Friday, January 25, 2013

U.S. Department Of State Daily Press Briefing - January 25, 2013

Daily Press Briefing - January 25, 2013



Army Training Commander Promises Fair Standards for Combat Jobs

By David Vergun
Army News Service

WASHINGTON, Jan. 25, 2013 - Fairness will be important as officials develop their plan for opening more direct-combat jobs to women, the commander of the Army's Training and Doctrine Command said here yesterday.

Gen. Robert W. Cone spoke with reporters after Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta and Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, announced the Defense Department has rescinded an exclusion dating to 1994 that barred women from being assigned to combat positions below brigade level.

"Soldiers -- both men and women -- want fair and meaningful standards" to be developed for accepting women into previously restricted specialties, Cone said. "I think that fairness is very important in a values-based organization like our Army."

The memo Panetta and Dempsey signed rescinding the policy does not spell out which military occupational specialties will be open to women. Rather, it directs the services to provide their implementation strategies to the Defense Department by May. Implementation will begin this year and be completed by the beginning of 2016, Panetta said at a news conference yesterday.

"This year we will begin to assign women to previously closed occupations using clear standards of performance in all occupational specialties," Dempsey said at the news conference.

"The burden of proof used to be, 'Why should a woman serve in a particular specialty?'" the chairman added. "Now, it's, 'Why shouldn't a woman serve in a particular specialty?'"

As of September, 418 of the Army's 438 MOSs were open to women of all ranks, according to an Oct. 31 Army report titled: "Women in the Army."

TRADOC already has been studying armies in other countries, such as Canada and Israel, where women successfully have been integrated into combat specialties. Army officials will consider knowledge, skills and attributes of soldiers and get the best match in specialties now restricted, Cone said, such as infantry, armor, field artillery and engineers.

Physical requirements will be one of the important attributes, he added.

"Soldiers don't want to see [that] degraded," the general said.

Objective assessments and validation studies, many of which already are complete, will look at each requirement by specialty, Cone told reporters. Tasks include such things as how much infantry soldiers must be able to lift, how much they have to carry, and for what distance, Cone said. Once the validations are done, scientists will then develop specialty-specific physical fitness tests that will, in turn, be validated with field studies, he explained.

Besides physical ability, Cone said, Army officials will look at "traditional impediments" -- the attitudes regarding the acceptance of women into previously male-only jobs.

"A lot of this is about leadership and the organizational climate," he added.

The Army will take "proactive measures to mitigate resistance to women going into these specialties," the general said.

"We want the right environment for women," he said.


Map:  India.  From:  CIA World Factbook.

India Republic Day
Press Statement
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
January 24, 2013


On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I am delighted to send my best wishes to the people and government of India as you celebrate your 64th Republic Day this January 26th.

The United States and India share an unwavering commitment to democratic government. Our shared values are the foundation for the innovative, entrepreneurial drive that is allowing more and more of our 1.5 billion people to realize their potential. My three trips to India as Secretary of State reinforced my unyielding belief that the U.S.-India strategic partnership is making the world more united, prosperous, and secure. Together we are strengthening our ties and working to address some of the most difficult global challenges.

As you celebrate this special day, know that the United States stands with you. Best wishes for a year filled with peace and prosperity.


President Obama has called India one of the defining partnerships of the 21st century, one which will be vital to U.S. strategic interests in Asia-Pacific and across the globe. Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama all visited India, underscoring the increasing importance of the bilateral relationship. Our relationship is rooted in common values, including the rule of law, respect for diversity, and democratic government. We have a shared interest in promoting global security, stability, and economic prosperity through trade, investment, and connectivity. The United States and India have a common interest in the free flow of global trade and commerce, including through the vital sea lanes of the Indian Ocean.

The U.S. supports India's critical role as a leader in maintaining regional stability. Security ties are robust and growing with bilateral defense and counterterrorism cooperation reaching unprecedented levels. The United States and India also look continue to develop their defense partnership through military sales and joint research, co-production and co-development efforts.

The U.S.-India
Strategic Dialogue, launched in 2009, provides opportunities to strengthen collaboration in areas including energy, climate change, trade, education, and counterterrorism. The third annual meeting was held in June 2012. In 2012 alone, seven Cabinet-level officials made visits to India to deepen bilateral ties.

The strength of people to people linkages between the United States and India has come to define the indispensable relationship between our two countries. The increased cooperation of state and local officials to create ties has enhanced engagement in education. Additionally, state to state and city to city engagements have created new partnerships in business and the private sector and enhance our robust government to government engagement.


Bilateral Economic Relations

The United States is one of India's largest trade and investment partners. U.S.- India bilateral trade in goods and services has increased four and a half times over the last decade, to more than $86 billion in 2011. Bilateral trade between our two countries is up 40 percent since we began our Strategic Dialogue three years ago. The stock of Indian FDI in the United States has increased from $227 million in 2002 to almost $4.9 billion in 2011, supporting thousands of U.S. jobs.

The United States and India are negotiating a bilateral investment treaty as a key part of the effort to deepen the economic relationship, improve investor confidence, and support economic growth in both countries. India continues to move forward, albeit haltingly, with market-oriented economic reforms that began in 1991. Recent reforms have included an increasingly liberal foreign investment regime in many sectors.

On energy cooperation, the United States and India also share a strong commitment to work collaboratively in bilateral and multilateral fora to help ensure mutual energy security, combat global climate change, and support the development of low-carbon economies that will create opportunities and fuel job growth in both countries. The two countries consult regularly on the future of global oil and gas markets, expanding sustainable energy access to support jobs and economic growth in both countries, collaborating in research and technology, and increasing U.S. exports of clean energy technology.

