grade of lieutenant general for retirement and must repay about $82,000 in improper expense payments, Panetta determined following a department inspector general investigation, Pentagon Press Secretary George Little announced last evening.

Secretary of the Army John McHugh concurs with Panetta's decision, Little said.

The decision follows an IG report of investigation issued in June that substantiated Ward's misconduct involving travel, misuse of military aircraft, misuse of staff and the receipt of reimbursements to which he was not entitled.

The findings involve activities during Ward's tenure as the first Africom commander. He served in that role from Oct. 1, 2007, to March 9, 2011.

Since leaving Africom, Ward has been demoted to the grade of major general and is serving as special assistant to the Army vice chief of staff.

Panetta is committed to holding department leaders to a high standard, Little said.

"The secretary recognizes that the vast majority of senior officers in the military abide by the letter and spirit of our laws and regulations and utilize sound judgment in their stewardship of taxpayer resources," Little said. "The secretary is committed to ensuring that any improprieties or misconduct by senior officers are dealt with swiftly and appropriately."



— The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a settlement that includes the payment of nearly $220 million to compensate employee benefit plans and other investors that suffered losses through investments in Bernard L. Madoff's Ponzi scheme. The settlement is pending approval by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York and resolves department litigation, actions brought by New York's attorney general, and several private lawsuits and class actions brought on behalf of plans and other investors that invested with Madoff. The settlement was reached with Ivy Asset Management LLC, J.P. Jeanneret Associates Inc., Beacon Associates Management Corp., Andover Associates Management Corp., and their current and former owners and officers.

"The settlement agreement we're announcing today provides a measure of justice for those Americans who worked hard to prepare for their retirement and then saw hoped-for stability disappear," said Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis. "My department is committed to ensuring that workers and retirees receive the benefits they've earned and deserve. If approved by the court, this settlement, combined with expected payments from the Madoff bankruptcy estate, will allow worker benefit plans impacted by Bernard Madoff's illegal and reprehensible scheme to recover all, or nearly all, of the money they invested with him."

"Today's settlement brings accountability for one of the greatest financial frauds in American history and justice to defrauded investors. We have recovered over $210 million for the victims who were harmed as a result of the world's most notorious Ponzi scheme," said New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. "Ivy Asset Management violated its fundamental responsibility as an investment adviser by putting its own pecuniary interests ahead of the interests of its clients. An investment adviser should apprise its clients of risks, but Ivy deliberately concealed negative facts it uncovered in its due diligence of Madoff in order to keep earning millions of dollars in fees. As a result, its clients suffered massive and avoidable losses."

The department sued Ivy, Jeanneret, Beacon, Andover and their owners and officers Oct. 21, 2010, for alleged violations of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act. The suit alleged that they breached their fiduciary duties to a number of benefit plans by recommending, making and maintaining investments with Madoff, thus losing hundreds of millions of dollars in assets needed for the pension and health benefits of thousands of workers.

"Nothing can make up for the years-long agony that plan administrators and participants, and individual investors were put through by these defendants and Madoff," said Assistant Secretary of Labor for Employee Benefits Security Phyllis C. Borzi. "But this settlement should go a long way toward making victims financially whole and, hopefully, closing a painful chapter for many workers and families."

Ivy served as the investment adviser for Jeanneret, Beacon and Andover, and introduced those parties to Madoff. The suit alleged that Ivy misrepresented and concealed doubts and suspicions about Madoff, including the belief that no investment with Madoff was justified. The suit further alleged that Ivy concealed its suspicions because the investments made by Jeanneret, Beacon, and their plan clients and other investors generated enormous fees for Ivy and contributed significantly to the assets under Ivy's management. The department alleged that Ivy made the decision not to sacrifice those financial benefits by disclosing the true nature of its doubts about Madoff, especially because management did not think the company could escape legal liability for those investments.

Jeanneret served as the investment manager for more than 70 plans that invested with Madoff through several methods, including its own fund of funds, starting in 1991. The department's suit alleged that the company and its principals made material misrepresentations and failed to disclose material facts to their ERISA-covered plan clients that invested with Madoff. These included failing to disclose that Ivy had informed Jeanneret that it was unable to perform due diligence on Madoff. Jeanneret also allegedly failed to disclose to its clients that it had entered into a new agreement with Ivy in 2007 that eliminated Madoff from Ivy's due diligence responsibilities, and failed to disclose that Ivy recommended Jeanneret reduce plan client and investor exposure to Madoff.

