Tuesday, June 11, 2013

U.S. Department Of State Daily Press Briefing - June 11, 2013

Daily Press Briefing - June 11, 2013


U.S. Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Brian Mays participates in a rifle qualification range on Forward Operating Base Farah in Farah province, Afghanistan, June 8, 2013. Mays, a hospital corpsman, is assigned to Provincial Reconstruction Team Farah. U.S. Navy photo by Lt. j.g. Matthew Stroup


Combined Force Kills Extremists in Nangarhar Province

From an International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Release
KABUL, Afghanistan, June 11, 2013 - A combined Afghan and coalition security force killed five extremists during a search for a senior Taliban leader in the Khugyani district of Afghanistan's Nangarhar province today, military officials reported.

The sought-after Taliban leader coordinates movement of weapons and fighters through the district and oversees a group responsible for attacks against Afghan and coalition forces, officials said.

The security force also destroyed a machine gun and several rocket-propelled grenades in the operation.

In Kandahar province's capital city of Kandahar today, a combined force arrested the ranking Taliban official for the province's Panjwai district. He oversees assassinations, improvised-explosive-device attacks targeting Afghan and coalition forces, collects illegal taxes to finance extremist activities, and facilitates the movement of weapons.


Marine Corps Lance Cpl. David Anzualda, a cyber network operator with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit command element, peers out the back of an MV-22B Osprey as he crosses decks from the USS Bataan to the USS San Antonio, Dec. 15, 2012. This was part of the 26th MEU's third major training exercise of their pre-deployment training process. The 26th MEU operates continuously around the globe, providing a forward-deployed, sea-based quick-reaction force. The MEU is a Marine air-ground task force capable of conducting amphibious operations, crisis response and limited contingency operations. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Kyle N. Runnels


Marines Focused at Tactical Edge of Cyber, Commander Says
By Cheryl Pellerin
American Forces Press Service
MARINE CORPS BASE QUANTICO, Va., June 10, 2013 - What differentiates his command from Army, Navy and Air Force cyber operations is a focus on the forward-deployed nature of America's expeditionary force in readiness, the commander of Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command said during a recent interview here.

As commander of MARFORCYBER, Lt. Gen. Richard P. Mills heads one of four service components of U.S. Cyber Command. The Marine command stood up in January 2010.

Today, 300 Marines, federal civilians and contractors are performing cyber operations, Mills said. That number, he added, will grow to just under 1,000, at least until fiscal year 2016.

Each of the services' cyber commands protects its own networks, Mills noted.

"Where we differ is that we look more at tactical-level cyber operations and how we will be able to provide our forward-deployed ... Marine Air-Ground Task Force commanders with the capability to reach back into the cyber world [at home] to have their deployed units supported," the general said.

The basic structure for deployed Marine units, he said, is an air-ground task force that integrates ground, aviation and logistics combat elements under a common command element.

"We're more focused at the tactical level, the tactical edge of cyber operations, in supporting our forward-deployed commanders, and that's what we should do," Mills said.

It's an important capability, the general said, and one that will become more important and effective for deployed commanders in the years ahead.

"Cyber to me is kind of like artillery or air support," Mills explained. "The actual weapon systems are well to your rear, back here in the continental United States, and what you need to be able to do is request that support be given to you and have it take effect wherever you're operating."

The Marine Corps cyber mission is to advise the commander of U.S. Cyber Command, Army Gen. Keith B. Alexander, on the capabilities of the Marines within the cyber world and how to best use those forces in accomplishing the Cybercom mission, Mills said.

"That's our first job," he added. "Our second job is to be able to conduct cyber operations across all three lines of cyber operations -– defensive and offensive cyber ops –- so we have to man, train and equip Marine forces to accomplish those missions."

In testimony to Congress in March, Alexander described the three Cybercom lines, or missions.

-- A Cyber National Mission Force and its teams will help to defend the country against national-level threats;

-- A Cyber Combat Mission Force and its teams will be assigned to the operational control of individual combatant commanders to support their objectives; and

-- A Cyber Protection Force and its teams will help to operate and defend the Defense Department's information environment.

Of the nearly 1,000 MARFORCYBER forces that will come online between now and fiscal 2016, Mills estimated that a third will be in uniform, a third will be federal civilian employees, and a third will be contractors.

MARFORCYBER has Marines in the joint community who work throughout Cybercom at Fort Meade in Maryland. The Marine Corps cyber organization also is developing teams to be tasked by Cybercom to conduct operations across the spectrum of cyber operations.