U.S. exports to India include diamonds and gold, machinery, oil, and fertilizers. U.S. imports from India include diamonds, pharmaceutical products, oil, agricultural products, organic chemicals, and apparel. U.S. direct investment in India is led by the information, professional, scientific, and technical services, and manufacturing sectors. India direct investment in the U.S. is primarily concentrated in the professional, scientific, and technical services sector.

India's Membership in International Organizations

India and the United States share membership in a variety of international organizations, including the United Nations, G-20, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Regional Forum, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and World Trade Organization. The United States supports a reformed UN Security Council that includes India as a permanent member. India is an ASEAN dialogue partner, an Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development partner under its Enhanced Engagement program, and an observer to the Organization of American States. India is also a member and the current chair of the Indian Ocean Rim-Association for Regional Cooperation (IOR-ARC). In November 2012, the United States was admitted as a dialogue partner in the IOR-ARC with India’s support.


Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, meets with Ted Koppel, special correspondent for NBC's "Rock Center," for an interview at the Pentagon, Jan. 14, 2013. The interview aired Jan. 24. DOD photo by U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Bradley C. Church.


Dempsey Discusses Cyberattacks, Other Issues in NBC InterviewBy Army Sgt. 1st Class Tyrone C. Marshall Jr.
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Jan. 25, 2013 - The worrisome nature of cyberattacks, the threat of global terrorism and the military's need to emphasize character as well as competence were among topics the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff discussed in an interview with correspondent Ted Koppel broadcast last night on NBC's "Rock Center with Brian Williams."

Governments, individuals and organizations are engaged in trying to take advantage of vulnerabilities in the cyber domain, Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey said, citing disruptive "denial-of-service" attacks as an example. Such attacks overwhelm websites, rendering them inaccessible to users.

"What I worry about is that [a cyberattack] could be used to implant a destructive device that could cause significant harm to the industrial base, whether it's critical infrastructure or the financial network," Dempsey said.

There are reports that destructive cyber tools have been used against Iran, the chairman said. "I'm neither confirming nor denying any part in that, but what it should tell you is that capability exists," he added. "And if it exists, whoever's using those [capabilities] can't assume that they're the only smart people in the world."

When Koppel asked Dempsey which part of the world he worries about most, the general noted that the threat of global terrorism complicates matters.

"There's kind of a near-term, long-term aspect to that," he explained. "I think near-term continues to be the threat of global terrorism. We track a global terrorist network that is not uniquely al-Qaida, but is affiliated at some level with al-Qaida."

This requires a network to defeat a network, Dempsey said.

"What it means is you're not going to see these broad, sweeping movements across the desert of eastern Iraq -- 'Hail Mary,' 'right-hand cross,' [or] whatever it was called in 1991," he explained. "You're going to see smaller groups of military formations confronting these distributed enemies across a much wider scope."

Although U.S. combat forces will be out of Afghanistan by the end of 2014, Dempsey said, it would be a mistake to give the American people the sense that al-Qaida is defeated.

"I think that it's fair to say there will be a part of the al-Qaida threat emanating from northwestern Pakistan, and potentially, Afghanistan, for the foreseeable future," he added.

In the final portion of the segment, Koppel asked Dempsey about recent missteps by senior military leaders. The chairman said the value placed on competence over more than 10 years of war might have been a factor.

"Not that we've neglected the character side of this equation," he added, "but we probably are at a point where we ought to re-emphasize it."

And perhaps senior leaders need the view from "those that are at the bottom looking up," Dempsey said.

"I'm actually more interested in, 'What are the lieutenant colonels saying about the colonels? What are the colonels saying about the [brigadier generals]?'" Dempsey said.

But although character is important, he added, the bottom line for the military is to protect the nation.

"Competence will always be the most important thing, and you can't have a man or woman of incredible character who can't deliver on the battlefield," the chairman said. "At the end of the day, that's what we're accountable for. But character counts, and it counts mightily."


Mars - Dry Ice and Dunes

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter captures the springtime thaw of seasonal carbon dioxide ice on Mars.

Credit: NASA-JPL-Caltech


Photo:  Refueling Over Afghanistan. Credit:  U.S. Air Force.

Combined Force Arrests Taliban Leader
From an International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Release

KABUL, Afghanistan, Jan. 25, 2013 - A combined Afghan and coalition security force arrested a Taliban leader during an operation in the Hahr-e Saraj district of Afghanistan's Helmand province today, military officials reported.

The arrested Taliban leader coordinated and conducted attacks against Afghan and coalition forces and provided weapons and improvised explosive devices to other insurgents, officials said.

In other Afghanistan operations today:

-- In Helmand's Nawah-ye Barakzai district, a combined force arrested a Taliban leader who oversaw insurgents responsible for IED attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. He also procured and distributed homemade explosives and IED-making materials.

-- A combined force in Khost province's Khost district arrested a Haqqani network leader who distributed weapons to Haqqani insurgents and planned and conducted attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. The security force also detained a suspected insurgent and seized weapons and ammunition.

-- In Nangarhar province's Khugyani district, a combined force detained three suspected insurgents while searching for a Taliban facilitator who coordinates IED and suicide-bomber attacks against Afghan government officials and Afghan and coalition forces. The security force seized IED components, weapons and ammunition.