Additionally, the suit alleged that Jeanneret largely ignored Ivy's recommendations to reduce its clients' Madoff investments and failed to take prudent steps to investigate irregularities about Madoff and his purported trading, while taking substantial amounts in fees as the investment manager for the plans. Finally, Jeanneret and its owners and officers allegedly violated ERISA based on their fee arrangement, which provided for higher fees for Madoff investments than for other types of investments. This arrangement gave them the ability to set their own compensation by exercising their discretion to recommend and make Madoff investments for plans.

Beacon and Andover were the investment managers for the Beacon and Andover funds, which invested heavily with Madoff starting in the early 1990s. Many employee benefit plans, including Jeanneret's clients, invested in the Beacon and Andover funds. Like Jeanneret, the department alleged that the two fund companies and their owners and officers largely ignored Ivy's recommendations to reduce their Madoff investments and failed to take prudent steps to investigate Madoff, while still taking substantial amounts in fees as the investment managers for the Beacon and Andover funds. The suit also charged Beacon, Andover and their principals with making misrepresentations and failing to disclose to their plan investors that Ivy had informed them it was unable to perform due diligence on Madoff, and that Beacon and Andover had entered into agreements with Ivy that eliminated Madoff from Ivy's due diligence responsibilities.

Under the settlement agreement, Ivy and its principals have agreed to pay a total of $210 million. Jeanneret and its owners, John P. Jeanneret and Paul Perry, have agreed to pay $3 million. Beacon and Andover and their owners, Joel Danziger and Harris Markhoff, have agreed to pay $3.5 million and relinquish a claim of more than $3.3 million for management fees.

The settlements resulted from investigations conducted by the New York and Boston regional offices of the Employee Benefits Security Administration, an agency of the Labor Department. Litigation was conducted by the Plan Benefits Security Division of the department's Office of the Solicitor in Washington, D.C.

Workers in employer-sponsored health and retirement benefit plans who feel that they have been denied a benefit inappropriately, or have questions about benefits laws, can contact an EBSA benefits adviser by visiting or calling 866-444-EBSA (3272).

Press Conference with Secretary Panetta, Secretary Clinton, Minister Carr and Minister Smith at AUSMIN Ministerial, Perth, Australia

Press Conference with Secretary Panetta, Secretary Clinton, Minister Carr and Minister Smith at AUSMIN Ministerial, Perth, Australia


Photo Credit:  U.S. Army.


Combined Force Arrests Taliban Weapons Facilitator

From an International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Release

KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 14, 2012 - An Afghan and coalition security force arrested a Taliban weapons and ammunition facilitator in Afghanistan's Kandahar province today, military officials said.

Before his arrest, the Taliban facilitator was reportedly arranging to buy rocket-propelled grenades and a large quantity of assault-style rifles for insurgents in the province.

The force also detained three suspected insurgents and seized several assault rifles, other firearms and body armor.

In other Afghanistan operations today:

-- A combined force in Kandahar province arrested a Taliban leader who organized improvised explosive device attacks. The Taliban leader is believed responsible for coordinating and carrying out IED attacks targeting Afghan and coalition forces in the province.

-- A combined force arrested four insurgents in Helmand province during a search for a Taliban explosives expert.

-- A combined force arrested a Haqqani weapons facilitator in Logar province. The detained Haqqani facilitator is allegedly responsible for transferring weapons, arming insurgent groups and planning attacks on Afghan and coalition forces. The force also detained an additional suspected insurgent and seized firearms and ammunition.

-- A combined force arrested a suspected insurgent in Ghazni province during a search for a Taliban IED and indirect-fire expert.

In Nov. 12 operations:

-- A Taliban weapons facilitator was arrested in Helmand province. The detained Taliban leader allegedly regularly distributed heavy weapons and ammunition to Taliban fighters in the province.

-- A Haqqani IED facilitator was arrested in in Paktiya province. The detained Haqqani leader is believed to be in charge of building, transporting and placing IEDs in the province.