"It's very similar to what we do today," Mills said. "The units train and go forward from the United States and work for other commanders well forward, and cyber will be the same way. We'll ship forces to Cybercom when requested, fully trained, fully manned, fully equipped, ready to operate."

MARFORCYBER is a full-up component command under Cybercom along with the Air Force, Navy and Army, the general said.

"All four of the component commanders talk regularly to each other and meet regularly at Cybercom to coordinate our growth, coordinate our requirements, [provide] input to Cybercom and take its guidance and direction, and operate together in big exercises like Cyber Flag," he said.

Cyber Flag is an annual exercise at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., which Cybercom conducts with U.S. interagency and international partners.

For the Marines, the smallest U.S. military service branch, contractors play an important part in cyber, the general said.

"One of the challenges of cyber is that it's such a dynamic environment," he explained. "You need people who are educated and current in their specialties and who are available to stay on the job for long periods of time, whereas Marines come and go in the normal assignment process."

Contractors have skill sets that aren't always available in the active-duty Marine Corps, and can fit neatly into short-term projects, he added.

"They all operate under the same clearance requirements, the same authorities, the same rules," the general said. "That's one of the things that make them so expensive. They come at a cost, but you have to bear it to make sure that your cyber capabilities are current and that you stay on the cutting edge."

In the newest domain of warfare, the battlefield is evolving, Mills said, and Marine commanders have come to understand the impact cyber can have on defensive and offensive operations.

"I think cyber commanders now understand when you go forward you have to be able to defend your systems against intrusion by other states, by rogue elements, and even by hobbyists who are just trying to break in and infiltrate your nets," the general said. "But they're also beginning to understand the positive effects cyber can have in your operations against potential enemies. ... It's a very valuable tool in that quiver of arrows that a commander takes forward, and they want to understand how it operates."

In the new domain, even a discussion of weapons veers off the traditional path. A cyber weapon, Mills said, "can be something as simple as a desktop computer. It's also a vulnerability to you, because it's a way in which the enemy can enter your Web system if you put the wrong hardware on there or open the wrong attachment or email."

Cyber weapons are much more nuanced than big cannons and large bombs and weapons systems.

"The armories of the cyber world are very sophisticated computers and very sophisticated smart people who sit behind those computers and work those issues for you," the general said.

Mills said he's an infantry officer by trade, so he tends to view everything he does through a combat-arms prism.

"I think the definition of combat arms is expanding a little bit these days," he said. "I don't think cyber is any longer a communicator's environment -- it's an operator's environment. So we want that cyber expert to sit in the operations shop right next to the air expert, right next to the artillery expert, because we think that's where it belongs."

Mills pointed out the contrast between a Marine "kitted out" for battle with a Marine dressed for a cyber operation who may be sitting behind a desk in the United States.

"He's got access to a huge computer system that allows him to operate within that domain," the general said. "He may go home at night and never have to deploy forward. But he's providing support to deployed forces, he's conducting actions against designated targets, he's doing a lot of things -- but from the foxhole or the fighting hole at his desk, rather than some foxhole or fighting hole forward."

SMOS zeichnete vor dem Hochwasser Rekordwerte bei der Bodenfeuchte auf

SMOS zeichnete vor dem Hochwasser Rekordwerte bei der Bodenfeuchte auf


Paraguay Medical Exercise Aids Impoverished Citizens

By Army Sgt. 1st Class Alex Licea
U.S. Special Operations Command South

YASY CANY, Paraguay, June 6, 2013 - Life here in this small farming district in the Canindeyú Department is tough, and it shows on the faces of its 30,000 residents.

Located in the vast internal countryside 160 miles outside of Paraguay's capital of Asuncion, the town lacks many basic services and its infrastructure needs to be revamped.

Driving into town is quite a sight as poverty is truly visible, with small shops on one side of the road, and a few rundown houses, shacks and restaurants on the other side, the livestock running the grounds along the road.

Unemployment is high and most families live on $100 monthly to feed a family of six and in some cases up to 10 people. Every day is a struggle.

In towns like these, members of the Paraguayan military and its civil affairs elements thrive. After several months of planning and with support from the Office of Defense Cooperation at the U.S. Embassy in Paraguay and U.S. Special Operations Command South Civil Affairs, based in Homestead, Fla., a two-day Medical Civic Action Program, commonly referred to as a MEDCAP, was held June 1-2 in the area's largest school.

More than 3,000 residents received social and medical services including pediatrics, gynecology general medicine, optometry, ophthalmology, dentistry, immunizations, identification registration and family planning. Laboratory and pharmacy services also were provided.

