Showing posts with label NUMERICAL ACCESSION GOALS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NUMERICAL ACCESSION GOALS. Show all posts

Friday, July 5, 2013


DOD Recruiting Remains Strong Through May
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, July 3, 2013 - All four active services met or exceeded their numerical accession goals for fiscal year 2013 through May, Defense Department officials announced today.

Here are the numbers for the active force for the first eight months of the fiscal year:
-- Army: 45,947 accessions, 101 percent of its goal of 45,435;
-- Navy: 24,344 accessions, 100 percent of its goal of 24,344;
-- Marine Corps: 17,214 accessions, 100 percent of its goal of 17,174;
-- Air Force: 18,695 accessions, 100 percent of its goal of 18,695.
The Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps exhibited strong retention numbers for the eighth month of fiscal year 2013. The Navy exhibited strong retention numbers in the mid-career and career categories. However, the Navy's achievement of 90 percent in the initial category relates to reduced accessions from four to six years ago.

Five of the six reserve components met or exceeded their 2013 numerical accession goals through May. While the Army Reserve met its May goals, it remains 1,662 accessions short of its fiscal year goal.
Here are the reserve component numbers:
-- Army National Guard: 34,034 accessions, 102 percent of its goal of 33,266;
-- Army Reserve: 17,815 accessions, 91 percent of its goal of 19,477;
-- Navy Reserve: 3,594 accessions, 100 percent of its goal of 3,594;
-- Marine Corps Reserve: 5,804 accessions, 101 percent of its goal of 5,766;
-- Air National Guard: 6,732 accessions, 100 percent of its goal of 6,732;
-- Air Force Reserve: 4,856 accessions, 109 percent of its goal of 4,439.
All reserve components have met their attrition goals, officials said, noting that the availability of this data lags accession statistics by a month.

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