Showing posts with label CHANGES TO FUR RULES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CHANGES TO FUR RULES. Show all posts

Saturday, May 10, 2014


FTC Approves Amendments to Fur Products Labeling Act Regulations

The Federal Trade Commission has amended its Regulations under the Fur Products Labeling Act (Fur Rules) to update the Fur Products Name Guide, provide businesses with more flexibility in labeling, incorporate provisions of the Truth in Fur Labeling Act of 2010 (TFLA), and conform the Rules’ guaranty provisions to those governing textile products.

In March 2011, as required by the TFLA, the FTC began a review of the Name Guide, sought public comments on the Fur Rules, and announced upcoming changes to the Fur Rules required by Congress. In December 2011, the Commission held a public hearing on all aspects of the Name Guide, including whether the agency should modify, add or delete names for several specific species.

In September 2012, the FTC sought public comment on its proposed changes including those required by Congress under the TFLA and the FTC’s systematic review of all current FTC rules and guides. In June 2013, the agency sought public comment on proposed changes to the guaranty provisions of the Fur Rules that would align the Rules with proposed changes to the guaranty provisions of the Rules under the Textile Fiber Products Identification Act. On March 14, 2014, the Commission announced final amendments to the Textile Rules’ guaranty provisions, which are substantively the same as those announced today for the Fur Rules.

In response to comments received, the amended Fur Rules retain “Asiatic Raccoon” in the Name Guide for labeling fur products from the species nyctereutes procyonoides. They also adopt the proposals for more labeling flexibility. The rules will become effective 180 days after publication in the Federal Register.

The Commission vote approving the Federal Register Notice amending its Regulations under the Fur Products Labeling Act was 4-0-1. Commissioner McSweeny was recorded as not participating.

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