Friday, November 9, 2012
Las Vegas Woman Convicted for Role in Mortgage Fraud Scheme

WASHINGTON – A Las Vegas mortgage agent was found guilty today for participation in a mortgage fraud scheme that netted $1.2 million in fraudulent mortgage loans, announced Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, U.S. Attorney Daniel G. Bogden of the District of Nevada and Special Agent in Charge Kevin Favreau of the FBI’s Las Vegas Field Office.

After a four-day trial before U.S. District Judge Miranda Du in the District of Nevada, a federal jury convicted Heidi Haischer, 44, of one count of wire fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud for submitting fraudulent loan documents to purchase two homes.

According to court documents and evidence presented at trial, Haischer submitted to lending institutions loan applications in which she misrepresented her income, submitted false verification of employment and misrepresented her intent to reside in one of the properties as her primary residence. Evidence at trial established that Haischer participated in an illegal property flipping ring that fraudulently obtained properties that Haischer and her co-conspirators intended to sell for a profit. Haischer and her co-conspirators also enriched themselves by collecting brokerage commissions generated by the sales of the properties.

Co-conspirator Kelly Nunes was convicted in a related case in Las Vegas on Feb. 2, 2012, of one count of bank fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit wire and bank fraud.

This case was investigated by the FBI. Trial Attorneys Thomas B.W. Hall and Brian R. Young of the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section are prosecuting the case, with assistance from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Nevada.

Today’s conviction is part of efforts underway by President Obama’s Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force (FFETF), which was created in November 2009 to wage an aggressive, coordinated and proactive effort to investigate and prosecute financial crimes. With more than 20 federal agencies, 94 U.S. attorneys’ offices and state and local partners, it’s the broadest coalition of law enforcement, investigatory and regulatory agencies ever assembled to combat fraud. Since its formation, the task force has made great strides in facilitating increased investigation and prosecution of financial crimes; enhancing coordination and cooperation among federal, state and local authorities; addressing discrimination in the lending and financial markets and conducting outreach to the public, victims, financial institutions and other organizations. Over the past three fiscal years, the Justice Department has filed more than 10,000 financial fraud cases against nearly 15,000 defendants, including more than 2,700 mortgage fraud defendants. For more information on the task force, visit


Credit:  U.S. Department Of Veterans Affairs
American Diabetes Month — Time to Take Action

Nearly one in four Veterans receiving care from VA has diabetes.

This is partly attributable to the older average age of Veterans compared to the general US population. Veterans should know all the risk factors listed in the box on the right.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that nearly 26 million people, or about 8 percent of the US population, have diabetes.

That includes about 11 million persons 65 and older, or about 27 percent of seniors.

In the United States, about one-in-four persons with diabetes are not aware that they have the condition.

While exact numbers are not available, it is likely that the number is lower for Veterans receiving regular VA primary care.

However, many Veterans of all ages are at risk for diabetes because of the high rate of obesity and those who are overweight, estimated at over 70 percent of Veterans receiving VA care.

Weight Loss and Physical Activity

An individual does not have to achieve drastic weight loss. Losing about five percent of one’s weight will help.

In recent studies, a weight loss and exercise program was more effective than medication in both younger and older individuals. The medication was not effective in persons older than 60.

The VA’s MOVE! Weight Management Program is available to all Veterans who are overweight or obese and for whom weight management is appropriate. It supports Veterans in developing plans that work for them to lose or maintain weight through balanced diet, physical activity, and behavior change approaches.

For the MOVE! program to be tailored to the individual’s needs, the Veteran can complete a 23 item questionnaire. More information is available at

Diabetes and Agent Orange

Diabetes mellitus type 2 is one of the diseases VA presumes is associated with exposure to herbicides, such as Agent Orange. Veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange do not have to prove a connection between their type 2 diabetes mellitus and military service to be eligible for VA benefits. Healthy eating habits and exercise can help prevent this chronic disease.

Visit the
Agent Orange home page to learn more about Agent Orange and VA benefits.