In operations yesterday:

-- Afghan and coalition forces killed a Taliban leader associated with al-Qaida in the Dangam district of Afghanistan's Kunar province. The Taliban leader coordinated activities between the Taliban and al-Qaida in the province and organized attacks against Afghan and coalition forces, officials said. He also oversaw the movement of weapons and suicide-vest components.

-- A combined force in Kandahar province's Spin Boldak district arrested a Taliban IED expert who also helped to acquire explosives, weapons and ammunition for attacks against Afghan government security offices. The security force also detained a suspected insurgent.

-- In Ghazni province's Andar district, a combined force killed a Taliban leader who oversaw insurgents responsible for attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.

Using steroids, losing memory

Using steroids, losing memory


The mine countermeasures ship USS Guardian (MCM 5) sits aground on the Tubbataha Reef. Operations to safely recover the ship while minimizing environmental effects are being conducted in close cooperation with allied Philippines Coast Guard and Navy. U.S. Navy photo by Naval Aircrewman (Tactical Helicopter) 3rd Class Geoffrey Trudell (Released) 130122-N-ZZ999-061

U.S. Navy salvage assessment team members board the mine countermeasures ship USS Guardian (MCM 5). The ship ran aground on Tubbataha Reef on Jan. 17. Operations to safely recover the ship while minimizing environmental effects are being conducted in close cooperation with allied Philippines Coast Guard and Navy. U.S. Navy photo by Naval Aircrewman (Tactical Helicopter) 3rd Class Geoffrey Trudell (Released) 130123-N-ZZ999-027



Shorter Hospital Stays Are Better for Patients, VA Finds

A shorter stay in the hospital can actually be more beneficial to you than a longer stay, according to a recent VA study that appeared in the December 18, 2012 issue of Annals of Internal Medicine.

"This study shows that a large health care system like VA can improve both quality and efficiency to provide better, more cost-effective care," said Dr. Peter Kaboli, a hospitalist at the
Iowa City VA Health Care System and the study’s lead researcher. "Ultimately the focus should not be how long a patient is in the hospital, but ensuring they get the care they need as efficiently as possible and get them out of the hospital as soon as they are ready."

Kaboli and his research team came to this conclusion after examining the records of over four million Veterans hospitalized at 129 VA medical centers between 1997 and 2010.

"People come to the hospital for all kinds of medical conditions, so for our study we looked at everybody," the researcher said. "But we also zeroed in on some of the more common health issues like heart failure and pneumonia."

As the study progressed, an interesting pattern began to emerge: hospital stays at VA decreased by almost 30 percent over a period of about 14 years.

"We initially thought this might translate into higher readmission rates and death rates," Kaboli said. "It turned out to be just the opposite: readmission rates went down by 16 percent. Death rates went down by three percent."

"Creative research of this nature is a major factor leading to continuous improvement of the medical services we provide to our Nation’s Veterans."

— Dr. Joel Kupersmith, VA Chief Research & Development Officer

The take-away from all this? "The individual needs to be in the hospital for as long as it takes to address their medical issues, and no longer," Kaboli observed. "Everyone is different…one patient might be able to go home within 48 hours. Another patient might not be able to go home for five days."

Kaboli said VA’s success in lowering readmission rates while simultaneously reducing hospital stays points to an increased level of efficiency. He attributes this increased efficiency to three big factors.

"First, throughout VA we’ve been working hard on improving the coordination that occurs between the hospital and our outpatient services," he explained. "Successfully transitioning out of the hospital into outpatient care is so critical. The patient’s health and well-being depend on this transition being done correctly.

"Second," he continued, "we’re working hard on constantly improving the quality of the care we provide. For example, care at VA is now delivered by Patient Aligned Care Teams — a team of specialists who coordinate closely with one another regarding the patient’s case. The patient is a big part of this team."

The third big factor? Specialization.

"VA has adopted the use of hospitalists at over 80 percent of our medical centers," Kaboli said. "Hospitalists are physicians who specialize in the care of hospitalized patients. Care delivered by hospitalists has been shown to be more efficient and can result in higher quality health care."

Kaboli said quality health care occurs when everyone — the patient, the patient’s family, and hospital staff — are communicating with one another.

"In the end," he said, "it’s all about listening to the patient so we can determine what their needs are, what their goals are. The patient needs to be at the center of the whole process."


Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta shakes hands with retired Air Force Maj. Gen. Marcelite J. Harris before they deliver remarks during the Defense Department's 28th annual Martin Luther King Jr. observance at the Pentagon, Jan. 24, 2013. DOD photo by Glenn Fawcett

Retired Officer Describes Personal Impact of King's Ideals
By Amaani Lyle
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Jan. 24, 2013 - A retired officer who blazed trails in her Air Force career told the audience at the Pentagon's 28th annual observance of the holiday honoring Martin Luther King Jr. today that she drew inspiration from the slain civil rights leader.

Retired Maj. Gen. Marcelite J. Harris, who left the service in 1997 as the highest-ranking woman officer in the Air Force and the highest-ranking African-American woman in the Defense Department, said she has made the commitment of excellence to herself and to King's dream.

Harris said she was unaware that sweeping change was afoot when she first became aware of King when she was 17 and he led student movements at Morehouse and Spelman universities in Atlanta.

"All you are aware of is that you are a part of something significant and important," Harris said. "You don't realize that your small steps would shape the society of the nation. It doesn't dawn on you that you're a part of something that will change the world you live in."