Paraguayan officials felt the Canindeyú Department, located in the northeastern part of Paraguay and bordering Brazil, was an important area to provide these services due to the poverty and in the wake of the massacres in nearby Marina Cue following a land dispute. That event shook the confidence and trust among many of the residents toward the nation's security forces, a misperception they want to change.

"We plan and execute these missions because we understand the needs of the people in places like this and these services are important to their livelihood," said Paraguayan Col. Leonardo Ibarrola, the operations officer for Paraguay's civil affairs team. "This is a very poor area, and we understand our role as part of the government is to make sure our presence is felt and help those in the country who don't have much and need our assistance."

In order to provide these essential services to residents living in Paraguay's rural districts, the Paraguayan military works closely with a number of different government agencies and civic groups to provide the support and personnel for a complex operation that reflects Paraguay's whole-of-government approach.

Word of the event spread quickly. Some residents walked miles to arrive at the school and others packed themselves in pick-up trucks.

The Paraguayan military also provided transportation to the MEDCAP to ensure as many people as possible could benefit.

Sitting outside one of several classrooms used as makeshift clinics, 74-year-old Anadeto Furrez, a father of eight, patiently waited for his prescription for free medicine.Furrez, who suffers from cataracts was also given a new pair of glasses.

"This day is a miracle and a blessing," said the grandfather of 35. "These are services we truly need, and I am very grateful to our military and the support from the U.S. We hope things start to get better and more jobs come to our town. This is a start!"

Along with support for the MEDCAP, the U.S. Embassy in Paraguay donated $15,000 worth of medical supplies to the town's public clinic as well as supplies for two local schools.

"The United States is committed to assist Paraguay and help improve the quality of life for all Paraguayans and build a lasting friendship based of mutual respect and cooperation between our great nations," Marine Corps Col. Michael D. Flynn, the senior defense official and defense attaché for the U.S. Embassy in Paraguay, said during a small ceremony celebrating the event and donation.

Since 2008, the Paraguayan Civil Affairs section, which teams up with the country's national police for these events, has averaged four MEDCAPs a year in ungoverned and under-resourced areas across the country. This event marked the 22nd time this type of operation was accomplished.

"These guys [Paraguayan Civil Affairs] are truly professional and have a passion for what they do," said Army Sgt. 1st Class Hansel Delgadillo, who is the lead civil affairs planner for U.S. Special Operations Command South in support of the Office of Defense Cooperation in Paraguay.

Delgadillo has been working with his counterparts for the better part of three years and has seen the Paraguayan Civil Affairs unit develop each year.

"From planning to coordination and execution, they are really in control of each event, and the leadership demands nothing but the best to ensure every citizen is treated and cared for," he said.

Paraguayan Civil Affairs planners, with support from SOCSOUTH, are already coordinating the concept of operations for another MEDCAP this September in another rural community.

There is no question that living here is tough, and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. However, during this most-recent MEDCAP, there were two expressions on people's faces: pain and joy. Blame the pain on the dental work, but such pain produces a healthy smile.

Press Briefing | The White House

Press Briefing | The White House


New Phase Of Matter Discovered In Superconducting Material

Researchers probe ‘pseudogap’ phase boundary, solve decades-old mystery

LOS ALAMOS, N.M., June 6, 2013—Tiny crystals, probed with a device called a resonant ultrasound spectrometer, are helping solve the long-time mystery of "pseudogap behavior" in copper oxide superconductors.

Described by an international team including Los Alamos scientists in this week’s Nature magazine, the research explored a compelling question in superconductivity, that of the strange metallic behavior of copper oxide (cuprate) materials in the pseudogap, at temperatures well above the onset of superconductivity (95 degrees Kelvin). Thousands of research papers have been written on the topic of the pseudogap in the 27 years since high-temperature superconductivity was discovered, and still there has been no consensus on exactly what was happening to cuprate materials in this temperature range.

Although there was evidence for a partial gapping of the electronic density of states, no evidence had previously existed as to whether the pseudogap is a distinct phase, or a continuous evolution of physical properties as superconductivity is approached.

Catching up on the whole "phase of matter" definition, the question was similar to wondering at an atomic level what exactly happens to an ice cube as it warms to a new phase, liquid water, and warmer still, to vapor. Each of these physical phases is bounded by phase transitions as molecules shift into the new phase. And copper oxide superconductors were doing something odd in one of those transitions: This paper explains what and why.

