Showing posts with label U.S. AID TO TANZANIA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label U.S. AID TO TANZANIA. Show all posts

Saturday, July 28, 2012


FROM: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATEThe United States established diplomatic relations with Tanzania in 1961. The United States and Tanzania have a deep partnership characterized by mutual respect, mutual interest, shared values, and aspirations for a more peaceful and prosperous future. The United States respects Tanzania’s record of democratic progress, which has made it a model for the region and beyond, and supports Tanzania's continuing efforts to strengthen the institutions of democracy. The United States is committed to working with Tanzania on nutrition and food security, energy, women’s and children’s health, HIV/AIDS, and sustainable development.

Several exchange programs welcome Tanzanians to the United States through the Fulbright, Humphrey, and English Language program educational grants at the graduate and post-graduate levels. Other exchange programs promote artists, journalists, writers, civil servants, young leaders, musicians, and students. On the semi-autonomous islands of Zanzibar, the U.S. has sponsored English-teaching programs and provided science books to secondary students. The Ambassador's Fund for Cultural Preservation program has provided funding for restoration projects, including the historic ruins at Kilwa Kisiwani.

U.S. Assistance to Tanzania
The United States has provided development assistance to Tanzania for development and capacity building to promote transparency, address health and education issues, and target development indicators to sustain progress.

  • The U.S. Agency for International Development has provided funding to improve public health and quality of basic education, biodiversity conservation, and natural resource management.
  • Feed the Future has provided funding to boost agricultural growth and productivity, promote market development and trade expansion along with equitable rural economic growth, invest in global innovation and research, and address mother and child malnutrition.
  • The President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief supports national, international, and civil society organizations in Tanzania in the areas of HIV and AIDS care and treatment, prevention, impact mitigation, and health systems strengthening.
  • The President’s Malaria Initiative is an expansion of U.S. Government resources to reduce malaria and poverty in 17 African countries, including Tanzania.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention assists the Tanzanian Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in responding to emerging public health threats and infectious disease outbreaks such as H1N1, Rift Valley fever, measles, and avian influenza.
  • A 5-year Millennium Challenge Corporation compact that entered into force in 2008 addresses critical transport, energy, and water infrastructure needs.
  • The Partnership for Growth economic development initiative seeks to accelerate and sustain broad-based economic growth through engaging government, the private sector, and civil society to unlock new sources of investment, including domestic resources and foreign direct investment in the areas of energy and rural roads.
  • Peace Corps volunteers serve in Tanzania as math and science teachers in secondary schools, teacher trainers in information and communication technology, leaders of health education projects that increase basic health knowledge and improve health attitudes and behaviors, and leaders of environmental projects addressing basic village-level needs for sustaining natural resources.

Military to Military Relations
Military-to-military ties between the U.S. and Tanzania in recent years have expanded and deepened to include capacity-building and training in coastal water surveillance, international peacekeeping and humanitarian projects, civil military operations, and investigation/clean-up of munitions dump sites.

Bilateral Economic Relations
Tanzania's exports to the United States are dominated by agricultural commodities, minerals, and textiles while imports from the United States include wheat, agricultural/transport equipment, chemicals, used clothes, and machinery. Tanzania is eligible for preferential trade benefits under the African Growth and Opportunity Act. The United States has Trade and Investment Framework Agreements with two regional organizations to which Tanzania belongs--the East African Community and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa. The United States and Tanzania do not have bilateral investment or taxation agreements.

Tanzania's Membership in International Organizations
Tanzania and the United States belong to a number of the same international organizations, including the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and World Trade Organization.

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