Photo:  Koalas.  Credit:  CIA World Factbook.
Remarks at the Launch of the Perth USAsia Centre

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
University of Western Australia
Perth, Australia
November 13, 2012

Thank you very much, Minister Evans and thanks also to Premier Barnett, hereafter known as Premier Sputnik – (laughter) – and Chancellor Chaney, our excellent two ambassadors – your alumnus, Kim Beazley, who served you so well in Washington, and our Ambassador, Jeff Bleich, who I think knows more Australians than most Australians do at this point – and Dr. Gill, thank you for your primary work at the U.S. Studies Centre.

This is a wonderful opportunity for me to be here at the University of Western Australia, a campus that looks remarkably like Stanford University, where my daughter attended, and to be in this fabulous art gallery that I will not get a chance perhaps to see, but which certainly piques my interest, and to be part of helping to launch this center that will shape strategic thinking in this dynamic region.

This is my first visit to Perth, but I heard much about it, not least of all from your ambassador, and Stephen Smith, your Defense Minister. And one story in particular stands out because from the time I was a little girl, Premier, I was fascinated by space exploration, and you and I are of a vintage where we can actually remember Sputnik going over. And I even wrote to NASA, our space administration, when I was about 13 and asked what I needed to do to become an astronaut myself. I unfortunately received an answer that said they weren’t taking women. Thankfully, that has changed in the years since.

But I was riveted by the space program, and certainly when my friend and a great American, John Glenn, became the first American to orbit the earth in 1962, it was so exciting to know that the people of Perth were literally with him and cheering him on, because, as you know so well, when John’s capsule passed overhead, every light in this city came on to signal support for his mission. And I will tell you that he never forgot the gesture of friendship from the city of light.

So for me to be here is a dream come true, and I suppose if one were to go up into space today and look down at Perth, you would see a city that is sitting on a very strategic part of our planet, Australia’s gateway to the vibrant trade and energy routes that connect the Indian Ocean to the Pacific, the oil, the natural gas, the iron ore produced here that flows through those trade routes to the entire world. It is no surprise that foreign investment is soaring, including more than $100 billion from the United States, because increasingly, these waters are at the heart of the global economy and a key focus of America’s expanding engagement in the region, what we sometimes call our pivot to Asia.

We never actually left Asia; we’ve always been here and been a presence here. We consider ourselves a Pacific power. But in the 21st century, it’s important that we make absolutely clear we are here to stay. And how we think about the Asia Pacific or the Indo Pacific region is going to be critical to our future as well as yours. We’ve made it a strategic priority to support India’s Look East policy and to encourage Delhi to play a larger role in Asian institutions and affairs. And it’s exciting to see the developments as the world’s largest democracy and a dynamic emerging economy begin to contribute more broadly to the region.

It’s also important to see the burgeoning relationship between Australia and India. And we support a Look West policy here in Australia, and certainly applaud the Australian Government’s strategic white paper on Asian policy. We would welcome joint Australia-Indian naval vessel exercises in the future, and we’re eager to work together in the Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation which Australia will chair in 2013 and which the United States has now joined as a dialogue partner.

I’m here for what are called the AUSMIN meetings. These are annual meetings that our Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense hold with our counterparts, Stephen Smith and Bob Carr. We will be reviewing implementation of the military agreements that Prime Minister Gillard and President Obama reached last November, including the rotational deployment of U.S. marines in Darwin and improving interoperability between our two navies. These steps will help both countries safeguard commerce and respond to natural disasters in the sea lanes connecting the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

So here at the University of Western Australia, you are at the leading edge of a crucial strategic shift linking two great oceans and strengthening an historic alliance. And I hope that the work that you do here will help to light the way just as Perth did for John Glenn 50 years ago, because when one stops to ponder it, our commercial, cultural, and personal relationships are really at the core of how we see and hope the world will develop in this century. Commercially, it’s already been set. We have deep and growing ties. Culturally, we also share the values that democracies share. We share the values of freedom and human rights, the dignity of every person. And personally, the connections between us only grow stronger.

So opening this center, and so well named the Perth USAsia Centre, will give an additional impetus to exploring how we can broaden and deepen our commercial, cultural, and personal relationships. It shouldn’t be any surprise that the United States is just as interested in Australia as you seem to be interested in us. We’re constantly following your sports. You seem to have a flood of entertainers who take the American market by storm. The kinds of connections that we have between us are ones that we highly value.