News flash: The pseudogap is indeed a phase of matter. Albert Migliori, LANL Fellow and Seaborg Institute director noted that, "the key effects were so small that extreme attention to eliminating spurious signals combined with our low noise measurement revealed effects that were previously hidden."

The new research reports that the pseudogap is a thermodynamic phase, and for the first time extends the territory of the pseudogap into the superconducting state. This puts strong constraints on possible theories of high-transition temperature (high-Tc) superconductors, which now must reconcile the presence of the pseudogap as a phase transition. It also supports a mechanism for high-Tc related to quantum-critical fluctuations.

The technical challenge of measuring with sufficient precision to make these observations was enormous, team members noted. Prior to Los Alamos Postdoctoral Fellow Arkady Shekhter’s endeavors, Migliori’s team at LANL was already the world leader in resonant ultrasound spectroscopy. Yet "order of magnitude" advances in the technology had to be made to resolve the pseudogap transition in examining crystals of yttrium barium copper oxide (YBCO).

Essential to the precision of the results was the only-recent availability (from University of British Columbia) of tiny, perfect single crystals for the experiment. Better vibration isolation, stricter temperature stability, and new measurement algorithms to enable faster and more dependable data acquisition – all were critical to cracking the cuprate pseudogap code, and it worked. The team was able to measure the elastic properties of these submillimeter crystals with an accuracy of parts per million.

Monday, June 10, 2013


U.S. soldiers conduct a meeting with key village elders in Khowst province, Afghanistan, June 02, 2013. U.S. Army photo by Spc. Robert Porter.


Combined Force Kills Extremists During Search for Taliban Leader

Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases
WASHINGTON, June 10, 2013 - A combined Afghan and coalition security force killed two extremists during a search for a senior Taliban leader in the Warduj district of Afghanistan's Badakhshan province yesterday, military officials reported.

The leader is the province's ranking Taliban official, and he coordinates and facilitates large-scale attacks against Afghan and coalition forces, including a March 13 ambush on Combat Outpost Bara Bara, which resulted in the death of 16 Afghan soldiers, officials said.

He also supports kidnapping operations and illegally taxes the civilians of Badakhshan to fund extremist activities.

In other Afghanistan operations yesterday:
-- Afghan special operations soldiers in Baghlan province's Pul-e Khumri district captured a Taliban leader who builds, stores and distributes improvised explosive devices.

-- A combined force in Kandahar province's capital of Kandahar arrested a Taliban leader who builds IEDs and oversees a group that uses them for attacks against Afghan and coalition forces in the provincial capital. The security force also arrested two other extremists.

-- In Paktia province's Zurmat district, a combined force arrested five extremists during a search for a Taliban leader who coordinates attacks targeting Afghan and coalition forces. He also oversees kidnapping operations and directs the execution of kidnapping victims, raids local villages to extend Taliban power, and relays operational guidance from senior Taliban leadership to his fighters. The security force also seized a rifle in the operation.

In June 8 news and operations:
-- Two U.S. International Security Assistance Force service members and one U.S. civilian were shot and killed by an individual wearing an Afghan National Army uniform in eastern Afghanistan. ISAF and Afghan officials are continuing to assess the incident and more information will be released as appropriate.

-- A combined force in Sar-e Pul province's Sar-e Pul district killed two enemy fighters who opened fire during a search for a senior extremist leader with ties to the Taliban and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. The senior leader is responsible for attacks targeting Afghan and coalition forces. He facilitates the movement of IED materials, controls several Taliban groups, plans assassinations and kidnappings, and illegally taxes civilians in the area.

-- Afghan commandos killed six enemy fighters in Daykundi province's Gizab district after responding to reports from the district police chief that extremists were attacking local police checkpoints. The commandos recovered two assault rifles.

-- In Paktia province's Sayyid Karam district, a combined force arrested two extremists during a search for a senior Haqqani network leader who coordinates and executes attacks against Afghan and coalition forces and oversees distribution of weapons and equipment. He also interfaces with top Haqqani officials to communicate strategic guidance to front-line fighters. During the operation, the security force found and destroyed a stockpile of weapons and explosives.

-- A combined force in Helmand province's Nad-e Ali district arrested a Taliban leader who oversees a group responsible for attacks and assassinations targeting Afghan and coalition forces. He also facilitates the movement of weapons and supplies, and he builds and plants IEDs. The security force also arrested 11 other extremists.

In June 7 operations:
-- In Balkh province's Sholgarah district, a combined force killed a Taliban facilitator who distributed weapons, equipment and ammunition to several extremist networks, and planned attacks against Afghan and coalition forces and illegally taxed and extorted money from local residents. The security force also arrested another extremist.

