Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Airstrike Kills Taliban Leader Involved in Aug. 7 Attack

From an International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Release

KABUL, Afghanistan, Sept. 5, 2012 - One of the Taliban leaders behind an Aug. 7 attack on a coalition base in Afghanistan's Logar province was killed by Afghan and coalition security forces in Logar's Pul-e Alam district yesterday, military officials reported.

Afghan and coalition security forces positively identified the Taliban leader, Bismullah, and two additional insurgents and killed them with a precision airstrike after confirming no civilians were in the area, officials said.

Bismullah is believed to have supplied suicide bombers with essential equipment for the Aug. 7 attack, which wounded several Afghan civilians but failed to cause any significant damage to the coalition base. At the time of his death, officials said, he was believed to be planning another large-scale attack and had transported several rockets across the region.

A post-strike assessment determined no civilian property was damaged and no civilians were harmed.

In other news, a combined Afghan and coalition security force killed several armed insurgents during an operation to arrest a senior Taliban leader in Balkh province's Chimtal district today. As the security force approached the Taliban leader's suspected location, several insurgents opened fire and the security force returned fire.

In operations yesterday:

-- A combined force of coalition troops and Afghan special police in Kandahar province's Maiwand district seized a vehicle packed with nearly 3 tons of explosives. The Afghan-led team stopped the vehicle and detained its three occupants. The vehicle is believed to have been bound for bomb makers in Helmand and Kandahar provinces, officials said, and the explosives were destroyed on site.

-- The Wardak Provincial Response Company and coalition forces disrupted an insurgent attack on an Afghan army security patrol in Wardak province's Maidan Shahr district. Responding to a reported insurgent ambush on the patrol, the response company provided covering fire for the unit in contact and conducted a follow-on mission to investigate a suspected Taliban checkpoint.

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