Now of course, we’re living in a region that is changing so quickly, and there are other countries whose interests and profiles are equally important for each of us. We look for ways to support the peaceful rise of China, to support China becoming a responsible stakeholder in the international community, and hope to see gradual but consistent opening up of a Chinese society and political system that will more closely give the Chinese people the opportunities that we in the United States and Australia are lucky to take for granted.

We have great relationships with our other friends and allies from Japan and South Korea, Thailand, and the Philippines. Of course, we both enjoy close and growing relations with Indonesia. So as we think about how this region will change, it’s important that Australia and the United States work together, look to see how we can contribute to the kind of region and world we hope to see for both of us to give our young people the opportunities that they so richly deserve.

So I thank you for your steadfast commitment to the U.S.-Australia partnership. It is a partnership that is of itself of importance to each of us, but is also a partnership that must remain at the core of the kind of engagement we have in the Asia Pacific, Indo Pacific regions for now and for the future.

Thank you all. (Applause.)



Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Saudi Student Sentenced to Life in Prison for Attempted Use of Weapon of Mass Destruction
Khalid Aldawsari Purchased Bomb Materials and Researched U.S. Targets

Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari, 22, a citizen of Saudi Arabia and resident of Lubbock, Texas, was sentenced today by U.S. District Judge Donald E. Walter in federal court in Amarillo, Texas, to life in prison.

Aldawsari was convicted on June 27, 2012, on an indictment charging one count of attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction in connection with his purchase of chemicals and equipment necessary to make an improvised explosive device (IED) and his research of potential U.S. targets, including persons and infrastructure. He was lawfully admitted into the United States in 2008 on a student visa and was enrolled at South Plains College near Lubbock.

Today’s announcement was made by Sarah R. Saldaña , U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Texas; Lisa Monaco, Assistant Attorney General for National Security; and Diego G. Rodriguez, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Dallas Field Division.

According to court documents and evidence presented during trial, at the time of his arrest last year, Aldawsari had been researching online how to construct an IED using several chemicals as ingredients. He had also acquired or taken a substantial step toward acquiring most of the ingredients and equipment necessary to construct an IED and he had conducted online research of several potential U.S. targets. In addition, he had allegedly described his desire for violent jihad and martyrdom in blog postings and a personal journal.

"This case, in which private citizens paid attention to details and notified authorities of their suspicions, serves as a reminder to all private citizens that we must always be observant and vigilant, as there are some who intend to cause great harm," said U.S. Attorney Saldaña. "Khalid Aldawsari, acting as a lone wolf, may well have gone undetected were it not for the keen observations of private citizens. We owe them, and all the hundreds of hard-working members of our law enforcement community, our deepest gratitude."

"Khalid Aldawsari came to this country intent on carrying out an attack. He then began purchasing ingredients to construct a bomb and was actively researching potential targets in America. Thanks to the hard work of many agents, analysts and prosecutors, his plot was thwarted before anyone was harmed; he was convicted at trial and, today at sentencing, he was held accountable for his actions," said Assistant Attorney General Monaco.

"Today’s sentencing demonstrates our commitment to detecting, investigating and prosecuting individuals who seek to do harm to others in our country. Our success was the result of the cooperation of law enforcement and intelligence resources, particularly, the FBI’s North Texas Joint Terrorism Task Force, the Texas Tech Police Department, the Lubbock Police Department and the Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office," said FBI Special Agent in Charge Rodriguez. "The dedicated agents, officers, and analysts; the computer forensics team; and the linguists are all to be commended for their diligent work on this investigation and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Northern District for the successful prosecution of Mr. Aldawsari."

The government presented evidence that on Feb. 1, 2011, a chemical supplier reported to the FBI a suspicious attempted purchase of concentrated phenol by a man identifying himself as Khalid Aldawsari. Phenol is a toxic chemical with legitimate uses, but can also be used to make the explosive trinitrophenol, also known as T.N.P., or picric acid. Ingredients typically used with phenol to make picric acid, or T.N.P., are concentrated sulfuric and nitric acids.

Aldawsari attempted to have the phenol order shipped to a freight company so it could be held for him there, but the freight company told Aldawsari that the order had been returned to the supplier and called the police. Later, Aldawsari falsely told the supplier he was associated with a university and wanted the phenol for "off-campus, personal research." Frustrated by questions being asked over his phenol order, Aldawsari cancelled his order, placed an order with another company, and later emailed himself instructions for producing phenol. In December 2010, he had successfully purchased concentrated nitric and sulfuric acids.