-- A combined force in Kunar province's Darah-ye Pech district killed an extremist and wounded another while searching for the Taliban's top military official for the province's Waygal district. He facilitates the movement of al-Qaida members in Waygal district, erecting and enforcing illegal checkpoints, kidnapping Afghan officials and leading attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.

-- In Kunar province's Watahpur district, a combined force killed three extremists while searching for a senior extremist leader who is responsible for al-Qaida training in the district. Senior al-Qaida leadership sends money, weapons, supplies and new recruits to him for instruction in terrorism operations, and he then leads them in attacks targeting Afghan and coalition forces.

U.S. Department Of State Daily Press Briefing - June 10, 2013

Daily Press Briefing - June 10, 2013


Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel welcomes Bahrain's Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad al Khalifa to the Pentagon, June 7, 2013. The two leaders met to discuss matters of mutual concern. DOD photo by Glenn Fawcett

Hagel, Bahraini Crown Prince Meet at Pentagon
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, June 7, 2013 - Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel met with Bahraini Crown Prince and First Deputy Prime Minister Prince Salman bin Hamad Al-Khalifa at the Pentagon today, Pentagon Press Secretary George Little said.

In a statement issued after the meeting, Little said Hagel underscored the importance of the defense relationship, which is the foundation of the nearly seven-decade U.S.-Bahrain bilateral partnership.

Hagel also thanked Crown Prince Salman for Bahrain's hosting of U.S. Fifth Fleet headquarters and support to thousands of Department of Defense personnel and their families deployed to Bahrain, Little said.

Hagel congratulated the crown prince on his appointment as first deputy prime minister and indicated he looked forward to working with the crown prince in his new capacity to expand cooperation between the two nations, Little said.

Hagel and the crown prince discussed numerous regional security issues including the crisis in Syria, he added.

The secretary made clear U.S. support for Bahrain's security and stability and noted that meaningful and sustained political reform and respect for all citizens' rights is the only way to achieve a durable and stable Bahrain, Little said.

To that end, the secretary commended King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa's calling of the national dialogue and urged all sides to continue constructive dialogue to realize a political solution, Little said.

Hagel concluded the meeting by affirming support for the crown prince and his work in advancing reform and dialogue in Bahrain, Little said.

The Right to Equal Pay for Equal Work | The White House

The Right to Equal Pay for Equal Work | The White House

Press Briefing by National Security Advisor Tom Donilon | The White House

Press Briefing by National Security Advisor Tom Donilon | The White House

Fire in the Xingu River Basin

Fire in the Xingu River Basin

U.S. Department of Defense Armed with Science Update: SENSORS

U.S. Department of Defense Armed with Science Update


Global Force's Needs Shape DOD Biosurveillance
By Cheryl Pellerin
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, June 5, 2013 - A new biosurveillance division at the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center here -- home to a unique serum repository and database for service members and a global network of military laboratories -- is working to fill gaps at the convergence of battlefield biodefense and health surveillance.

Health surveillance involves monitoring human health to identify and prevent infectious and chronic diseases. Biosurveillance, at least for the Defense Department, is the process of gathering, integrating, analyzing and communicating a range of information that relates to health threats for people, animals and plants to help inform decisions and provide for increased global health security.

The Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center vision is to be the central epidemiological resource and global health surveillance proponent for the armed forces. Its mission is to provide timely, relevant and comprehensive health surveillance information to promote, maintain and enhance the health of military and associated populations.

Last year Dr. Rohit Chitale became director of the fledgling Division of Integrated Biosurveillance, which shares a building with the DOD Serum Repository, the world's largest, with more than 55 million serial serum specimens dating back to the mid-1980s.

The specimens are linked to the Defense Medical Surveillance System, a database that can be used to answer questions at the patient level and in the aggregate about the health of the armed forces and beneficiaries.

Also part of AFHSC is the Global Emerging Infections Surveillance and Response System, called GEIS, whose 33 partners include military laboratories, academic institutions and nongovernmental organizations around the world that support service members and population-based surveillance and capacity building in 62 countries.

Leading the new biosurveillance division, Chitale has a doctorate in infectious disease epidemiology from the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and a master's of public health in epidemiology from the University of California, Los Angeles.

Before joining AFHSC last year, the 42-year-old scientist was senior analyst in the Global Disease Detection, or GDD, program at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.

Soon after the severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS, epidemic in 2002-2003 sickened more than 8,000 people worldwide and killed 774, Congress funded the GDD program at CDC in 2004. The aim was to strengthen the global capacity to detect, identify and contain emerging infectious diseases and international bioterrorism threats.

