Thursday, April 19, 2012
Intellectual Property Training Programs Funded
Media Note Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC
April 19, 2012
As part of U.S. efforts to combat transnational crime and promote the protection of intellectual property rights (IPR) worldwide, the U.S. Department of State has approved twelve projects totaling $2.6 million in Fiscal Year 2011 anticrime funds. These projects will enable U.S. law enforcement agencies and diplomatic missions to collaborate on the delivery of IPR protection criminal enforcement training and technical assistance programs for foreign law enforcement partners.
Training and technical assistance in the investigation and prosecution of IPR crime will be provided to foreign law enforcement partners in nations across the Pacific Rim, Latin America, and sub-Saharan Africa. The Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs and the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs selected the projects after considering input from the U.S. Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator, other federal agencies, our overseas missions, Congress, and industry representatives.
The twelve projects are:
1) Africa - Western Regional Workshops $182,000
Training for West African customs authorities on methods to identify and seize infringing goods.
2) Africa - Sub-Saharan Regional Workshops $525,920
Workshops for Sub-Saharan African law enforcement partners focusing on border enforcement, following the money trail, organized crime involvement in trafficking of counterfeit medicines, and gathering electronic evidence.
3) Africa - East Central Regional Workshops $255,936
Regional training for East African law enforcement authorities in combating counterfeit medicines which threaten human health and safety.
4) ASEAN $242,329
A series of workshops for Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) member state judges and prosecutors focused on judicial and prosecutorial management of IPR cases, especially those that involve transnational organized crime.
5) Brazil $150,644
Training seminars through the U.S. Embassy partnership with the Brazilian Government focusing on “notorious markets” identified in the United States Trade Representative (USTR) Special 301 Out-Of-Cycle reviews.
6) Chile $100,000
Training for Chilean judges on handling IPR crimes cases, including development of a judicial bench book and follow up monitoring by the U.S. Mission.
7) Colombia $70,000
Training for the Colombia National Police on combating IPR crime.
8) South Asia Regional $210,185
Joint workshops with Indian, People’s Republic of China, and ASEAN IPR enforcement officials to strengthen and build stronger cross-border partnerships.
9) Mexico $438,814
Training for Mexican enforcement partners on following the money trail, digital evidence in online piracy cases, and border and customs enforcement.
(10) Philippines $175,171
Seminars for Philippine judges and prosecutors on courtroom and case management procedures in IPR cases.
(11) Thailand $184,000
Training for Thai judges, customs officials, and prosecutors to strengthen skills needed to carry out Thai IPR reforms.
(12) Turkey $106,375
Training for Turkish judges and law enforcement officials involved in new special IPR courts.
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