Aldawsari used various email accounts in researching explosives and targets, and often sent emails to himself as part of this process. He emailed himself a recipe for picric acid, which was described in the email as a "military explosive" and also emailed himself instructions on how to convert a cell phone into a remote detonator and how to prepare a booby-trapped vehicle using household items. Aldawsari also purchased many other items, including a Hazmat suit, a soldering iron kit, glass beakers and flasks, a stun gun, clocks and a battery tester.

Excerpts from a journal found at Aldawsari’s residence indicated that he had been planning to commit a terrorist attack in the United States for years. One entry describes how Aldawsari sought and obtained a particular scholarship because it allowed him to come directly to the United States and helped him financially, which he said "will help tremendously in providing me with the support I need for Jihad." The entry continues: "And now, after mastering the English language, learning how to build explosives and continuous planning to target the infidel Americans, it is time for Jihad."

In another entry, Aldawsari wrote that he was near to reaching his goal and near to getting weapons to use against infidels and their helpers. He also listed a "synopsis of important steps" that included obtaining a forged U.S. birth certificate; renting a car; using different driver’s licenses for each car rented; putting bombs in cars and taking them to different places during rush hour; and leaving the city for a safe place.

Aldawsari conducted research on various targets and emailed himself information on these locations and people. One of the documents he sent himself, with the subject line listed as "Targets," contained the names and home addresses of three American citizens who had previously served in the U.S. military and had been stationed for a time at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. In others, Aldawsari sent himself the names of 12 reservoir dams in Colorado and California and listed two categories of targets: hydroelectric dams and nuclear power plants. He also sent himself an email titled "Tyrant’s House," in which he listed the Dallas address for former President George W. Bush. Aldawsari also conducted research that indicated he considered using infant dolls to conceal explosives and the possible targeting of a nightclub with an explosive concealed in a backpack.


Air Force Maj. Mark Sheils, a Kansas Air National Guardsman and dentist for the 184th Intelligence Wing based in Wichita, Kan., is the first dentist the wing has had for five years. Sheils travels from Fargo, N.D., to attend monthly unit training assemblies. U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. Matt McCoy

Face of Defense: Air Guard Dentist Leaves Patients Smiling

By Air Force 2nd Lt. Matthew Lucht
184th Intelligence Wing

WICHITA, Kan., Nov. 8, 2012 - For the first time in five years, the 184th Intelligence Wing dental office has a traditional Guard dentist, Air Force Maj. Mark Sheils.

The dentist said he knew when he joined the unit there would be some challenges ahead.

"The 184th Medical [Group] had a health services inspection coming up and I was aware of that," Sheils said. "I got wind that they needed a dentist and I heard that it was a good unit, so that is how I got down here."

"It is nice to have someone in-house that if you have issues that you can come over and get your questions answered," said Staff Sgt. Nicholas Delaney, a radiology technician with the 184th IW. "Instead of having to go to the dentist across base or off base, we have someone in-house that can explain the situation."

With not having a Guard dentist for five years and preparing for a health services inspection, the dental office has been busy seeing patients. Since Sheils arrived, he and his staff have ensured that everyone in the wing has a dental chart that is up to military standards.

"We have to be at a certain deployable strength and it was a challenge of getting everyone up to snuff or up to that standard, and I think that we did that well," Sheils said.

"It is a madhouse down here, now that they are trying to get the five-year medical and dental exams on the same month, I would say that we see 40 to 50 patients here on Sundays," Delaney said.

Even though the 184th IW now has its own dentist, Guardsmen can't use that service in place of their private dentist. An Active Duty/Reserve Forces Dental Examination form -- DD Form 2813 -- is still required to be turned in to the medical group.

"I am only doing a military dental exam here, I am not their primary dentist," Sheils said. "What we are looking for is someone that can be deployed and not have an immediate problem with their teeth or oral health."

One thing that is very evident after talking with Sheils for a couple minutes, his accent indicates that he isn't from Kansas.

"I have a private practice up in Fargo, N.D., I have been in practice there for about 15 to 20 years now," Sheils said. This means that, like many other Guard members, Sheils travels a great distance every drill weekend to be a part of the 184th IW.