In 2006, Chitale was one of the first analysts to help establish the GDD Operations Center at CDC. This epidemic intelligence and response operations unit uses many sources of information about disease events, including Internet-based media reports scanned for key words in more than 40 languages.

"What I came to AFHSC to do," he told American Forces Press Service during a recent interview, "was to take the next step."

The new division is part of a multiagency effort to implement the nation's first U.S. National Strategy for Biosurveillance, released in 2012 by the White House to make sure federal agencies can quickly detect and respond to global health and security hazards.

It's also part of a push to increase DOD diagnostics funding through the department's biodefense program, Andrew C. Weber, assistant secretary of defense for nuclear, chemical and biological defense programs, told American Forces Press Service in an interview last year.

Some of the work is done by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency's Joint Science and Technology Office of the Chemical and Biological Defense Program, as well as by the Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense.

In October 2009, Weber himself ushered the Chemical and Biological Defense Program into the biosurveillance business by signing a memorandum to the military department secretaries announcing that emerging infectious diseases would become part of the chemical and biological defense mission.

Chitale, who says he's spent the past 14 months building his division and learning about the many separate biosurveillance efforts underway across the department and the military services, is looking to better integrate these elements to create a coherent, global picture of biological threats -- and recommendations for action -- specific to the Defense Department.

"We now have a [memorandum of understanding] between Health Affairs, where AFHSC is, and Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Defense Programs," Chitale said.

"Historically," he explained, "NCB's mission is global security -- combating weapons of mass destruction writ large -- and our mission is the medical care and surveillance of the forces and DOD populations. They're different missions, ... [but] recently it has become increasingly clear that they are converging."

The memo, signed last summer, describes how NCB and DOD Health Affairs will collaborate on cooperative activities that contribute to U.S. national security and to global health security.

"NCB and Health Affairs will cooperate on activities that help counter weapons of mass destruction, to include chemical, biological, or radiological events that impact various domains significant to U.S. forces," Chitale said. "In effect, that's the whole spectrum when it comes to health."

His division helped to write a 50-page operational plan in December that lists 61 actions that the two organizations will accomplish together.

"They will be things like facilitating training for more preventive-medicine residents," Chitale said. "We're going to help create and implement better algorithms for syndromic surveillance. We're working to create information management systems so we can all work more smartly -- for example, a system that can bring multiple high-quality information streams into one portal and refresh every 10 minutes, and be shared with trusted partners."

The challenge for DOD is that the biosurveillance mission is complex, he noted. "There are three services that each do what we do here to some extent, but they do it for their own service," he said. "What added value do we have? One thing, at least, is that we can bring it all together to get a complete picture."

Such an augmented system would use information from the DOD agencies, the rest of the U.S. interagency including the CDC, the World Health Organization, the World Organisation for Animal Health, the AFHSC-GEIS network, the Internet-based Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases, or ProMED, and even more informal sources, such as Twitter.

Ultimately, Chitale said, he envisions being able to do for DOD what he and his CDC colleagues did for global public health, but even more -- collect a broad range of data and information relating to human, animal and plant health, work with partners and analyze it according to DOD needs, and provide guidance, recommendations and reach back support to the department's leadership and DOD customers such as the six geographic combatant commands, and especially their surgeons' offices.

Chitale has initially organized his small division into teams that include alert and response operations, coordination and engagement, and innovation and evaluation.

"We haven't said that we're actually creating an operations center," he said. "But the Alert and Response Operations team, ARO, is a term modeled after WHO's Global Alert and Response Operations [established in 2000], probably the world's first strategic health operations center. Others were since stood up around the world, and under the vision and leadership of Dr. Ray Arthur, we established one at CDC in 2006. In some ways, and based on the needs, I'm trying to model several of our key activities after that."

Already the AFHSC and the new division have relationships broadly across the interagency, including the State Department, the Department of Health and Human Services and the intelligence community, particularly through the Defense Intelligence Agency's National Center for Medical Intelligence in Maryland.

NCMI is an intelligence organization, while AFHSC is a preventive medicine and public health organization. Yet, there is some overlap in methods and certainly in goals. "Importantly," Chitale said, "we are working with NCMI closer than ever before, and are formalizing a MOU with them as well."

Key areas in which AFHSC and the new division can provide value for DOD biosurveillance is in disease detection, preventive medicine guidance and coordination with the interagency, he added. "We're trusted across the DOD and also domestic and international medical and public health communities – a real value add in this new paradigm, this new normal," Chitale said.