Harris became one of many foot soldiers of this movement. "We did our fighting on picket lines and on foot, on boycotting and sitting in," she said. "It was well-known that if you did -- you sat in -- you were going to be arrested."

But King and his student leaders, Harris said, didn't want people to get arrested unless they were at least 18 years old.

"I could not wait to be 18," she said. "In my naïveté, I'd rather go to jail than picket. I wanted to make a statement."

Harris said her father encouraged her to participate without getting arrested, and King's philosophies ultimately carried her throughout her career.

Her travels as part of a theater group at Spelman University sparked an interest in making a difference through new experiences on the road, which she said led her to joining the Air Force.

Harris became the first woman aircraft maintenance officer, one of the first two women air officers commanding at the U.S. Air Force Academy, and the Air Force's first woman vice commander for maintenance. Seeing the value of purpose, she said, leads to enjoying not only the work, but also the people involved.

"The Department of Defense is a miniature model of America," Harris said. "[The] United States is a land of multiple races, multiple ethnic groups, multiple cultures, individuals with alternative lifestyles and people who have different and varied opinions."

She noted the nation's forefathers' prophetic vision, evident in their use of the Latin phrase, "E Pluribus Unum," or "Out of Many, One."

"This is us -- this is the military," Harris said. "We are part of that dream that Martin Luther King envisioned. We are part of that nation that the framers of the Constitution envisioned."

That realization, Harris said, helped her to succeed in her career. "I figured out what the Air Force was," she said. "It's people -- dedicated people. They worked together regardless of race or color."

Following her retirement, Harris served NASA as the Florida site director and logistics process owner for the company managing the space shuttle program, United Space Alliance.

Harris created Eroster Government Solutions, a business in which she is currently the chief executive officer. She also is a member of both Delta Sigma Theta and the MECCA Chapter of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women.


Thursday, January 24, 2013
Four Sentenced to Prison in Florida Community Mental Health Center Case

The owners of three Miami-area assisted living facilities and an affiliated psychologist were sentenced to prison today in connection with a health care fraud scheme, involving now-defunct Miami-area health provider Health Care Solutions Network Inc. (HCSN), in which Medicare was billed for mental health treatments that were unnecessary or not provided.

The sentences were announced by Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division; U.S. Attorney Wifredo A. Ferrer of the Southern District of Florida; Michael B. Steinbach, Acting Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Miami Field Office; and Special Agent-in-Charge Christopher B. Dennis of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (HHS-OIG), Office of Investigations Miami office.

U.S. District Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga sentenced Serena Joslin, 32, of Looneyville, W.Va., to 63 months in prison, following her previous guilty plea to conspiracy to commit health care fraud. Raymond Rivero, 55, Daniel Martinez, 46, and Ivon Perez, 50, all of Miami, were each sentenced to 28 months in prison. All three had previously pleaded guilty to conspiracy to violate the anti-kickback statute.

According to court documents, HCSN operated community mental health centers both in Miami and North Carolina, including partial hospitalization programs (PHP) – a form of intensive treatment for severe mental illness. HCSN obtained Medicare beneficiaries to attend HCSN for purported PHP treatment that was unnecessary and, in many instances, not provided.

In Miami, HCSN obtained beneficiaries by paying kickbacks to owners and operators of assisted living facilities (ALF) or by otherwise recruiting them from the facilities and from nursing homes. Rivero, Martinez and Perez admitted during their guilty pleas to referring Medicare beneficiaries to HCSN in exchange for cash bribes. Rivero, former owner of Miami-based God Is First ALF; Martinez, former owner of Homestead, Fla.-based Mi Renacer ALF; and Perez, former owner of Homestead-based Kayleen and Denis Care Corp., are no longer permitted to operate such facilities as a condition of their guilty pleas.

According to court documents, ALF residents referred to HCSN by Rivero, Martinez and Perez were not qualified to be placed in PHP and were only selected because they had Medicare or state of Florida Medicaid benefits. In some cases, ALF patients suffered from dementia, Alzheimer’s disease or mental retardation, or were otherwise unable to benefit from mental health services.

According to court documents, Joslin, a licensed psychologist, was hired by HCSN in North Carolina in April of 2010 as a clinical coordinator and later promoted to clinical director. In those roles, she conspired with other HCSN employees to fabricate medical documents to substantiate alleged PHP treatment that was medically unnecessary and, in many instances, not even provided to the beneficiaries. Joslin admitted that many of the HCSN patients were unqualified for the PHP program because they suffered from conditions such as mental retardation and dementia, and that she directed therapists to fabricate medical records to support HCSN’s fraudulent billing to the Medicare program. Joslin was also required to surrender her North Carolina license to provide mental health treatment as part of her plea agreement.

According to court documents, from 2004 through 2011, HCSN billed Medicare and the Florida Medicaid program approximately $63 million for purported mental health services.

In addition to the prison terms, Judge Altonaga sentenced Joslin, Rivero, Martinez and Perez each to serve three years of supervised release, and ordered them to pay $4,464,728; $90,896; $76,358; and $89,245 in restitution, respectively.

The cases are being prosecuted by Special Trial Attorney William Parente and Trial Attorney Allan J. Medina of the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section. The cases were investigated by the FBI and HHS-OIG and were brought as part of the Medicare Fraud Strike Force, supervised by the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Florida.

Since its inception in March 2007, the Medicare Fraud Strike Force, now operating in nine cities across the country, has charged more than 1,480 defendants who have collectively billed the Medicare program for more than $4.8 billion. In addition, HHS’s Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, working in conjunction with HHS-OIG, is taking steps to increase accountability and decrease the presence of fraudulent providers.