"I am a homebody and this was a major step for me to come down here but it has been good though. It is fun to come down here and meet people," he said.

"I have to give him props because that takes a lot of dedication and a lot of service before self," Delaney said. "You know, he isn't here to make the money but he is here to make sure that the people of the 184th are taken care of."


Atlantic Striped Bass.  Credit:  Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, November 8, 2012
Virginia Charter Fishing Boat Captains Indicted for Lacey Act Violations and Other Crimes

WASHINGTON – Five charter fishing boat captains operating out of Rudee Inlet in Virginia Beach, Va. – Jeffery S. Adams, Raymond Carroll Webb, David Dwayne Scott, William W. "Duby" Lowery, IV and Nolan L. Agner – were indicted today for violating the Lacey Act by selling illegally harvested Striped Bass, the Department of Justice Environment and Natural Resources Division and the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia announced. The captains also face charges of making false statements to law enforcement officers and destroying property to prevent its seizure by law enforcement.

In 1984, Congress passed the Atlantic Striped Bass Conservation Act, recognizing that "Atlantic striped bass are of historic commercial and recreational importance and economic benefit to Atlantic coastal States and to the Nation," and that it "is in the national interest to implement effective procedures and measures to provide for effective inter-jurisdictional conservation and management of this species." Since 1990, the Secretary of Commerce has imposed a moratorium on fishing for Striped Bass within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), the zone where the U.S. and other coastal nations have jurisdiction over economic and resource management. The moratorium makes it unlawful to fish for or harvest Striped Bass in the EEZ. The moratorium also makes it unlawful to retain any Striped Bass that were taken in or from the EEZ.

The Lacey Act makes it unlawful for any person to import, export, transport, sell, receive, acquire or purchase any fish and wildlife taken, possessed, transported or sold in violation of any law or regulation of the United States, or to attempt to do so. Such conduct constitutes a felony crime if the defendant knowingly engaged in conduct involving the sale, offer to sell or intent to sell fish with a market value in excess of $350, knowing that the fish were taken, possessed, transported or sold in violation of, or in a manner unlawful under, a law or regulation of the United States. Under the Lacey Act, it is a "sale" of fish or wildlife for any person, for money or other consideration, to offer or provide guiding, outfitting, or other services.

Each of the five charter fishing boat captains face charges that they sold charter fishing trips and harvested Striped Bass from the EEZ.

Jeffrey Adams, captain of the F/V Providence II, and his corporation Adams Fishing Adventures, are charged with conspiracy, trafficking in illegally harvested Striped Bass in violation of the Lacey Act and making false statements to law enforcement officers. The indictment alleges that, between March 4, 2009, and Feb. 9, 2011, the defendants sold charter fishing trips to harvest Striped Bass illegally from the EEZ. The indictment also alleges that, as part of the conspiracy, Adams and others would puncture the air bladder of Striped Bass and, if contacted by law enforcement, would throw illegally-harvested Striped Bass into the sea in hopes of avoiding detection. Adams is also charged with making a false statement to law enforcement officers regarding the location where his charter fishing clients harvested Striped Bass.

Raymond Carroll Webb, captain of the F/V Spider Webb, and his corporation Peake Enterprisees, Ltd., were charged with trafficking in illegally harvested Striped Bass and Destruction of Evidence for actions taken during a Striped Bass charter fishing trip on Feb. 12, 2011.

David Dwayne Scott, captain of the Stoney’s Kingfisher, was charged with trafficking in illegally harvested Striped Bass and destruction of evidence for actions taken during a Striped Bass charter fishing trip on Feb. 7, 2009.

William W. "Duby" Lowery, captain of the Anna Lynn, was charged with trafficking in illegally harvested Striped Bass and destruction of evidence for actions taken during a Striped Bass charter fishing trip on Jan. 15, 2010.

Nolan L. Agner, captain of the Flat Line, and his corporation, Agner, Inc., were charged with trafficking in illegally harvested Striped Bass for actions taken during a Striped Bass charter fishing trip on Jan. 16, 2011.