"When it comes to something like disease detection," he added, "you need the ability, which we have, to pick up the phone and call someone in Uganda who you trust -- a medical person, U.S. government staff working in the host nation, even someone in the Ministry of Health or WHO staff -- and ask them what's going on. They can talk to their people in the country, and you get high-quality information back within minutes to hours.

"You get real, hard information," he continued, "and those are your boots on the ground -- those are your listening posts across the globe."



Federal Disaster Aid to Illinois Residents Tops $82 Million

AURORA, Ill. – Federal assistance in Illinois has reached more than $82.4 million, distributed among more than 30,200 individuals and households, since a major disaster was declared in the state May 10.

The latest summary of federal assistance to individuals and households that suffered losses due to the severe storms and flooding between April 16 and May 5 includes:
More than $82.4 million in FEMA grants approved for individuals and households;
Of that amount, more than $72 million approved for housing assistance, including temporary rental assistance, home repair costs and assistance toward replacing destroyed homes;
More than $10 million approved to cover other essential disaster-related needs, such as medical and dental expenses and damaged personal possessions;
More than 42,000 home inspections completed to confirm disaster damage;
More than $7.7 million in loans to homeowners, renters or business owners has been approved by the U.S. Small Business Administration; and
More than 2,300 visits to Disaster Recovery Centers (DRCs) operated jointly by FEMA and the state of Illinois.

Eleven counties in Illinois were included in the initial declaration, but on May 22, an additional
14 counties were added for individual assistance. On May 31, another eight counties were added.


American Ginseng.  USFWS
The Stress of Being Ginseng
Being surrounded by ginseng--a low-growing green-leafed herb of North American forests--may have been common in 1751, but today? Ginseng is under siege.

Biologist James McGraw of West Virginia University should know. On World Environment Day, and indeed every day, McGraw says that we can learn much about the environment around us from one small plant.

Funded by a National Science Foundation (NSF) Long Term Research in Environmental Biology (LTREB) grant, McGraw and colleagues peer into the lives of more than 4,000 individual ginseng plants each year to see how they're faring.

"These understory plants are subject to all manner of [environmental] stresses," says McGraw. "After a while, you begin to wonder why there are any left."

Facing a panoply of threats

First, he says, there's harvesting for medicinal uses, "which is widespread and often illegally or at least unethically done. Then we have our four-footed friends--white-tailed deer--which eat a significant number of plants every year."

The plants' next challenge is the growth of invasive species such as multiflora rose and garlic mustard, which compete with ginseng.

The effects of global warming, including summers with heat waves and droughts, add to the burden for these plants of cooler climes. "Ginseng is also affected by ice storms, late frosts and hurricane flooding," says McGraw.

Then these Indiana Joneses of the plant world must survive what McGraw refers to as "natural pests:" insects defoliators and fungal pathogens.

Last--but definitely not least--is us.

"We're just beginning to understand what humans are doing to the forests where ginseng thrives: timbering, suppressing natural fires, mining, clearing land for housing developments, the list goes on and on," says McGraw.

The persistence of a slow-growing and valuable medicinal plant "despite all this," he says, "is a testament to the resilience of nature--and to the stewardship of those land-owners who care about protecting biodiversity in their forests."

Species in an extinction vortex

Tigers, elephants and ginseng all share a common feature, says Saran Twombly, director of NSF's LTREB program.

"These dwindling populations face increasing threats that trap them in an extinction vortex," Twombly says.

"McGraw's research relies on long-term data to identify the factors threatening populations of this important forest plant. The results show the knife-edge that separates healthy and unhealthy populations."

The NSF LTREB award "has been critical to our understanding of the 'big picture' of ginseng conservation," says McGraw.

He and colleagues work on one species of ginseng, Panax quinquefolius L., American ginseng.This member of the ginseng family, whose genus name Panax means "all heal" in Greek, hides deep in eastern deciduous woodlands.

The plant was historically found in rich, cool hardwood forests--from southern Quebec and Ontario south to northern Georgia, and west as far as Minnesota, eastern Oklahoma and northern Louisiana.

"Ginseng populations vary from frequent to uncommon to rare across the landscape," says McGraw, "but they're almost always small, usually fewer than 300 plants."

Medicinal plant for the ages

The species has long been valued for its medicinal qualities, especially by Asian cultures. They've integrated American ginseng into traditional medicinal practices as a complement to native Asian ginseng species.

In Asia, ginseng is considered an adaptogen--it enhances overall energy levels.