Obama Praises DOD for Removing Women's Combat Exclusion
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Jan. 24, 2013 - President Barack Obama today expressed his support for the Defense Department's decision to remove barriers that have prevented military women from serving in direct combat roles.

Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta and Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, announced the policy change today and signed the memo that sets the process into motion.

"Today, by moving to open more military positions -- including ground combat units -- to women, our armed forces have taken another historic step toward harnessing the talents and skills of all our citizens," the president said in a statement. "This milestone reflects the courageous and patriotic service of women through more than two centuries of American history and the indispensable role of women in today's military."

More than 150 women have died in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the president noted, calling them "patriots whose sacrifices show that valor knows no gender."

Obama said he called Panetta today to express his strong support for the decision, which he said will strengthen the military, enhance readiness, and be another step toward fulfilling the nation's founding ideals of fairness and equality.

"I congratulate our military, including the Joint Chiefs of Staff, for the rigor that they have brought to this process," he said. "As commander in chief, I am absolutely confident that -- as with the repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' -- the professionalism of our armed forces will ensure a smooth transition and keep our military the very best in the world.

"Today," he continued, "every American can be proud that our military will grow even stronger with our mothers, wives, sisters and daughters playing a greater role in protecting this country we love."


Africom Commander Addresses Concerns, Potential Solutions in Mali
By Army Sgt. 1st Class Tyrone C. Marshall Jr.
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Jan. 24, 2013 - The commander of U.S. Africa Command today shared lessons learned from what he called shortcomings in the U.S.-Malian training program which have contributed to turmoil in the African nation.

Army Gen. Carter F. Ham spoke to students and faculty here at the Ralph J. Bunche International Affairs Center at Howard University, home to the nation's oldest Africa Studies program.

"We have had a U.S. training effort with the Malian armed forces for some number of years," he said. "Some of that has occurred in Mali, and some of that was Malian officers coming to the U.S. for training, to include, Captain [Amadou] Sanogo, who led the military coup which overthrew the constitutionally-elected government."

"[This is] very worrisome for us," Ham said. "So we looked at that, and we asked ourselves these questions: First of all, did we miss the signs that this was happening? And was there anything that we did in our training that could have been done differently, perhaps, and have caused a different outcome?"

The general said he believes the answer is "a little bit of both."

From a purely military standpoint, Ham said, U.S. forces focused Malian training almost exclusively on tactical and technical matters such as operating equipment, improving tactical effectiveness and aerial re-supply to remote bases.

"All of which is very, very good," he said. "We didn't spend, probably, the requisite time focusing on values, ethics and military ethos."

"When you put on the uniform of your nation, then you accept the responsibility to defend and protect that nation, to abide by the legitimate civilian authority that has been established," Ham said.

Additionally, he said, military members should act lawfully and see themselves as servants to the people of their nation.

"We didn't ... [train] that to the degree that we needed to, I think," Ham said. "I believe that we focused exclusively on tactical and technical [aspects]. So we've learned from that."

The general also talked about what he views as four "inter-related problems," to ending the turmoil in Mali.

"First is the restoration of the constitutional government in Bamako as a necessary precondition for a satisfactory solution," Ham said. "Second is addressing the concerns of a largely disaffected population in the northern portion of the country."

"Thirdly ... is the existence in northern Mali, now, of al-Qaida and other terrorist and extremist organizations that undermine the rule of law," he said. "They've eliminated the rule of law -- that's got to be dealt with."

The fourth problem, which Ham noted doesn't get much attention but is patently the most difficult to address, is bad and worsening humanitarian conditions across the Sahel region of north-central Africa.

"If any one of those four problems existed, it would be a significant problem," he said. "When all four of them exist simultaneously, it makes it increasingly complex."

The resolution of those four issues, Ham said, would be the right end state in Bamako.

"The ability for that government to extend its reach into all portions of the country," he said. "So territorial integrity of Mali is non-negotiable. No discussion of a separatist state or something like that."

"Realistically, we would all like to see the elimination of al-Qaida and other [terrorist and insurgent groups] from northern Mali," Ham said. "Realistically, probably the best you can get is containment and disruption, so that al-Qaida is no longer able to control territory [there] as they do today."

The general said extended governance would also prevent extremist organizations from controlling the lives of citizens in the country's population centers, particularly Timbuktu, Gao and Kidal.

"Those have to be freed and restored under Malian control," Ham said. "So I think that is what I would see as the [desired] end state."

Ham made it clear resolving these issues is a task for African nations and not the U.S.

"We very clearly see this from the U.S. government side, in fact and in perception, as an African-led endeavor that is done at the request of the Malian government and I think that's well under way now," he said.


Statement on Women in Service
As Delivered by Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta, Pentagon Press Briefing Room, Thursday, January 24, 2013

ood afternoon. One of my priorities as Secretary of Defense has been to remove as many barriers as possible for talented and qualified people to be able to serve this country in uniform. Our nation was built on the premise of the citizen-soldier. In our democracy, I believe it is the responsibility of every citizen to protect the nation. And every citizen who can meet the qualifications of service should have that opportunity.

To that end, I've been working closely with General Dempsey and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. We've been working for well over a year to examine, how can we expand the opportunities for women in the armed services?

It's clear to all of us that women are contributing in unprecedented ways to the military's mission of defending the nation. Women represent 15 percent of the force, over 200,000. They're serving in a growing number of critical roles on and off the battlefield. The fact is that they have become an integral part of our ability to perform our mission.