If convicted, the individual defendants face a maximum penalty of five years in prison, and a $250,000 fine per count, as well as forfeiture of the fishing vessels used during the commission of the crimes. If convicted, the corporate defendants face a maximum penalty of a $500,000 fine per count, as well as forfeiture of the fishing vessels used during the commission of the crimes.

The case was investigated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Fisheries, Office for Law Enforcement, and the Virginia Marine Police with assistance from the Federal Communications Commission Enforcement Bureau, Norfolk Office. The case is being prosecuted by Department of Justice’s Environmental Crimes Section of the Justice Department’s Environment and Natural Resources Division and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Virginia.

An indictment is a formal accusation and is not proof of guilt. Defendants are presumed innocent until and unless they are found guilty.



WARKA, Poland -- Artur Gebski, a local community orchestra conductor, leads the United States Air Forces in Europe Concert Band during a performance in a local community center Nov. 6, 2012. In celebration of his band's 100th year anniversary, Gebski was asked to lead the USAFE Concert Band as a guest conductor during a joint performance of the two bands. The USAFE Concert Band toured Poland to forge new friendships around the country and reinforce bonds between the U.S. and Poland. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Gustavo Castillo/Released)

WARKA, Poland -- Members of the United States Air Forces in Europe stand during a performance in a local community center Nov. 6, 2012. Using music to bridge language, cultural, societal and socio-economic differences, the Band's goal is to advance international relationships and inspire positive and long-lasting impressions of the U.S. Air Force and the United States of America. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Gustavo Castillo/Released)



SAM Sniffs the Martian Atmosphere

NASA's Curiosity rover uses SAM to make the most sensitive measurements ever to search for methane gas on the red planet


121107-N-AC887-002 WASHINGTON (Nov. 7, 2012) Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Ray Mabus and Gen. James F. Amos, Commandant of the Marine Corps, cut a cake at the Marine Corps birthday celebration at the Pentagon. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Sam Shavers/Released

NMCP Celebrate 237th Marine Corps Birthday

By Rebecca A. Perron, Naval Medical Center Portsmouth Public Affairs

PORTSMOUTH, Va. (NNS) -- Naval Medical Center Portsmouth (NMCP) celebrated the 237th Marine Corps birthday with a cake-cutting ceremony, Nov. 9. Marines of Wounded Warrior Battalion-East Portsmouth Detachment and Marine Liaison Detachment-Portsmouth led the event.

About 60 Marines and NMCP staff attended the traditional Marine Corps ceremony, where they were reminded of the annual renewal of each Marine's commitment to the Corps, and the Corps' commitment to the nation's quest for peace and freedom worldwide. Maj. Steve Miller, Marine Corps Liaison officer in charge, gave the opening remarks.

Miller thanked everyone for attending, as well as NMCP's medical providers for the great care they gave his Marines. Following Miller's remarks, Cpl. Joseph McGuirk read the birthday message from Gen. John A. Lejeune, the 13th commandant of the Marine Corps, from November 1921.

1st Lt. Chase Llewellyn then read the birthday message from the current Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. James F. Amos, who began with the Marine's reputation for answering the nation's call in the past.

"We carry that same legacy of resolute commitment and valor today," Amos wrote. "Over the past year, Marines have stood firm in the toughest of circumstances and on numerous occasions. We've taken the fight to the enemy in Helmand and to the Horn of Africa. We've manned the ramparts of beleaguered embassies in the Middle East and North Africa, fought alongside our allies throughout the world, while behind the scenes, afloat and ashore, other Marines did the painstaking hard work required to maintain our high levels of readiness and efficiency."

Amos also wrote about the role of Marines in America's future.

"Now, more than ever, America needs its Marines as we confront a dangerous and unpredictable world," Amos said in the message. "Faced with difficult days ahead, we will continue to draw strength from our rich heritage and the shared values of the Marines to our left and to our right."

With the traditional ceremonial sword in hand, the cake was then cut by the oldest Marine at the detachment, Master Sgt. Paul Starner, who presented the first piece to the guest of honor, Bill Marx, from the Navy Exchange Headquarters in Virginia Beach. Marx has been a passionate supporter of the Marines at NMCP for more than seven years.

The second piece of cake was presented to Starner by the youngest Marine at the detachment, Lance Cpl. Justin Burbank. The ceremony closed with the Marine Hymn.

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