"In western medicine, ginseng has exhibited anti-cancer properties in cell cultures," says McGraw. "It's also shown beneficial effects on blood sugar and obesity, as well as on enhancing the immune system for prevention of colds and flu."

After ginseng was discovered in North America, the market quickly became profitable enough to fuel intense wild harvesting, eventually reaching an industrial scale.

"Ginseng shares a part of early American history," says McGraw. "Its roots--the most sought-after parts--were first exported to Asia from the United States in the early 1700s."

In one typical year (1841), more than 290,000 kilograms of dry ginseng roots were shipped from North America to the Asian continent.

"Although average root size was larger in the 1800s than it is today," says McGraw, "even a conservative estimate suggests that this represents at least 64 million roots."

Ginseng at the forefront

Harvest of the plant has continued apace, he says, particularly in the Appalachian region, where the sale of ginseng still supplements household incomes.

Ecologists began studying ginseng because of its value as a wild-harvested species, and its decrease in abundance after decades of harvesting.

Now, however, ginseng has become an important model species--a sensitive indicator of the effects of global and regional environmental change on deciduous forests.

"The prominence of American ginseng has led to its use as a 'phytometer' [a gauge] to better understand how change is affecting lesser-known plant species in eastern North America," says McGraw.

The data in his project come from 30 ginseng populations in seven states. "Our study populations are in habitats from suburban woodlots to rich, old-growth forests," McGraw says.

In a paper published this year in the Annals of The New York Academy of Sciences, McGraw and co-authors state that the Asian market has made ginseng North America's most important harvested wild medicinal plant over the past two centuries.

That status prompted a listing on CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) Appendix II. All species on Appendix II are susceptible to extinction in the absence of trade controls.

Most states with ginseng populations are converging on a uniform start date for harvesting--Sept. 1. "That allows time after harvest for planting ripe seeds that will lead to recovery of the plants," McGraw says.

Since forests are, for the most part, open to everyone, ginseng will continue to be harvested as long as there is immediate profit to be made, scientists believe.

Successful sustainability in such open access habitats, they say, depends on management of the resource by those who actively harvest it.

Sustainability and ginseng

McGraw and colleagues' research shows that ginseng harvesters willing to employ a stewardship strategy gain the most benefit by harvesting when seeds are ripe, usually in autumn months, then planting the seeds to ensure high germination rates.

September is a summertime away. But in northeastern forests, ginseng leaves have already unfurled.

"Now they face a gamut of environmental challenges," says McGraw. "They're rooted in place, left with whatever nature--or more likely humans--dish out. If we want ginseng to be part of the future landscape, we had best tread very carefully."

"Ginseng is not everywhere common," wrote Swedish naturalist Peter Kalm in 1749. "Sometimes you may search the woods for several miles without finding a single plant. Round Montreal they formerly grew in abundance, but there is not a single plant to be found, so they have been rooted out."

By three centuries later, northeastern forests may be empty--at least of an unassuming and "all healing" herb named ginseng.

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Water on the Moon

Since the 1960s, scientists have suspected that frozen water could survive in cold, dark craters at the moon's poles. While previous lunar missions have detected hints of water on the moon, new data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter pinpoints areas near the south pole where water is likely to exist. Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center


Regarding Significant Reductions of Iranian Crude Oil Purchases
Press Statement
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
June 5, 2013

The United States and the international community stand shoulder to shoulder in maintaining pressure on the Iranian regime until it fully addresses concerns about its nuclear program. That is why today I am pleased to announce that China, India, Malaysia, Republic of Korea, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Turkey, and Taiwan have again qualified for an exception to sanctions outlined in section 1245 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2012, based on additional significant reductions in the volume of their crude oil purchases from Iran or for reducing those purchases to zero and remaining there. As a result, I will report to the Congress that exceptions to sanctions pursuant to Section 1245 of the NDAA for certain transactions will apply to the financial institutions based in these jurisdictions for a potentially renewable period of 180 days.

Today’s determination is another example of the international community’s strong and steady commitment to convince Iran to meet its international obligations. A total of 20 countries and economies have continued to significantly reduce the volume of their crude oil purchases from Iran or have completely eliminated such purchases. This determination takes place against the backdrop of other recent actions the Administration has taken to increase pressure on Iran, including the issuance of a new Executive Order on June 3. The message to the Iranian regime from the international community is clear: take concrete actions to satisfy the concerns of the international community, or face increasing isolation and pressure.

U.S. Department of Defense Armed with Science Update

U.S. Department of Defense Armed with Science Update

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