Over more than a decade of war, they have demonstrated courage and skill and patriotism. A hundred and fifty-two women in uniform have died serving this nation in Iraq and Afghanistan. Female servicemembers have faced the reality of combat, proven their willingness to fight and, yes, to die to defend their fellow Americans.

However, many military positions, particularly in ground combat units, still remain closed to women because of the 1994 direct ground combat definition and assignment rule. Military and civilian leaders in this department have been taking a hard look at that rule based on the experiences of the last decade.

In early 2012, we announced a series of modifications to that rule which opened up more than 14,000 new positions to women, including positions that were collocated with ground combat units and certain positions in ground combat units below the battalion level. These changes have been implemented, and the experience has been very positive.

Every time I visited the warzone, every time I've met with troops, reviewed military operations, and talked to wounded warriors, I've been impressed with the fact that everyone - men and women alike - everyone is committed to doing the job. They're fighting and they're dying together. And the time has come for our policies to recognize that reality.

The chairman and the Joint Chiefs of Staff and I believe that we must open up service opportunities for women as fully as possible. And therefore today, General Dempsey and I are pleased to announce that we are eliminating the direct ground combat exclusion rule for women and we are moving forward with a plan to eliminate all unnecessary gender-based barriers to service. In a few moments after we speak, we'll both sign a memo that will rescind the '94 barrier.

Our purpose is to ensure that the mission is carried out by the best qualified and the most capable servicemembers, regardless of gender and regardless of creed and beliefs. If members of our military can meet the qualifications for a job - and let me be clear, I'm not talking about reducing the qualifications for the job - if they can meet the qualifications for the job, then they should have the right to serve, regardless of creed or color or gender or sexual orientation.

Having conducted an extensive review, the Joint Chiefs of Staff have developed a very thoughtful approach to integrating women into occupations across the force. I strongly agree with their guiding principles and the specific milestones that they propose.

We are all committed to implementing this change without compromising readiness or morale or our warfighting capabilities. Positions will be open to women following service reviews, using the Joint Chiefs' guiding principles, and following congressional notification procedures established by law.

For this change and policy to succeed, it must be done in a responsible, measured, and a coherent way. I'll let General Dempsey describe our plan of action in greater detail. But the bottom line is that further integration of women will occur expeditiously, even as we recognize the need to take time to institutionalize changes of this importance.

The steps we are announcing today are significant. And in many ways, they are an affirmation of where we have been heading as a department for more than 10 years. Nevertheless, it will take leadership and it will take professionalism to effectively implement these changes. I am confident in our ability to do that, because I am confident in the leadership that General Dempsey and the Joint Chiefs of Staff have demonstrated throughout this process.

This has truly been a team effort, and I deeply admire the extremely thorough and considerate approach that they have taken. I want to express my deepest thanks to Marty Dempsey for his leadership and all of the service chiefs who has been working on this issue and as a group came forward with the recommendation that we are implementing today.

Our men and women in uniform could not ask for more from their leaders in uniform. I fundamentally believe that our military is more effective when success is based solely on ability and qualifications and on performance.

When I look at my grandsons and my granddaughters - you know, I've got six grandchildren, three grandsons and three granddaughters - I want each of them to have the same chance to succeed at whatever they want to do. In life, as we all know, there are no guarantees of success. Not everyone is going to be able to be a combat soldier. But everyone is entitled to a chance.

By committing ourselves to that principle, we are renewing our commitment to the American values our servicemembers fight and die to defend. As Secretary, when I've gone to Bethesda to visit wounded warriors, and when I've gone to Arlington to bury our dead, there is no distinction that's made between the sacrifices of men and women in uniform. They serve, they're wounded, and they die right next to each other. The time has come to recognize that reality.

By opening up more opportunities for people to serve in uniform, we are making our military stronger and we are making America stronger. We deeply honor all of those past generations, combat soldiers and Marines, who fought and died for our freedom. And in many ways, their sacrifice has ensured that the next greatest generation will be one of men and women who will fight and die together to protect this nation. And that is what freedom is all about.


Map:  Haiti.  Credit:  CIA World Factbook.

Fast Facts on the U.S. Government's Work in Haiti: Economic Security

Fact Sheet
Office of the Haiti Special Coordinator
January 22, 2013
The Challenge

Even before the earthquake, Haiti faced significant challenges to economic security. Its economy is primarily driven by informal micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), which generate up to 80 percent of new jobs. However, informal MSMEs have difficulties accessing financing from formal institutions, thus limiting their ability to grow. The wide-scale damage caused by the earthquake further exacerbated the situation, disrupting businesses and destroying stores and other infrastructure. Estimates indicate that 40 percent of the Haitian population is unemployed.

USG Strategy

Economic security is predicated on people having secure livelihoods. The U.S. Government is helping the Haitian government in its goal of creating jobs, with a corresponding increase in household incomes, savings, and other assets̢ۥresulting in increased economic security. To achieve this goal, the U.S. Government is:
Helping the Government of Haiti to attract foreign direct investment;
Supporting value chains related to foreign direct investment and U.S. Government investments, such as energy, health, and housing;
Working with local financial institutions and investment opportunities to increase access to finance; and
Supporting efforts to increase tax and customs revenue generation. Since 2008, U.S. trade preferences for Haiti have contributed to the creation of 8,000 apparel sector jobs.


The U.S. Department of Treasury is providing technical assistance to the Ministry of Finance to improve budgeting, tax collection, and debt management in the public sector. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is carrying out the private-sector U.S. Government strategy by creating jobs in targeted sectors and increasing access to capital from formal sources to stimulate growth and job opportunities. So far, we have:
Provided support valued at more than $12million to more than 30 microfinance institutions to increase lending to underserved populations and MSMEs in several sectors.
Contributed to more than 15,000 agricultural loans for farmers to improve crop production and agricultural cooperatives to access markets directly. Crops include mango, cocoa, plantain, corn, rice, and beans.
Partnered with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to launch the first mobile money service in Haiti. After reaching 5 million transactions as of June 2012, the initiative is now focused on facilitating mobile money use by various stakeholders, including the Government of Haiti and the private sector, in order to ensure sustainability.
Supported a business plan competition, leveraging private investments and using a grant matching mechanism of up to $200,000 for each competition winner to enable the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to scale up their entrepreneurial ideas. Through this competition 22 SMEs received Technical Assistance, of which four were selected to receive matching funds to expand their operations. These businesses will create more than 240 additional jobs.
Finalized four new Development Credit Authority (DCA) guarantees, which will stimulate up to $30 million in loans by local commercial banks, microfinance institutions and credit unions. The guarantees will exist over a nine-year period and contribute to rebuilding the private sector by increasing local lending to MSMEs and out-of-reach populations.

Thursday, January 24, 2013




President Obama Makes a Personnel Announcement | The White House

President Obama Makes a Personnel Announcement | The White House




In the week ending January 19, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 330,000, a decrease of 5,000 from the previous week's unrevised figure of 335,000. The 4-week moving average was 351,750, a decrease of 8,250 from the previous week's revised average of 360,000.

The advance seasonally adjusted insured unemployment rate was 2.5 percent for the week ending January 12, unchanged from the prior week's unrevised rate. The advance number for seasonally adjusted insured unemployment during the week ending January 12 was 3,157,000, a decrease of 71,000 from the preceding week's revised level of 3,228,000. The 4-week moving average was 3,197,500, a decrease of 12,250 from the preceding week's revised average of 3,209,750.
The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 436,766 in the week ending January 19, a decrease of 119,944 from the previous week. There were 416,880 initial claims in the comparable week in 2012.

The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 2.9 percent during the week ending January 12, a decrease of 0.1 percentage point from the prior week's unrevised rate. The advance unadjusted number for persons claiming UI benefits in state programs totaled 3,690,615, a decrease of 177,080 from the preceding week. A year earlier, the rate was 3.2 percent and the volume was 4,069,651.

The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending January 5 was 5,659,760, a decrease of 214,076 from the previous week. There were 7,670,108 persons claiming benefits in all programs in the comparable week in 2012.

Extended Benefits were not available in any state during the week ending January 5.

Initial claims for UI benefits filed by former Federal civilian employees totaled 2,354 in the week ending January 12, an increase of 578 from the prior week. There were 3,037 initial claims filed by newly discharged veterans, an increase of 659 from the preceding week.

There were 22,166 former Federal civilian employees claiming UI benefits for the week ending January 5, a decrease of 571 from the previous week. Newly discharged veterans claiming benefits totaled 40,567, an increase of 1,425 from the prior week.

States reported 1,693,797 persons claiming EUC (Emergency Unemployment Compensation) benefits for the week ending January 5, a decrease of 365,641 from the prior week. There were 2,922,533 persons claiming EUC in the comparable week in 2012. EUC weekly claims include first, second, third, and fourth tier activity.

The highest insured unemployment rates in the week ending January 5 were in Alaska (6.6), Pennsylvania (4.8), Puerto Rico (4.5), New Jersey (4.4), Oregon (4.3), Wisconsin (4.3), Connecticut (4.2), Michigan (4.2), Montana (4.2), and Rhode Island (4.1).

The largest increases in initial claims for the week ending January 12 were in Texas (+12,786), California (+10,232), Florida (+7,314), Indiana (+4,266), and New Jersey (+3,570), while the largest decreases were in New


Remarks Introducing Nominee for Secretary of State, Senator John Kerry at His Senate Foreign Relations Committee Confirmation Hearing

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Hart Office Building
Washington, DC
January 24, 2013


Thank you, Mr. Chairman. It’s very good to be back and to have this opportunity to join with Senator Warren and Senator McCain in introducing President Obama’s nominee to be the next Secretary of State. I was very honored when John asked me to take part in this because John is the right choice to carry forward the Obama Administration’s foreign policy, and I urge his speedy confirmation.

As we’ve heard from both the Chairman and the Ranking Member and just now Senator Warren, he will bring a record of leadership and service that is exemplary. He has a view of the world that he has acted on, first as that young returning veteran from Vietnam who appeared before this committee, through the time that he served with such distinction as its chairman. He’s been a valued partner to this Administration and to me personally. He has fought for our diplomats and development experts. He understands the value of investing in America’s global leadership. And as we work to implement the Accountability Review Board’s recommendations, he is committed to doing whatever it takes to prevent another attack and protect our people and posts around the world.

Now, working together, we’ve achieved a great deal. But the State Department and USAID have a lot of unfinished business, from Afghanistan to nonproliferation to climate change to so much. We need to sustain our renewed engagement in the Asia Pacific, continue ramping up economics as a tool for advancing American interests and jobs, pressing forward with unleashing the potential of the world’s women and girls, keep championing the kind of smart power that looks to innovation and partnerships with governments and people alike to promote peace and stability.

John has built strong relationships with leaders in governments here and around the world, and he has experience in representing our country in fragile and unpredictable circumstances. He was in Pakistan and Afghanistan a few years ago, and we were consulting over the phone. He played an instrumental role in working with President Karzai at that time to accept the results of the election and to move forward. I had to call Harry Reid and ask Harry not to schedule any votes so that John could continue to stay there to see that mission through. But that’s what he does. He is a determined and effective representative of the United States, has been as a senator, will be as Secretary.

Let me close by saying that leading our diplomats and development experts is a great honor. And every day, as I testified yesterday, I’ve seen firsthand their skill, their bravery, their unwavering commitment to our country. I’ve been proud to call them colleagues and to serve as Secretary of State. And I’m very pleased that John will be given the chance, subject to confirmation, to continue the work of a lifetime on behalf of our country.

Thank you.


Army Gen. Charles H. Jacoby Jr., commander of U.S. Northern Command, and Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator W. Craig Fugate speak at a news conference at Northcom headquarters, Peterson Air Force Base, Colo., Jan. 23, 2013. Fugate met with Jacoby to discuss cooperation between FEMA and Northcom during complex catastrophes. U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Thomas J. Doscher

Northcom, FEMA Build on Hurricane Sandy Response Lessons
By Donna Miles
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Jan. 24, 2013 - Army Gen. Charles H. Jacoby Jr., commander of U.S. Northern Command, hosted Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator W. Craig Fugate yesterday to explore how to build on lessons from Hurricane Sandy to improve their response to future disasters -- particularly complex catastrophes.

Fugate, who led the Sandy response, praised the military support provided through Northcom, which provides defense support to civil authorities as one of its core missions.

The challenge now is to take lessons learned from the response to fix areas that need improvement and improve processes that went well, Jacoby and Fugate told reporters during a joint news conference following their meeting at Peterson Air Force Base, Colo.

"We are not dwelling on the past as much as we are thinking about the future and ensuring we take the things we learn over time and push forward into the challenges that lie ahead for us," Jacoby said. "We had very, very fruitful discussions today that I think in the long term will end up being of great benefit to our citizens across the country."

One of the lessons identified during the Hurricane Katrina response in 2005 and reinforced during Hurricane Sandy last year is the importance of preparation, he said.

Jacoby recognized an extensive training and exercise program, with hurricane preparations throughout the interagency community beginning around Jan. 1 for each year's hurricane season, which starts June 1. "We have a very deliberate process where we work together," he said.

Another lesson from past disasters, the importance of pre-positioning assets where they are expected to be needed, also benefited the Hurricane Sandy response, Fugate noted. "You don't wait until [the state governors] say they need something to start moving it," he said. "You get there early, you move stuff early, all under the presumption that if [a situation] is bad, we want to be able to support it. You can't wait until it is overwhelming."

From a Defense Department standpoint, Jacoby said, the biggest challenge is not to be late to meet communities' needs. "We have the strongest, most resilient communities, towns, counties [and] cities across the land," he added. "But when they need the Department of Defense, they really need them."

So as Hurricane Sandy roared north along the Atlantic coast in October, Jacoby said, he ensured senior Defense Department leaders understood the potential scope and scale of the operation they could be called on to support. They, in turn, gave him the authority to move a full range of assets before the storm made landfall. That included search-and-rescue assets that proved vital during the response, he noted.

"We have all learned to get our search-and-rescue assets pre-positioned early and in place [to] minimize loss of life," the general said. "In Sandy, we were able to get the maximum number of resources for search-and-rescue forward early and had good effect."

Hurricane Sandy also validated the value of the new dual-status commander construct, which authorizes a designated National Guard flag officer to command active-duty, reserve and National Guard forces, Jacoby said. Dual-status commanders led joint task forces in New Jersey and New York, providing a unified response that is not possible when military forces report to separate commanders, he added.

Fugate praised the positive contribution the construct made to the Sandy response.

"It meant being able to bring a lot of resources to bear quicker," he said. "It allowed the president and defense secretary to provide resources faster and with greater unity of effort to a domestic response."

Jacoby said he hopes to continue improving on the arrangement and to build on other lessons learned during Hurricane Sandy.

"We are not going to spend too much time congratulating ourselves on Sandy," he said. "We need to focus on how to get better and continue to meet the expectations of the American public."

Fugate said the huge scale of Hurricane Sandy highlighted a shortcoming in how FEMA calls on Northcom to support disasters -- particularly large, complex ones that affect multiple states. In some cases, he said, FEMA had defined its requirements so narrowly that it limited support the military could provide.

"I need to make sure [the Northcom commander] has the mission requirements large enough, scoped broad enough, to allow a flexible response without being so prescriptive to say, 'This state, this mission,' as much as, 'This mission across multiple states,'" he said.

That could prove critical in the event of a disaster even larger than Sandy, Fugate said. "We need to understand that as bad as Sandy was, that may not be the benchmark that we need to limit ourselves to," he said. "There are threats and potential disasters that could be even larger."

As FEMA explores this concept, Northcom is busy applying the lessons from its hurricane response missions to another type of disaster it's regularly called on to support: wildfires that rage beyond the capabilities of state and local first responders.

"Like [during] hurricane season, where we begin early and build relationships and we exercise and work together ahead of time, we are instituting a similar process for firefighting," Jacoby told reporters. "We are building the team ahead of time so the relationships are there. We are not exchanging business cards with our partners at the time of the fire, but well before the fire."

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